Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private A new squad emerges! (Kurayami and Neko)


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire would be standing in Toraono Dojo as she had few minutes earlier, gave letters in person to the two people whom she wished to meet with her today. Of course, they won't be able to get much word in as she would run off at inhuman speeds as soon as they were given a letter. She would now wait until the two of them would arrive.

She was honestly excited to see their capabilities in how they conduct themselves. She personally knows one, but both her and the other one knows that training under her will be hell. Sumire of course can't have favorites, so she will see how far her sister can go. She would merely stretch her body out and do a few exercises to get the blood pumping while she waited for the two to arrive.

Hello! Please meet me at Toraono Dojo at earliest convenience!

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Clenching onto the gems of her own creation, the young Kunoichi would place them in her various pockets and pouches across her body. She knew how to compensate for her shortcomings and with enough planning, she was capable of anything.

Stepping out of the Chikamatsu Complex, Kurayami would dust off her skirt before making her way to the Toraono Dojo where she was summoned by someone. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was being summoned but regardless of what they wanted, if this Sumire was calling Kurayami to the Dojo it was most likely for something that would waste her time.

Letting out a sigh she would step into the dojo and her eyes would land on the woman who had given her the letter.

“What do you need? This better not be a waste of my time. Chikamatsu Kurayami reporting for duty. Genin of the Main Branch and member of the Noble Chikamatsu Clan.”

She looked around for a moment, realizing she was the first to arrive. Well, hopefully the only to arrive. Kurayami wasn’t one for group projects, the uncertainties that came with the other members of the Sunagakure Shinobi Force caused her to have a headache, especially when she is forced to work with those that don’t follow her comman well. She was after all the brightest Kunoichi of her class and probably still carried the most intelligence amongst all of the Genjn. She wouldn’t doubt that she was even better at being a Kunoichi than many of the Chūnin and Jōnin in this village, she was after all talented.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko was anything but expecting to wake up to a letter from her sister. Especially seeming they lived in the same house. "This.. could've just been said" she mumbled to herself grumbling. "Wait.." as she read the letter she realized the full detail of what it might mean. Her eyes would shoot wide as she was immediately hit with excitement. Knowing no one would here, she squeezed and kicked, "yes! Oh I hope I'm right!" She jumped up and started getting ready for the day.

It was actually rather easy as she only owned one outfit in multiple sets, something her sister was constantly trying to change. She grabbed her things and made her way out quickly toward the dojo, hoping that this was only a formality because she was right. If she was, she'd been selected to be on her sister's squad meaning most missions unrelated to her focused branch she'd be doing alongside Sumire. She was so excited at the concept she nearly was caught in public with a huge smile. She of course collected herself to avoid such a thing, she needed to keep up appearances after all.

As she arrived she was stretching, in an attempt to be as nonchalant as possible. "Hey sis, what was so important I had to come to the dojo? Not exactly how the morning normally goes." Even though she was playing it cool, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but pull upward into a smile, her eyes full of excited hope. She knew, in this moment she was right, all she needed was for Sumire to say it. "Who else is coming anyone?" Her eyes turned and so did her face at the sight of Kurayami.


[WC 286]


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire would watch as the girl known as Kurayami was the first one to enter the dojo. She has a little bit of an attitude, but Sumire won't mind that one bit. She has dealt with plenty of problem children, so what's one more? She isn't one to judge. "This will be a test to see how well you work in a team. Because even the smartest, or the strongest person, will need to learn that they can't do everything."

Neko would arrive shortly after and ask what they were doing here and if anyone else is coming. She would shake her head and say, "Tanatsu Neko. Chikamatsu Kurayami. My name is Kimiko Sumire, Jounin of the Main branch. And right now you both are going to be in my squad!"

She would pause before continuing on. "Now for me to properly gauge how comfortable you both can fight along with how to best utilize your skills in a team setting, you both will fight me." There would be a kerchunk as the sound of a door locking would echo. Sumire would rub the back of her neck and laugh, "I may have rented out the Dojo just so that we can have no distractions. But if you want to leave." She would produce a key for them to see before pocketing it. "Your goal is simple. You both must work together to either beat me or take away the key. And if you succeed, then I'll buy ice cream for both of you!"

She would hesitate, to let them process the information, "So. How about it. Are you two ready?" She said, getting into a fighting stance.

(don't worry, it's not gonna be a bmod, just an rp battle)

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Kurayami would chuckle to herself looking over to Neko, it had been some time since she last saw the street rat. An arrogant grin came over her face as she looked back the Jōnin before them.

“Beat you or take the key? Easy enough if you ask me. Take the key it is.”

Kurayami would pull out various colored gems from her pockets, holding them between her fingers as if to display them. Her eyes would navigate around the room quickly, picking up all the information that she could about their sparring match that was about to unfold.

Glints of light would be seen in each of the gems as Kurayami would place the faintest trace of her own chakra into them to cause them to begin to activate. Crossing her arms and launching the gems seemingly randomly across the entirety of the battlefield she would drop low and mutter a single word.


As if replicating the technique from the Nara Bloodline, Kurayami would perform the Fire Style: Encroaching Shadows Jutsu. With this technique the four gems closest to the corners would shatter causing the room to lose all of its light.

She would grin as she entered her preferred method of combat, her Shadow Tactics Style. She simply needed to get Sumire close enough to the correct gems and her body would become paralyzed.

“I assume you can see in the dark kitty cat.”

The grin would switch to a smile. Between her Nara Strategist mind provided simple explosive gems and her shadowy mines of Fire Style: Shadowed Crystal Sealed - Mythical Phoenix Fireball Jutsu she felt incredibly confident that this key would be hers in no time at all.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
There was an audible groan when the word kitty left her mouth. 'Here we go again.. I cannot stand..' she was already annoyed, but she knew they needed to work together on this moment. She focused and started to get her hands moving, throwing up three genjutsu's back to back. If they took, it would be one hell of a combination: one kinetic, one audible, one will.

Her hands would move and she would let out a piercing scream, it shredding the darkness and shifting the tone of battle with it. Next her hands would continue and she would smile as she released Paranoia into the air, shadows now moving into the dark around them forming shapes and moving to catch attention. Lastly she let out a series of hand signs that sent the a flow of pain to Sumire, it felt as if someone shattered the bones in her dominant arm as the crippling effect took hold.

Her goal was simple. Make it impossible for her to hold the key, or block a shot. If they all landed it would be great, if not she was prepared to close the distance and start helping Kurayami make the effort.

"Of course hot stuff, can you though? Would hate for that face to catch an elbow by mistake."


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire couldn't help but smile. Even though it seemed that the two share a history, they seem willing to work together. The light of the area was snuffed out, but that didn't really matter to Sumire. She would activate her gates, five through seven to be able to capitalize on speed and strength along with will power of the mind. But she won't stop there. A turquois aura would envelope Sumire, giving slight light to the area along with feeling the power coming from her. However, it seems that they both were able to steel themselves for the fight.

Neko would scream and Sumire would wince in pain, unknowing to her that her healing factor was locked out. But despite the girl's best efforts to cripple Sumire, she would be unaffected by the other two genjutsus that Neko would try to place on her. Sumire would let her spirit flow to her fists as they would have her spiritual aura around them before she would rush towards the other two girls and unleash an attack that would target them both, hitting Kurayami and brushing past Neko, still hitting her, but not as hard.

Sumire would jump back and give the two girls time to breathe and strategize between the two, patting down where she put the key to make sure that it was still there, which it was. "You two better save that type of sass for me. If you don't cooperate with each other, then you both will only get in each other's way."

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
”Of course I can, it’s my-“

Her breath was knocked out of her from the blow as her body was sent tumbling backwards head over heels a few times before landing on the ground. She was not built to be a Kunoichi, she knew this. Her teachers in the academy told her this, the members of her clan reminded her of this, yet she would prove them all wrong. Coughing heavily and letting out a gasp to regain the air and composure of her lungs the young girl would staggeredly get to her feet.

A larger gem, pitch black in color, would be taken from her pouch, unlike a coin that could fit in between her fingers, this one was the spherical shape the size of a shuriken.

”You heard her, get out of my fucking way!“

As she spoke she slammed her hands together on the gem. The room itself began to darken even more as heat escaped from Kurayami’s hands so quickly it sounded as though screams of anguish were held within the crystallized chamber. Spectral forms of demons and spirits made of black ichor would launch forward.

”Fire Style: Underworld Prison!“

If this jutsu would strike their new sensei, the devils themselves would bite down on her flesh, sucking the chakra from her body, preventing her from moving. This was the strongest jutsu that Kurayami had prepared for the day, and she felt confident that she could succeed without the help from that Neko. She had to prove she was strong enough to be a Kunoichi herself.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
She was pulling her punches, Neko was sent into a furry at the concept that her sister was refusing to actually hit her. She watched as Kurayami flew back and staggered, then heard her bark about being in her way. Neko snapped in that moment, deciding that what better place to learn the lesson than here.

She backed off and dropped her genjutsu, putting distance between herself and the fight. Kurayami wanted to prove herself, shed let her. She'd be here to support and only support, she figured either she realized she needed help or she got what she was after. But either way Neko wasn't about to get barked at for doing her job.

"All yours" Neko announced, her hand signs moved as she through out a few genjutsu to try and make a better result for Kurayami. She might be mad, but she wasn't about to get a lecture about team work. The first she threw up was false success on her sister, hoping that it would allow for an opening to form, the second was arguably more important, silly fingers. She hoped this would make her sister a little more likely to drop the item they were after.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Okay, so maybe Sumire may have gotten a little overboard with that one attack. However, at least she got a reaction out of them. If only... Kurayami would actually apply herself as a teammate rather than trying to take the lead by herself on the situation.

She would sigh as she would effortlessly dodge out of the way as shadowy demons and spirits launch themselves at her relentlessly only to miss their mark. She seen Neko out at the corner of her eyes doing something, and felt like her mind might be a little sluggish, but that didn't stop the Jounin to close the distance on Kurayami and slide behind her, forming hand seals. In an instant, three more Sumire's popped into existence and one of the four will grab Kurayami from behind and push her to the ground, pinning one arm behind the back, kneeling on it to keep it there, the other hand held up and out of reach from the girl's pocket.

"You know. You shouldn't try to handle things all by yourself. As a team, it is important to take into consideration of what your teammates can do and how to apply them to your plans rather than leaving them out and in the dark of what you're trying to do. Because of this, you have put yourself into a position where you are now forced to depend on your teammate who you know little of how they operate. For all you know, you have put Neko in a disadvantageous position by telling her to get out of your way in a manner of speaking that she is more of a nuisance of being here rather than helpful."

One of the Sumire's would then look at Neko. Neko could tell that Sumire was also disappointed in her as well. "Neko. As my sister, you know well of how I operate and how I fight. In a team setting, if you have information on your opponent, it is vital for you to share that information so that your teammates know how to properly tackle a situation. But now, you yourself are now faced with this situation. Try your hand at fighting me, and risk it being a clone, or help Kurayami here, who is now basically restrained."

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Kurayami would wince in pain but an arrogant smile remained. Looking back at the woman who was lecturing her, the young girl would move her jaw around slightly, as if dislodging something in her mouth. Pulling her lips back into a smile a small gem could be seen glinting between her teeth. With all of her might the young girl would bite down on the gem causing it to crush into chakra.

"Don't you underestimate me! I always have a plan!"

As she spoke the girl's body began to glow before quickly detonating as a bomb itself. A Body Switch technique would be used to swap with one of her armed Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu crystals to cause it to trigger in her wake. The radius of the explosion reached out a few meters and the concussive wave push much of the set gems away from the location.

The sound of a body thumping against the ground behind Neko could be heard as the young Kurayami's physical strength was beginning to fail. She tossed a small gem at Neko before snapping. The gem itself began to pulse a little bit.

"Punch her in the face with that won't you? I am tired of her trying to tell me what to do."

The gem in question held a weaker version of her demonic summoning, it was a technique which would bind a target still if it made contact with their shadow, like a Shadow Possession Jutsu of sorts. The arrogant child would never admit she needed help, as that would mean she wasn't strong enough to take of herself.


Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko sprung, instantly jumping into motion. She didn't need to hear anything twice, and with the combined word of her sister and friend now she was acting. Neko wasn't a puncher, in fact she was distinctly far from it. However in that moment she new what to do. She threw the crystal in a flurry of silver, her kunai hiding which was the exact problem. Similarly to how they would use bells to trick opponents when they were in the academy. She knew however that was too simple it was not about that, it was about the bluff.

Neko's true form popping out from the droplets of blood now pooled at Sumire's feet, gathering this entire fight. Her fist flashing upward with the actual crystal in hand. Sumire was left with a simple option, either she could dodge the volley of kunai and be hit by the crystal, or the opposite. Neko might not have known theplan in this moment, but she knew enough to trust her teammate's decision making.


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
Sumire had to admit, she was surprised. An explosion hit her full force and blew her back a couple of meters, but otherwise, the Jounin was unharmed. She would look towards Kurayami and Neko as the Nara girl handed something off to Neko.

Her eyes caught the glint of silver coming her way, she was about to move when she seen another glint from a crystal coming from below her. She would give a soft smile as she realized what was happening. In this situation, she could very well get out of this situation easily. But today isn't about her, but rather how these two girls can work together. And even if Kurayami seems to be a little bit more on the hard headed side, she at least is learning to rely on other people. The volley of Kunai would hit the Jounin's body, most of which would bounce off. As for the Crystal that Neko was holding to punch Sumire, it made impact with Sumire as broke easily. Neko would realize that Sumire's physical power is nearly unreal as she felt the impact as if she was punching a wall of steel.

The jutsu in the crystal was released and bound Sumire. At least, that's what it looks like. Sumire would give them a beaming smile and clap excitedly. "Good job you two! I knew you would be able to do it, as long as you both decided to work together." Moving rather easily she would tear off the shadowy threads that sought to hinder her movements and toss Neko the key.

"You both will need to remember this. You can't fight a strong enemy alone, and sometimes your wits and fast thinking won't be enough. You will need to rely on your teammates for strong opponents like that. But enough of that! You two did good and I mean to keep my promise of buying you both ice cream!"

Yotta Ryusui

New Member
Feb 20, 2021
OOC Rank
Kurayami's eyes would grow wide as Sumire would easily rip through her shadows as if they were made of wet tissues. Staggering to stand on her feet in a more balanced and non-confrontational manner she would raise an eyebrow and point at Sumire. The veil of shadows would slowly dissipate revealing a scattering of crystals across the floor, no less than twenty booby traps were set up and waiting for Sumire to step on them.

"She may not be able to without help, but I certainly can."

She would look away smugly, ignoring the fact that she was useless against Sumire and that most of the leg work was done by Neko. Crossing her arms and getting huffy she would continue.

"I mean if you look around I would have won eventually. It's not like I needed to rely on anyone for the help."

She would begin to walk around picking up her crystals, deactivating them until later. As she looked away she would smile, a Jounin had acknowledged her for the first time. She was only going to get stronger from here until she could do it all.

Tanatsu Neko

New Member
Oct 25, 2023
OOC Rank
Neko simply offered a nod, she was still caught up in the moment of it all and a little lost in thought. She had been so focused on sending her mind three steps ahead, coming back to reality was a bit much for her in this moment.

"Right, Ice cream it is then.." She said letting out a sigh and stabilizing her mind. "You didn't need to," she said looking toward Kurayami, "but learning to trust me and work with me will probably help us in the future right?" she laughed lightly. "Not that I expected you to do so already."

She smiled in thought as she looked back to her sister, "Lead the way then, I know you got enough for extra cherries too so."


Jan 27, 2021
OOC Rank
She would look at the two new squadmates. They were both rough around the edges, but with some polishing, they could go far. Frowning on what Kurayami would say about being cocky and how she would have eventually won without any help.

A sigh and Sumire shake her head and say, "That way of thinking could end up being your hubris." She would leave out that of course she was going easy on them, how she could have easily destroyed the girl's traps with an earthquake like punch, but she figured that a) all the traps going off could end up hurting both Kurayami and Neko, and b) sometimes people will need to learn the harsh truth of things.

Sumire would smile and nod to the girls when Neko had mentioned wanting extra cherries on her ice cream. "Okay, what about you Kurayami? You've gotta have a preference on your ice cream."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
