Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

A Shinobi Wanderer Sneaks In [Force Entry]

Oct 22, 2012
It was night time when Izura decided to enter the sand village, concealing the lower portion of his face with a black shinobi mask, a dark grey cloak over his body. He soared through the air on Soraka’s back, his personal bird summon- a raven of formidable size, but what was more impressive was what she was well known for. Known as the “assassination bird”, Soraka was famous for her eerily silent approaches as she flew, making no sound as she glided through the air. Izura surveyed the village below with his sharingan active, the cloud cover blocking what lighting the moon would normally provide. He intended to see his sister. The only people left worth him caring about at this point in time were her and Sojobo, and no one else. After looking over the village from an aerial view, he spotted an area that looked devoid of people, and warped to it using his ocular powers. The place he decided to warp to was in the back alley next to a local pub, and upon teleporting there, he entered the pub through the rear public entrance. The interior was dimly lit, but the pub was bustling, lit only by the candles and lanterns in the room. He looked around, before settling into a darker corner of the place, seating himself at an empty table meant for two. He wait it out here for a bit, listening on gossip, before making his way secretly to Ayame.

[Force Entering Village. S-Rank 30 mins run time]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Toraono Kuro had not been on guard duty but he had noticed a single large raven plunge from the sky into his compound. It was enough to warrant a look around as Sharingan Kuro and Chouryoku Kuro checked the areas. Expecting a bit of carnage or even a severely large bird dropping on a roof somewhere what he/they noticed was someone using warp potential. Could it be Sovereign again? Focusing their advanced sight and hearing they tracked the chakra signature to a small pub near the dojo. One used by the refugees that had once overwhelmed many areas. The individual in question then sat down, the raven was gone. Kuro would have to ask about the bird later. Chouryoku Kuro would make the approach while Sharingan Kuro waited outside for the person in question to run. If they were Sovereign at least no one had been attacked.

Chouryoku Kuro stood at six feet, two inches, weighing in at two hundred and forty pounds. Kuro’s silver gray mane of hair hung over his face. Violet eyes with gold slits remained closed within a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above hame is right hip. Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his ANBU serum and summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his summons gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. With his wraps and leggings Kuro covered the runic terran markings of his right hand and both legs. His left arm however looked like living metal and had a smooth metallic sheen with faint shimmers of golden chakra around his clawed hand. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with fire chakra. His black gi top opened to show his overly muscular upper body with Ancient sigils faintly shimmering across his collar bone.

S rank Catch 30 Minutes


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Kuro: you want a friend? If not, I will toddle off.

One would have to wonder the question -- did they make it? She was not one to rush things but it seemed that the walls of this village were made of swiss cheese. People seemed to keep slipping in for some inexplicable reason, It was not as if they kept people out of the village. It was not as if they were known to be specifically aggressive and yet people kept on slipping in. Some flew. Some dug. Some have even tried to turn into wind. It mattered not of course, thankfully they all made plenty of noise and she would notice them with ease.


S Rank

30 min.


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
A girl from the Sand academy was running to the pub. She could barely even take her breath, but she kept running, with tears in her eyes.
He promised her. She couldn't wait any longer. She had to know. He had to be there, she wanted him to be there so badly. After all, he was her brother and she needed him more than he could possibly imagine. They met, but he left with the promise to return. For her. She thought that he'd never return, because he didn't needed her in his life. But she needed him.
Ayame entered the pub, almost breaking the door, but that didn't matter to her. She didn't realized there was someone outside. One thing was on her mind - Was he here? Did he kept his promise?
Growing up without family damaged the girl. Nataku and Izura brought back the light in her life and she was afraid of losing them. Now when she had them everything was alright. Everything seemed easier than before.
A family.
A home.
People that cared.
As she entered the she quickly activated her sharingan and scanned the pub.
"He kept his promise... he is here..." is what she thought when she saw him standing there. Even with his mask, her instinct never lied to her. Her father didn't left her in this world with nothing - she'd always recognize her family.
- Nii-san! - Screamed the girl, as she quickly got close to him and threw herself on him, hugging him tight. She felt that she almost lost him again, and she didn't want to let him go. The girl didn't believed that he'd come to her. Yeah, he told her to stay at her house and to come here when the time comes, but she couldn't wait. She had to know now. And he was here. Waiting for her.
- Nii-san, you came! - she said with tears pouring from her eyes - I thought you'll just leave me and won't come back! Please, don't ever leave me again!
She was crying like a little kid, hugging Izura tight. She lived without him long enough, she couldn't handle it anymore.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Who is involved in a catch/intercept battle:
For the whole duration of the run period anyone who enters, enters the first round of combat no matter when a bmod is called
Once the run time has finished no-one may enter the thread until after the first round of battle has been fought, and only if they've been contacted and asked to come.
In order to contact someone and allow them to enter the thread after the run time has expired, they must have either been contacted by the Headset item.

As the run time is up I'm going to be voiding Ayame from entering.
Oct 22, 2012
Things seemed to be going well in terms of his success at sneaking in, until Izura saw Chouryoku Kuro enter the pub. The man was quite large and intimidating in comparison to Izura, being almost 4 inches taller than him and about 70 lbs heavier too. It was like one of those situations where one tried to enter a nightclub or concert by sneaking in, only to be caught by the intimidating and hulking bouncer. You could usually sense that kind of trouble, just looking at their body language. Except in this case, the bouncer was also the manager, and he didn’t work alone. Izura also spotted a woman nearby that could’ve been following him too….in any case, Sunagakure wasn’t like Iwagakure. Security here was much tighter. Izura contemplated his options. He could just go to the restroom, then phase through one of the walls before teleporting out of there entirely…if they managed to follow him anyway, that just meant that these ninja were dangerous.

But even if they knew he entered the village, they hadn’t spoken a word to him just yet, which gave Izura the impression that they were simply there to monitor his actions and movement inconspicuously. And so he decided to just play it cool and relax in his seat for a bit. He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and letting the sounds around him be his primary focus of perception. Izura's sharingan had been deactivated, his bird de-summoned as soon as he had entered the pub, although because of his naturally pale red eye color, it was something that was hard to notice in the first place.

I'll reach you, Ayame...

He took careful note of the situation though, activating [Snapshot - Mastered] with a slight manipulation of his own chakra. It was a technique that had no real visible markers of being activated in the first place, using no hand seals.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Chouryoku Kuro smiled gently displaying his white teeth as he sat down before Izura. "Hello, my name is Toraono Kuro, I am one of the guardians of this village. I was wondering if you might have a passport or any form of identification. If you do not I am more than happy to make a set for you as your entrance into my dojo was quite impressive.<i></i> ((Kuro would offer his left hand for Izura to grasp in greeting, making no offensive moves whatsoever especially as he felt the presence of his queen nearby. Once Izura had taken his hand in greeting Kuro would ask a few select questions using his advanced hearing and demonic powers as a lie detector. )) Since you are in such a hurry I only have three questions.
What is the purpose of your visit?
Who do you work for?
What do you know of the Sovereign?
Please be careful answering the second and third question as I may have to escort you out of the village if you answer them incorrectly or falsely."

Kuro would then order drinks for Izura himself and his Queen, spiced spirits for his Queen, a shot of clear apple flavored liquor for himself and a mixed beverage of light alcoholic content. Kuro would also order drinks for several other patrons he recognized in the pub. Kuro preferred to keep everyone in a cheerful mood, even if he was performing an interrogation.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
OC: Mostly tired gibberish.


Apparently with these two size does matter. While weights and girths were being assessed and compared, her measurements did not even compare with those two. She did not care about being recorded, it was rather commonplace with these paranoid schmucks. She did not work here, well she did but not in the bar, she worked in the village in multiple roles. Most notable was her position alongside the Kazekage as 'just a secretary.' It was a day job that paid the bills while allowing her to hide in plain sight, but she was also performing other day-to-day duties as dictated by Kaza. Playing doorwoman happened to be one of the tasks she was left with. People seemed to find their way into the village frequently, it is no wonder she was tasked with giving interlopers the boot.

Sand's gates were rater outlandish apparently, apparently there was a pub near the gates. Where most gates process entries there did not seem to be much 'security' here. She did not try to understand the setting, she just lived in it. She entered this alleged pub near these alleged gates in this alleged Sandy community. There was a famous thinker or rather a famed doubter who came to mind who finally concluded after doubting all things including their self that they did indeed exist because they thought... therefore they were. Cogito ergo sum. Perhaps this was not a real bar. Perhaps these were not real people. Perhaps she was in some sort of genjutsu. It would not make much sense considering the fact that she was a rather practiced illusionist herself but it was the only thing that made sense. That was the thing, there was not proof for a shinobi that the world around them was true and honest. She could be the only truth in a sea of lies, she could be in a fake place with these fake people and to a minor extent she was OK with that. She knew she existed regardless of the environs or the enemies, she was merely biding her time until she could kill Sousuke. Until then she was merely honing her skills.

Toraono Kuro made himself known. It was like some fever dream. He was acting as if this was how it was supposed to be. That this pub was supposed to be here and that this was how you process someone into Sunagakure. Perhaps she had fallen into a parallel universe, some sort of 'Brewagakure' or that this was some sort of joke but the joke went on. Shiori stood back and simply watched the exchange as Kuro approached the stranger, ask him a series of questions and then offer him a drink. Shiori would wordlessly leave their company to retrieve the drinks from the barkeep. This was a fake world and these were fake drinks. That was what she decided, but one cannot be too careful. She bit of paper no larger than a packet of sugar and ripped off the corner. She poured the contents of the packet into her own drink and approached the table. She dropped the beverages onto the table and backed away with her own. "Don't mind me, I am just a figment."
Oct 22, 2012
Apparently size mattered to Shiori too- she had the biggest post of the three after all. Perhaps this was an illusion, perhaps even a trap. Perhaps Shiori’s post was the largest simply because deep down inside of that heart of hers, she was just a small, 8 year old boy, with purple hair and not even into the throes of puberty. Perhaps that was the truth in the alternate reality of Brewagakure, at least.

Izura glanced at Shiori as she made her brief comment, before bringing his full attention back to Kuro.

“I’m currently unemployed, visiting relatives in Suna. I don’t know anything about this….’Sovereign’ you speak of.” , Izura said, quick to the point.

Izura wasn’t lying. He had no village to call his own, and with the last job he had taken, it had set him up with a relatively comfortable buffer of wealth to rely upon. There wasn’t any real need for him to work now unless he was seeking to live life lavishly. Izura had no current employer, nor did he take shinobi missions for pay frequently enough to be called a mercenary.

He pulled an extremely small bottle from one of his belt pouches, pouring a small amount of the contents into his drink, then re-corking it and putting it away back in his belt pouch. The bottle was marked with the kanji 酒. In reality, it was just a healthy dose of antivenom inside of a sake bottle. Couldn’t hurt to be too cautious. He grabbed a nearby spoon, using it to stir the contents of his drink as he waited for Kuro’s response.

He didn't need to have the largest post- he was comfortable with his size after all.

OOC Note: Two can play at this game, Shiori >:D

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro released his grip on Izura satisfied with the answers and thanks to his expanded senses detected no falsehood. "Thank you for your honesty, and in light of it, your levity shall be rewarded. If you ever need to visit simply stop by the dojo properly next time. Although many of us are monstrous we are not heathens. Even men such as yourself will find a generous welcome and a kind word. In the Toraono Dojo your word of honor is your bond, your honesty your pass, and your skills are barter and trade. Should you wish to exchange knowledge simply contact me there. I will give you a 2 week pass as a guest of the Toraono Clan to visit your family here. The conditions are you may not attack anyone, although you are entitled to defend yourself and others that may call for help. If forced into combat, please call for help and refrain from killing anyone unless you are given no choice. We have a great deal of miscommunication going on with the outside world as of late and I would rather not have it within the village. If you are attacked as my guest I will come to save you from harm and prevent you from slaughtering anyone whom decides they must test you. Last but not least please sign our guest register and when able present yourself to our leadership before you leave. Since you have family here we may be able to provide you with better accommodations than a mere visit and allies are always welcome. Before I grant you this pass, what are your questions?"<i></i>

Kuro's demon side subsided after verifying Izura's honesty, what now began to peer from within him was his remaining humanity and his earth touched spirit. He now calmly waited for his Queen's words and Izura's while he took a shot of apple liquor. The near syrup consistent beverage was sweet, aromatic, and strong. It burned ever so lovingly as it shot down his gullet to warm his belly. It was always nice to not have to fight someone but the remaining 80% of his being yearned for Vengeance upon the Daimyo.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
Alas, men who lack size always claim they are comfortable with themselves.

She was not going to stop the Toraono from granting the stranger entry. It was not their way to prevent travelers refuge from the winds and the sands, both potentially more treacherous than the dangerous predators that lurked just beneath the surface. The difference was, most of these people just knocked on the door or just opened the door and introduced themselves. He did neither and therefore she did not trust him. After all he was the first person to insinuate that Shiori was a trap. Oddly enough, gender was fluid to an Ancient and although she possessed the assets of a woman Ancients did not have the same anatomical differences or even the concept of gender in terms of sexual organs. Full-blooded Ancients are produced asexually, not that they have not been known to share in another's company. It has been said that Mikaboshi has taken on a great many consorts over the centuries, some more willing than others. She found the concept of sleeping with humans deplorable, it was barely more than beastiality to lay with something the likened to a sheep. But one could say in a way -- confirmed, Shiori is a trap.

"You can deceive without lying," she cautioned the Sennin but that was the only council she would give. The Deep Court had a propensity for manipulation without ever sharing a single falsehood, a truth did not mean something was true in every context. Izura's drink was untainted, the only drink tainted was her own. One she did not consume, rather she held in her hand. She had her reasons for putting what she did into her own glass, but that was something to discuss another time. Likely in a few months when there is a less trolly thread in progress.

In the end, she did not really care if he was here to cause trouble as long as he left what was hers be. Failing that one condition would be disastrous for his health.
[Entrance Granted from Shiori's end -- I was mostly here to troll. I only kidnap and give stories in normal threads, so catch you in Brewagakure]​
Oct 22, 2012
“You are an honorable man. Thank you…I have no questions at this time.” he said, glancing at Shiori after she gave her warning counsel to Kuro. He stirred his drink a few more times in thought. He signed the guest register promptly, writing 創郎 as his signature on the paper. Not that it mattered much, as he had memorized hundreds of signature styles by now. Because of this, he didn’t truly have a signature that could be traced to him. It simply wasn’t something unique to him.

Perhaps that’s one example of what Shiori meant by deception without telling lies.

“If that’s all, I’d like to take my leave now.” he said, as he stood up from the table.

OOC: Apologies for the short post. Writer's block at the moment. :x

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro nodded content with the lesson learned and Izura's twist on honesty. One could indeed deceive with the truth. However his pertinent need was to be assured he was not dealing with a Sovereign or a minion of the Daimyo. Kuro could allow a wayward nin to visit his family in Suna while he concentrated on ferreting out the Daimyo's agents. Once the walls were up and the Daimyo was being dealt with he could literally become a monster of security and espionage. With that Kuro gave Izura a two week pass that would allow any Anbu to identify him and track him if need be. Kuro bowed to his Queen as he left the ramshackle pub and went back to his duties of teaching, training, and as of late construction.

Kuro waved as Izura kept stirring his drink, he didn't poison it nor would he do so, poisoning food and drink was a waste of good material when you can simply beat a person down.

(Entrance Granted for **2 weeks** starting after next post - after which someone may hunt you down as an illegal)'

OOC: Welcome to Suna and enjoy your reunion
Oct 22, 2012
Izura left the pub, his hood and lower face mask still covering his face. Strange that Kuro hadn't asked for him name, nor even asked him to remove his hood or face mask. He even left a signature that didn't even say Izura- it was something else entirely. Not that it mattered much anyway- Izura was here to covertly meet with his family again and reunite, not to start a battle or war within the walls of a foreign village. He already got the feeling that he wouldn't be as easily able to move around here anyway- Sunagakure was much more secure and harder to infiltrate than Iwagakure was. As Izura left, he'd turn a corner, out of sight, before phasing through a nearby wall like a ghost, and then teleporting away entirely.

[Topic Left and Snapshot taken with me]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
