Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Afternoon Practice [open]

Oct 22, 2012
Tomo quietly made his way through the massive trees. The forest near the village was nice and calm and most importantly, free of Tama. He often would make his way to the forest when his sister was being too obnoxious. He would slink off, usually at night. However, today was a lucky day. Tomo's lovely sister was off on an important mission, giving Tomo plenty of time alone. Because of this, Tomo was able to train earlier and even better, without a miniskirt. His new dress code was starting to weigh on his mind. Tomo was starting to understand the difference between wearing girl's clothing as a costume and wearing girl's clothing as an everyday uniform. Tomo looked down at his legs. Ah, pants. How I've missed you.

Tomo finally made it to his destination. He had found an area in the forest that had enough space to train, but enough obstacles to make training more difficult than just hitting some target out in the open. His specific target was a dead tree, half of it broken off so it was unlikely to be coming back to life. Tomo wasn't a tree-hugger by any means, but he didn't like the idea of shooting arrows continually at a living thing, mobile or not. He had heard stories about the forest, ones that involved curses and such. Tomo wasn't necessarily superstitious, but sometimes rumors start for a reason and he didn't want to find out if they were true.

Tomo took a sheet of paper out of his hoodie pocket and stuck it onto the tall stump. He took out his calligraphy brush and painted a target. He made his way to a fallen tree a distance away from his mark and placed a blank scroll down. Today's practice would be an experiment. Tomo repositioned the pins in his hair to ensure no loose strand got in his eyes. Satisfied that his hair would stay in place, Tomo took his bow in hand. He gave it a quick check to make sure it wasn't malfunctioning. It was a special bow to say the least, and even a slight malfunction could cause Tomo harm. Having passed the inspection, Tomo gripped his bow lightly.

Tomo took a deep breath, focusing his mind. Slowly, Tomo began to draw a line on the scroll to his right, the line having a sharp point to begin with and nubs at the end. Once finished, Tomo gave it a light tap and lifted it from the page. It was a decent enough arrow and Tomo slowly notched it, holding both the brush and the arrow between his fingers. Tomo carefully aimed and released.

Fortunately for Tomo, the arrow hit its mark. Unfortunately for Tomo, his brush went flying along with said arrow. However, Tomo hadn't calculated the trajectory of the brush like he had the arrow, meaning he had no idea where it had flown. Tomo stood in place, recalling how he had held the bow, the arrow, and the brush. From force of habit, he began to mumble to himself. "Well...based on the angle...but there was slight wind resistance...not to mention the bristles...add in gravity...mhmhm..." Tomo was lost in calculation, for better or worse.

WC: 537

{OOC: No turn order for this one so post when you can!}
This village continued to amazing young Noroshi. The boy found it hard to believe that trees could grow at this altitude, let alone thick forests. In his initial exploration of his new home, Noroshi had heard of a forest in the village but did not believe it. Today he thought he'd check it out and so far he had been impressed. Save for the brisk mountain air, once he was deep enough inside it was hard to imagine he was in the mountains. He walked along a stamped out dirt path just enjoying the greenery. Walking among the plants and shrubs made him feel at home for the first time. Noroshi donned a black collared button-down shirt and jeans with his thin brown hoodie pulled up over the back half of his head. The day couldn't be more perfect, with the sun and light wind gently appealing to the senses but not so much so that he was uncomfortable. He walked down the path with he hands pressed deep into his jacket pockets, causing his hood to pull taut over him which in turn made his crimson hair seen to stick up more. All the while he walked, he had a grin on his face.

Everything was tranquil and quiet until he saw an object flash in front of his eyes from his left. Startled, the boy recoiled slightly and snapped his head to the direction this unidentified flying object had come from. Only immediately seeing bushes and trees, he looked to his right to see that the object had collided with a tree to the right of path and fell in front of it. Noroshi was then able to identify the unidentified object as a paint brush. Certainly a strange thing for trees to shoot at me. He picked up the brush and dusted some of the dirt off and noted that the ink on the tip was wet, meaning it was recently used. Maybe there's some angry artist drawing behind these trees and I got in the way of his painting, he thought with a silly grin. Noroshi head off the path to solve the mystery of the rouge writing instrument. After bushwhacking for a minute, he came upon a boy with a large bow and long blue hair sitting in a tree looking puzzled and slightly older than Noroshi. Or he could be a girl? Noroshi silently played a quick game of Guy or Girl with himself but leaned more towards guy. Hey! This thing yours? he yelled up at the boy, holding the brush up over his head. Almost took my head off! he said with a grin.
Tomo continued to mumble to himself as he tried to logically deduce where his brush would be. However, a voice from below brought him out of his mind. He looked down to find a redheaded boy with a hood on his head. He claimed that the brush almost took his head off, but he had a grin on his face and a playful look in his eye that Tomo could easily conclude that the boy was merely joking. Tomo jumped down from his spot in the tree, bringing his scroll and bow with him. He blew a small gust of air towards the ground to cushion his fall and landed gracefully before the boy.

Tomo sucked in a breath, causing a gust of wind to knock the brush from the boy's hand to Tomo. He caught it and gave a smile. "Sorry about that. I was trying something new and didn't anticipate this particular outcome." Tomo bowed and brought his head back up to meet the boy's eyes. Tomo was taken aback. From above, the boy looked to be a bit younger than Tomo. However, the boy was just as tall as him. This meant that Tomo had either miscalculated the boy's age or that said boy was very tall for his age...or Tomo was small for his age. Tomo looked the boy over quickly and decided that his initial believe that the boy was just that, a boy. Tomo knew many, if not most, of the Genin and up shinobi in the village. That meant this boy was probably a new academy student. Tomo liked that look of the boy. He seemed to be cheerful, but not in an overly obnoxious kind of way. Not at all like a certain sister he had.

Tomo crossed his arms and gave a small nod. "Well, this means that I, Mochizuki Tomo, manager-in-training to the Mochizuki Troupe, owe you something. I don't know if I really have much to offer, but please, if there is anything you would like from me, ask away." He gave a smile, hoping that his initial reading of the boy was correct and that Tomo wouldn't live to regret his offer.

WC: 364
Yup, definitely a 'he,' Noroshi decided as the boy jump down off the tree. He realized that this blue-haired boy must have shot the brush with the bow, but was curious as he visibly held no quiver or other ammunition. This kid must be a ninja, he throught, judging by the fact that he not just held a weapon of stealth, but a weapon of stealth in a tree. And as far as he new, ninjas loved trees. His suspicions were completely confirmed when he seemed to exhale with the force of a strong wind, causing the bushes around them to sway outwards and lightly knocked Noroshi's hood off his head where it fell neatly behind him. From what would have been quite a drop, the boy touched down as if he jumped off a single step. The red-haired boy was taken aback for a moment but tried not to make it too obvious. The boy stood up in front of Noroshi, proving to be just about the same height, but clearly of a completely different level. So this must be ninjutsu. It's the first time I've ever seen it in person. Before he had enough time to say something to the boy, the stranger this time inhaled and Noroshi felt a gust pull on his hand. It wasn't too strong of a force, but the sudden appearance of it made his already lax grip on the brush give way and he watched as it gently flew into the boy's open palm. The wind-boy bowed and apologized for his stray brush and seemed to look Noroshi up and down once. After re-erecting himself, the stranger took a very official-looking pose and introduced himself as Mochizuki Tomo, and said something about now owing the boy something. Seiken Noroshi, he said with a light bow. pleasure to meet you Tomo, he said with his same wide grin. Anything I would like? It's hard to answer that having just met you. But what did interest me was what you just did. Noroshi was trying his hardest to compose himself, but he was getting too excited from having finally seen a shinobi in action, despite the fact that surely to Tomo, such a feat would not even be considered a feat. And despite his efforts, his mouth began to run. What you just did with the brush, that was so cool! I've just started at the Academy and hardly know a thing about how what you just did works. But if it's not too much to ask, could you show me more? Noroshi clearly had 'eager' plastered all over his face. The chance to see a ninja in action in his own private viewing was too good to pass up. And hey, he said he was in a troupe, so he must love to put on a show.
Tomo was slightly taken aback by the use of his given name. Most would refer to him by his last name, which was confusing when accompanied by other members of his family. This familiarity was different, yet somehow refreshing. Tomo always tried to present himself in a professional manner, so hearing someone act and speak so casually with him was a bit of a change. Tomo felt a little more at ease with the boy and decided he didn't need to be so formal, at least while out here in the middle of the forest. Tomo relaxed his form, letting his shoulders fall a little.

Tomo's suspicions of Noroshi being an academy student were proven true by the boy explaining his current state. Tomo was amused by the boy's excitement. When Tomo had first arrived at the academy, it had been by force. At the time, he had never wanted to be a ninja and was merely playing babysitter to his all-too-obnoxious sister. However, he came to appreciate his abilities and the time spent at the village training. He had grown and become a better least on the inside.

Noroshi seemed most excited about Tomo's ninjutsu abilities, which was sad when Tomo thought about it. All he had done was manipulate the wind to cushion his fall and make a brush change hands. Wind wasn't Tomo's main element and besides, Tomo himself was merely a Genin. He felt bad that Noroshi's first 'teacher' was going to be someone so low and unworthy as himself. However, given how new the boy seemed, he would probably be a little behind his peers at first. At the very least Tomo could give Noroshi some starting help.

Tomo gave Noroshi a smile. "Alright. I'll see what I can do. First things first is chakra control. Most who find themselves in the academy have at least some ability to control chakra. When you've gotten used to using your chakra in general, that's when you can use it to manipulate the elements." Tomo first tried to demonstrate chakra in general. He condensed his chakra so it could take a more visible form. If done right, Noroshi would be able to see a blue glow about Tomo. He relaxed moments later to think. How would one teach someone to control chakra? Tomo had been taught by many adults who were willing to teach their underlings, but Tomo had never thought about how to do such a thing. Luckily, Tomo actually had materials perfect for his new job and couldn't help but feel a bit proud of his idea.

Tomo took his scroll and laid it on the ground. He then rummaged through a pouch he kept on his leg. He pulled out a small ink well which looked to be empty. He dipped his brush in the well and started to draw. When he was finished, he lifted the scroll and held it out to Noroshi. "Here. I want you to take this scroll. Imagine the chakra inside you and focus on the blank paper. Pull your chakra through your body, past your fingers, and ultimately to the scroll. If successful, an image will appear. Good luck Noroshi-kun." Tomo gave a wink and awaited what his attempt at teaching would produce.

WC: 545
Tomo watched Noroshi practice. It was taking a while, but Tomo wasn't surprised. He had been the same way when starting in the academy. However, Tomo could tell that Noroshi was getting tired, so Tomo interjected. "Alright, that's enough for today." Tomo took the scroll and rolled it up before putting it in his pouch. "Good job today. I'll maybe see you around. Good luck with your classes." Tomo bowed as he left for home.

[Topic Left because of inactivity]

Current Ninpocho Time:
