Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event A New Situation Arises...

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Only a few weeks after having sent Tatsuya out on his journey to Konohagakure, Kitsune began receiving reports regarding the Tenouzan church and their rallies against chakra users. Seeing as chakra users within Lightning fell under her jurisdiction as per Shogunate decree, it was essentially a rally against Kumogakure and the Raikage. As it turned out, the pious bastards of the church had drawn and quartered a family of alleged chakra users purely as an example. They even went so far as to claim it was the Divine Will of God that had told them to pursue the path of purity from chakra and users thereof.

Kitsune sighed deeply and began the solemn process of calling a meeting with her Sennin. Or she would have if she had more than one. Instead, she discussed the situation with her advisors who advised extreme caution, as the whole situation was more volatile than a chakra-enhanced bomb. Something had to be done though, that much they agreed upon, and one person suggested sending envoys to the various villages and cities of the country to perform chakra tests and spirit away the ones that tested positive, but Kitsune denied that idea, saying that was what the CPSS (Chakra Potential Screening Service) were already doing.

”If anything we’ll have to make an example out of the church. They’ve been too big for their britches since the incident where I saved the pope by sacrificing my life.” Kitsune remarked in a surprisingly harsh tone. Normally she’d be all for diplomacy, but in a situation like this she couldn’t afford to be soft. She’d have to go to the Shogun and plead her case when time allowed for it. First though, she’d have to call in someone willing to undertake a covert mission to investigate what the church was up to.

[MFT; WC: 304]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
An open call had been put out for anyone willing to participate in a task from the Raikage. It’d be dangerous, but potentially very rewarding. Details were sparse, but they did warn of potential danger, and how it’d be an important mission for Kumogakure. Whomever volunteered would have to be brave, sneaky, knowledgeable. But more importantly, they’d have to be loyal to the village. This’ll be dangerous. But depending on how it’s handled, I could see promotions coming to the participants. Assuming they complete the mission successfully. Kitsune decided with herself. Not that anyone could argue against it, really, but even the Raikage could second guess herself from time to time.

”Alright. Send whomever has arrived for the briefing into my office.” she said to her secretary Hisako, who’d come with her from the medical branch to assist Kitsune with her ‘new’ job. Hisako proceeded over to the door to allow entry by the attendees who’d be provided with seating at the conference table that’d been put in between the door and Kitsunes desk. Kitsune herself relocated herself to the seat at the end of the conference table, where she prepared the mission briefings for handout. Internally she hoped to see two, maybe three, interested participants.

If no one showed up, she’d likely have to go and handle things on her own, and while it wasn’t an actual issue, she also had a ton of work to be done in the village itself, considering she was temporarily running two branches on top of the actual village. New Sennin were definitely at the top of Kitsunes wish list, but no one qualified had shown up. Miro-chan could be a good ANBU Sennin some day, but it was early days yet. The medical branch seemed in more dire straits considering practically all the mednins there seemed content with their existing positions. Kitsune shook her head a little, shaking the thoughts away for another time, and instead focusing on the task at hand.

[People have until noon Monday, site time, to join the topic and show interest in the mission]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
"Why were there always so many stairs?" Saki asked himself.

Living among the mountains naturally came with the fact that the ground wasn't flat. Walking from one district to the other required uphills, sometimes downhills, but always hills, hills, hills, and stairs, stairs, stairs. So when it came to buildings, especially the center of it all where the Raikage herself worked, why was it that people decided we needed a tower? More stairs. And at the very top of it no less! How many floors were there, anyway? What if a cripple needed to speak to the Raikage?

"Why are there always so many stairs?" he asked again, seeing as he had plenty of time to contemplate how many stairs there were while he walked up said stairs.

There were other people outside the door to the Raikage's office, apparently all there for the same reason he was: some religious insurrection in the country against chakra users, which Saki thought was rather rude, considering he himself was a chakra user and didn't take kindly to the thought of some fanatics starting a damn crusade against them. Saki remembered when he learned he was a chakra user, as a small child. His mother cried when the CPSS informed them he would be required to attend the academy and train to be a shinobi. Saki thought about the victims of this uprising. Are his experiences the same as theirs? Were they, too, in fear of the thought of losing their children in the line of duty someday? Were they even more fearful now that a cult was hunting them all? If Saki weren't inside, he would have spit at the thought of these... savages. What other word was there for them?

Soon after his arrival, Saki was ushered into the Raikage's office by someone who he assumed was a secretary, or an assistant, or something similar. The door opened to a lovely office, across from which was the bright red hair of her highness herself.

"How long did it take to get all this furniture up here?"

"Miss Raikage." Saki said with a nod of his head and a slightly raised hand. "You said you have a dangerous mission, but aren't they all?"

It was, after all, the moment that you get comfortable, the moment you let your guard down, the moment you assume that you're too good for a task that you find yourself on the wrong end of a kunai, and with not enough blood in you. That's what happened to Jizou all those years ago, isn't it?

[MFT - 428]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The rustle of sandals agitating gravel could be heard within the alleys of the village. From the sky a tiny bird fluttered with determination, gliding down to the shoulder of a girl leaned up against the alley wall. Raising her head up, long black tresses where placed behind her ear as the brown sparrow rested upon her left shoulder. Letting him chirp happily in her ear a small scroll could be seen tied to his leg. Gentle fingers worked the bindings undone and unveiled the scroll.

Reaching in her pocket Mirō pulled a small treat out to feed her little soldier. Gleefully he soared away, ‘Enthused there’s no work huh?’ Chuckling to herself Mirō turned once more and continued towards the towering building within the Torre Celeste. The call for assistance from the Raikage herself. If it had been from another source it would’ve been ignored. Mirō had a strict schedule in plan by the day already. Further delays eventually pushed back her goals however, for her Sensei, time would have to be stopped. ‘Besides, I haven’t left for a mission in a while either.’ Determined to prove herself to her Sensei one foot stepped out of the alley before Mirō vanished into thin air.

Quickly traversing through the giant ornate doorway, hushed footsteps made their way up the prestigious tower. Arriving a flight of stairs before the Raikage office doors she allowed herself some time to trace back over some prior thoughts. Trekking up the flight of stairs bandaged hands slithered into her neutral gray Anbu vest after adjusting her Kumogakure headband affixed to her bicep. ‘The thought of these religious cultists is nerve racking. If this had been an issue… Am I lucky that the CPSS found me before the cultists?’ The gods must of been in her favor that day. Having minor knowledge of religious from being cooped up in the library her opinions had yet to be swayed off the neutral track. Arriving at the Raikage doorstep fingers coiled around the handle. Honey dipped hues quickly observed the room noticing a slender male and the Raikage herself towards the center of the room.

Shutting the door behind her Mirō bent forward giving a cordial bow towards her Sensei. The work of Anbu training allowed her to be in more control of her emotions than ever before. Rising up bandaged digits pulled down the mask that covered her nose, lips, and half of her distinctive scar on her left side of her face.. “Nice to see you again, Sensei.” A gentle smile rolled off her light red lips. “I’d like to take you up on that offer. How can I assist you.” Mirō gave the Raikage most of her attention. Patiently awaiting her next beck and call the thoughts of danger lingered. ‘Whatever happens, I’ll see tomorrow.’


Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

As Kazuya was wondering in cloud village passing through academy thinking if he could meet his sister, as he is quite a sister-loving big brother. As he was thinking that he hadn't done any mission after joining Anbu, as he saw a mission posted on the notice board there was an urgent mission posted on notice board about the rallies going near cloud village against Chakra users by different cults on removing chakra users. Kazuya has a deep hatred against the cultist because of the trauma he has faced in his past. When he was sold off as a slave by her parents because of him being a chakra user, then was brought by an old man just for being a battle machine for him with no emotions. As he was saved by his step-father 'Maru'. As he trained him to be a loyal shinobi to cloud village. Kazuya starts heading towards his house which is actually quite near to the raikage's office.

As he reaches his house, he gets his black colored jacket and a mask out of his cupboard to wear them, especially for this mission. Then he started moving towards the raikage's office as he reached there he started to plan on how to make a flashy entrance as he is a victim to Maru's personality thus having the quite the same personality as his, well one idea actually hit on his brain, which was done with using his shadow Jutsu. Kazuya started walking to head inside the building, then he started his shadow Jutsu, and then directly entered the raikage's office, just behind the two other shinobi's without letting others know, as he bows to raikage and says, "Miss Raikage, I would like to take part in this mission, as I have a small history with these cults so I might be able to infiltrate into there groups." As Kazuya requested to take part in this mission, then greets the other two peoples who are there to take part in this mission.

[336 WC]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Maru's Getta clopped up the stairs of the tower, heading towards the Raikage's office which held the mission that they most likely would have to do. He didn't really know what this whole meeting was about but if the Raikage wanted everyone including the headmaster of the academy at her office than he knew it had to be important. Traveling behind him were a few of his summons, Oof a small masked youkai wearing a white kimono hopped up each step while his other youkai LOUD floated in beside the small youkai to make sure that Oof doesn't fall all the way down to his demise. In behind the two smaller demons was Cold-Blooded, Maru's snow elemental who was glancing around to everything curiously. With the most valuable spirits traveling along with him, Maru lead the group straight to where this meeting is being held. LOUD the one eyed purple youkai quickly floated in front of her Commander then opened the door then Maru stepped in then gave everyone in the room a sweet smile. "Well… well. Fancy meeting you guys here!" Maru exclaimed, flicking his tails playfully while his other two servants walked in. The sky masked fox Maru made finger guns towards Raikage. "Aye there Mistress 11th, how's your boobs doing. Sure Fluff and Fluffy looking kind of bigger than last time I saw ya." he complimented as drool dripped onto the floor for a moment, but he contained himself.

Maru opened his multicolored fan then looked around, his snow elemental moving towards his side. "Hmm no comfortable seats around here. LOUD HOLD ME!' Maru commanded for his ghostly one eyed demon to do, and she quickly stretched out her hands as if they were rubber then lifted the large fox man from his feet, then shaped herself like she was sitting down in mid air and finally held Maru on her lap. Her hands wrapped around his waist to keep him from falling out of her hands. "Is this better Supreme Commander?" asked the youkai Maru is now using as his seat, and Maru leaned forward putting his hand on his cheek. "Much better, thanks LOUD." he said, fanning himself with his paper fan while he waited on this whole meeting thing to get started.

[Maru had entered]
[NPC Oof has entered]
[NPC LOUD has entered]
[Cold-Blooded Elemental Keeps Maru guarded]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Seeing just about every person she had hoped would show up (and Maru), Kitsune gestured for the door to be closed and for everyone to be seated. Properly. Once everyone had taken seat at the table, she’d begin ”Thank you all for coming on such short notice.” she said, sliding out file folders to each of the four ”Intelligence services has informed me that the Tenouzan church have begun rallying civilians into a militia. But not only that, they’re rousing these militants against chakra users. Even going so far as to accuse people falsely and making examples of them.” she continued, placing her hands on the table in front of her.

”I have a specific mission for the four of you.” she began, gesturing to a map she’d produced and unfurled onto the table ”Here. In a small town not too far from Raidens Eye, they have begun arming civilians with anti-chakra equipment. Your job, should you accept it, is to travel to the town without being detected, and bring back some of this equipment. Be warned that they’ll likely be poised to use Dimiterium, a mineral native to Lightning Country that drains the chakra right out of you, against you. However, it has a fatal flaw...” she said, pausing for effect.

A light smirk played on Kitsunes lips before she continued, ”If the metal absorbs too much chakra, it’ll overheat, becoming hotter than molten steel, and eventually it’ll explode.” she said, hoping it’d unnecessary information for them ”Make sure you go undetected, and this shouldn’t be too difficult a mission. If you do get detected, escape to a safe rendezvous location, and attempt a second time. If that fails as well, come home and we’ll figure out another plan of attack.” she finished, folding her hands in front of her.

[Mission briefing: Go to the town, obtain anti-chakra equipment, return home. – Difficulty: S-Rank]
[Do note, that you won’t have to leave the gates in a thread, as it involves RPing in the OV zone. Just stick together in a thread to make it easier for Council to look it all over]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
Miss Raikage. Sensei. Mistress 11th and her boobs.

One of these was not like the other.

If there was one thing Saki disliked, it was disrespect. Disrespect showed a lack of discipline, a lack of character, and a lack of... well, respect. He gave a condescending glance accompanied by the ever-so-slightest tilt of his head to see the other newcomers to the room, being careful not to let them see the subtlest hint of disdain for the last person's actions on his face. Two Anbu-in-training, from the plainness of their masks, and the headmaster of the academy himself if Saki was not much mistaken. What he knew of the headmaster was primarily through reputation, but Saki honestly didn't care much for what anyone thought of other people; he preferred to meet people for himself and hold his own opinions, regardless of what other people thought. Perhaps that stemmed from his apathy towards his own reputation. That said, the headmaster certainly had a unique air about him, if being obnoxious counted as being unique. If there were two things Saki disliked, the second was obnoxious people. "Hello, my name is Saki. It is a pleasure to meet you all," he said in a tone that implied impatience more than anything.

Saki obliged the Raikage by following her motion towards a seat at a large table, intentionally sitting directly across from where he thought she would take a seat, if only because it meant he wouldn't have to make eye contact with the others if he didn't want to.

As the Raikage began explaining the nature and exact details of the mission at hand, Saki was left with questions. Anti-Chakra equipment? Infiltration? Implications as to the capabilities of weapons and devices utilizing chakra-absorbing materials, especially in the hands of a militia, has drastic implications for the current status quo. Truly, this was something that needed to be snuffed out as soon as possible, pulled up by the roots. This insurrection could not be allowed to breathe, lest the fires of rebellion grow. Still. There were concerns.
"What about this material causes it to absorb chakra?" he began. "I mean, if one of us were to hold it in our hand, would it begin to drain ckakra until it explodes, as you say?" What a terrifying thought, having the energy drained right out of your body without your knowing, until your skin is burned off and your body blown to bits. Though, in Saki's case, that might not have been so bad. "Miss 11th, when you say infiltrate, do you mean that we're required to entirely hide our presence? Or do you want us to hide our identity as shinobi? I think this drastically changes the nature of our mission." He paused, visibly thinking for a moment. "And how much of this equipment do you need? A few shuriken? A backpack full of stuff?" he asked, hand waving vaguely in the air, grasping at a concept he wasn't sure he was successfully getting across. If there were three things Saki disliked, the third was vague instruction. "We could pose as merchants, maybe from another country. Could we trade for these materials?"
Last edited:

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
‘Damn. That was fast, I knew I sensed them close by but…’ Motionless, gold hues scanned the room at the new arrivals and those who were already here. New faces she’s never seen before with the ultimate exception of… Maru. Without turning Mirō felt his obnoxious presence right as he opened the door. Pushing the trainee cloth mask back over her nose Mirō looked over her shoulder to see Maru had an entire entourage of spirits following close by. Silence leaving the building once he began his introduction aloud. Lips were sealed shut, etched into her mind that talking back to her superiors would become troublesome. Besides Marus’ usually eccentric openings the rest of the shinobi that volunteered gave the feeling of uniformity. Would this be the team Mirō would have to engage with?

The Raikage gestured and instinctively Mirō followed. Taking a seat the details of the mission were spouted off, her emotions remained unchanged. Quiet infiltration was her forte yet Mirō had never worked with multiple people before. The success rate of the mission would drastically increase with solid communication between teammates. A ball of anxiety coiled within her chest since Mirō had a history of remaining introverted. Discussing tactics would be done through a botox smile. On top of that balancing chakra stones that sapped their power and exploded… the mission excited Mirō even more. The impact of possible death didn’t phase her. Deeply rooted instincts always made the better judgement if she was truly in danger.

Eventually the slender man spoke up. Fair questions echoed outward while a small smirk formed behind her mask. ‘Quick thinking. Possibly a more experienced shinobi.’ The idea of hiding in plain sight gave off the aspect of normality to onlookers. If done correctly the party could be in and out within a few hours. His idea was easier than her own. Refraining from interjecting the young ninja was all ears for the Raikages’ words.


Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

As Maru came inside the room with his creepy pets, disrespecting miss Raikage, Kazuya stood up whispering in Maru's ears, "Hey dad, at least control yourself in public." As Kazuya said that to his stepfather. Then Kazuya introduced him to everyone saying, "Hello, you all I'm Death Star, as I'm in my Anbu uniform so I might not tell my real name so please you can call me by my code name, as well as I'm pleased to meet you all." after he finished talking about himself, he once again turned his attention to miss kitsune, who is telling them to take their seats and learn about this mission in detail, as she was explaining the mission this mission was about getting there hands on Anti-Chakra weapons and bring them back to village, but what made this mission hard was these Anti-Chakra weapon absorbs chakra, and they keep absorbing until they explode, so they might be hard to handle for them with there body contains Chakra more than there life-forces.

As the person beside Kazuya introduced himself as Saki and started asking a question about what we have to do in this mission, or how many weapons we have to bring with us and so-on. Kazuya wanted to tell him to stop with these meaningless question but was interrupted by the girl who was sitting on the other side together with Maru, wearing a mask, by the looks of it, she was at least the same rank as Kazuya. As she said some words which are hard to understand but Kazuya was able to understand them, luckily, Saki might be able to understand them too. Then Kazuya said, "I have an opinion, but this might look like an in-fight between us but I will be standing with those cultists until I get those weapons. The story goes like this, I and my mother are going to there camo to take refugee after an attack on our village by rogue chakra users. While my mother got killed in the fight, and those chakra users were killing others, as I alone go to the camp while crying, cause I do look like a kid, though I have lost many things then gain, and was used to live with some cultist in past, so I and them are able to understand each other, so I ask them to give me some weapons for revenge on those rogue and hid those weapons at a blind spot where wild beast wonders, so we can get them, and you guys will be playing the role of rogue and someone has to play the role of my dead mother. anyway, this is just the overview of my plan, but you guys might have a better plan so let us hear them out first." As Kazuya waited for there response.

[472 WC]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

He chuckled at the impatience tone in the slim man's voice as he spoke, when his son went to correct his behavior Maru simply gave him a dismissive wave of his hand."Easy there, monkey boy I'm just messing around. I'll get you a banana after the meeting." he teased his son, calling him a monkey since that's what the Kurū refer to all anbu as being. His attention know on the mistress, Maru could honestly say that he wasn't all that surprised that the Church of Tenouzan was planning a genocide of chakra users, he came across the church on in the library and after doing some research on it they seemed to be a mercenary group that kumogature just allowed to grow. He was honestly thinking of heading there himself with an army of demons guns ablazing but it looks like someone was finally doing something about it. Guess the old people of office wanted to give parents the option of handing their children over or risk them being discovered by the church. A good way to get shinobi's into the village but still if people knew would the shinobi of the village would agree with this method knowing that it'll come bite them in the ass when there's too many peasants with armor to deal with? Well it's being dealt with now so after hearing our mistress lay out what they would be doing he looked at the people he'll be working with to see what they'll come up with.

Slim was the first to speak, asking some of the more important things like about the weapon they plan on using against us chakra users but also about what method of going undetected should they use to infiltrate the place. While some seemed important, some could be more or less were common sense but he refrained from saying anything as of yet though he did like the idea of using disguises. Miro seemed impressed plus didn't have much to say which works for him, his son provided a plan that's kinda similar to Slim's in terms of using disguises and deception in order to gain access to the goods. Maru leaning back on his youkai gave everyone a slow clap of his hands for a job well done. "Good… good. I like that our brainstorms are looking similar. So disguises are the way to go… however!..." he snapped his fingers, LOUD instantly letting her Commander go letting him drop to his feet then folded her arms waiting for the next command. "If we decided on playing as merchants then what happens if we don't have any good for us to trade for the weapon? Or if they turn away some random kid who's coming up to them who might very well be the rogue who killed his entire family? Heck they may even kill you just to make an example out of you… BUT! Worry not because I've done missions like this before with the old Kurū force plus I have a bit of information provided by the library."

"This military has two classes, the guardsmen and the knights. Posing as a guardsman should be simple since they serve the police force and protect the city so knocking one out then taking their uniforms shouldn't be much of an issue. Plus they are poorly trained compared to the knights, so a simple Genjustu, lullaby powder, or even a bind should do the trick in capturing one for their uniform. Plus if they are alive we could interrogate them into giving us the location to where these weapons are."
Maru looked at Miro, rubbing his chin as he continued to explain. "Slim and my son could be the ones in the guardsmen uniform but Miro will be taken in by our fake Guardsmen as their prisoner so it'll be easier to get all three of you inside. I'll be hanging around outside so I could provide you guys with an escape if the shit hits the fan plus warn you guys through your headset if their enemy guardsmen incoming and even watch you guys with my crystal eye Ninjustu heck even locate the goods. If you need an escape, click your headset and say 'I think this is a big misunderstanding.' That's when I try to draw all the attention towards me by making me seem like a big ass monster that wondered in to destroy the place."

Gesturing his hand to himself, he began to explain how he'd be able to draw the attention towards him. "I have an aura of dread that could spread from miles plus I have the power of an Elemental Sage so I could cause a natural disaster to happen that would sure as hell get everyone's attention, while I rampage you guys can escape since I get all the attention." of course this plan didn't come without flaws but he was the most loudest in the group so bringing the noise the provide a distraction was best for him. The question was what are the talents did the squad have. "Think our jobs should fit our talent's, I'm great at bringing the noise and getting noticed through my aura of fear. I know Miro is good at throwing a Kunai so her bringing some lullaby powder to throw in people's faces is good. We know that the Guardsmen are poorly trained individuals who rely on their fighting spirits and strength in numbers while the knights are well trained individuals who probably have this chakra absorbing weapon on them at all times. Though what I know about them comes from the library so I don't know if it's outdated or not but we at least know something.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune listened to all their concerns, questions, and ideas. ”Dimiterium is a somewhat rare substance, and due to its nature not very researched. At least not by shinobi.” she said ”However, I have been in the vicinity of objects wrought from it, and just being near them causes a sort of sapping effect, reducing your control over chakra, and essentially causing interference with any jutsu you might try to cast.” she explained, remembering the throne the Shogun sat upon back when she was last in that hall, ”It won’t store the chakra unless directly struck by it. So it’s a two-fold effect you’ll have to watch out for.”

Saki suggested trading for the weapons and whatnot ”Ideally, you’d get in, get the prize, and get out, without being spotted.” she said, letting her eyes gaze across the participants, lingering on Kazuya for a second longer than the rest ”So in other words, do not interact with them, as it could compromise the entire mission. You can’t let them find out that you’re there.” and upon giving that instruction, she looked to Kazuya before speaking again ”It’s not a bad plan, but it is one that would put chakra users in a bad light. Remember, we’re doing this to save chakra users across the country, not rile people up against us.”

”I do agree with Maru-kun in his distraction tactic. So keeping in mind the ones obtaining the equipment can’t be seen, Maru-kun could cause a big distraction to draw their attention away from the storehouses.”
she reasoned, ”Now then. The mission leader, will be Maru-kun. So if things don’t go as expected, he dictates how to proceed. I have high expectations for you all. Dismissed!” she finished, sending them on their way out into the countryside to perform the tasks given to them.

[MFT; WC: 302]
[And mission is a go! You don't have to leave at the gates, seeing as it's within the country. I'll be putting the initial mission post up soon-ish.]

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
There were nearly as many ideas of how to go about this particular mission as there were people in the room. Notably, and quite positively to Saki's mind, one of the ANBU trainees remained mostly silent through the majority of the meeting. Saki rather appreciated that. It seemed to him that the art of remaining quiet and appreciating silence was lost on the majority of people, but then again, he had never been one for people in general. Loudness seemed to drain the energy right out of him, and as such, he grew to enjoy the company of quiet individuals. Perhaps, despite the probable age difference between the two of them, Saki could learn to enjoy his/her company.

Along a similar line of thought, Saki very much disliked noisy, flippant people who put more thought into the fact that they wanted to be heard rather than the quality of the words that they spoke. Some people just love to hear the sound of their own voice, he decided in his own mind, and had made a point to avoid such people wherever possible. Unfortunately, it would seem that there would be no such luck for this particular mission. And yet, despite this, Saki could not help but recognize the benefit that having these different people in the party could have, especially in the planning stage. It is always important to have a different point of view than your own, otherwise, things become stale, one-dimensional, and prone to failure with no plan B. And, in addition to this, Saki could see that there were far more experienced shinobi in the room than he. Such is the life of a shinobi; no matter how skilled you are, there is always someone younger, someone better. As much as he hated to admit it, he couldn't help but face the realism that he was in the presence not only of a Kage, but also of someone simply objectively better than he, in the form of an obnoxious, loud-mouthed pervert. Saki inhaled slowly, closing his eyes, holding his breath, letting the annoyance pass from him before he decided once more that it was time to speak once they had been fully briefed and dismissed.

"I would prefer you call me by my actual name, Maru," Saki scolded. "But your plan is good. I have some concerns, but we can talk about that on our way to the village." He turned to the Raikage and bowed his head. "We will make you proud, Miss 11th."

Saki raised his head, rose from the table, moved to hold the door open for the others, and follow them out and into the country.

[Topic Left with the others]

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Folding her arms below her chest Mirō scowled at the plans that were being made. First the other Anbu operative. Engaging the cultist would effortlessly get the team discovered and apprehended. There was too much to the plan and it didn’t take into account the more experienced ninja such as Maru. Mirō shuddered at the clear memory of his demonic aura suppressing her down to a crawl. It had been a few years since she had encountered him ever since the Academy. Growing exponentially since then Mirō shifted her body to look back at Maru. Sensing the presence of multiple spirits those gold eyes would’ve never believed how many accompanied him if she didn’t see it for herself. Eccentric nonetheless Maru snapped his fingers and the spirits obeyed. The demons energy didn’t sit well in her stomach.

His planned had been pieced together quite nicely. Each pieced fit the puzzle however even Mirō could poke a few holes in the scheme. Gaining entry would prove easy for the Anbu ninja and Maru based on knowledge of specific Anbu jutsu and prior training with Maru. Yet the path to disguises and appearing neutral in plain sight would accommodate for the lack of knowledge on teammates and the unpredictability of the cultists. “Tch.” Sucking her teeth Mirō loathed the idea of her being a prisoner again, even if it was just a facade. The memories continued to haunt her to this day and reliving them pained her. Biting her tongue Mirō knew if that was the plan she couldn’t stray away from it. Following her superiors orders even in good light.

The next factor they had to encounter was removing the chakra sapping objects without damaging themselves. Mirō herself had no way of carrying them, not even with her arsenal of jutsu. It would be up to the experienced patrons to come up with the idea. Gold hues traced over the demons. Catching the idea of a summon or pet to store the tools on or even carry them to safety. Assessing the remainder of the information Mirō’s attention turned back towards her Sensei. She figured Maru was going to lead the team solely based off experience. It would’ve been her choice as well, unfortunately.

That being said the Raikage's words resonated within Mirō’s chest. ‘High expectations for us all. Slowly a smirk emerged on her lips behind her plain mask. Hiding her true emotions not only did her Sensei have high expectations for her, Mirō planned to break the barrier of expectations and fly further beyond. This being her very first mission it even happened to be S-Rank. Her Sensei put a lot of faith into each individual and she wished to uphold it as such. Glancing back at the other experienced shinobi with glasses he bowed and turned out and away leaving the office. Mirō paused momentarily, facing her Sensei those gold hues opened up to peer into those vivid purple hues. Tilting her head down as if to nod in acceptance Mirō understood the severity of the mission, she didn’t want to lose focus. Rising from her seat Mirō escorted herself out the doorway. Standing before the massive stairwell down Mirō turned her torso towards the slender shinobi. “I must gather one more piece of equipment for our mission. I’ll rendezvous with everyone at the meeting point to further analyze our plans.” Without another word a hand was brought to her chest performing a quick singe-hand seal. “I’ll have more questions for our team when I arrive.” Her tone serious yet collective. With a puff of smoke Mirō vanished into thin air caused by a seal hidden away in her vest.

[Topic Left.]
[WC: 612]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank

Well isn't this wonderful, his suggestion of being the distraction was actually supported by the mistress herself! He could totally pass off as a monster instead of a cloud shinobi, mostly due to him being more so close with the contract world than the human realm and he didn't mind one bit about being the destructive demon that he was. He could hear a little distaste from Miro about being a prisoner but looking at it from a real life prospective it would make sense. These people are merely peasants with fancy armor so he doubted that it would be believable if two poorly trained guardsmen walked in with Slim given that he would most likely be able to overpower a couple of brats with no chakra not to mention his son probably couldn't stay in character. Miro would be a perfect victim in this case since she was a child and he could see a little untrained girl being bested by two guardsmen… While Maru was merely putting things into perspective, things change when he found himself the leader of the group.. at times like these he forgets that he was actually a jounin but while Maru was starting to come to the realization that he was responsible for human shinobi that couldn't just be sacrificed his youkai seemed happy with lady 11th's choice of making their commander the team leader. "Excellent choice Mistress 11th, you won't regret choosing our Supreme Commander for he's more than capable than leading a group of humans!" Oof encouraged bowing deeply while LOUD floating at Maru's side clapsed her hands together. "We'll get some equipment for the group, headsets seem like a must in this mission."

Maru scratched his head wondering what the two were so excited about then looking at Cold-Blooded who didn't say anything nor was she excited as the younger youkai were. Though the two younger youkai had been excited, Slim being the most experienced beside himself scolded him for giving him a nickname which caused Maru and his three supernatural companions to all turn their attention towards him. Slim liked his plan, had a few problems with it so he would be asking some questions about their plan when they went on for the mission. After Slim left, Scarfaced Miro went after being dismissed too puffing in to a cloud of smoke leaving only him and his adoptive son behind. Maru made a finger gun towards Mistress 11th, he decided to say his goodbyes. "Don't worry I'll try to bring them all back alive, don't miss me too much kay? he joked, heading out the way he came. "And monkey boy, don't chimp out on this mission okay. We know how wild you can get when there's a fight." he said then with that him and his group of spirits left laughing as they went down the stairs. Plotting and planning for this big heist mission that they were allowed to do legally under the Raikage's orders.

[Maru and friends left the topic]

Kujo Kazuya

Jan 30, 2018
OOC Rank

As Kazuya's father put his opinion on the plan, Kazuya simply nodded and said, "Alright we will put a stop on my plan and go with what orders we get." after that mistress Kitsune, said that in this mission they don't have to make any contact with those peoples from church or anything, but just have to infiltrate and get the weapons. Kazuya silently sat and hear them talking, only agreeing to these conditions.

As mistress Kitsune, said that she has high expectations to us, Kazuya nodded and said, "I will not let you down mistress." after saying that Kazuya simply started observing, as Maru turned towards Kazuya saying that he doesn't have to chimp out on this mission because of an encounter with fight, as Kazuya nodded and said, "Okay, father I will not go crazy when I encounter a fight."

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
