Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private A Thrice-Trodden Trail [AiT Exam]

Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
It began with a scroll...

In the wake of Tsuki and Keiko's strange encounter with the shadow creature, it had left behind a small something as it dissipated back into the moonlight which filtered in through the bedroom window. The scroll was dirty and hastily written;

Shady instructions said:
  • Leave the village; do not be seen.
  • Circumnavigate the village's perimeter; do not be eaten.
  • At the base of the exterior of the Hokage Rock, may be found a small opening, housing a minecart.
  • Climb in and prepare yourself.
  • Ride into the heart of the mountain, and behold.

If all were followed correctly and without incident, Tsuki would find himself arriving at a large circular room, with many different doors lining the curved wall, each looking like they had been carved from the rock around them. From the journey on the cart, it wouldn't take long to realise how huge this place must be in its entirety, not to mention the fact it had been built through the entire interior of the mountain which loomed over the village. It was quite the feat of modern engineering. If he were to step into the center of the room, the scroll of parchment which had led the boy here would suddenly become very hot, before immediately cooling, alerting him to the fact that, on the flip side, an easily readable paragraph had appeared;

Additional Shady Instructions said:

Ahead? Duty. Control.
Behind? Mundanity. Poverty.
Options? Three. Decide.
Choices? One. Contemplate.
Contemplate? Door. Poem.
Actions? Don. Mask.
Mask? Door. Enter.
Trial. Danger. Prepare.
Failure? Cruelty. Catastrophe.
Succeed? Welcome. Home.
Indecision? Stay. Rot.

Three doors seemed to stand out from the rest, equidistant from one another, each bearing what appeared to be a white, plain porcelain mask, each bearing a vague resemblance to a different animal, staring down at Tsuki with blank, hollowed-out eyes. They were, unmistakably, the masks used by members of the ANBU Black Ops, lit ominously by the torch brackets affixed to the wall on the other side of them. Below each, stuck to the door, was a slip of parchment, bearing the same jagged, rough handwriting as had the note;


Pride, and poise, and clever disguises,
A fox’s wit outstrips surprises,
Faultless logic in every forum,
The very picture of quaint decorum,
Verve, and venom, and vicious vexation,
Undervalued at one’s own damnation,
Gallant, or glib, but always faithful,
Seeking peace in a manner quite graceful,
Peace and piety,
With modest sobriety,
Our work is concerned with preserving society.

If you embark upon the path of Diplomacy,
The mask embrace you.

Judge, and juror, and jaded jailor,
Sniffing out truth and hunting betrayer,
Tenacious, tedious, passionate, perfect,
Never failing to reach a verdict,
Steadfast, stalwart, incessant, insistent,
A good reason why ‘dogged’ means persistent,
Question, query, and seek solution,
Oversee each execution,
Snappy, sprightly, spirited, spry,
But temperate and tranquil, a talented spy,
Inquisitive, imperative,
Ardent, assured,
Silent saviour without witness, nor vaguest reward

If you embark upon the path of Inquisition,
The mask embrace you.

Lithe, and little, and stealthy, slippery,
An abject artisan of weaponised trickery,
Quiet and quaint, and steps without sounds,
The weasel’s chicanery knows no bounds,
Cutthroat, callous, and coldly calculating,
Waiting, watching, and heart pulsating,
Slicing, and slitting, and slyly slaying,
Cover their mouth to shush the braying,
Vanquish and vanish,
Fleeting and fast,
Either hailed a hero, or sorely outcast.

If you embark upon the path of the Assassin,
The mask embrace you.

The three masks seemed to peer down at Tsuki, watching him intently, and although these seemed to be the only vaguely humanoid faces in the room, the Genin would certainly have a strange feeling, not so much like something was watching, but breathing right down the nape of his neck, waiting with bated breath to see what he would do. There didn't seem to be any other way out now.

Indecision? Stay. Rot.
Keiko knew that listening to a wolf made of shadows wasn't necessarily the smartest decision in the world, but he eyed the scroll left in his hands curiously. "What's wrong with a little adventure?"

A little adventure from something we definitely do not understand nor should trust? Sounds like an opportunity for disaster to me.

Keiko ignored the voice in his head, though he did keep the risk in mind as he stood up to get himself ready for this adventure. He donned one of his sleeveless red shirts to have access to his biggest asset, strapping on his thigh holster and gloves and preparing his darts. Getting the adventure started would likely be the hardest part, given he needed to hidden. "Do you know any fancy jutsu from your reading to help us stay hidden?"

Just be stealthy. I don't think either of us have learned much aside from changing our appearance.

Keiko sighed, picking out a black hoodie and throwing it on over his shirt to at least conceal his head. Keiko silently made his way through the village with haste, not wanting to miss out on any further opportunities that would lie within this night. He had to take shelter near the gates, unsure of how exactly he would make his way through them. It took him a moment, but after thinking about the different people he'd met over his time here, Keiko shifted through a few handseals and used the simplest Transformation jutsu to turn into his adopted father. Thankfully, due to Nao's status and current placement at home asleep allowed him to trick the gate guards enough to allow him passage out of the village without being questioned too much.

Quick thinking. Not too bad. Just try not to get him in trouble, Tsuki warned.

Yeah yeah, I know. Keiko made his way around the outskirts of the village, following the massive shape of the Hokage Rock formation despite not seeing the faces from this side. His scroll had warned of not getting himself eaten, so he kept his transformation in case of any wandering shinobi and created three Blood Clones to take the journey alongside him and hopefully conceal his location a bit. Thankfully for him, his footwork was silent enough to not draw too much attention from wandering animals.

Keiko scoured the base of the rock formation for the entrance mentioned, finding a hidden hole behind some natural brushes. Keiko dispersed his clones and slipped himself into the hole and jumped into the minecart after giving it a shove to start it moving. The journey through the mountain was beautiful despite his limited vision, all up until he found himself within a large circular room somewhere in the depths of the mountain.

Keiko climbed out of the cart, feeling the scroll in his pocket grow warm for a moment. He pulled it out quickly, flipping it over and finding new words scribbled along it. His eyes shifted along the words before lifting his head and examining the doors. Mundanity and poverty. An interesting way to say boring.

Don't act so quickly. You have to make a good choice here. This will likely define our future, if this is really what I think it is.

Keiko sighed, walking up to each door and taking in the masks displayed in eerie lighting before reading along the scrawl beneath. His interest was piqued by the Assassin's mask, the idea of being able to dispose of people and paint the surroundings in red as a gift to his god bringing a thrilling chill to his bones. However, he knew his other half would get in the way of this path. He could already feel the tug of Tsuki attempted to lead him away.

The mask of Diplomacy felt far too calm for him to handle, but he knew Tsuki would be an asset in that realm. However, they wouldn't be able to work together well if Keiko was limited to poise and modesty. Plus, he couldn't imagine Tsuki having enough guts to discuss peacekeeping with thousands of lives on the line.

That left only one option, the mask of Inquisition. It seemed to allow Keiko an outlet of torture, which he was sure he could occasionally kill on "accident" as a sacrifice. Otherwise, Tsuki's ability to think his way through nearly any puzzling strategies on the fly seemed like it would be useful in this case.

Without any further hesitation and little to no protest from his counterpart, Keiko took down the canine mask, secured it over his face, and opened the door to the path of Inquisition.

WC: 771
Edit: Forgot to actually put the mask on, fixed that

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
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The moment Keiko touched the door, rather than swinging open as a normal door would, the entire thing simply melted away like vapour, giving way to a black abyss. Struggling could be heard from within, and frantic breathing, someone in a great deal of distress. A set of torches flickered to life around the room, casting a single figure into a flickery, orange relief; the boy couldn't have been older than 13, with messy black hair and an angular face. He was bound with his arms behind him to a rickety chair, while beside him, an hourglass flowed slowly with sand on an old table.

"Come on! I already t-told you people I didn't do it! I didn't do nothing!"
The boy was struggling for all he was worth, but with how much trouble he was having to get free, he likely wasn't any kind of shinobi. It was clear he was furious at being bound here, but the slight quiver in his voice was enough to betray the fear lingering beneath the surface. A note was pinned to the boy's shirt in a large scrawl:
Third Shady Instruction said:
Charged with Attempted Arson of Sakurako Clan complex
Five Minutes to reach a verdict
Not Guilty?
No methods are off-limits.

Along the opposite wall, behind the suspect, hung a series of dizzyingly painful-looking instruments; spiked bats and knives among them.

"A-All I did was hop a fr-freaking fence! I didn't burn it down! No way! Let me GO!!"

And he spat right in Keiko's face, which, if his mask hadn't been shielding it, would have splattered against his cheek
Keiko was fascinated by the effects the door had created in its disappearance, but he didn't have long to dwell on it. His attention was stolen by the sounds of struggling, a sound that somewhat excited the darkness within him. He stepped into the room, walking up to the boy and reading the scrawl on his note whilst hearing the boy complain about his supposed criminal misunderstanding. Keiko didn't care much for people who committed crimes without claiming ownership when faced with judgment.

He'll be a beautiful sacrifice to Jashin.

We have to figure out if he's actually guilty. Tsuki's own hesitance with the situation was palpable, but Keiko paid him no mind. Instead, he walked up to the wall of instruments set out for him and picked up a nice, long blade that would do a fair amount of damage.

Once settled with his weapon of choice, he made his way back around to the front of the boy, leaving the spit in its wake upon his mask as he leaned in closer. He dropped his tone a bit in hopes to make his voice less recognizable, were he to release the boy after finding him at an innocent verdict. "Attempting to commit arson is a serious crime. But on the clan house of our Medical Sennin? I should make you an artistic offering to my deity." The blade spun between his fingertips for a moment until he flicked the tip of the blade right to the boy's chin.

Keiko traced the blade lightly across the boy's jawline, digging it in just enough to start a drip of blood but not enough to cause serious injury. Not yet.

"Did you know that Sennin happens to house orphans? Other children, just around your age and even younger at times." Keiko withdrew his blade, eyeing the blood dripping from his skin before meeting the boy's gaze behind his mask. He leaned back again, tossing the blade in the air and catching it. "You should be tried for attempted murder of innocent Konoha civilians. All I want you to do now is admit whether or not you tried to set the place on fire."

Despite his offer for admission, Keiko did not hesitate in slamming the blade down into the pitiful excuse for a chair, lodging it in the wood where it sliced into the boy's shoulder quite harshly. Should the boy attempt to move, he'd only injure himself further. While waiting for a response, he made his way back to the wall for another blade, circling the boy as if he were prey Keiko was toying with. The concept made him laugh a little, as it wasn't too far off from the truth.

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
The feeling that the two-fold boy was being watched intensified; even Keiko, as implacable and unshakeable as he was, would no doubt feel a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of his head, but maybe that would only serve to egg him on further.

The boy seemed to regret his rash actions as he watched the masked figure before him approach with a blade. Instantly, his body began to shake, sweat beading up on his brow. What was with this guy? Deity? But all examination as to the strange words was halted as he felt the tip of cold, mercilessly still pressing to his chin. The boy's heart was audibly thumping in his chest, and it was a wonder that he hadn't passed out yet.


Eyes shut tight, he groaned in pain as the blade dug into his skin, sending searing pain through the lower part of his face, barely comprehending the masked figure as he went on to tell him about how he was terrible for starting the fire, and how he'd hurt innocent lives. Barely any of it registered while faced with the prospect of being carved up like a rotisserie chicken.


It came again, in his shoulder this time, another brutal stab of agony as steel cut through flesh to stick into the chair to which the boy was restrained. But the boy wasn't struggling anymore, nor was he saying anything or defending himself in any way. Eyes wide, the suspect was becoming catatonic, paralysed by fear of this thing threatening to torture and kill him. Tears were rolling down the boy's cheeks as he shivered, starting to lock up and become unresponsive, unable to give any useful information in this state. It was clear Keiko was beginning to lose control of the situation here.
You’re being too brash. Not even giving him time to respond. He’s just a kid.

A guilty kid. Keiko twirled the new blade in his hand, his eyes settling on the boy once more, the sharp gleam of the steel reflecting the sick excitement that burned in his chest. He had no patience for the boy's fear; in fact, it was the very thing that fueled him. But even he could feel the subtle shift in the air, the change that came with Tsuki’s quiet voice. That, paired with the intense gaze somewhere behind him of an unknown force, edged him closer and closer to killing this kid and displaying his ruins in a natural cave painting for his god.

Tsuki’s mind felt as though it were about to fracture under the weight of Keiko’s overwhelming presence, but something inside of him began to burn brighter - a small flicker of resolve that refused to be extinguished. The strain in his chest, the suffocating grip Keiko had on him, felt unbearable, yet Tsuki clung to the only thing that had kept him alive for so long: his will to resist. His thoughts flared, an inner fire that grew louder with each passing second. No... His resolve hardened, growing like a pulse that beat faster and faster as Keiko’s presence faltered. I won’t let you break him... not like this.

Keiko felt it then - the pressure building, a mental tug-of-war that began to push against his iron hold. It was as if something were clawing at him, gnawing at the back of his mind. His grip tightened around the blade, but there was an odd shift in the energy inside him. The sudden shock of his system sent a jolt of panic through his veins, and his fingers slipped. The blade fell from his grasp with a loud, discordant clatter, echoing in the tense silence.

“What are you doing?!” Keiko’s voice was low and guttural, filled with venom as he stumbled back, cradling his head in frustration. His vision began to swim, the edges of his mind blurring as Tsuki's will surged like an unexpected wave, pushing him back. The rage inside Keiko roared louder, but it felt distant - almost like an echo.

Tsuki pushed harder, the force of his mental will scraping against the cold darkness of Keiko’s consciousness. His body felt heavy, limbs sluggish and unresponsive, but it didn’t matter. Tsuki’s spirit burned with quiet fury, with the will to protect, to end the violence. Keiko’s voice, once so filled with malice, began to fade into the distance as Tsuki’s presence surged forward, overriding the chaos that had taken over their shared body. For the first time in a long while, Tsuki’s will broke through with sheer force, pushing Keiko back with every ounce of his being.

Tsuki’s hands shot forward, trembling with the effort but still firm in their determination. He didn’t have much time. His face - still hidden behind the mask that Keiko had worn moments before - trembled with the weight of his emotions. Tsuki stepped back, his eyes wide and stricken with terror at what had just occurred, but the boy was still breathing. Still alive. That thought gave Tsuki the strength to continue. He swallowed hard, focusing all his energy on regaining his control. His limbs felt like lead, his body fighting him every step of the way, but his voice came out soft, strained, and full of sincerity.

"I-I’m sorry," Tsuki stammered, his voice cracking as his gaze flickered between the boy’s frightened face and the blade lodged in his shoulder. The boy trembled violently, paralyzed by the pain and fear, and Tsuki’s heart twisted at the sight. He stepped closer, cautiously, almost hesitant in his movements, as though afraid that any wrong step would break the fragile trust he was trying to rebuild. His hands were still trembling as he reached out slowly, placing a careful, gentle hand on the boy’s wrist where the blood was slowly starting to congeal. "Please... I need you to tell me the truth. Did you start the fire at the Sakurako clan complex?"

Tsuki’s voice softened further as he continued, his gaze intense yet kind, filled with genuine concern. He looked into the boy’s wide eyes, the fear still very much evident, but Tsuki refused to let the intimidation or the lingering shadows of Keiko’s presence dominate the moment. “You’re scared, I can see that. But I need you to think. If you tell me the truth, I promise you I won’t let anything happen to you. Please, just tell me what happened.”

The boy remained motionless, tears streaming down his face, and Tsuki swallowed hard as he knelt down in front of him. His blue eyes locked with the boy’s, pleading. "I know you’re scared, but lying won’t help. If you did start that fire, I need to know why. If you didn’t, I need to know who did. Help me help you. What happened?"

Tsuki took a deep breath, trying to steady his own heart. His voice was quiet, but it held a weight of sincerity that contrasted sharply with the earlier violence. "Please. Just tell me. I’ll make sure you’re okay."

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
The boy watched the scene unfold in front of him through a haze of confused emotions, his buffering brain struggling to process what was happening. The room filled with an echoing clang as metal struck stone and the blade lay harmlessly on the floor. Chest still heaving, he watched, wide-eyed and terrified as his interrogator stumbled back, clutching his head and loudly protesting against... what? Was he having some kind of a fit? Some kind of panic attack? This was bad. It was one thing to be strapped to a chair and at the mercy of some sadistic masked torturer, but when that torturer was also this unstable?

"Wh-What?" The boy finally choked out, looking into a pair of eyes that sat level with his. They were different. Softer. Before, they were.... hungry. Even as Tsuki touched him, he flinched violently, but his breathing slowed a little.

"You d-d-don't w-wanna he-help... you... j-just stabbed me," he blurted out, but there was a look in his eyes like he knew this wasn't true; like he might not have understood what had just happened, but somehow, he knew that the masked boy before him was no longer his torturer.

"I didn't st-start any f-fire! I m-mean, I d-didn't mean to," said the boy, openly avoiding eye contact now. Instead, his eyes darted to the blood-soaked blade on the ground as if it were some dangerous animal, "th-there wasn't any f-fire. I c-c-couldn't.... I di-didn't want to listen...."

Suddenly, the boy clutched Tsuki's wrist, as best he could while restrained there, so it wouldn't been laughably easy to break free.

"You w-won't l-let them h-hurt me, ri-right?"

A look of terror passed over boy's face and he immediately amended what he'd said.

"Y-you won't pun-punish me, r-right? All I d-did was h-hop a fence... I w-was hungry! The clan le-leader f-found me knocking ov-over some coals from the f-fireplace and sh-she... she...That Sakurako lady... The Se-Sennin or whatever... she... thought I was trying to b-burn it down."
Tsuki had known this was dangerous. Letting Keiko take control, even for a moment, was like handing a knife to someone who already had blood on their hands. But he had wanted to give his other half a chance - a chance to do something different, to choose a path that didn’t end in suffering. He had told himself that Keiko could learn, that maybe, just maybe, they could control their future together.

But now, staring at the boy’s trembling form, the blood-streaked blade on the ground, and the sheer terror in those wide eyes, Tsuki felt his stomach drop.

Keiko had hurt him.

Even if it hadn’t been for long, even if something had stopped him, the damage was already done. Tsuki’s fingers twitched as the boy clung to his wrist, his grip weak but desperate, like he was grasping onto the last shred of hope he had. The warmth of that small touch sent a sharp pang through Tsuki’s chest.

The boy’s voice was shaky, stumbling over words that were half-pleas, half-broken explanations. Tsuki listened, every word making his heart ache more. He could barely piece it together—something about a fence, about hunger, about an accident being mistaken for arson.

Tsuki swallowed hard. “You d-didn’t do anything wrong,” he whispered, his voice barely above a breath. “H-hopping a fence… knocking over c-coals… that’s not something to be punished for.”

His gaze flickered to the blade on the floor, and a wave of nausea twisted his stomach again. Keiko had drawn blood. Had made this boy believe he was going to die here. Yet despite that, the boy was still pleading with Tsuki - not just for protection, but for reassurance that he wouldn’t be punished even further.

Tsuki knew that fear. The fear of being seen as something dangerous, of being at the mercy of those who saw what they wanted to see instead of the truth. His fingers trembled as he hovered his free hand near the boy’s sleeve, hesitating. Would comfort even be welcome? Or would it only make things worse?

“I w-won’t hurt you.” His voice wavered, but he meant it with everything he had. “And I won’t let them hurt you either.”

Could he promise that? He didn’t know. He wasn’t strong like Keiko, wasn’t commanding like the Sennin. But even if he had to beg, even if he had to stand in the way of someone stronger than him, he wasn’t going to let this boy suffer more.

He forced a shaky smile, his chest tight with emotion. “You’re safe now,” he murmured, hoping that somehow, he could make those words true. He plucked the note off the boy's chest, looking over to the timer set beside them. "You're not guilty of anything other than being wrongfully accused. I'll see to it they find out what really happened."

Verdict chosen: Not Guilty

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
"Th-Thank you," murmured the boy, the moment Tsuki had spoken the words 'not guilty'. Relief seemed to lessen the fear in his eyes, even though he was still very much helpless, strapped to the chair, "I d-didn't wanna hurt anyone, but they.... they made me-"

But before the boy could say another word, his voice trailed off into a vague echo as he began to blow away. Quite literally blow away, like a dandelion on the breeze, into some kind of vapour. Tsuki was alone. There was a sound like stone dragging against stone before another presence in the room made itself known.

"You can call me Jackal."

A masked figure stood in a standard ANBU uniform, a wolf-like mask adorned with blue and grey over his face. A pair of slitted pupils gazed down imperiously from behind the mask, sizing him up.

"So your verdict is Not Guilty, yeah? Well, it ain't just about right and wrong here," he said in a gruff voice, arms folded over his chest, "but I would've picked up on the fact he referred to the clan leader as a woman, meaning that he actually had no idea who the clan leader was, and that he is, in fact, male. Meaning, he lied about meeting him. That damages his credibility. If you probed further, you might've learned that he was acting for a group or another person. The 'them' he mentioned. It's a matter of perspective; some would say he's not guilty as he was probably coerced, others would argue he was guilty for still having tried to do it. But that isn't important; what matters is how you got there."

Jackal beckoned to the boy and lead him back out into the antechamber where he first chose the mask.

"I hope you're listening too, Keiko," he began, watching the boy carefully, "because you both have shortfalls, but also qualities that make up for each other's weaknesses. Keiko, you are dominated by your aggression and desire for blood, so much so that you risked making the suspect lock up with fear at best, and killing him before he could elicit useful information at worst. Tsuki, you are too quick to trust, ruled by your squishy, fallible feelings. You let them cloud your perception and missed important holes in the suspect's story. However, your compassion actually pulled the suspect out of his catatonic state, and he was more willing to open up to you."

Uncrossing his arms, there was a tiny note of pride in Jackal's voice now.

"I don't think you understand how much of a perfect interrogation machine the two of you are when you work as one. Tsuki, you play the role of the friend or confidant, building a rapport with the suspect to earn their trust, while you, Keiko, apply pressure when needed to keep them under just the right amount of stress. Tsuki can then leverage this pressure for information. Classic good ninja-bad ninja technique. Keiko, you consider Tsuki's opinion to be beneath you, and you do not care for his input, while Tsuki, you fear Keiko's violence. You both need to learn to exist as one, to wield that strength your teamwork becomes."

Jackal took a step towards Tsuki, standing over him impressively.

"Are you both willing to work on that? Because if so, you may be of value to me. As ANBU cadets."

[Promotion to AiT offered]
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Tsuki listened as the boy began to speak, only to be left standing alone in the room a moment later. The boy had simply fluttered away like dust in the wind. He tried his best not to flinch at the sound of another presence in the room. He took in the sight before him, a looming figure with a wolf-like mask towering over him. Tsuki swallowed beneath his own garb, thankful it was somewhat hidden by his dark attire and the mask secured over his own face.

He listened as the man began to speak on his verdict, cursing himself as he realized there were clear faults in the boys words. He'd questioned a few things, but seeing Keiko lash out on a kid like that truly shocked him. Thankfully, the man addressed Keiko as well. Tsuki’s fingers curled slightly, his mind turning over Jackal’s words. The logic was there - he and Keiko could cover each other’s weaknesses. But working together? That was an entirely different challenge he was already trying - and failing - to approach.

He hesitated, then directed his thoughts inward. What do you think?

The silence that followed was thick, stretching long enough that Tsuki wondered if Keiko would even answer. Tsuki could still feel him, lingering in the back of his mind, watching, considering, restless and angry. When Keiko finally did speak, his voice was measured, careful.

It isn’t the worst idea.

Tsuki paused. That wasn’t quite approval, but it also wasn’t outright rejection. He expected Keiko to dismiss the idea completely, to scoff at the thought of working with him. But there was no mockery, no venom.

You hesitate too much, Keiko continued, his tone unreadable. If you falter, it won’t work.

Tsuki frowned slightly. That was just like Keiko - always focused on strength, on control. But beneath the words, Tsuki could sense something else. Not doubt, but caution. Keiko wasn’t rejecting the idea, but he wasn’t embracing it either. He was testing it.

And what about you? Tsuki pressed. Will you falter?

There was a pause. Then, Keiko answered simply, That depends on you.

It wasn’t a promise, but it was something. A fragile thread of understanding between them, one that could break at any moment. They both now knew that Tsuki was capable of regaining control. How, neither could truly say, but it was possible.

Tsuki inhaled deeply before lifting his gaze to Jackal. His voice was steady this time. "We agree to work on it." He bowed his head respectfully to the man offering to mentor him and his counterpart before continuing. "And we agree to your offer as well. Train us however you see fit."

Keiko's presence sent a chill up his spine after those words left Tsuki's lips. Bold.

Tsuki didn't understand what he meant by that, but he didn't feel it was the right time to question it.

AiT Offer Accepted!

WC: 482
Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts
"Good. Though I don't doubt there is already a noisy argument going on in that head of yours," Jackal said, the faintest trace of a growl in his voice as he observed his student.

"From now on, your life exists in two worlds. Your life out there, in the village, a regular shinobi working to support your village. And here, in total secrecy about what you do. You will chose yourself a codename and take that for your new identity, and you shall not show your face to your new comrades. In short, you are mine. You answer only to me, or else, to The Lord Hokage himself, boy. You may decorate that mask as you see fit."

Jackal let those words hang on the air for a time, still eyeing the boy up and down, gauging his every reaction, and looking for signs of Keiko's thoughts on the matter. The 'Jashin-angle' troubled him a little, knowing the other boy's religion could interfere with his duties, and push him to override Tsuki at a critical moment. It was the same struggle he faced himself, in the heat of battle, or under the pull of the full moon, to keep the creature inside him from taking over his body and jeopardising a mission or public safety.

"Don't forget, Keiko; as admirable as I find your bloodlust, sometimes, the most divine suffering is completely bloodless. Isn't that what your deity expects? You pray to him before a fight and promise him a good show. Find a balance between not disappointing him and not disappointing me."

A dark vapour was beginning to fill the room, coalescing around Jackal's body as he seemed to grow in size. The strange substance began to completely obscure him until it formed a figure, the size of the room itself. It was the creature from Tsuki's bedroom. This time, its muzzle curled into an unnatural grin, with rows of chainsaw-like teeth formed of little black wisps while red eyes gleamed from two sunken sockets. And then, almost as quickly as it had formed, it blew apart, much like the boy from the interrogation chamber had, leaving nothing behind.

[Topic Left]
[OOC: Don't forget to request your new banner from the Admin board]
Tsuki stood firm, though the weight of Jackal’s words pressed down on him like an unseen force. A codename. A mask. A life split into two halves, one of duty and one of secrecy. It wasn’t something he had ever envisioned for himself, yet here he was, standing at the threshold of something irreversible. He swallowed the unease rising in his throat, willing his expression to remain unreadable. This was his path now. Whether he was ready or not no longer mattered.

“I understand,” Tsuki said quietly, his voice steady despite the storm in his chest. “I will follow your orders.”

A beat of silence followed, but in the depths of his mind, a familiar presence stirred.

Strange, Keiko’s voice drifted through the back of Tsuki’s mind, slower than usual, as if he were turning something over in his head. Didn’t think you’d let yourself be claimed so easily. His tone wasn’t mocking, nor was it amused. If anything, it carried a note of something unreadable. It’s different than I thought it’d be.

Tsuki’s fingers twitched, but he didn’t respond. Keiko’s words, while vague, held a weight that made Tsuki’s stomach twist. Keiko wasn’t fighting this, not yet - but he wasn’t embracing it either. That uncertainty was almost more unsettling than his usual bloodlust.

The dark vapor swirled through the room, its presence thick and suffocating. Tsuki stiffened as Jackal’s form warped and twisted, shifting into something monstrous - something he had seen before. The memory of that night flickered through his mind, the chilling presence in his room, those gleaming red eyes watching him from the shadows.

Even now, standing before it once more, his heartbeat stuttered. But he did not flinch.

The creature grinned, its chainsaw-like teeth gleaming, before dissolving into nothingness. The room was silent once more.

Keiko’s voice stirred again, softer this time. You feel that? A pause. That weight? It’s not just from him. It’s from you too.

Tsuki exhaled slowly, steadying himself. He wasn’t sure what Keiko meant, but now wasn’t the time to linger on it. With his newfound mentor gone, he still needed to get them home without being seen and find somewhere to keep the mask safe in his house.

Topic Left
Thank you!!!

Tsuki speech
Tsuki thoughts
Keiko speech
Keiko thoughts

Current Ninpocho Time:
