Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

A-rank Solo Self-modded Mission: Entries of the Cloud # 2


Well-Known Ninja
Mar 19, 2016
As Kiri continued his part-time work in the neighboring clinics, he was always on a watchful mode with any information as to the current problem he, Osu, Hoshi and Haji had uncovered underground in one of the outer villages. Strange as one may think, that to go searching for clues in the inner village when the problem was at the outer ring, Kiri thought it was somehow institutional. Still, the remarks on the incident was to keep the information amongst themselves and that whenever they did went off to gather information, they would have to do so in secrecy. It was difficult as he would have to rely on “passing” hearsay, if there was any. And so far, there was none. Most of the people’s concerns were about the changing climate and how they need to stack up for the coming winter months as some harvests will no longer be available.

But he would have to put that thought aside as he was on to the next clinic. This one, in particular, was the first clinic he worked for when he was just starting. He could remember the anxiety and panic in his movements whenever he came down for help. But a year has passed since then and he’d grown accustomed to the workings of a clinic. In fact, there was that one time when he was accidentally approached as if he were the doctor. Well, considering that he was no longer a babyfaced kid, he had grown taller and his built was sturdier, more muscle-toned, and his voice dropping slightly (thanks to the natural phenomenon called puberty), and his face growing more angular and his eyes sharper, he turned red when that incident occurred and even Dr. Yamaguchi laughed. Though, at the very least, the kind old doctor was appreciative of his efforts and approving of his current ability. He just needed more practice, more studies.

Arriving at the said clinic, he knocked at the sliding door and was greeted by a familiar old face. The kind old doctor was dashing as usual. Never mind that the man was nearing his nineties, he still sported the old Kumogakure hospital lab coat over his sweater. Kiri was glad, though, at the implication that the doctor finally agreed to be partnered with the hospital while being in this part of the village– the exact opposite side of the Aesculapium. Here, where the business sectors and the residential area met, it was likely that most of the sickly patients would simply rely on home remedy or over-the-counter goods. And most of the time, the kind old doctor would give them house-visits. But with the event in the previous year, when there was an unstable virus threatening to overtake the village, Kiri, Junko and Osu had to go and help. Luckily, they were able to quarantine and eradicate the virus before it spread far and wide. And it was there when Doctor Yamaguchi agreed that with the technology and assistance from the Aesculapium, that he could help many others. That and because he used to be one of the beloved resident doctors there.

But reminiscing was for another time. Kiri was on his job to deliver the requested medicines from the Aesculapium, as well as help with the patients. While there was no virus going around, the drastic change of weather this year (they were complaining that it was getting far too cold too fast than normal) had gotten most of the children sick. Some were quite worse with cardiopulmonary cases and had to be admitted to the hospital, but there were still those that remained in the clinic’s separate rooms for monitoring, though their cases were not severe enough to be brought to the hospital. That is to say, some of the parents weren’t so well off that they were sure they wouldn’t be able to handle the fees of the Aesculapium, so they begged the kind old doctor to let them stay there.

As for Kiri, the paediatrics had been one of his main interest in the hospital. Ever since that time Osu introduced him there, he was, more than ever, passionate to helping the children. Perhaps it was his inability to save that poor girl’s life back then. But it was also because he wanted the children to be free from the ailments, especially when he learned that specialising in jutsus could actually cure, treat them, and even prevent them. And as such, he was sent to facilitate the cooperation between the hospital and doctor Yamaguchi’s small clinic.

There were two cases of children in the clinic, and a couple more of adults. Doctor Yamaguchi was definitely thankful for Kiri’s assistance as he confessed that he needed to urgently address the adults as they were quickly weakening. At that, Kiri was left on his own at the room provided for the children. Inside, a volunteer nurse was updating the charts, while a guardian for each child was close by, making sure their children were calm. Kiri introduced himself to them before he read along the charts and made notes of the conditions for each kid. One had acute bronchitis, and the other was underway to pneumonia, it would seem. But as what the old doctor explained, the parents were too poor that even their accommodation and medicine usage at the moment was being given free of charge, that they could never afford to be transferred to the hospital at all. That was heartbreaking as the kids would have been in better care if they were, indeed, in a much better place with enough facilities and equipment. But it didn’t mean that all was lost.

Kiri nodded and then went to work. He would first examine the child that was underway to a pneumonia, and explained to the guardian as he would place some healing jutsu on the boy. He then began to list down herbal ingredients for the guardian to collect, mostly from the market, and some from the drug store. A combination of menthol and garlic, some onions, and then some more herbs to be brewed. He gave instructions on how to consume, and how to inhale the vapour, and which food could ease the throbbing in the chest. Hopefully, that along with the medicine being given by the clinic would work.

On to the second patient, Kiri was examining the child’s breathing. It was clearly a bad case and if the boy couldn’t recover quickly, he may end up dying. He had to make sure the guardian understood that. Just because the medicines may work, there was a threat of a relapse to happen. When that would happen, the prior medicine may end up backfiring or if applied again, would be useless. And since the body was still heavily recovering from the first treatment, a relapse could potentially spell more problems to his other organs. Or worse, a complete collapse of his entire body system. He did not mean to dampen their hopes, but more of to see what the reality was. Doctor Yamaguchi was a kind good old doctor, perhaps too kind to push them away, but that didn’t mean he worked miracles. And so, Kiri gave them a piece of paper and told them to head straight to the Aesculapium, and have the boy admitted. There should be hesitation when it comes to a child’s safety, and never think of hospitals as simply places for money. It may be true, it can be expensive, but first and foremost, Kumogakure’s hospital was an institution made to protect its citizens, and the children were the village’s future.

It took a good long while before Kiri could truly convince the guardian and when they finally agreed, he would tell the nurse that he would come to escort them to the hospital. It was better to get the boy there in a hurry than to further delay. Who knows? The wind might catch up and get even colder.

At that, he went over to check on Doctor Yamaguchi and told him of the scenarios with the children. It was agreed by both that the decision was right and urgent, so he left Kiri in-charge with the boy’s departure. The blonde made sure to give the doctor any other updates with the other child, and then more information on how to check-in on the boy he’ll be bringing to the Aesculapium now. And it didn’t take long before the nurse helped in the arrangements, and both guardian and boy were ready to move. Kiri gave his coat to the child, wrapping him gently and warmly, before lifting him up to carry him.

One last look to the guardian and nurse and he said, “I’ll go on ahead. It’ll be faster this way. Please follow suit. You have the map of the hospital and the paediatrics section listed. You won’t get lost, I promise.” Thus, he took off from the clinic, speedily running along the streets and the rooftops to get towards the hospital in a hurry. He should have used his brother’s power, even just a little bit, just to hasten himself further, but he didn’t want to disturb the chakra flow within the boy. It would be problematic.

Nonetheless, he ended the day with an approval from his resident supervisor in the Aesculapium, and while he didn’t mention it to the guardian, he would shoulder the bill… somehow. Perhaps working double shifts or… taking in more missions. It wasn’t easy to be a Good Samaritan, but it was never in his nature to abandon a patient. If there was anything he learned about himself through the years, it was that he could be ruthless if he needed to, but definitely stubborn to let anyone die if he could help it. That one bit reminded him of that encounter with Raku, when the latter told him that to choose his patients was also important, and that time when Osu told him that they could never really save every life they encountered, but still, despite the hurt he felt back then, Kiri was willing to try his best. He’ll hurt when it happens, but before that, he’ll have to try his damn best.

After finishing with whatever bureaucratic requirement that was needed with the hospital, he dropped by the clinic once more and gave Doctor Yamaguchi the notes on the boy’s new room in the hospital and the condition. The old man was glad that they made it in time, and was about to thank Kiri with a free meal. Sadly, the blonde had a full day and wanted nothing more than a good long rest before starting another tiring one. Thus, he bade the other farewell and left for his apartment. He was probably already regretting his impulsive action, thinking of how many months that’ll cost him of good food. Ah, but he could always just visit Osu’s apartment and maybe have dinner with them. That should.. do it.

WC: 1,835

Current Ninpocho Time:
