Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open A Tour of the Town

Hayashi Kei

New Member
May 29, 2024
OOC Rank
Kei had been told that his journey to the village would be long and arduous, given that his family wasn't rich enough to own their own transportation. However, he had done a few odd jobs on his way up to earn a partial ride at a few different spots on his way. Shoveling for the barns was his least favorite task, but it did make his journey a day or so quicker. His older sister had, thankfully, told him a lot about the town from her few times visiting each year. He made his way into the bustling entertainment district of Susukino, his eyes flickering between every shining light that lit up a shop as he walked through the streets. He didn't have much as for money on him; maybe one of these places could offer him a job until he could get himself settled in here.

Kei made his way over to one of the eateries, sitting himself down and requesting a glass of water. "You wouldn't happen to know much of the Ryuu clan, would you? I'm hoping to speak with someone there, but I'm not familiar with the area."

The shopkeep smiled brightly, nodding his head. "I'm afraid I can't take you touring, but as far as I know, most of the clans are over in the residential side of Cloud. Ask around on your way through, I'm sure people can point you towards the main village."

Kei nodded his head, taking the water and sipping on it.

"Want anything to eat? If you've traveled in, I'm sure you're hungry."

"I'm afraid I can't," Kei sighed, sipping on his water again. "I traveled in with a little my father gifted me, but it wasn't enough to cover more than a few rides. Some of them I traded my own work. Unless you have some dishes I can wash for you? I'm more than willing to earn a meal."

"Nah, consider it a newbie special. Just keep it on the cheaper side, yeah?"

Kei grinned and bowed his head with a sincere thankful remark, picking a cheap bowl of ramen and taking a moment to look around the area. He'd take his time finding the clan; it would be good to get familiar with the area since he would be calling this his home for some time.

Open thread for anyone to join! Just looking to tour the area with some other new joins or cloudies who know the place!

WC: 387
Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami would be found walking around. She had her headphones on as she looked at her little mp three player as she listened to her music. She thought about maybe going shopping. It's been a while since her talk with Sora, whom had a hobby of shopping. The Genin would more or less be window shopping as she walked through Dawnbringer's Plaza. She didn't have much money on her as she had to pay for rent and other utilities. And whilst her stomach growled, she had her sights set on trying to get her hands on a special whetstone. One that should help sharpen her bladed weapons perfectly.

After hours of searching for the necessary blacksmith tool, she eventually came up empty handed and went to a nearby shop to get herself a bowl of ramen. After thanking the shop keep, Izanami would sit down at a table by herself. There weren't much people here, mainly a small young boy whom she didn't really pay much mind to as she would stare out at people passing by the shop. She was in her usual type of clothing, which thankfully covered for the fact that she is basically a cyborg now.

Her left arm and both of her legs are now metallic limbs. She is still trying to learn to get used to having these augmented limbs, which she got the basics of, well, going on a normal daily life with these rather easy. When it comes to training and missions... Well... The fact that she feels lighter, and more faster than ever before has her train her muscles and mind to react faster now that she now has the ability to move faster. There might only be a small shine coming off of one of the shop's lights hitting one of Izanami's left hand fingertips as the only way to know that she isn't all organic now.


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
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C Rank
As the people went about their business within the plaza a low hum began to fill the air causing the more sensitive of hearing individuals to perk their ears up and look over towards the main street through the Dawn Plaza only to be greeted by an advancing wall of boisterous colours as groups of people danced and spun through the street while the hum quickly built up into a joyous atmosphere of instruments quickly making it seem like a festival had suddenly sprung up out of nowhere as a multitude of performers engaged in surprise performance as their parade moved through the streets.

Fire breathers juggling torchers, Geisha and traditional dancers flowing with elegant steps, martial artists performed without chakra and many other acts delighted the citizens as they handed flyers for the Asakusa Theatre in a flamboyant example of aggressive advertising causing people to stare in surprise and delight. Among the troupe of dancers was Tsunade herself forgoing her usual outfit to instead clad herself in a royal purple kimono with flowing ribbons of silk framing her shoulders and coming up and over her head on some sort of hidden frame as she danced in slow elegant movement seemingly derived from her families fighting style the gentle fist.

The parade continued on it's path and as the dancers continued their performance Tsunade couldn't help but notice a familiar face listening to some music. Eyes lightening up in joy at seeing the girl who had helped her to the hospital in their last class Tsunade quickly skipped across the streets while being careful to keep tempo of her dance as she gracefully stepped in front of Izanami a hand gently grabbing a hold of the headphoned girl's hand only flinching for a moment at the strangely cold appendage before Tsunade took the hand. "Izanami-chan it's good to see you again! Thank you for last week! Oh why don't you come and dance with us!" Tsunade coupled her words with a gentle tug of her hand not seeming to understand the whole personal space thing.

As Tsunade tried to tug her new and probably unwilling friend to the party Tsunade couldn't help but notice a new face peering at the procession from a ramen stand causing Tsunade to smile and wave at a possible new friend.
"Hi wanna join us too. Best dancer gets vouchers for all the restaurants in the village." Every one of Tsunade's words seemed to radiate joy as she was greatly enjoying herself right now.

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New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Too crowded... That was the original thought of Ryu as he was navigating through the crowd before finding a place for sitting down, at least it was interesting to see what the place held. It soon came to my attention that there was a rather cheerful girl, she was already grabbing someone. 'This world really is full of surprises... They are so calm and so without worry' he thought as he ordered a simple boba and a simple ramen. he was just a table past the group but he still was keeping an eye out. If something was against what they wanted he would jump in. He didn't like injustice, no matter what his lineage was or any others. They all bled, they all were the same.

'seems like there is a thing going on around... maybe I shouldn't get too involved... looks like a drag to be around in. Besides, they are way to relaxed! What if a bomb hits, a fight breaks out now?!' With the food being brought to him and his drink he would first drink a little as he was thirsty. "Why would anyone let good food go to waste do dance anyways..." He muttered under his breath before Triyn got take a bite in peace.

[small sorry quq]

Hayashi Kei

New Member
May 29, 2024
OOC Rank
Kei's gaze fell upon a girl as she seated herself nearby, though seeing that she was listening to her own music, he figured she might not want to be bothered by his overall curiosity of the area. His attention was quickly drawn away as wonderful music filled the air with a joyous energy. Kei turned his gaze to the colorful display passing through the street. He couldn't help but enjoy the energy and commotion, happy to see that this town had some music to it after all.

To Kei's surprise, one of the performers made her way over to the girl he had seen before. It seemed like she had a way of roping people in, a wonderful skill for a performer. When she waved in his direction, Kei smiled brightly and waved back, slurping up the last of his ramen and thanking the owner again. Before he could make his way over, however, his gaze fell upon a blue-haired individual making their way through the crowd and seating himself in the ramen shop as well.

Kei bounced his way over to the newcomer, leaning on the table with a big grin. "Come on, don't pass up on the parade! You never know when it'll be your last," he laughed, spinning away from the table and walking over to the performer who had stopped momentarily.

Upon hearing her invitation to join, his gaze shifted a bit nervously. "I haven't danced for something as grand as this," he replied, though he was intrigued by the offer of a voucher for the nearby food. Perhaps he could find some fun with this group and earn himself a meal each night.

"I'd love to join you, though! What better way to get acquainted with the area than to make some new friends!" This girl's joyful nature was pretty contagious, and Kei couldn't help his own excitement with the show. He looked back to the blue-haired kid, waving for him to come join them if he felt like it.

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Izanami only got one bite in of eating her ramen when she seen out of the corner of her eye the young girl Tsunade, from that one class. Before even giving the Genin any time to respond, she grabbed her hand and started to pull her towards the parade of people dancing around. Izanami tugged back in order to get another mouthful of food before being fully dragged to center stage.

Slurping up the last remaining of ramen from her face, she realized that there was a whole crowd of people staring at her, a spotlight even shined upon her, as if expecting a solo from her. To be honest, Izanami kind of likes to dance, though her condition will make it hard for her to even move fast. But... What if she starts off slow? Maybe it can even help with her training? It was a far-fetched idea, but the girl had to try something or else all this potential and second chance given to her would have been all for waste.

Starting off slowly, her body moved fluidly. She would slowly move faster and faster, until... She found herself on the ground. There were some people that would try and come to her aid, but she held out a hand to stop them. "Don't!" Izanami was no damsel in distress. She steadily got back up on her feet and took a deep breath. She won't just deal with people giving her pity just because they think that she can't mount to much. People gave her a wide berth of space as she would start to dance once more. But... people would see a faint glimmer of things floating around the girl. Soon the things would solidify, or rather, look like pure chakra, of items. All of which are weapons with designs on them to suggest a lot of care has been put into them. As she danced, the weapons followed her movements effortlessly through the air, flying high over people's heads at a safe distance before returning to the girl as they would dissipate.

Izanami herself would soon be moving faster than ever before as she would dance with spins and twirls, easily navigating through the crowd of people as she would dance between them all, as if her movements were fluid like the wind.


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Sep 13, 2023
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C Rank
Tsunade couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips as Izanami resisted her tugging long enough to quickly stuff some noodles into her mouth before giving in to the dark skinned girl and being tugged into the celebrations going around the two. Feeling mischievous Tsunade put two fingers to her mouth and gave one long whistle causing shadows from the rooftops to stir as acrobats in the theatre dancing along the rooftops in order to illuminate the celebration below in different fluorescent light designed to allow the performers customers to sparkle and add to the dazzling spectacle. At Tsunade's signal Izanami suddenly found herself under not only a spotlight but the attention of everyone surrounding her just as she finished slurping the last of her noodles into her head.

The air stilled as the music hummed along feeling like it was building to something just Izanami began to move the music seeming to flow with her unsteady movement as she seemed to struggle with how to move her body. However after a stumble and the girl waving off any assistance Izanami exploded into a smooth dance routine using her hidden armaments to cause the civilians to oh and ah at the spectacle of it. Meanwhile Tsunade was standing off to the side bouncing up and down on her heels in excitement as a jubilant smile filled her face as more people her age joined in among the performers.

Clapping her hands at Izanami's performance Tsunade turned her head as the boy she had invited stepped up next to her. "Haha if you think this is grand you should come to a performance." As Tsunade spoke she took a few elegant steps forward before suddenly twilling allowing her Yukata to fly from her and revealing she was was wearing a silk dancers outfit underneath with it beaning modified to show little skin but allowing the dancer to do more a wider range of movements as the material hung loosely around the girl's body. "My name is Tsunade my new friend and I would like to have this next dance with you." Giving a cheeky wink while she smiled widely she waited for the boy to take the hand she just outstretched to him since he had already agreed to join her.

[Sorry for the wait. Work is tough at the moment.]

WC: 388
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New Member
Sep 12, 2023
"Come on, don't pass up on the parade! You never know when it'll be your last," He heard the boy speak and he would scoff a little. "Everything you do can be your bloody last!" he barked a little as he took the egg into his mouth just watching it unfold in front of him. The girl earlier started to dance around... And he was amazed that she did not give up as soon as she had hugged the ground. "A nice casual hug the ground move... I heard that those are popular..." He thought legit that this was a dance more right now, and wasn't making an insult. 'Damn she is quick... need to make sure that I will be careful with that.' he thought as he watched the girl dancing quicker and quicker. A small whistle that he was amazed left his lips and then the other girl got close. "hmm..?" He questioned and listen to her. "A performance..? You mean she knows a lot more than she is hwoing off no--" And with that, this girl did strip and he quickly covered his eyes as he had no idea what he would be met with.

Luckily, she wore something underneath and it made him question a whole lot of things. "WHy..." He asked more dumbfounded and looked to the extended hand. "My name is Tsunade my new friend and I would like to have this next dance with you." He took the hand, but only after he had eaten all the meat from the ramen. Then it was his chance to shine...! "Ryu... Just Ryu." he spoke and that was now...


He tried... alright? he never had dance lessons or a role model to watch, and this was his first attempt at it even. Slowly the beet red color was getting to his face as he tried to keep it going... Until he felt he couldn't anymore and tried to get back to the ramen while hiding his face.

Hayashi Kei

New Member
May 29, 2024
OOC Rank
Kei was most definitely surprised to see the girl he had originally assumed wasn't a people person put on a show for the gathering audience. It seemed as though these two girls knew each other, which made him smile. Perhaps Inazumi was more comfortable when around people she knew. Upon her tumble, his face nearly fell as she denied assistance. His eyes lit up as she stood herself up on her own, continuing her dance without a second thought and performing beautifully. Her weapon dance was a sight to behold. How lucky am I to be here on this day.

Kei watched amusedly as the boy he'd approached happened to join in on the dancing. Despite his embarrassment, Kei cheered for him in solidarity. When the boy rushed away to return to his meal, Kei offered his hand to Tsunade and bowed himself dramatically. "If I may," he offered, glancing up at her.

Kei's talents most definitely lied in his handiwork, but he had a little experience dancing with his sister to the songs she would sing when he was young, so even if it wasn't professional, he knew he could show a dance partner a good time.

Whether or not she would accept his hand, Kei would spin himself into the crowd along to the music. If his hands were empty, he'd simply fill the space with an imaginary partner. He led without much hesitation, even if he was trying to be careful of other's toes. The grin on his face was one he wore often, one that he hoped to share with others the way this performance seemed to spread joyous energy through the air.

WC: 277

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts

Sato Daigo

Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
OOC Rank

"So all I need to do is not stab myself." Daigo asked. His back arched over the small barrel that he was using as a seat. Sitting across from him was a middle age dressed in a gray tattered business suit. He stroked his salt and pepper beard that extruded out of forward with bravado. "Yep, that is right." He pulled out a small black knife that looked like a kunai but it was unusually smaller than your typical kunai. It looked more like a knife given the missing gaping hole on the end of the handle. The edge of the blade did not emit any sheen despite the blazing afternoon sun.

The two were not too concern with the bubbling crowd or rather the army of staged performers and dancers charging through the streets. "Was there something going on today" Daigo thought as he peered at the crowd. He shook his head. He should focus on the task at hand. He really wanted that book that the man was bargaining for if Daigo would play this game. The heavy book was sitting on the corner of the small wooden table. The beautify mahogany with gold embroidered text was calling to him. Daigo would have snatched the book and run if it were not for large but disinterested crowd. He was quick of enough to not get noticed but he really did not want to make a scene.

"All you need to is strike the knife between your fingers as fast as you can." The man said as he slapped his stubby right hand against the table laying it flat for all to see. The book bounced up for a brief moment as Daigo's eyes traveled toward it.

He took the knife from his other hand and thrust it down between his thumb and index finger leaving a small incision. He moved to the next gap between his ring and index finger, then the next gap. He continued in rapid succession transitioning between different gaps between his fingers. It lasted what felt like a minute.

Daigo was not as impressed given he could tell that the blade was retractable. He could see what looked like a small black switch on the side of the blade which the man obfuscated from view.

I just need to do this faster than you without stabbing myself." Daigo said.

[OOC: I hope you don't mind me joining. Hopefully Daigo's game is as exciting as the dancers here :D]

[Marked for Training]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
"Um... Give me a moment Tsunade." She stepped away from the whole dancing and performing to catch her breath in a nearby alley by herself. She felt good... But she also felt like she could be doing better than this. She was lucky that this whole thing was just dancing and not a life or death situation.

Her mind focused on what had happened. Did she really just...? Make astral projection of her weapons? Or are they just copies made of pure chakra? Normal Izanami would not have been able to do such a feat. However... She's no longer normal Izanami. More like a cyborg. Her eyes widened. Didn't the Raikage tell her that these things have artificial chakra? Such a thing isn't unheard of, but to think that her chakra levels are so low and insignificant that artificial chakra is now a huge boost for her and her fighting capabilities. A soft hum could be heard from her left arm as she thought about one of her weapons, her glaive. Soon chakra would expel from her left metal arm until it formed a glaive that was an exact replica of hers made into pure chakra.

Her right hand moved down to her side, and chakra from her legs expelled and formed her handgun. Upon inspection, not only does it look the same, it seems to have the exact same things as her real gun has, augments included. Once she was done, both weapons lost their forms, and the artificial chakra went back into the limb augments. The young Genin would take a deep breathe before laughing. It was laughter of finally feeling relaxed. She might be on the road to recovery right now, but now it feels like she might actually make progess on her trainings.


New Member
Sep 13, 2023
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C Rank
Tsunade had one thought as she watched the different reactions from the blue haired boy. 'Bunny' The boy seemed shy and slightly grumpy but not a bad person and seemed to want to try new things but very quickly got embarrassed and withdrew into himself. At least that's the impression Tsunade got as she was taken up on her offer to dance by the blue haired boy now named Ryu but as soon as they moved to the crowd Tsunade was treated to a few embarrassed wiggles from the boy before he flushed and slunk back over to the ramen stand leaving Tsunade standing there in surprise at the amount of quick emotions she had just experienced. Tsunade tried to say something or call him back but she was quickly intercepted by Kei who offered his hand to her.

Tsunade smiled at the offer before looking over at Ryu as he headed back to his food and while she felt bad about not calling out to him she had to maintain her decorum as a performer and she had already spent too long straying from the theatres routine. Taking Kei's hand and accepting the offer Tsunade couldn't help the squeal of enjoyment that left her lips as she she was spun with the boy into the dancing throng Tsunade's light and agile steps weaving around Kei's own moves as she allowed him to lead her to the centre where Nami had just finished her dance. Tsunade couldn't help the broad grin that filled her face as she savoured the enjoyment of dancing with a partner but all things must come to an end and a loud crash of symbols seemed to be a signal of some sort as Tsunade disengaged from her routine with Kei and back flipped away from the boy until she flipped up and landed on a tall man's shoulder dressed as a clown as if she was using him as a podium which the man seemed to be expecting.
"Thank you one and all for enjoying our routine and even becoming apart of it! For those that participated the Asakusa theatre would like to acknowledge the best dancer among our volunteers and reward them with a voucher for one year of free meals at any restaurant sponsoring this event with our theatre!" As Tsunade spoke Izanami would find herself before surrounded by three of the fire dancers that had been performing nearby before having a floral wreath placed on her head followed by vouchers being stuffed into her hand and finally being lifted into the air above the men who seemed to struggle but still accomplish their task so the crowd could see the girl.

"A round of applause for the dynamic and fantastical dancing of Izanami! Our star dancer of the evening!" Tsunade and much of the audience gave a rousing round of applause to the girl before she was finally put back down either by the dancers or her own actions none could say. Tsunade herself laughed joyously as the festive atmosphere began to wind down.


New Member
Sep 12, 2023
Of course he couldn't win this... He had no social skills for a noble person, not even having dance lessons in the past as it would wear his body out too quickly. There was not much he could do in this case than try to hide for what he had put on display. He would finish his bowl before moving a bit again, the first major wave had settled from the embaresment. He now would slowly move towards the place where he saw something strange going on. "Thats..." he managed to not speak out loud, it was even clear from his eye that the knife was a fake one. He would get closer as this was more up his league than the whole dancing thing. Yet.. where did he recognize the brown haired male from..? It lingered in his mind as he looked towards the hand and the knife thing. "Curious to see you try." he would comment to the black haired male, since he lost all the others this was the best thing near for him.

[ Really short, really sorry. work is hectic and all that.]

Hayashi Kei

New Member
May 29, 2024
OOC Rank
Kei was glad that his offer had been accepted. Dancing with Tsunade was just a much fun as dancing with his sister had been all those years ago. Watching her flip away to return to her position in the show was even more entertaining. Hopefully there would be room for him at the theatre; all of this performance had inspired him. He cheered with fervor at the announcement of the winner. Inazami had put on such a spectacular show, how could he not show support?

The excitement slowly died down after the show's conclusion, and Kei did his best to get ahold of one of the flyers for the theatre before everyone moved on their way for the night. He folded it up and slipped it into his pocket for a later venture, migrating back towards where he'd seen the blue haired boy retreat. He'd hoped to give his cheers and congratulations to Inazami if she came back around, but he wasn't sure where she had disappeared to, having lost her in all the dancing he'd involved himself in after her performance.

Kei stationed himself near enough to watch the game that was unfolding before them, though he didn't comment just yet. He'd missed the rules of the game, so he wasn't sure what was about to take place, but seeing the knife made for an interesting time so long as no one got hurt. And, if they did, he knew at least enough emergency care to get the guy to a professional safely. Kei glanced over at the boy he'd met previously, seeing that he was also very much intrigued by whatever this game was going to be. Kei sat himself down to watch from a distance, catching his breath from all the recent excitement.

WC: 296

Sorry for the delay! Work kicks my butt on work days, so I write on off days

Kei Speech
Kei Thoughts

Sato Daigo

Active Member
Oct 9, 2012
OOC Rank
The grand parade that was taking most of the street had slowly began to dispersed like small ants crawling back to their hidey-hole. Daigo wished he could have joined but the lure of the book was too much to pass up. He was tempted to look behind him as he heard a young girl announced the winner of the today's dance performance: Izanami.

"Who was that again?" Daigo thought to himself as he flipped through memories like pages in a book. "Not important at the moment." Daigo thought to himself as he refocused his attention back to the game. He started to reach for the knife but was interrupted by a moving shadow approaching. He look at the corner of his eye to see a young boy with bright blue hair that reach down near toward his waist.

"Curious to see you try." He remarked as he approach the table.

"And you are...?" Daigo began to ask as his voice trailed off. Daigo seen him before somewhere.

"Looks like we are going to have an audience. Good the more the merrier. The man said jocularly as he slapped his hand on the table.

" see you lose." Daigo said with a sly grin.

"Lets see you try, kid." The man replied.

Daigo took his knife and began to strike between the gaps of his fingers. He knew the knife was the fake but he had to at least make it look convincing especially with the crowd.

He started out real slow to make sure he didn't strike his palm. For a moment, he glanced at the man trying to gauge some sort of reaction. There had to be some sort of trick to it. The man's counternance seemed to be devoid of anything: nothing, nada, zero, zilch. Daigo could use anything to figure it out, otherwise he would maybe spending a night at Aesculapium.

Daigo swiftly clicked on the small black button that the man failed to hide from him. He noticed some strange as he struck the table down. It felt like a edge of the blade slighted tugged toward the gap of each finger. It was as if each adjacent finger were magnetic poles tugging and pulling the knife toward the center.

?" Daigo thought to himself. The question still remain as to where the metal that was attracting or repelling the blade was coming from. It could not possibly be his fingers, right? Or perhaps there was something more to it than Daigo realized.

[Marked for Training]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Her moment of respite was cut off as people quickly surrounded her and lifted her up in the air and was celebrating. Though she felt a little insulted that three full grown adults couldn't lift her up. And then she remembered that she has three robotic limbs. Only when she was set down on the ground, she realized that she has a flower wreath on her head and had a handful of vouchers.

Though she was not one to be the center of attention as people started chanting her name and... well... paying attention to her. She's not shy, but... This might be a bit too much. Her face went only a small shade of red until finally the festivities started to die down. It was then that she would notice a crowd forming at a nearby location and she decided to check it out. She started to walk over, but her feet refused to move. Darn robotic legs! And right now, she'd rather not make a scene by falling down again. Even though she was able to make a dance spectacle, she did feel herself straining after a while. So instead, she opted to pull out her glaive and stand on it as it started to float above the ground a safe distance away from any civilians.

Looking down at what the crowd was crowding around for, it seemed like a game where the loser could lose a finger. She remembered a couple of her friends back in the revolutionist days used to play this exact game all the time. She herself never partook in it, mainly because she didn't want to lose any of her digits. Though... Now thinking about it. It could be funny to join in on the fun and if she were to accidentally stab one of the robotic fingers. She might get a scolding from Kitsune on the other hand though... It was tempting, but Izanami would rather not get a scolding from the person that basically gave her a new life with these new limbs. For right now, she'll just observe.


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Sep 13, 2023
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C Rank
As the party winded down the rest of the kids drifted to different parts of the street some taking interest in the prize they had won while others were attracted to other street performances leaving Tsunade to slowly twirl away with the rest of her group the dancers heading back to their theatre to rest. Though Tsunade was careful to shout her goodbyes to her new friends as she left making a note to hang out another time as she disappeared from view with her trademark smile.

[Topic Left]

[So sorry thought this topic had ben finished.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
