Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Recycling Lesson Forgetable(Requesting Kuro)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
(Ooc: Requesting Kuro or any of Kuro's npcs.)

Shoma had much to do, much to reflect upon as he retrieved the fallen men from the street. Despite his skill in the art of killing and the knowledge that he would need to do so, prying life from another wasn't easy on the soul. No matter the affliction on the society they caused, they still had a history, a story. As the swordsman pulls a wheel-barrel, he can't help be to look back at his work upon the five bandits. 'Their eyes remind me of the future they would not have, that children that would not be conceived, the laughs they would share among others. Yet, they had forced the hand of the swordsman, taking what was not their's, forcefully deflowering women, killing the defenseless, and threatening to do much of the same to his master. These men could have made better choices, could have corrected their ways and at the very least TRY for a life closer to decency, closer to honor. If only they had shown a willingness or even the want to... '<i></i>

The man stops his thought-train, for such things did not manner. A wheel-barrel with dead men, the identities of the men he had fallen, this is Shoma's punishment. He sets the tool down and steps away from the dead, setting him onto his knees. He then prays and bows in each Cardinal direct, in hopes that some god hears his prayer all the souls involved in the conflict that day. He only bares the pants and shoes of a peasant at this time, and in these rags he awaits someone to receive the bandits.

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Musical Theme:
from minute 3:33 to to 5:10

Sharingan Kuro walked up to Shoma as he came to inspect the area and pay his respects to the dead. The dead that were lost because he had failed them. It was his job when the Steward now Kazekage was unavailable to see to the people and having been so caught up in protecting what was close to him those that would have relied on him no longer did so because he KEPT FAILING TO PROTECT THEM. He stopped before Shoma as his golden tomoe ceased spinning from recording the area as he made plans for a monument to the family lost and gathered supplies with his brother in law's clan to put up walls around the village. He stepped before Master Samurai Shoma and gave him a brotherly hug before releasing him and summoning a black silk gi with matching soft sandwyrm leather sandals. "I understand your choice of clothing as penitence Master Shoma, but that simply will not do for one whom has aided the Sunan people where I have failed to do so. I wonder... Are you paying homage to the dead? Do you have rites to pass upon their souls or will you be handing their bodies over to me so that I may make an example of those whom harm Sunans?"<i></i>

Kuro passed Shoma the traditional clothing of morning that matched his own as sunset was looming on the horizon. It would soon be time to gather the villagers in the immediate area and proclaim his findings and exactly what he was going to do about it.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
The swordsman stands to his feet after his prayer. This leads him to discover the presence of the Sand Guardian. Shoma lifts his head to see him only to lower his gaze as one would in shame. Yet in that brief moment, he believe to have seen something different about the demon kin, aside from his attire. The lack of knowledge pertaining to the make-up of other-worldly beings is great for samurai of the Fire Country. As such, for Shoma and Ava, all that has been known to them until they came to this land is that demons are pure evil and that they feed on the flesh, spirit, and soul of humanity. Kuro has yet to show these traits however, behaving more like a man than monster. Perhaps this difference in perception is what has caused the swordsman to see a difference in Kuro.

The Guardian of the Sand embraces the swordsman in the manner of men, but it would not be returned in full but instead with a simple, single grasp of the upper arm. The tiger man speaks, and may hear a solem response. "I do pray for the well being of their souls, to any god that be willing to give some peace to there spirit, that might not be restless. This, and to account for my deed in claiming there lives. But here, I have no claim to them, neither body nor name, for wasn't their life enough? These are your lands, your people, your rights and rules. I accept your terms, but not as a master this day. My proof lay before you with the blood on their hands and on mine." <i></i>

The swordsman accept the gi and changes on the spot. The man is not so shy, for his at least wears basic underwear. After this, the Stone Shinobi once again addresses the other guardian, "I hope that you can forgive my actions should I seem cold. There is still much on my mind. Are we to expect others? I know Master Ava should be coming shortly." <i></i> Then he would stand next to the other-worldly being.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro stood up straight and spoke a now familiar litany. Since he and many upper echelon Clan members knew Mother Suna still existed and she was not benevolent, the prayers to the Queen of the Deserts had lost their fervor. So instead prayers to the ancestors and the old gods were becoming more common.
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
No answer is completely correct
No problem is ever truly solved
Love cannot stop pain or frustration
Faith cannot heal the rage of loss
Hard work is rewarded with more hard work

Yet I continue to pray for the strength to get through just a few more moments
I find friends in the unlikeliest places that love me as much or more than family
I have seen and endured things that should have made me quit or die
It is with those memories and experiences that I stand back up
I don’t have an option to quit or give up
I will push on till I am dust in the wind
Until then I will be the shelter that keeps the real monsters at bay
I will be the monster that keeps other monsters from truly harming all
I don’t want thanks
I don’t want pity
I just want my due
I don’t want prayers
I have not the endurance of the Gods
I am not so righteous
I have not the wisdom of the Forgotten
I am not so well versed
I have not the strength of Primus
Lord knows my strength is not from my blade
I have 2 hands, and the will my blood and training gave me
I only ask that they be enough to see me through when words fail me"

Kuro turned to Shoma after his own prayer was spoken in both gratitude for Shoma's acts and as a lesson. "Master Shoma, you are a man of depth, action, and great reflection but you don't have to look into the abyss. You are neither from it nor does it have any hold over you. Your actions were of honor and your honor will be upheld. Whatever you feel is best for their remains will be done. I will make whatever amends I can to the families that have suffered at the hands of these assailants. Also this very day I will begin building walls around the village. You are more than welcome to guard the villagers while others of us are away between the quarry and the forge making a strong wall."


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Ooc: I'll try not to get this behind again.]

Topic entered with npc: Masuda Ava
Her attire-

As the other-worldly being speaks, the Young Master of the Stone Shinobi approaches. As she hears some but not all, she struggles to understand just why a prayer, as it seems to be in her eyes, is so grim. Her guardian however, finds this creed very fitting, enlighten. And as such, it does ease his sorrow some to be reminded that this is the way of the warrior. He is reminded that to be a samurai, it is not success that is required, be an honest effort to maintain honor. Yes, hardship is just that, but he should think no less of himself, for he did more than some would.

Yet somehow they both wonder, however differently they might state it in their own mind, the origins of the colder message. It seems to them to contrast with the Toraono Dojo they beheld before. To Ava, 'The Toraono's and those in there house seem to hold much joy and have great prosperity. I wonder if this prayer is merely the prayer for the dead on such a sorrowful occasion.'To Shoma, though they seem to be a warrior tribe, he wonders 'Why does Kuro state his abandon of the road to forgiveness with fierceness. Has he been slighted? Does he too have guilt in his heart? Yes, he has told me the latter before.'

Built A Wall

The swordsman looks about the place and sees that his master had arrived some time during the prayer. He also would find Kuro speaking to him shortly there after. As he does, he defers to Shoma for the final say regarding the resting place of the Banditos... 5 of them anyway. Furthermore, Kuro offers Shoma a chance to aid the village. To this Shoma says, " I will aid however you see fit. Though, I still have a debt of knowledge to you and Master Azame. As for the felled one, if it is you law to make good out of their remains, so be it. I just request your word that neither Master Ava nor I most partake of their water... (Whispered to Kuro)They received they're thrill by shaming the fairer sex. If things had went another way, my Young Master...(whisper ended) They still had at least one other woman captive. But worry not, for I will handle it as best can."

The Young Master however, did grow more and more concerned for her guardian. But she would not pry for she thinks him capable, and because of this, she admires him. Instead, she decides to get to know the curious soul known as Kuro. "Guardian Kuro, something seems different about you. Are you well?"<i></i> Though she wishes to ask more about the creed he stated before, she did not wish to pry too deeply without building a rapport first, something she has been looking forward too oddly enough.

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro bowed to Lady Ava before using his demonic powers to visit the souls of the recently deceased in a quick flicker of essence he found which ones had the most taintupon their souls rather easily and set their corpses aside for the message that must be carried over to ALL PREDATORS OF WOMEN. RETRIBUTION WILL BE ATTAINED, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TOOK. NO ONE WHOM FORCED THEMSELVES UPON WOMEN OR HARMED WOMEN OUTSIDE OF HONORABLE ACCEPTED COMBAT OR THROUGH THE NECESSITIES OF KUNOICHI WOULD BE ALLOWED TO LIVE IN ONE PIECE. Kuro's smile stayed genuinely etched upon his face as he summoned 3 shadow servants to spirit away the worst of the offenders while the lesser offenders received burial rites with notes to have their hearts removed as was customary. The evil in their hearts would not be allowed to taint the waters to be reclaimed. "I am far more cynical than I was long before the terrorist attacks, my moods and manners have changed little but knowing the truth of matters has caused great change within me and my kin. I am blessed to be in your presence Lady Ava as it is calming and reminds me of my baby sister whom is so much smarter than me. You may get to train with her and my only warning is to never watch her feet, watch her hands. Do you have any questions about anything that is going on? I won't conceal any details that normal women would find unsightly. As a 'Lady of the blade' you will find the gruesome business side of combat far faster than a male simply because the darker-natured individuals will think you are weak and come after you only to be embarrassed then defeated if not killed by your skills."


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
As the demon calls forth what seem to be creatures of the night, it brings Shoma and Ava to a state of alertness at first. They watch and wait as they do what seems to be their master's bidding. During that time, the nerves of the swordsman begin to rise and hair would stand on end, unsure if these creatures are containable. Ava's fear too would be visible, as she takes refuge behind the master of the creatures of the night, and this action of her's Shoma would notice. They both would merely stand until the creatures finish their deed. Then the guardian known as Kuro speaks, directing his words to the new comer. Some of the words he shares could bring forward frowns of sorrow, other could bring forward a small chuckle, but she would not have words for him yet.

To both of the Fire Natives, the demon kin proves himself to be true in his intentions. Although the other-worldly being possesses frightening abilities beyond mortals, he displays his humanity. The Young Master takes slow steps in silence at first, before attempting to embrace him. To Shoma, this looks to be just the conquering of fear, that she may be fair in her views of him. To Ava, it is an attempt to push pass fear to soothe a man who is hurting. Perhaps a bond would be forming, for she is viewed in the likeness of one who kin to the tiger-man. Should nothing change be it from a hugging closeness, or protective distance, she gathers her thoughts to mold into words. "Thank you. For your compassion, and for your patience. I apologize for my rudeness in days before. You've have only served us as you have the rest of your people, as if we are equal to them. I am sorry that you bare so many burdens. I am sure that your loved ones, your siblings, wife, and kids, that look to you for protection, that they see you like it see Shoma, as a great protector. Though the strangeness of your capacities sometimes scare me, I believe you will not harm us, and that is all I need to know." <i></i>

If she were allowed before to hold onto the Sand guardian before, she would release him now. And though she would smile, the presence of a few tears could be seen, for she can feel that he does feel. She then goes on to express, "I place my confidence in your words. The actions of these men have shown me that there is no place for laziness. I shall do my best and show you and your clansmen the conviction of a Masuda." <i></i> To this Shoma merely lifts a brow and shows a smirks, for to him the Young Master up to this day, lacked much discipline. Although the sight thrills him, he wonders how she could maintain her zeal.

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akuma Kuro accepts Ava's hug with a leonine purr that might tickle her a little like a big cat rubbing his head and ear on her neck and shoulder. "My deepest thanks for your kind words and due diligence Lady Ava. I have a scroll with an emergency seal within it that would allow either of you to alert me if you were in danger. Normally I would simply offer a seal but I have found that my blood seals tend to have profound changes on people whom take the power I bless and curse them with. I would prefer to leave visiting royalty free of demonic inclinations and tarnished blood. As for your faith in me you will be rewarded a hundred fold, I will never allow anyone to harm a woman in my presence, sight, or hearing."<i></i> Kuro genuinely smiled from Ava's attempt to remove the callouses from his heart. Even his sisters wouldn't attempt that but it was a genuine moment that truly moved Kuro and made him susceptible to Lady Matsuda's plights, the heavens would cry for the beings that dared caused her harm in any way once Kuro found them. Shoma had far too much honor for the kind of vengeance Kuro would unleash for those he cares about but that was why Shoma was a good guardian and Kuro had gradually become a guardian and an avenger.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
As the two reassure each other, Shoma simply watches. The Masuda would clench on to the human-feline a little bit more and even giggle as he returns affection. Shoma thinks it good for them to bond and uplift each other. However, Shoma did not see himself capable of personal bonding beyond a certain degree, for it requires a... something that the bodyguard does not believe himself capable of. It is not his place to speak of what happens from here concerning the Young Master, therefore he merely watches.

The young one however smiles at the man-beast. She attempts to hold onto a hand of his as she ends her hug and take only a single, small step back from him. "Yes, I do not believe enhancers like THAT would suit me. So, you have siblings? I would like to meet them if the opportunity comes. Though, I can NOT say it would be a joy to combat anyone of your likeness. How big is you family? So far I only know of your sister,... Oh, and your brother we saw the other day... At least I thought that was him, unless he like yourself is trained in a way to have multiples?" The Young Master holds a sort of hope in her eyes as she speaks, but expresses confusion upon mentioning clones. The concept, in depth, is hard for her to grasp.

[Marked for training]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro grinned and sat down before Ava, "You would like my baby sister, Haizame... she is the smartest person in our immediate family and constantly befuddles Lady Azame and Grand Master Kaibudo. She mastered all of mother's techniques and jutsu by the time she was five years old completely surpassing me. She is also the only fully human child of Kaibudo unlike her elder siblings she truly took after mother. She also mastered all of her father((Kaibudo))'s unarmed taijutsu just before she turned six years old in under a year. Since then she has taken up the study of genjutsu and has yet to be beaten in a challenge except by me but I cheat. I have extra eyes and she does not. Master Shoma, I appreciate all of your help in rounding up the remains of these bandits. Though you decline their water I will see to it that their weapons are made pristine and placed at your disposal."<i></i>

ooc: Sorry about the wait, life has been very cruel as of late.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
OOC: Like two others, I have left you waiting over a month. I'll make this post an exit post though you may stop me if you wish to continue.

Ava listens to Kuro, and as she does so, two things are made apparent to the teen. The first, Kuro's sister is greatly talented. The second, by comparison Ava herself had NO talent at all in the way of fighting. Although she smiles and nods in approval, her self-confidence takes a huge blow. Shoma walks to close the distance with the pair to acknowledge the Deity's words. With a nod, the swordsman replies, "Very well. It has been an honor to meet you again Master Kuro. We will try to put these belonging to good use." With this he bows to Demon Blood and the Masuda follows Shoma's action. "I shall see you again I pray." The duo then turn to depart Kuro, their first friend in the sands, their first friend among Demons.

[Marked for Training]
[Topic left unless stopped.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
