Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Scout returns [Requesting Entrance]


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
[col]It had been a few days of just sitting idly by, waiting for one of the scouts to return. Hopefully they were doing okay, he'd hate to arrange burials of his comrades, their numbers were small enough as is. He thought to himself as he sipped his tea on a stool with a book in his hand outside of his tent.
They had been traveling for two full days into the desert and they had come upon a small oasis in the middle of nowhere and had decided to set up camp there for the near future, their books had written notes from past prospects on how to grow plants and other food sources in the ground. A most grueling and long process, but also very much worth the effort. That was, if they ever saw the need to settle down. Which he had his doubts of ocurring within the near future. At least not as long as their mission continues.

"One of them is back!" One of the women shouted vehemently towards him from across the camp. A glimmer in the distance, his eyes caught one of the scouts as he shone the reflection from a small mirror he was carrying. "Signals.." His eyes squinched so as to not burn them from the reflection and as he counted and analyzed the flashes he spoke out loud.

"S.. Sand!"
"NE.. North East!"
"CQ.. Come.. Quick, right."

He walked up to the captain of the Shinobi from his clan and requested two guards, whom quickly came running and placed themselves at his sides. He had them pack the bags for a few days, extra water and supplies, they were about to go visit The Village hidden in Sand..

As he approached the massive building he walked softly, but with a brisk pace, much like a man with a single purpose, and yet careful with his movement. His every step was silent, but if one would look upon him he would walk like an average Power walker.
The giant building standing and protecting the village itself stood in front of them. and as he looked up, his eyes would try to spot anyone standing up at the entrance. He waited for a pair of eyes to meet as he continued walking. Maybe a pretty butterfly awaited his golden eyes? Perhaps a giant awaited to look down like a god of rightousness wanting to smite his subjects.

Whatever awaited him, his eyes would meet with theirs and he would smile silently until spoken to, even if he would have managed to reach them face to face.|

[Requesting Entrance]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Shiori had just let another man into the village a short time earlier. Here she sat, trying yet again to communicate with the storm. The rage in its breath and the lamenting cry pervaded her senses. In the maelstrom she could see so clear, the grains of sand. Pinging against the mortar and stone, swishing and rushing across the uneven, rolling dunes. Crashing to crescendo like a brassy cymbal's roar, this cacophony through the fields... this deafening downpour. How these sounds trace images in the wilds, images of stones and thorny bush. Of wild burrowing beast and of stranger ambling towards. Shiori pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers granting a minor pressure releasing her from the pangs of her headache. The duststorm refused to tell her what ailed it so. She took exquisite pleasure in the torment she felt through the storm, her enduring wrath against humanity had persisted through the centuries and it was not until know that her actions from so long ago had finally fruition.

She unlatched the door, the biting sands scratched at her flesh as the winds rushed in. Her long red hair wrapped around her as she crossed the threshold briefly and entered the storm.
"Quickly, INSIDE!"</COLOR><i></i> She yelled, her voice pierced through the storm. The door groaned against the brute force of the storm, the woman's slender arm defying nature in holding the door open but only for a few moments if the stranger accepted her invitation to escape the raging storm. She Was a small thing, at least in contrast to other Sunans, barely over five foot although the heeled shoes she wore gave her the false appearance of additional height the sands swallowed the base and length of the stiletto. She backed into the Dojo slowly, possibly grabbing the stranger by the collar if she was given the opportunity to grab hold.

Shiori let out a series of hacking coughs as the door closed, with or without the near-colorless stranger. She brushed the sand off from her blue sundress and shook it from her snarled hair. Why couldn't sand be less messy? If he entered or if he strolled in after she would point down the hall towards the village.
"There... *cough* is uh... *cough* *cough* places to rest inside," Shiori announced between hacking coughs. Her meditations here have exhausted her, she felt cold all of the time now. Numb even. She was going to have to get some rest herself, but she was scared to return 'him' for a lack of a better term. If Sousuke learned about what she was, she might share Mikaboshi's fate. She could feel the hate and wrath roll off of him, over the power Sousuke was leeching from him and how he was tethered to the word and whim of a mortal man for the duration of his fleeting existence. The later-most being the only solace she felt, with the life of a mayfly indentured servitude would be done in the blink of an eye in the scope of their span. "Just be careful, we are rebuilding after a terrible attack," she warned with a pained smile as she gestured with her right hand a half dismissive motion. "You should get in before someone else comes, I am not sure everyone else would be as welcoming as I. You can blame me for your admittance," she added wearily. "My name is Takahashi Shiori," she added as she took a seat and waited for the stranger to leave.

She could not get over the feeling that there was something wrong. Something terribly wrong. There was so many people put there... out there in the storm... and they were coming to Sunagakure in droves. More in these past few days than there has been in years. The storm continued to weep, her glee mixed with a gentle sadness. The sands washed away the steps taken to come here, ever shifting these endless dunes.
<COLOR color="darkred">[Entry Granted]

[Topic Left?]​


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
The sands hadn't seemed any stronger than usual, and they hadn't experienced any serious storms in their time there, so that could easily explain their lack of realizing it was oncoming.
Upon the doors suddenly opening and a woman pulling his collar inside of the mansion he didn't react much in other ways than submissive, letting her tender and careful grip pull him in.
His two companions looked upon in a weird gaze as they quickly followed him along, always standing at either side of him their thin black clothes stark contrasting Shiro's white cloak it was like two sets of crows on the shoulders of a white crane. A symbolistic and often effective method of protecting their leader. The crows' themselves were often seen as a protective force surrounding the white crane which was why it was such a necessity.

"What a surprise to see such a beauty in the pearlescent landscape of the sand dunes." He couldn't help but blurt lightly as he had been preparing it on the way if he were to meet any beauties in the village.
"Thanks for the assist, I require medical attention, do you happen to have a medical team on staff?"
He asked with a confident smile, he asked out of primary curiousness, but also for his desire to get answers to several questions he had prepared for the medical specialists in their village. He needs answers to deduce if he came for nothing or if there is still a chance to capture his prey.. Depending on the answers of the medical staff he would either stay or leave within the first chance he got. For now though, doctor, and wait until the sand storm would blow over.

[Entered Village]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
An uncanny creature was pulled from the storm, pale and slender, at least in comparison to what Sunagakure normally rears. White hair and billowing white robes, pallid flesh and only golden eyes to set him apart from a field of snow. She of course had never seen snow, the strange frigid precipitation. He reminded her of a cloud.

"What a surprise to see such a beauty in the pearlescent landscape of the sand dunes."

She was not sure how these raging, shifting golden dunes had a pearl-like luster, but who is to say that her eyes saw what the rest of the world did. The world shaded with song; colored with words. "You jest surely," Shiori replied with a polite smile. She had no concept of human beauty, at least not in the same terms humans understood aesthetics. She liked colorful and bright things and she liked dresses but not because they made her feel pretty, she just liked them. Bright colors, like strange and novel sounds attracted her interest. It was something she did not fully appreciate about her nature, her love of the 'unique and strange. That was part of her attraction to her 'cousin' but the other was the sense that he loved her in turn. That love was and always had been far from romantic, but the thing about love is that the sentiment is the same only how we mentally associate it that differs. His love could be carnal, she knew it.

"Thanks for the assist, I require medical attention, do you happen to have a medical team on staff?"

A strange inquiry to Shiori, not because he was 'injured' but because he was seeking help for these seemingly non-existent injuries. Yes, he had traversed the maelstrom and because of that he and his allies were likely dehydrated and damaged from the coarse diamond sands that rip and wear away at one's flesh. The storm that surrounded Sunagakure had persisted without fail for nearly thirty years. In that time, few until recently could even survive the ravages of the sandstorm. She would have replied that he seemed fine, but he was assuredly well-dressed and perhaps a wealthy gentleman. 'Gentle' being a prefix in this case to describe a less than substantial being who had reason or business to attend to in this hidden village. Damage to him might be a minor inconvenience or a fact of every day life to a denizen of the desert. "Where are you hurt, I can probably take care of you here" she offered, not attempting to make a strong point of her former vocation. She was a terrible medic, human biology was troublesome and nonsensical for a variety of reasons.

Genetics have a funny way of explaining why you look like your father and if you don't why you should.

Nonsensical placement of waste release areas and recreational areas in close proximity.

Why do humans put their vital parts in a closely packed area?​

The mysteries on why humans are what they are and how they continue to survive would probably always perplex her.
"Or, if you need someone with medical expertise I would recommend the Omni Prime Medical Center, it is one of the last things buildings left mostly undamaged." She added as she stepped to the side and pointed down the hall. Sunagakure was the size f any city, but without cities adjacent it was rather difficult to get lost once you started walking in the right direction.
<COLOR color="darkred">[Departure and Entry Granted as Previously Mentioned]

[Questions IC'ly Answered]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
