Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:03:35

A Medical Proposition [Private]

Aug 24, 2012
Sitting idly, the medical chief leisurely shifts through a list of the participants in the student tournament. A wisp escapes Mikasa's lips, pressing aside Dokuso Maru's file and merely shaking her head, she had promised herself she would be alright with the choice he made; although she felt reluctant to dismiss his potential in the medical field. Raising the vanilla envelope embroidered with the name of 'Minamoto Suyashi', the maiden knew his capabilities first hand. Truth to be told, the Minamoto child was far too reckless to be a medical-nin and his chakra depth wouldn't allow him to accel under her care - thus with another heavy sigh the file is placed towards the upper left hand corner.

Scratching at her chin, the Medical Chief ponders on four participants. Uchiha Miyako, Uchiha Ryo, Yaboi and Rakutsu Hayasa. Weighing each against one another Mikasa allows herself one final sigh, the boom of the Uchiha population was quite clear. "Hayasa-kun knew when to give in, a key factor for a medical-nin as they are useless if defeated. Knowing when to retreat and yield is critical." she admits, placing his file to the right hand side. Adjusting her spectacles, the woman carefully recounts Ryo, eager to continue to fight at the tournament, though she couldn't fault the young Uchiha, "Similar to the case of Hayasa-kun, similar highlights. She could be groomed into a fine medical kunoichi under the care of Lady Yomi and myself." she admits, placing the female Uchiha's file against Hayasa's.

Concerning Yaboi, he was quite tactical, surely a missed opportunity for the ANBU branch, yet his personality may make him far more suited to the main branch. Pity, she would have loved to probe the young Nara's mind a bit; Mikasa not a stranger to the attributes of one. Making her decision she prepares for the worst case scenario denial of the position, glancing towards the Minamoto's file once more she grabs it hastily. Her duty to protect him was becoming exceedingly difficult and thus she would bend the rules a bit.

A letter would be addressed to the three.

You have been summoned to the Konohagakure Byoin as per Medical Chiefs request. Please arrive promptly by noon, dress as you wish - there is not a code to follow. We understand that you are exhausted after your long combat and would like to do a routinely medical examination, please do not be late.

Tsukasa Mikasa
Medical Chief of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation.
Shortly before noon, Miyako would saunter up towards the Konoha Byoin with both of her hands tucked neatly beneath her kimono. Truth is, Miyako has been in pain since the tournaments. This pain however is not only physical, but emotional too. She was ashamed of herself for having to submit in the first round and never even getting to see her fellow Uchiha in any bracket. She expected to receive a letter or a visit from the mednin, and knew it would come sooner or later. She can not lie, she's anxious for this meeting, hoping that something isn't seriously wrong with her.

Having shown up earlier than instructed, Miyako is met with her expectations of entering into an empty waiting room. She settles in one of the chairs and crosses her legs over one another. In reality, Miyako can't wait to see if she'll be greeted by the Hokage or even the Chief Mednin, she's heard rumors that they are two of the most beautiful women within the Konohagakure. She'll be the judge of that, she thinks to herself, furrowing her eyebrows at her own process of thought. Instead of focusing on these mundane thoughts, Miyako should be focusing on what she's going to tell the mednin about her injuries. These people won't judge her, they spend their everyday lives helping people that could even be weaker than herself.

[Topic Entered]
Mikasa called him too? There was just so much going on and he had but so much time to deal with everything as such he would manage to feel his way around the situations. He'd head off to see what Mikasa wanted first before heading to see what Akumi wanted later on in the day when she planned things out. So it worked at least in his head. For the moment Suyashi was still having thoughts of the past. Something that would surmise himself enough to say that he would know what this was going to be about? Maybe, but he didnt forsee it coming from Tsukasa. He wasnt at point where he would be able to do something she asked, heck would she even have known about his fight with Yukio? Maybe, maybe not but he didnt want anyone to get into trouble at the expense of his chance to let people know why exactly he had to drop from the tournament.

It wouldnt take long for him to show up to the Byoin, but he had not a clue how to get to the offices of Mikasa, looking over he'd spot the Uchiha girl who lost in the first round. Pity to be someone that was pretty, she just had to work on her skill set. Which he knew she would do, she had some vigor to her especially in the loss, not wanting to give up against Juko, who seemed to be goofing around in the fight, that would be enough to make Suyashi angry as well, but that didnt at all matter now, he needed to see if she knew where Tsukasa's office was, as many times as he'd been here he never remembered the twists and turns of the Hospital corridors. So, "Oioi! Miyako-san! Do you have a clue where My house is your house's Office is located?", of course her name was not what Suyashi had spoken but something was weird enough that people responded to him when he spoke of Mikasa in such a manner.

Looking around... He didnt have a clue, but maybe just maybe Miyako would help him out~?
Word of the arrivals reach the lair of the medical chief, Mikasa swiftly rises upwards to open the door to her office, peaking her head out into the hallway to lock her oceanic gaze against the pair in the distance. Truthfully, only a fool would be unable to determine Suyashi's honey dew blonde tendrils, not a common trait with the abundance of Uchiha in village. Speak of such, to the males direct left were that of the female clansmen, Uchiha Miyako, in all her glory and silky raven locks growing longer by the day - or so it appeared.

Strolling down the corridor, the maiden raises her hand gingerly to welcome the two, noting the third had yet to make his appearance, "Greetings, Miyako-chan, it is a pleasure to finally meet face to face." she calls out in a warm tone, extending her hand outwards, "I am the one who wrote the letter, I also am glad you both came for an examination." she continues, not needing for an introduction with the other student due to their various adventures thus far. Gesturing for the pair to follow her, the medical kunoichi strolls elegantly through the hallway, "Isn't the facilities incredible?" Mikasa begins in a vibrant tone, "In this ward we do our utmost to tend to the slightest of injuries to studying each individuals unique." she pauses to pivot about, walking backwards down the empty hallway, brightly lit for the safety of all the guests, "While it is advantageous for shinobi and kunoichi to hold their own, not enough truly utilize the free care of the facility, which is why I wished to examine your injuries from the tournament."

Turning about once more, the maidens platinum mane fans outwards, settling against her back prior to a door on the left being opened. Inside the room was the usual check up office, a slew of comfortable chairs, and the unusual petite sofa; however the icing on the cake was the view to the rehabilitation center, the garden in which the permanent residents and the temporary able to frolic about within. Vibrant flora of lilies to orchids layer themselves in thick quantities and artificial sunlight shines brightly, creating a serene atmosphere to recover ones mind and soul despite any gloomy natural weather - a Mikasa personal touch since her promotion. "Not to worry, its a one way looking glass." the older woman assures before directing her digits towards a trio of flat tables for them to settle.

Once the pair had chosen their respective seats would Mikasa continue, "Have you two given any thought of which branch to venture towards?" she inquires, quite interested in the response.

[OOC: Hayasa, you can arrive when you are able. We can continue posting in the meantime.]​
Miyako didn’t know how to get to where she needed to be, so that’s why she decided to wait here in the lobby for someone to retrieve her. As Suyashi walks inside, Miyako looks up towards him expectantly but realizes that he’s probably here due to the same letter that she received. “Konniciwa Suyashi!” She called at him with a smile, she didn’t know what he was talking about and twists her head to the side slightly, “Who?” She questions curiously. It appears that Miyako isn’t like the rest of the people as she’s never met Mikasa before. “Sorry I can’t help.. This is my first time here!”

Seeing Mikasa, her jaw can’t help but to almost hit the floor, what a woman she thinks almost out loud, especially with her expression. “And it is a pleasure to finally meet you too.” She smiles widely, collecting her chin from the ground and bowing very respectfully as the woman approached. Rising back to her full height, which isn’t very impressive at all, she reaches out to carefully shake Mikasa’s hand. As they follow the superior kunoichi, Miyako does admire the hallways and nods at the compliment that Mikasa offers about the facility. Even as they view the rehabilitation center, she can’t help but to admire the view. This wouldn’t be a bad place to spend time after an injury and Miyako is glad that there is such an extraordinary place to take care of the shinobi of the Konohagakure.

“I have given thought to all of the branches and have realized that there are two that don’t really fit the person that I plan to be in the future..” she pauses for a moment, looking up to Mikasa and sticking her hands into the pockets of her kimono. “I don’t feel like the ANBU branch is for me, and I personally do not think that teaching young shinobi is the route that I’d like to take. In the end, I would like to be able to help every shinobi that I can, starting with the team that I’ll be on. I believe that the medical branch will be the best choice for me.. I mean, if you’ll have me.”
Idiot. That was the one who he kept telling himself he was for the pass fifteen minutes while running down the street. Rakutsu was giving himself such a mental scolding to himself because he was running late for a very important meeting. One that may determine his future as a shinobi of this village. He dropped from the tournament recently after forfeiting his match, but was still in the process of healing.

He didn't suffer any serious injuries, but he still needed time to recover. He was sure that if he stood in the battle for any longer than he wouldn't have been able to leave the house. Rakutsu entered the Konoha Byoin and walked up to the front desk. He took a minute to catch his break before showing the person working there his letter and was directed towards Tsukasa's office.

Thanking the worker, he made his way towards Tsukasa's office where he was greeted by the sight of the much older shinobi and two of his fellow students. "I'm...sorry I'm late. I slept in and lost track of time so I rushed over here." He said giving Tsukasa a bow before taking a seat. Despite being able to run around, he still had a few scratches on him and a bandage on the bridge of his nose. There were other minor injuries on him, but nothing to have a heart attack over.
Suyashi would stay quiet, most of this was quite new for him, but alas he didnt care about all of that honestly. Tsukasa was his mentor for alot of his life in Konoha. To be fair she was the only one that truly was on him about his training, and helped him even meet Aki and Tadashii. So he owed her alot, he would go with it for now, but it all felt quite weird. Being here? Suyashi would watch Miyako as they followed MIkasa, he remembered spending time here with Rui and trying to find out things about himself especially after he had to fall out of the tournament. He needed to figure things out, and aside from training his body to be in supreme shape he would find himself being stronger than many of his contemporaries. Or rather the other kids that took classes with him and Kouza. He was turning sixteen, and most of the others, aside from Kouza, were five years younger than he. He suspected Miyako being around eleven or twelve... but he didnt know.

Looking at the one way glass, Suyashi felt like he was about to be interrogated like his mother had tested him on from her previous trips outlying Konoha and Iwagakure. He was well versed in keeping things in with torture but he was a goofy kid at heart so he wasnt ever going to be cut out for ANBU. That was not his path like it was for his father and his mother. "Hm..." sitting himself down at one of the tables he would find himself searching his mind for thoughts as MIyako began speaking on her reasoning for joining a branch of service. 'Why do we fight? I didnt think of myself like a nurse or anything... Like Rui said they are good for the world too but... Am i like that? I can barely use Ninjutsu without missing outright.' thinking deeper to himself he would feel Miyako stopping and then it clicked for him.

"Aye... I think I could work here... but not as a doctor or anything like that, but like a field person... I've seen people who go out and collect data and such for research or some such... I could never be an ANBU, I'm not like other people, like Kouza, he seems darker and more mentally withdrawn... not me. I like being seen, I dont want to hid myself behind a mask. If the Medical Branch didnt work I'd most definitely be in the Main Branch on the front lines.", nodding again he would note Hayasa, the kid that he was sort beefing with before the tournament. He wouldnt bring up his defeat to Ryo, but he thought it. With his eyes you could see Sushi smirking but he wouldnt let it bleed through into his curling lips.

"Sup Hayasa-san... Tryna be apart of the Medical Corps too?", Suyashi would pat the seat next to him before turning his attention back to Mikasa, wondering where she was going with this.
Noiselessly the medical chief crosses the room, taking notice of Hayasa entering the room to join the duo and complete the summoning. Instinctively Mikasa allows a wisp to escape from her pursed lips, wafting upwards to disappear into the realm of unknown, "Only this once will you be excused, Hayasa-kun." she remarks in a sincere tone, smiling sweetly, not wishing to deliver a punishment for the kunoichi were the one who asked for their audience. In time the older woman comes to a halt before the three of them, bowing politely, "You all have my thanks for answering my hasty letter. I know the tournament was overwhelming and I am unsure if I were in your shoes able to compete at your age." she explains, eyeing Suyashi in the end due to his older age of the group.

Clasping her hands together, Mikasa produces two replicas, the trio of Tsukasa Mikasa's stepping forward to examine the students as Miyako and Suyashi explain their own thoughts on branches; poor Hayasa a bit lat to hear the initial responses. Carefully the Mikasa's digits caress against the feature of the students, determining the extent of the exterior damage, fortunately none to critical and allow them ample time to study her unusual azure eyes with the petite crimson ring. Finally withdrawing the clones and the original speak among one another at an inaudible tone. With a poof of smoke, the two disperse, only the original remaining. "Fortunately neither of you are beyond repair." stepping forward she places her palm upon Hayasa's cheek, a teal aura formulates against his flesh.

In time the flow would envelop the lad in a warmth, Mystical Force, "Choosing to retreat from a battle is not a tactic many resort to, but knowing your limits is crucial when you are with fellow shinobi and kunoichi on the battle field." Mikasa explains, passing over to the Minamoto child the kunoichi pauses, "Reckless as per usual, but you have a strong heart. I agree, you don't have the fortitude for a generic medical shinobi." she chuckles, allowing for the teal hue to surround the form teen. Finally the woman would place her hand upon the lass, surging through the Uchiha as the rest, allowing a rejuvenating sensation to overtake Miyako's petite form, "Don't feel discouraged, I'm adept at reading emotions - comes in handy with patients." the medical chief begins, "It takes more intellect to not push ones self to brink of no return."

Surprisingly the Uchiha lass would be the initial to comment on wishing to join the branch, only brightening the features of the woman, "I believe you are taking the helm a bit too early, but yes, if you are willing to learn then I gladly take you under my wing." Widening her arms, MIkasa takes a few steps, "The medical branch is not about being the most powerful, yet we all possess the quality to do so; however we are unique. We are researchers, adventurers, healers, and those who dare to explore where no man or woman dares to go." she gestures towards each of the trio, "Based on your performances, academy records, and way you analyze the situation, I wish to welcome two of you into the medical branch as Medics in Training." she pauses to point towards Uchiha Miyako and Rakutsu Hayasa, "Allow me to mentor you and allow you to blossom. You do not have to accept if you choose to do so, it will not change my opinion on you two."

Smirking, Mikasa's oceanic gaze deters to Suyashi, "I wish for you to be the first new generation medical researcher, a guinea pig if you will." she explains, settling down into a swivel chair the maiden crosses her legs daintily, "The choice is up to you three, you wouldn't be academy students any longer. Take as long as you need to consider this offer, you may come back to answer another day if you truly need to." Quite winded, the kunoichi silences herself to await for a general reaction.​
Miyako’s head twists as Hayasa enters Mikasa’s office, her cheeks deeply red due to her excitement and anxiety about the entire situation. She didn’t know this newcomer, but surely he was around the same level as the rest of the academy students. Miyako has said everything that she needs to and this new arrival of the boy that Suyashi calls Hayasa is simply holding them up.

As Mikasa’s clones approach each of them and look them over, Miyako speaks up, “I think that there’s a problem with my Sharingan.. I took a pretty powerful taijutsu blow to the side of my head and since then, I bleed even more than usual and my vision blurs pretty heavily in only my right eye.” She reaches up to touch at the skin under her right eye and sighs, “I’ve heard that trauma to your Sharingan could cause you to lose it..” She worriedly murmurs to the clone that’s inspecting her for injuries. Her eyes focus on Mikasa’s and they surely are unique.

As for her jumping at the gun at answering the question that hasn’t even been asked yet. Miyako bobs her head as Mikasa offers to take her under her wing. As Mikasa opens her arms and steps forward, Miyako mistakes this gesture and steps in to openly hug her! Assuming she’d react somewhat awkwardly, Miyako would quickly retreat and tuck her hands behind her back. She’s just so happy to not be an student at the academy anymore! “I’m sorry..” she mutters, casting her gaze to the ground and hoping not to be razzed by Suyashi or the new boy.

Regardless of anything, Miyako has already made it clear that she’d love to join the medical branch under the wing of Mikasa. Her arms shift back in front of herself and she rubs at her arm, quite embarrassed about the way that she personally has been acting.
It takes alot to surprise the Minamoto boy, as he'd become alittle cynical in regards to the leaders of the village. Obviously Maru and Juko got their headbands through some dark tactics, or at least he thought to himself that they were marginally good, neither of them... Or rather Maru didnt show skill to the extent he would think he would be picked before himself. to Suyashi. Which only meant that they had to be ANBU... Maybe Juko wasnt, but the way Maru was instantly picked up, seemed like something he didnt see Akumi or even the Hokage Yomi doing. Oh well though, he would conjure up the emotions to care about it later but, since losing to Yukio he wasnt exuberant like people might've remembered, taking a stand to calm down a bit more to calculate, but there were some issues with his personality that wouldnt change, he was going to forever be a fun loving guy. Nothing in his foreseeable future would change that.

As the clone would caress and heal him, he felt like he was being baptized in the air of the holy Mikasa. Though, this was all the smoke and mirrors of the medical branch right? They made you feel like you were better but they didn-... it was then his thoughts were cut short and his mind was able to process the idea that he was wrong about it. "You have some crazy eyes Mikasa, hehe.", nodding he would blush a bit before the clones pulled back, and he would look over to Miyako as the Senpai would begin to speak. Though when addressed he would find himself flexing a bit with a cheeky grin. "Heh! Nothin' normal about me I guess.", nodding he would find that in his state he was going to have to continue to push though, he was in a precarious position, something that made the investment in him to be something of a plunge of faith and going out on a limb to make sure he had a spot in the branch.

"Oh! I'm so down for this! Something different... I cant say I didnt think this was gonna happen but... Damn I'm excited!", nodding he would watch Miyako rush over to MIkasa and attempt a glomping hug. To which, Suyashi would smile, she was happy to be out of the Student-hood. No more Academy Classes, no more grinding through training... They had been realized at least enough to matter. He wanted to hug Mikasa too but he'd likely done that enough with all the help she'd given him over the last year. "Wait... Am I a Trainee as well? Or..."
Surprisingly the Uchiha lass swiftly embraces the medical chief, catching her momentarily off guard - in a pleasant way. Truthful to be told, Mikasa was more so thrilled that the students were to agree to the acceptance so readily. Placing the flat of her palm upon the raven locks of the youngster, "We will look into that, an Uchiha's Sharinigan development is crucial. Not to fear, I can teach you all I know of the unique trait." she consoles the newly crowned medic in training, gesturing towards her normal oceanic gaze, allowing for the transformation process to occur and to reveal a set three tomoe Sharinigan of her own. Hopefully this would place the former student at ease, "I am sure you will become a wonderful konoichi."

Shifting about, the medical kunoichi's optics revert, fixating upon Suyashi to give him a nod, "Far from normal." she agrees, extending her digits outwards to prod against his forehead, "Uchiha blood and excels at raiton. A true oddity! Isn't that so, Miyako-chan?" Mikasa chuckles, withdrawing her fingertips to explain his particular role a bit more in depth, "In the initial stages, until you are a full fledged medical-nin, you will begin with a research of your choice, however you will have to run it by me prior for approval. You will be given permission to explore Fire Country, you may attempt to rationalize a trip to another country at any point." pausing for a moment, the chief gestures towards Miyako and Hayasa, inhaling lightly, "You two will also have the freedom to begin your own research, but I will be ensuring you learn the basic and advanced healing methods."

Crossing her arms, the medical chief settles down into her usual swivel chair to examine the scene before her. The Uchiha lad, Hayasa, had yet to speak, but she knew there was quite a bit to consider; the pair already deciding to nestle under her wing for the time being. "As medical-nin, you are expected to research to benefit not only yourself, but for the overall village. You are to mend the wounded when able and once you pass the exam to become a full fledged medical-nin..." a pause, "I'll go into further details when the time comes for that." she states, not wishing to get ahead of herself. "Any questions thus far?"
The moment was simple and as Hayasa took to silence in his own deliberation, Suyashi would nod and take heed to everything that was being told to him. This was valuable time of his life that he would look back on and remember the days where he first was brought into the Medical Branch. Where he would feel like he was beginning to walk the footsteps of himself and not his father or mother. He wanted to grant his own path and looking to Miyako's embrace of Mikasa he felt a renewed sense of vigor. He was strong, and now he had a way to visibly show it. He had a forum from which to gain exposure, moving him into the reigns of being respected and that was his goal. To be one of the most well respected people in the village. To have people around him that knew that if they needed something, he was the man to ask. 'Dad... I'm doing it... I wont let you down.' nodding as he looked up for a moment only for digits to meet his noggin and bring him back to reality.

"Ack! You cant go telling people Im an Uchiha, Mikasa-Senpai! Thats not cool! I need to keep my secrets!", looking to Hayasa and Miyako he would frown a bit before turning his head away but he continued to listen to his role. His eyes grew from a dull honeydew to a burst of vivid lightning sparkling down upon the ground with an illustrious glow. He was going to head his own research? More over he had a chance to venture outside of the village walls and potentially if his work was shown to be well enough to be needed, he could leave the country? Yes. This was a glorious day, on top of learning medical ninjutsu, which he was worried about but he knew something was going to come of it. "Thats freakin awesome!! Mikasa-Senpai! I wont let you down! I promise!" though as he would stand to his feet she would settle down and swivel in her Dr. Evil chair.

She explained to them that this was serious, their research and healing were for the good of the village. Good for the people here and good for the country. There was alot riding on this. And she placed alot of trust into each of them, with it more or less being between Miyako and himself at this point because Hayasa had yet to respond. Maybe he was shocked at the chance? Who knew... "Right, I have a question, since I'm new... would you mind giving me something to study? That way I can build my studies from my gathering of info on something that you'll be looking for specifically... it helps me learn, heh.", nodding he would look to Aki and Tadashii for this, and maybe them together would have the ultimate success with this? This could be a very fruitful rise to Chuunin and better.
Miyako couldn’t help herself in embracing Mikasa, but the pat that she receives on the top of her head sets her in a bit of a happier mood. She’s glad to hear that Mikasa knows about the Sharingan, because the only thing that Miyako really knows is that she’s been blessed with it. The woman who’s promised to help her figure out the problem with her Sharingan gestures to her own eyes, revealing her own. This helps her to gain confidence not only in herself, but further in Mikasa’s ability to help her solve this potentially devastating problem.

Miyako listens to the explanation that is given to Suyashi about his position and to hear this about her newly established teammate makes her even happier, he truly will make a great researcher and hopefully as a team, they’ll all be able to travel together. She can’t help but to smile, nodding at Mikasa’s remark about Suyashi. She understands that she’ll have to learn the ropes before being able to be free with her own work and expected this.

“I don’t have any questions!” She responds with a smile, excited to start her training as a medical shinobi and to benefit the village as an entirety. She wraps her palms together behind her back and awaits the conclusion of this meeting, anxious to continue the journey her life has become at this point.
Adjusting the ivory coat upon her shoulders, Mikasa begins to take notice of the pairs excitement; none could fault the duo. The medical chief would begin to contemplate a proper initial research phase for the Minamoto child to use to establish a basis for himself in the field, regrettably nothing came to mind initially. Gesturing towards Suyashi, the kunoichi would allow a silent wisp to escape prior to speaking, "I'll get back to you within a days time, I will speak with the other medical shinobi and kunoichi to see where they currently are with their personal researches." the medical nin responds.

Concerning the Uchiha lass, the woman's grin widens considerably in light of Miyako's own, "Excellent, I know you more than likely have a celebration ahead of you tonight, but I wish to see you in two days time to begin medical studies." Mikasa pauses for a moment, "You will be training directly under me in the initial stages. I don't want your eye trauma to go on longer than necessary, so let us rendezvous by first light two days from now." she adds for clarity, "Just bring yourself, I'll have everything you'll need for an initial session set up in advance." the maiden finalizes, essentially dismissing the two unless they wished to stick around for additional chitchat; not that Mikasa would be against pleasant conversation.

Pausing for a moment, Mikasa swiftly raises to her feet, strolling over to a medical standing closet, opening to reveal a trio of ivory coats - perhaps a bit large on some, but the gesture was genuine. Hanging on a peg above the coats was a set of hand bands, except an oddity about them as the Konoha symbol plates separate; there were several choices of hues to accompany the inserts as well as various ties. The medical chief had learned over the years there were those who would rather have arm bands, belt bands, or legs bands as opposed to headbands - the choice ultimately left for the two new recruits, "Take which ever you like, my present to you." she murmurs in a wafer tone, soft as satin.

Crossing the room, the maiden settles upon the stool once more. Turning her attention towards Hayasa, the kunoichi would await for a response, no matter the time it took for him to speak. Truth to be told, if she were the Uchiha lads age, the older woman was uncertain how she would respond to an invitation from a branch. "What say you, Hayasa-kun? Do you feel adventurous or do you feel there is a better path for you to tread upon?" she inquires in a gentle tone.​
Nodding he would have a chance to tell his mom and Kouza first and foremost before anyone else knew. Sushi boy knew the most important things to him were those people, everything else was secondary to him, aside from protecting the village. Now he had an outlet to begin his chances to show the village he was worth a damn. Suyashi would push Kouza to be the best, because he was the one that kept pushing him to be more creative and have a wider perspective, though it didnt at all matter. This was his moment, and he would take what Mikasa said to heart. He would get a research study to do on his own, and maybe he was ready? Maybe not... but he would squander his chances. He was not going to hold himself back, he needed to progress. Move forward and forge his path with every decision he made. He would use the next few days to prep himself and even change the gear he carried with him, he would be looked to help people in need! And he would do just that!

Though something that did take him back was the presentation of the Village Symbols. Shiny and new. No one had wore these. And the Coats! He would wear it with Pride! Though maybe he would take Two of the bands to match the attire worn at the time he would wear it? He liked to change his clothing game up a bit from time to time. So leaning over the coats, Taking one of the plates he would nod and then he'd take the biggest coat he saw being that he was the biggest one of the ones present... and he would likely grow quicker into the coat than the others would depending on the size... Who knew? It fit. Draping down to his ankles, which was more trench coat on him than anything but he was sure to get a bit taller. He'd heard his father was 6'6" or so. So Maybe he would match that?

"Thank you Mikasa-Senpai!", nodding he would look to Miyako and bow, "Man! This is awesome! We're on a Team! And We're Genin now?! Heh! Lets Rock this joint! Show'em the best of the Medical Corps had got to offer yo!", ever the exuberant Suyashi, he would bow to his comrade and to Hayasa before heading home to show Kouza and his mother! It was time! Moving to the next level!

[Topic Left unless stopped]
Excited to finally be apart of something bigger, Miyako can’t help but to smile widely. She’s terribly excited for her celebration and everything that comes with becoming a medical ninja in training. She would want no one else to train her personally, and honestly is happy to have such a talented kunoichi as her mentor and superior. Both Mikasa and Akumi! Two powerful women to make her a powerful woman herself.

Hopefully between speaking with Tatsuo and Mikasa as well, she can help to cure the problem with her eye and dojutsu. Two days from now will be perfect, she’s far too busy to meet directly after this process. “Thank you so very much.” She bows honorably, unable to remove her smile. Miyako would gaze at the closet, going to take one of the smallest coats that she can find and draping it over her shoulders. After doing this, she takes a dark-bluish hued peg band, going to attach it to herself after she leaves, her hands trembling far too much to complete a successful knot.

Miyako turns her excited expression to Suyashi, excited to be apart of such a great team and branch, and to have her friend by her side for each of these. She bows in return, going to follow Suyashi out. “Farewell, Mikasa-Sensai!” She calls, exiting with her teammate. “Bye Suyashi! See you soon!” She calls, heading in the opposite direction.

[Topic Left]
Rakutsu couldn't help, but to swallow on his own saliva in a brief moment of fear as the kunoichi took note of his late arrival. Her tone told him that he wasn't making the best first impression by being so late to the meeting. However, he was sure that all will be forgiven in the near future. He will just be happy knowing she is letting him off the hook this time. "Yes ma'am." Rakutsu said with a bow before taking a seat next to his fellow students.

He was taken by surprise by the sudden appearance of the clones, but showed no sign of resistance once one of them started to use a medical Jutsu on him. Soon, he felt none of the lasting pain gained from his battle with Ryo and he felt much more energized. Almost as if he had a full night's rest. Still, he was confused why she brought up his decision to forfeit the match. It was true that he fleeing from a fight is something most wouldn't think to do, but he wasn't like most. That battle with Ryo was his first real fight as a upcoming shinobi so it was expected for him to not know his real limits.

To him it would be beyond stupid to try to finish a fight if he knew he couldn't win. It was better to flee into order to fight another day and become much stronger. But what did that have to do with this meeting? His answer was very simple if he didn't think so much. This was brought up because it showed he had the makings of a medical ninja. Rakutsu mentally scolded himself not seeing the obvious, but continued to listen.

His shot at the ANBU was gone, but who said the medical branch isn't any better? Instead of hurting, he would be healing. Doing research in order to improve lifes. It was his chance to prove his worth to the village and finally stop being a simple orphan. "Hm?" He muttered questioningly before seeing the other students leaving. How long was he in his own thoughts? "I'm very sorry. I always think to myself in these types of situation." He apologized giving a bow to the kunoichi.

"But yes. I would love to take this opportunity more than anything else."
Curiously the medical kunoichi tilts her head to the side, allowing Hayasa to have a moment to himself; ultimately the lad deciding it was the correct time for him to speak. Respectfully, Mikasa listens, "No need to apologize, this isn't a decision in which everyone can conclude in a sitting." the maiden smiles gently, "Not every situation will be one in which is simple to deduce." resting her hands upon the young mans shoulders the grin upon the kunoichi's features widen, "You have every quality I look for when selecting. Critical thinking, understanding the situation and that includes your overall well being, and compassion for your fellow villagers."

The medical chief would take this opportunity to further learn of the youngster, to probe his thoughts a bit further than intended, "Tell me, Hayasa-kun, are you sure this is what you wish to do?" she inquires, although truly wishing for him to accept the offering with all his heart. Streaming her digits through her platinum mane, the older woman settles beside the academy student, allowing her head to tilt back to examine the ceiling as if a spectacle in its own right, "From the stands I could tell the loss at the tournament was a heavy one. However in my eyes, you didn't lose." Mikasa murmurs in a gentle tone, "In the medical field, one may win the battle, but if they are unable to perform their duties after then they truly lose." she further reiterates.

Allowing her gaze to lower once more, the kunoichi silences herself, minus her next inquiry, awaiting for any additional comments or concerns the shinobi to be may house. "Is there anything you wish to know before grabbing that coat? Once you do, I won't let go. All those within my branch become my immediate family."
For once in his life, he was at a complete loss for words. Rakutsu was always used to people berating and discouraging him. He expects people to point out all of his flaws all the time, but this was something he didn't know how to respond too. Rakutsu tensed up when she touched his shoulder, but this only lasted for a small moment before relaxing. He agreed that he had the ability to think critically about certain details, but his compassion for his fellow villagers was questionable.

He never had any true love for the village or its people. His upbringing in the orphanage made sure of it, but he wasn't a terrible person. His mind trailed off as he remembered his encounter with Hayate. What was going on with that kid was none of his business, but he chose to step in and help him. He didn't even take the money offered to him. Does that make him compassionate? He wasn't sure.

"Ya..." He muttered awkwardly at the mention of his loss at the tournament. I didn't really expect myself to win honestly. That was the first fight I've ever been in. I didn't have the experience needed." He explained. I think this will be better for me than the ANBU. I can do more good than just going on standard missions like a regular ninja." He gave a gentle smile before getting up and grabbing a coat with an armband.

"Thank you for this chance Sensei." He said giving a bow before leaving.

[topic exited]
Hayasa dwells on the student tournament competitions, the loss would heal over, a scar to be carried throughout his lifetime. Ultimately he chooses to grasp a hold of the ivory coat and an armband to accompany it. In that moment, Mikasa's grin widens and the medical chief gives a gentle wave as the youngster makes his departure, "No, thank you, Hayasa-kun. I look forward to your development." her vocals vibrant, full of the usual warmth. Coming to a stand the kunoichi gently closes the cabinet sheltering the attire and with a faint click the door is locked for the potential future individuals.

MIyako and Hayasa would have to the basics drilled into them, but the maiden was sure this wouldn't be a difficult task. In her initial scouting she had made sure to focus on overall intellect or willingness to learn as criteria. Satisfied with today's events, the platinum mane woman fastens the coat upon her shoulders and heads out. It would be difficult to surpass the pride she felt on this particular day, but she was sure when the time came for the trio to rise up there would be an equal pride.

Rounding the closest bend there was further work to be done. Processing the new recruits into the system would take at least an hour, if not a tad bit more, but the main item remaining on the menu were the rounds. Knocking lightly on the closest door, the medical-nin disappears into a patients room and soon the sound of joyous fits of laughter can be heard from the hall.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 06:03:35
