Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private A promise kept. Kureji

Nao, a lean, wiry man with eyes like gems, wasn't known for fighting. Yes, he held the gates a time or two, but nothing too much out of the ordinary. He had accepted a duel from someone who had come to the gates. Now, he was sitting on the crumbling edge of a ruined building, Nao stretched his limbs, the pre-dawn wind whipping through his shinobi clothing. The vast crater was dust-choked. Not a single hiding spot was left after they had cleared all the rubble. This place.. Had a giant boom. The silence was broken by only the distant groan of the city's infrastructure. He felt a familiar calm settle over him, a calmness born from years spent fighting for survival. Maybe this place became a little symbolic for the dragon. Everything can start from a crumbled place again.

Once more he started to wait for his friend to show up. "I wonder..." He would mutter as he took one final stretch, standing up from the little wall that was all left over.

OOC; Chronological, this is for me after the mission you were in and they just found a cure.
Genetics is weird. Kureji had taken the brunt of that explosion, which happened to have some of his chakra mixed in and messed up his dna a little bit. Okay, maybe a lot of bit, Cerberus, whom was his doggy brother, now thinks of him as a stranger, which really hurt Kureji to think about. Kyoki has been silent for some time after the whole event that took place in Crater City earlier. For the first time in a long time, Kureji was alone. Chakra had changed him yet again, making his skin and hair darker, but he still had the buff type of physique and the same height.

Kureji would get the summons from Nao, as a fight would take place, in fact... Here in Crater City? The crazed rocker would raise his eyebrows, but he would answer the call. His chakra and all that is still new to him, so he'll probably have to improvise as he goes. Walking up to the other man he would say, "You sure it is a good idea for us to fight this close to the City? I tend to get carried away. And after the explosion, something in me has changed, I don't know just yet."

He would pause as he would look out into the horizon. "Before we begin, however, I ask to take up a little bit more of your time, and if allow me, to show you the kind of person I really am. I will briefly put you under a genjutsu to show you my own history to what has brought me to your doorstep. If not, then I will just explain it." He will leave the decision up to Nao, of course, he expected Nao to decline being put under a genjutsu willingly by a mere stranger. But who knows?
Time started to go by before the man slowly came. Hearing about the location, Nao couldn't help but smile. "The city has been vacant for this side of the time, given the fact we already need to do major renovations here... I ought to say why not? And... Yea, you indeed got carried away. Did you know... A small crater only costs 10 to 15 thousand yen. Imagine this size..? Talking about that... Since you are correct that you did get carried away and make something like this... I will set something in stone. You are to pay half of the expenses... If you fail to do that within a year, I will put a bounty on your head, bring it back alive and I will make sure you work that debt off." His tune had something of innocent playfully, but his smile said; don't toy around I am serious. "Before you ask... This is around 10x the size of that. The whole black market was blown up."

There was a question about whether he was allowed to show him something before they would begin. Nao knew his skillset... So he knew he would probably, maybe, figure out if was a genjutsu even after. But still, he weighed the odds and the other part of it. But nodded. "Alright if you wish to show me, then I will be open to such a thing." He would also make a mental note about this, that this was only one-sided unless he was present at that given time.
Kureji listened to what Nao had to say about the crater that he had made and the costs. Het scratched the back of his neck, well, guess the consequences of his actions are finally coming around. Though... He did note a hint of a threat in the Sennin's voice... Wait a minute... This is Kureji's first threat!!! Such a milestone for a missing ninja at last! Maybe he should celebrate after this. But he kept his short attention span focused on Nao as he gave Kureji permission to use a genjutsu on him.

The insane rocker nodded, "Before I begin, I should be more forward with you. My name isn't Kota. Well... It was until I started my own ninja career." With that said, he would make the hand seals well known as the genjutsu false surroundings, to show an illusion of what Kureji wanted to show Nao. Suddenly, they were in a house, a young man about the age of eighteen was in his room, minding his own business. "This is me, before I became a ninja. Kota. Another lifetime." There was something about the place that would hint to Nao that this was in the Sand Village, but as the scene focused around past Kota, distortions would fill the room. The image of the illusion would flicker in and out, and when it finally settled, would show that Kureji's/Kota's whole family driven mad and insane. Even as an illusion, Nao would be able to feel the Void, something that can wreak havoc on a ninja's mind, but far worst to that of people who can't mold and use chakra.

As for Kota? He sat in a corner, saying one word over and over again. Kureji. The word meaning crazy. Over and over and over again. Sand ninja would come and take him to an insane asylum. "My name since has been Kureji. The original plan was to keep me in the asylum and help me with my own mental problems of having a close call with the void. However, Sand ninja had different plans for me. They saw an opportunity that I was the only one with a stable enough mind, to try and recruit into the ranks of Sand." He scoffed at the thought. The illusion changed to Kureji being adopted by a man, no, demon called Mirokou Akkuma. At first, Kureji would seem to be almost the perfect son that Akkuma has had, given with how messed up Kureji's mind is, his own morals are easily influenced by others.

Fast forward, night time, and Kureji stood at the Primus Bulwark gate. Unlike most missing attempts in which people either go out in a blaze of glory, fighting off other ninja to no longer be tied down to a Village, or going on a killing spree to send a message while leaving, Kureji just left. Planned it out so that nobody would even get hurt. "Yes, the man standing before you is a missing ninja. At the time, I left Sand for the reason being because I was bored of the place. But as I went out to see the world and met people, my thoughts turned from wanting to live an exciting life to having my own sense of duty." The illusion then showed the two friends that he had made while he was out exploring the world, though their faces were blurred out and voices distorted as he wanted to protect them in case Nao had an idea to send a search party out for his two friends. "Together, we made the rock band, the Devil's Advocates. Music reaches the soul more often than one might think, and rock music in particular is best known for the kind of free sense that it gives people. To just let it all out." He smiled as he said that music is his life.

"But as I met with the others, I learned more about the other major Villages. But none in the good way. Cloud, much like Sand, didn't care much for the small things or such as the health of someone having asthma, as they were forced into being a ninja. And while I was out, I met another individual, one that I have since grew wary of, but he had also given me information about some of the wrongdoings that Leaf itself had done. I don't know all the details other than some Leaf Shinobi had killed some kids. Shortly after I met that person that gave me that information, we agreed on a deal. However what he failed to mention was that deal was to use me and my mates for his own personal gain outside of what was already discussed."

The illusion changed once more, this time, they were on a pirate ship. "I made my way back to Sand, to talk to my father, excited to tell him of our new allies, but also telling him that I didn't like a certain individual that I met on my journeys. It was then after that, that he put me into stasis, frozen in time." Again, the illusion changed, this time showed a very angry Kureji killing scientists that were at the lab that held him. "Years after that, I finally got out of the stasis, and once I had calmed down, I had plenty of time to think. Think about what I was told about Leaf and Cloud. What I personally experienced in Sand. And then there is my father." He said father through gritted teeth, "Back then, I thought I knew my purpose, to just live freely. But then after I had thought about that, I began to realize my actual purpose. To tear away the toxic system."

The genjutsu ended and they were back in Crater City. "So there you have it. You can call me a traitor of Sand for leaving them, you can tell me that I am the scum of the earth. But it won't change my own point of view of the world that has its own twisted system." He looked out at the speck of the crowd of people who are watching, wondering what's going to happen, if they are going to fight.

"All my life, people either steered clear of me or treated me with suspicion even though they knew nothing of me. All except my band mates. And you." He pointed at Nao. "You are different from the others as you didn't discriminate. Even as you threatened me to pay half of the costs or else I'll be in forced servitude; I heard no venom in your words."

"But know this, I am a free spirit. I already made my mind up. I know that I am at fault for things, but this is the path that I walk. If you see me as an enemy now because of it,"
He shrugged, "Then so be it. But killing me won't end the problems. As long as the system operates as it does now, then only time will tell before another Kureji appears, spewing similar things as me. I seek change. So tell me Sazuka Nao... What do you seek?"

Current Ninpocho Time:
