Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Affinity Moves

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Affinity Moves
Affinity Moves are unlocked by having an affinity for an element, and can be used to control their Jutsu in a variety of ways. There are a few rules;

- With a Minor Affinity, the user may only use a Minor Affinity move
- With a Major Affinity, the user may perform any Affinity move
- When the user unlocks an Advanced Element, they may automatically use Minor Affinity move with it.
- If a player unlocks an Advanced Element through Bl/CA, the above note does not apply (Unless otherwise stated). They must master half the Jutsu for Minor Affinity moves, and all the Jutsu for a Major Affinity move.

- A Jutsu may only gain the effects of a single Affinity move at a time (Chosen at the time of casting). You cannot channel a Jutsu through your weapon and use 'Spread' at the same time, for example.
- Affinity moves are not Special Moves, and both may be used together.
- Affinity moves do not break the stat cap, unless otherwise stated.
- Bloodline, Core Ability and Kinjutsu specific-jutsu are not able to use affinity moves. This does not apply to special dependent moves, modifications or anything not listed as a jutsu, only jutsu.

Minor Affinity Moves
Overcharge - Increases a Jutsu's damage by +15% and cost by +20% Cp.

Spread - Adds +1 Target to a Jutsu attack; this move may only be used once per round. (Cannot be used on techniques attacks which are not offensive, such as binds.)

Focus - Grants a Ninjutsu attack +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical Range; this move may only be used once per round.

Debilitate - Increases the Secondary effect chances of a Ninjutsu attack by 1/2; this move may only be used once per round.

Handseal Expert - The user may perform a 'Support' Jutsu (A jutsu that does not deal damage) modded as if .5 Ap faster (Ap cost remains unchanged). This may only be done on Jutsu that target themselves or an ally, and the user must perform this Jutsu with Handseals; regardless of any other abilities or effects.

Elemental Channeling - For .5 Ap activation, the user may choose to channel a Base element into an equipped weapon. This allows the user to cast a Jutsu attack of this element (And any Advanced Elements with this Element as a Major) through the weapon without the use of handseals. Only one 'Channeling' may be active at once, and the user loses 400 Cp/Rnd.

Major Affinity Moves
Control - The user may cast a Ninjutsu using one handed seals, with -10% Cp cost.

Feint - The user may feint an attack, treating partial hits one level higher and allowing it to be rerolled if it is Auto-dodged.

Combo - The user may immediately follow up a Ninjutsu attack that is a full hit with another Ninjutsu attack of any element they have a major affinity in, modded as a combo; this follow-up Jutsu must be equal level or lower than the first Jutsu. This may only be done once per round, is not a free attack, and counts as the Affinity Move used for both Jutsu.

Advanced Channeling - For .5 Ap activation, the user may choose to channel an Advanced element into an equipped weapon. This allows the user to cast a Jutsu attack of this element and the two Base Elements creating it through the weapon without the use of handseals. Only one 'Channeling' may be active at once, and the user loses 400 Cp/Rnd.

Jutsu Clash - The user may reflexively use a Ninjutsu to counter an offensive Ninjutsu attack aimed at them. A Nin check is made between both users, and whichever side fails this check receives -2 dodge against the winning Jutsu. The losing Jutsu will be negated, and the winning Jutsu's Damage will be reduced by the losing Jutsu's damage.

  • A Jutsu of equal or greater level must be used to counter a Jutsu.
  • If an element has an advantage over another it receives a +2 bonus to its check.
  • In terms of advantages; Fire>Wind>Lightning>Earth>Water>Fire.
  • Advanced Elements are treated as their Major Element.
  • This may only be done once per round.
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Current Ninpocho Time:
