Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search A Wonderers Fate

Akira Kazan

Well-Known Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
It had been but a few days since Kazan met Skully and formed a new bond with yet another strange creature. By now, he was starting to understand the world a whole lot better. While he still didn't know for sure, but it was his guess that these creatures were here before him and his kind. Perhaps they had some connection with the dragon he met so long ago, but that moment now seemed like a distant memory. In his journey for self awareness, and growth, he had lost the very powers that defined his entire life up until that point. "I'm supposed to be the lion sage...." He thought, as he laid restless.

"But, my ancestors must be displeased. I've lost my power..." He silently told himself, while turning to his side and glancing at what was once his campfire. By now, it had completely smoldered out, as he laid trying to to rest. At Night, the desert seemed nearly pitch black to his astonishment. Not only that, but the temperature had dipped sharply to levels similar to his homeland. Sighing, he closed his eyes and through back to the time where he had actually met another odd creature; a dragon. Kazan and Atlas both, for one reason or another, lent the creature aide and it blessed him with a potion of it's power. For quite some time, Kazan use to be able to assume the form of a dragon and manipulate his chakra in unique ways. That, combined with his Sharigan, allowed him to lay waste to fields and hordes of enemies with flame based techniques with nearly no equal.

"The Sharingan... the Draconic strength..... This was supposed to be a trip of growth, but somehow I've gone in reverse." He thought, as the wind surrounding his tint picked up speed. Opening his eyes once more, he slowly sat up and glanced down. His unruly red hair, seemingly drenched with sweat, hung down the sides of his face as he took a deep breath. His Dragon's Wildfire Sanctuary technique was doing it's job, but almost too well. "Damn it..." He said, as he formed a single handseal and adjusted the techniques chakra consumption. Almost instantly, he'd feel the temperate of his campsite drop several degree's, as the campfire burst into flame once again.

Raising one hand up to his face, he quickly brushed his hair out of his eyes. For once in his life, Kazan was feeling sorry for himself. While his village was entirely way to technologically advanced, he openly chose to live a simpler life in comparison to his peers. Unlike theirs, his home was built of stone and mortar, with a thatched house just outside of the village. Never once did he care for what others had compared to him, but he always took pride in his power. Without the Sharingan, or the draconic form, he honestly didn't know what he was anymore. New powers, techniques, and skills had developed; he even gained a new, uniquely cursed, weapon that seemed to infuse him with it's power.

But these were new and different types of power that he had never really utilized, considered, of even thought of up until this point. If he were to return home now, he felt as if he'd return only as a shell of the man he once was. "What the hell is the point in a giant battle axe I can't even carry with me. Who would've created such nonsense...." He'd speak to himself, criticize his new powers. "And I can somehow convert Genjutsu into poisons. What kind of power is that?" He questioned, with a resentful tone. Slinging his upper body back to the ground, with his hands behind his head, he glanced up towards the waning moon within the night sky.

While he was upset, at least he could appreciate the view in the night sky over the desert. Suddenly, a puff of white smoke would appear beside him; Atlas has summoned himself, sensing something was wrong. "Kazan." He said, as Kazan seemed a little annoyed. Flipping over in the opposite facing direction, he replied. "Come to lecture me?" He asked, clearly uninterested. "No. I don't really understand what's going on with you, but it seems really personal." He said, before being interrupted. "Personal? I was supposed to go on a journey of self enlightenment and.... I lost what made me, me with no explanation. I don't think that's personal. I think that's bullshit." He stated with frustration.

"What'd you really lose?" He asked, trying to lead the conversation. "What do you mean? I lost my Sharingan and my Draconic form, you already know this!" He shouted, as he sat up and looked over towards Atlas. "So? Neither of those things mattered anyway." He stated, with a firm tone. A brief silence filled with Kazan's frustration would briefly pass before Kazan replied. "What the hell do you mean they didn't matter? I focused everything I had into all my training because of those gifts. Without them, I'm nothing but a Shinobi with some fancy weapons." He retorted. "But, you're still you. Even without those things, you're still the same person. You still have the same potential." He'd tell him, before laying down in the sand beside the campfire.

Kazan just stared at him for a minute, thinking about what Atlas had just said to him. "It wasn't the Sharingan that caused us to meet, and it wasn't a dragons gift that turned us into friends." He'd softly speak, only to pause and glanced up towards the stars and moon above. "But the way you're acting right now. It makes no sense at all." He stated, slightly hitting a nerve of Kazan's. "I understand that, but.... Ugh!" he said, as he once again laid back down. "My eyes don't perceive like they use to, and I feel as if my strength has been cut in half. This trip was supposed to be about growth and self awareness... and yet now, I'm weaker and I don't even know if I should still be on this journey." He told Atlas, clearly doubting everything.

Once again, silence would fall between the two of them as a star above seemed to shoot across the night sky. Breaking that silence, Atlas let out a loud yawn before turning on his side and swatting at a small nearby bug in the sand. "And I lost my pride and territory many years ago, but I've slowly rebuilt what was lost. Things are different now, but I am grateful. If certain things didn't happen, I probably would've never met you or any of my other friends. In fact, to quote one of them; sometimes you have to fall before you can fly. Maybe right now, you're just falling? But with the potential you have, I'm sure you'll be soaring soon once again." Said Atlas, as he recalled a bird friend he use to have. "That strength you loss will be nothing compared to the strength you rebuild within yourself." He'd say before yawning once more. His words would echo throughout Kazan's mind as he just let them soak in.

While his feelings hadn't quite settled down, at least now he managed to get some of them off his chest. "Thank you, Atlas." He'd whisper, as his eyes grew heavy. While things in the world hardly ever made sense, at least having a loyal friend at your side did. Before long, both Kazan and Atlas would drift off to sleep beneath the desert night sky. Come morning time, when the sun just began to peek over the desert dune horizon, Kazan would slowly wake up and begin to clean his campsite. Atlas, at one point or another, had returned back to his realm sometime during the night. Thinking back to their conversation, Kazan's mind was still filled with resentment, but now it was accompanied by a sense of guilt. "I guess I better stop feeling sorry for myself. Atlas has so much faith in me that he's not really even worried. Maybe I should just do something about it then?" He thought to himself, as he deactivated his dragons sanctuary technique while glancing about the outskirts of what was once his campsite.

While he didn't know this land, he knew he had chosen to sleep in what was essentially a graveyard within the desert. There was more than enough evidence to suggest that there was a great war once fought here, but the details were something he had no idea about. Even still, something like that was far from discouraging to someone like him. If he was lucky, one day he'd lay slain on a battle field defending those he cared the more for. That was something he'd more than be okay with. Closing his eyes, and focusing his mind, he tried to sense about the area. Perhaps a ghost of the past would make itself known? Or better yet, maybe some clue as to what might have actually happened here many years ago.

[Wc: 1506] [Searching]
As he focused his mind, and steadied his breathing, a quick tingling sensation shot down his spine. Suddenly, his attention snapped to something behind him; something else was here. Looking around, all he noticed was sand, debris, and a weird little bird flopping about on the desert's sandy plain. "What the heck?" He thought, as he approached the creature. Upon getting close to it, he recognized the bird as a unique type of a eagle. "Hmmm." He thought, as he noticed the exhaustive state the Bird seemed to be in. While it was still early in the day, the Desert heat was already unbearable.

Obviously this bird was suffering from the heat and probably dehydrated, or at least that's what Kazan assumed. Reaching down to his side, he grabbed his canteen and kneeled down beside the creature. Quickly, he reached out for the Bird. "I hope this helps, even just a little." He told it as he tilted his canteen towards it's beak. Slowly, he poured water into the Birds beak. For the next several minutes, Kazan would tend to the creature. He wasn't a medic, or a doctor, but he knew some Medical Ninjutsu. Using one of the most basic techniques, mystic hand, he channeled his Chakra into them as he picked the Bird up. By now, it seemed less distressed, but Kazan knew that Nature was cruel.

Helping this thing now might only prolong its life for a couple of hours, especially in this heat. Opening up his shroud, he tucked the creature in just a little to hide it from the sun. "Rest little guy, I gotcha for a little while at least." He told the Bird as he began to walk. Roughly thirty minutes later, Kazan could see what looked like a small oasis out in the distance. Changing course, he headed towards it; hoping it not to be an illusion. Some more time would pass, and as he finally reached the Oasis, he glanced down towards the Bird he had carried all this way. By now, it was awake, alert, and had been staring at him for some time now. "Oh, here you go." He said as he loosed his grip of the creature and gave it the opportunity to fly away.

As it flew, it stopped for a moment to look at it's surroundings. Last it could remember, it had fallen to the ground due to exhaustion. Glancing back at Kazan, the creature did something a little surprising. "Thank you Mister." It said, nearly without hesitation. Kazan's eyes widened as he heard it's young child like voice. "Huh, you're a summon?" Asked Kazan, pretty much realizing that this is probably why it could speak. That is, unless he had developed another new ability that just let him speak to any animal now. "I guess." Said the little bird, as he looked over to a small desert lake just a few feet from him.

Quickly, the bird jumped into the water and began grooming itself. "So... uh, are you okay?" Asked Kazan, as the little bird looked over. "I'm lost." It told him, quickly. As of this moment, the creature seemed shy and a little hesitant to be overly friendly. "Lost? We're in the Wind country deep in the desert. Where do you need to be? Some of my best friends are animals who can speak just like you. I'd like to help if you need it." He told the little guy, as it stopped bathing and looked at him. "Do you know how I can get to the Spine of the world? My momma's there." The little bird asked.

With a slight chuckle, Kazan reached down into his pocket and pulled out his villages head band. Pointing at it, he spoke. "Yeah, see I'm from the Cloud village. The Spine of the world is just a mountain range near my home. It's a really long way. How'd you end up here?" He told the little guy, while questioning why he was so far away. With little hesitation, the bird answered. "There was a bad storm, and it blew me off course or at least I think I went the wrong way. But, that's great so you can help me get home!" He shouted, as he flew from the water to Kazan's shoulder. Shaking his feathers off, he splashed Kazan.

"Aggghk." Kazan shouted towards being sprayed with water. "I'm on a journey right now, but I'm definitely heading back. If you don't mind, you're more than welcome to come. My name is Kazan, what's yours?" He asked, as the bird tilted his head and looked at his red hair. "I'm Pudges! Thank you for being so nice, and of course you're the best chance I've found so far. But what's this journey you're on?" He asked, with excitment. "I'm trying to figure out who I must become to help make my home a better place." He told him, with a slight chuckle. "You mean like how a caterpillar becomes a butter fly? I'd like to eat one of those right about now." The young bird said, as sealed formed beneath it's Talons spreading onto Kazan.

Recognizing this, he raised his hand up and accepted the seal. Pudge's and Kazan were now locked together. Together, the two walked the desert. Pudges would ride on his shoulder the entire time, cracking jokes and asking way to many questions. At the very least, it was nice to have a new friend from such a small simple act of kindness.

[Topic left]
[Bird Contract: Accepted]

Current Ninpocho Time:
