Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Enigma's Arrival [Entering]


New Member
Oct 30, 2015

Two figures arrived at Sunagakure's gates. Both bore identical eyes and moved with an uncanny certainty of the other's motions. They offered no names, simply calling themselves nameless. They appeared more than half-dead from a combination of exhaustion, sunburn, and blood loss. Even as they visibly wove on their feet, unsteady to match the deep circles beneath both sets of rippled, silver-purple eyes.

As moments dragged to minutes and minutes dragged into more, still they stood there. Those eyes, pupils like stones dropped in silvery ponds, staring straight at any who stood between them and entry. Of the two, the man seemed in the worse condition, albeit barely. He wore the garb of an Iwagakure shinobi, though not the emblem. Like his companion, his skin was a mottled mix of purple and black spots, streaked with brown dried blood and scabbed over in spots. In places on his face, ears, and elsewhere, he bore piercings of a matte black metal.

For her part, the woman likewise bore bruises and burns, her long hair matted a muddy red-brown and tangled around scabs and dried blood. Her rough-spun peasant's dress was burnt and slashed, and barely hung onto her in several places, while it was matted to her by blood in others.



Mar 25, 2015

"The Huts"
<FONTFACE fontface="Fang Sang">
As the sun set shades of orange and gold streaked the sky. Standing atop one of large boulders, Jin'ichi let his back face the monolithic Toraono Dojo. The building itself was visible both beneath the surface and while above it. The landmark of Sunagakure could be seen for miles away, but there was only one way in or out. The migration to the surface titled Project Rebirth laid within the provisional gates of the village, needing one to pass through the Toraono's domain either way.

Having made it to the village twice himself from the outside, he proved more capable than one would assume. Considering the fact that he'd nearly botched his first two missions with bravado, reflection was needed. There was little place better to contemplate your decisions than outside the village looking at the horizon. It had a way of putting everything in perspective and making so many important things seem so small. History was often written by the victor and revised over time, who even knew what the truth was anymore? One thing was certain, and it was that Sunagakure wasn't the center of his universe. Alas, it was a place of opportunity and refuge. Perhaps there'd be a chance for kinship and inclusion, to be a part of some kind of real society. Would his inclusion be for the right reasons, or those he knew?

With so much on his plate, he was starting to forget about the young man he'd killed. The nightmares had stopped for a few weeks, and distractions helped with the thoughts. Shiori was almost never around, and so he didn't have to really deal with the grieving mother. Sousuke seemed to be handling it well, but as leader of an entire village of killers, it was to be expected. Quickly flicking the last of his cigarette into the canyon, he prepared to leave. The sound of feet dragging in the sand froze him solid for a second though. Looking over his shoulder he'd notice a couple, badly wounded but fighting on. Simply watching without a word as they approached, Jin'ichi soaked in their details. The male was a couple inches taller than Jin'ichi himself, while the red-headed woman was petite. The man looked like military, Shinobi from another village perhaps. Both of them had the same eyes.

Each step taken by the pair seemed harmonious, almost hypnotic. As battered as they were, they carried a certain grace about themselves. Whether any of that was intentional or not didn't matter. Jin'ichi wasn't authorized to grant or deny anyone entry, being little more than an overgrown Genin. While rank didn't inherently determine one's strength, it certainly mattered in the hierarchy of militaristic systems. Although neither said a word as they approached, Jin'ichi would hop down from his rock carefully. Not wasting any time, he reached into his belt pouch and pulled out a signal flare. Aiming it high and letting it fly, a shining beacon would alert all within the village of an important situation. In no time, ANBU and others if someone more important didn't show up would arrive.

The flickering light flashed upon his form, showing slightly tanned skin and hair that was cut to medium length. The rest of his attire was simple, and made him look more like a vagrant gambler or something than a Shinobi. Geta sandals dug into the sandy earth before he stopped several feet away. In his right hand was a sheathed weapon, long and curved like a Katana but with a hilt resembling the design of a Sai. He held the weapon by the blade, showing little intention of drawing it from the handle. "What happened to you two? Help should be on the way, you looks like you need it." Even though his statement ended there, it was clear he had other things in mind. He'd never been in a situation like this before, and dumb luck had it that he was the guy at the gate when no other seemed to be. Someone had to evaluate the situation, and surely there was a chain of command to go through that led up to Sousuke... However; these people looked like they were about to die. Jin'ichi might not have been the most inclined to go out of his way for a stranger, so he wasn't. Instead, he was making sure that Sunagakure knew what had fallen on their doorstep. It helped that by being the one to signal for backup, that no one could involve him in... Whatever this was.

OC: Signal Flare used, someone needs to help these folks. :(


New Member
Oct 30, 2015
The pair started synchronistically as the flare went off overhead. A hunted, haunted expression crossing both faces. The man's hand slipped into a belt-pouch and the woman's hands pulled up and in front of her, just shy of forming handseals. As the scruffy man spoke, the pair relaxed back from their evident wariness. A look of puzzlement crept across both faces, though less pronounced upon the man's. After a moment, the bemusement faded and the woman nodded, her lank hair bobbing against her cheek as she did. "Each other, I suppose." She eyed the geta-clad drifter with an unimpressed expression. "So. Are you planning on barring entry? Or can you point me to the damn hospital?" She winced as a too-deep breath shifted her broken ribs enough to remind her they were there. "Because I won't be as easy to take down as I'm sure I look." Even as she spoke, the blonde man kept a wary eye on the horizon, all the while his hand stayed firmly planted inside his satchel.


Mar 25, 2015
When the flare had gone off, he'd witnessed the sparks reflecting in their eyes. It was no surprised to see the man shift suddenly, as if prepared to defend himself. It was clear that he'd needed to so not long before. Circle patterns that repeated themselves in their gaze, like ripples, on a silvery lake. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen, and though ignorant about the particular Doujutsu, knew little about eye techniques. From what he'd gathered, some people were just born special... Whether it had to do with inheriting ancient gifts or manifesting new ones, all Doujutsu were revered to some extent. Being the irreverent bastard that he was, Jin'ichi appeared at ease with all this. If not, the young man made no show of the contrary.

Noticing the relaxed shift in posture, their bewilderment stood out as well. The answer given by the woman wasn't expected, and threatened to be more riddle than anything else. It was funny, how someone could look so disheveled and beat down, but still look down on you. Jin'ichi knew the look well, no matter how slight. He'd been practically breast fed on a lack of faith and destiny. There wasn't a soul alive that expected him to amount to anything, and he wasn't under any delusions about it. The following statement and her subsequent moment of pain didn't change his stance either. She was the talkative one, while her companion was ever vigilante. Traits not to be forgotten, but with a little luck he'd probably never run into either of them again after this. "Honestly." A bad start already- Scratching the back of his head lazily as he went on. "I can't do either of that, as much as I'd like to." It was a bit obvious he didn't agree with the words coming out of his mouth, but that's when you told yourself that just doing your job washed your hands clean.

Looking up for a moment at the twinkling flare as it arced overhead, then back towards them he sighed. The way they looked, who even knew what was wrong with them. It stood a chance that the blisters and scabs were symptoms of an infection, and he'd rather not be responsible for an outbreak. Far from being considered for the rank of Chuunin, much less anything above that, letting anyone inside wasn't an option without going against the laws. Respect for the law wasn't something he'd been known for, but maintaining his position as a member of Sunagakure was important. They were the only sense of direction he'd had in a long time, and he wasn't about to give it up playing 'Good Samaritan'. Rubbing the stubble at his chin, he leaned his head back with another sigh. "Why is it you people always prefer to do things the hard way?" A response to her defensive posturing for a fight.

Twirling the unique weapon between his fingers slowly and lethargically, he gave a shrug. "You're in trouble, and you're hurt. If you think you're going to smash through and still be taken care of, think again. I'm a nobody, and I'm not interested in stopping you from committing suicide. You'd just end up getting stopped and crushed by people far stronger than me once you make it inside. Your best bet is to calm down, and wait until someone comes to sort all this out." It was clear that being noted as the bravest gate guardian wasn't an aspiration of his. It was even more clear that he hadn't the drive nor energy to delve into combat, not if he didn't have to. His mind was far too distracted, and he had his own problems to worry about. "The flare only just went off, so give it a few minutes. Will ya?" A simple request. "In the mean time, what're your names?" Probably the most basic question in the world, and he felt that a basic answer was too much to ask for.


New Member
Oct 30, 2015
She bloodied red-head gave him a flat stare, visibly weaving on her feet. "I need a medic. Otherwise I will probably collapse here on the village's doorstep." She bore blood-stained teeth at him. "That's not happening. least I won't go alone. I will set fire to you with my brain before I let you delay me here long enough for me to bleed out." As a wind brushed over her blistered and peeling back she let out a sharp cry, one echoed by a grimace on the blonde man's face.

"Y-," she began, cutting off in a sharp hiss of breath.
"You aren't even asking the right question. Not even one with an answer." The man's hair stood in sharp contrast to the sun burnt and fire-seared state of his skin. Though the brilliant orange-red of the departing sun cast everything in a bloodied auburn hue, it was evident the light could not entirely account for the reddened state of the pair's flesh. Blinking lids that seemed lined by sandpaper and tied off with weights, she felt her sense of balance slipping as her eyes refused to focus. Slowly, she toppled to the sand. The man reached to steady her, but apparently misjudged and fell in a heap alongside her. Both opened their eyes groggily to glare weakly at the sandle-clad interceptor.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
A silver flicker came down as a large leonine being in silver armor with a large blade and streaks of violet energy arrived to assist the forlorn Takahashi kinsman. Kuro had only recently found out about the death of the obstinate child he had struggled to save but he could not bare ill will upon the one whom had taken the strange child's life. For all intents and purposes from what scant reports were brought in, it was more of a mercy killing than a battle or murder. Kuro had been forced to kill unrepentant murderous relatives on more than one occasion so he had forced understanding upon himself for the child's loss. His healing/battle form Sanryoukyougan Kuro drew a massive blade that radiated a calm, compassion instead of blood lust. It was drawn one handed as he approached, he felt the energies and quickly surmised the beings before him were far more akin to him than he wanted to admit but at least he knew how to help them. Raising his blade to the sky healing light fell upon the duo as Kuro passed Jin'ichi a large flask of cool, mint layered water. Kuro then announced himself as his healing aura fell upon them. "I am Toraono Kuro, Sennin of Sunagakure and protector of these lands, as you have fallen at my doorstep, you will be within my care till you have the strength to move yourself about. Rest for the night and when you have gathered your wits about you please come find me and tell me what you will about your situation. Genin Takahashi please give them both water and make sure you also hydrate. My healing jutsu should remove the majority of their wounds soon. Escort them to a chamber on the east wing of the dojo near the Byakko family compound where medics are easily on hand. I will send a quartermaster to replace your signal flare supplies. Thank you for assisting the Toraono Clan in its guardian duties."

Sheathing his blade in the large sheath across his massive armored back Sanryoukyougan Kuro quickly turned away and set about his other tasks as the six forms of Kuro went about various duties to insure the village was protected and to take care of the labors of being a multi prescient Sennin.

Village access granted to Nanashi
Jin'ichi will be trained as an ANBU if he approaches Sharingan Kuro and asks for training.
Topic left unless stopped

WC: 400


Mar 25, 2015
An equally flat gaze met with that of the woman's, entirely unfazed by the display of bloodied teeth. The threats that followed forth from her lips caused knitting of the brow, frustration and annoyance more than anything else. "Yes, because my death would be such a tragic loss to someone, somewhere." An utterance to himself, audible to the other two but dripping heavily with sarcasm. Warm winds swept across the scene, soothing his body while causing pain to the woman's. Unseen pupils hidden within dark irises noted the man's response to his companion's pain, a curiosity to behold indeed. Before the woman could continue her near belligerent efforts, the pain clamped her mouth shut. Oddly enough, the blond companion picked up almost where she'd left off and kept going.

The unsatisfactory response was a prelude to both foreigners collapsing. Even with their bodies failing them, the quartet of silvery eyes glared at him still. There was a part of him that still wanted to help them, but instinct was urging him to drive a blade into their skulls. Sure, they were dying, but it wasn't his fault. As far as he was concerned, he didn't owe either of them a single thing and yet they cared little for his attempts to accommodate their situation. All he could see from his perspective, were eyes that looked at him as disdainfully as anyone else, and ears that failed to comprehend his words. Giving a somber shrug of the shoulders, he turned away from them. "I told you already, it's not up to me who's let in or out. Force your way inside if you still can, it's not like I'm going to stop you."</COLOR><i></i> Lazy as it may seem, he knew his limitations and he also knew how to win the larger game at hand. Still a fledgling soul to the Shinobi environment, he lacked strength, technique, and information. However; if these two went inside despite his warnings they'd simply end up dead.

The idea of trying to valiantly stand at the gates and battle to the death over something so trivial, it was a joke he didn't find very amusing. His job description didn't demand anything of the sort, not as a Genin. Why go over your pay grade? It wasn't logical, especially when sleeping powerhouses awaited foes within. <COLOR color="red">"You need to learn new ways of getting what you want out of people, threats don't work on just anyone. Some of us would rather be dead any way." How quaint, coming from an apparent delinquent. There was truth in his statement though, considering that forceful coercion only went so far. What happens when your target happens to be one who relishes pain or embraces death? What happened if the man you're trying to shake down has already been shaken down by life itself and could care little about marginally more misfortune? You'd either have to kill them or leave them be, either way, you'd have failed to achieve intimidation.

Just as he was preparing for total departure, a silver streak of light swept passed him. The garments Jin'ichi wore fluttered profusely in the wind, flapping about before settling as Jin'ichi looked at the armored enforcer. The man was taller than Jin'ichi by an inch or more, but the sheer breadth of his form was at least three to four times as thick. The feline tail and silvery hair set him aside from any other he'd seen thus far. Turning to face the scenario once more, he witnessed more than he'd anticipated. The signal flare had done its job, but it wasn't until the burly beast of a man decided to speak would he find out whom answered his call. The soothing radiation from the massive blade even calmed the agitation building in his spirit while it healed the wounds of the two travelers. Reflexively, his hand moved as the armored Shinobi tossed him a flask, catching it barely.

Unscrewing the cap and sniffing lightly at the contents, he'd take a swig while listening to his superior. A small grin manifested itself in his expression, a smaller wave of excitement resonating through his core at Kuro's presence. While never having met the man personally, the very gates bore his name and as Sennin everyone knew whom he was. His subtle enthusiasm was a bit unfounded, merely interested in seeing someone so completely different from the norm. From what he'd gathered about the Toraono, they were descended from demons and yet still fought on the side of what they perceived to be good. It was a story that echoed in some slight way the fate Jin'ichi had endured. While his own father hadn't been an actual demon, he was filth without redemption. Knowing the blood of that man flowed through his veins brought with it a sense of personal rejection. It was hard to explain, but if he could cleanse his blood of his father's he'd have done it in a heartbeat. Demons surely looked upon the Toraono differently, and essentially Kuro had gone against all demonic stereotypes.

It seemed that the Sennin had every intention of catering to the plight of the couple. The whole thing made Jin'ichi rub his chin a bit, rustling the whiskers about his face. The soothing aura from Kuro's weapon had subsided and it left Jin'ichi with more questions than he'd had before. Just like that, the Sennin granted them entry without bothering to ask for a name or anything else. Then again, it wasn't his problem. With his intrigue fading, he turned to disappear but paused as Kuro mentioned him specifically by name and rank. Raising a brow, and looking at the armored man he seemed a little put off by the request. Giving a small nod, he'd comply though. "Yes, sir." Was all that he had to say in response. With the two foreigners healed beyond the point of death, they could walk on their own now. All he'd have to do was lead them somewhere. After that, they'd be out of his hair- Right? With Kuro gone as quickly as he came, Jin'ichi was left with the somewhat snobbish pair.

More importantly, that armor... He'd seen it sketched elaborately onto a scroll detailing information about the ANBU. They had a number of duties, but among the most important involved hunting rogues- Like Jin's father. Sousuke was his cousin, but being raised away from it all and with a terrible familial life, blood didn't mean a whole lot to Jin'ichi. He didn't expect to be given any special treatment, and had already been granted more than enough by being allowed to join the village. The idea that he'd even be considered for inclusion among the specialized group of warriors known as the ANBU was a complete joke, and yet- He'd bite his tongue on the thoughts bubbling in the back of his mind. If there were any group in particular that could help prepare him, the ANBU would be it. Walking over to the recovering couple, he'd toss them the flask carefully. "Whenever you're ready." He half mumbled. It sucked being saddled with folks that clearly didn't like you very much. Once they followed him to the designated location, he'd slip off and find his way back to Kuro himself.

OC: Access granted to Nanashi by Toraono Kuro.
Jin'ichi will seek out Kuro later.
Topic left unless stopped.

Notes: For the sake of simplicity, Nanashi can simply RP as though he'd/she'd been dropped off at the specified location. Allowing for you to get to RPing elsewhere without worrying about that bit.

If you'd like though, we could continue this inside/at the Dojo normally.

I'm fine with either choice.


New Member
Oct 30, 2015
Eyes wavering, the pair started in panic at the sight of the huge sword-wielding shinobi striding their way. Looking his way, they could see a similarity to how chakra flowed between their own bodies in the silver-shelled newcomer's chakra flow. Striving to hold herself conscious, the newly awakened Rikudo ninja tried with all her will to summon up her sharingan, to infuse the clay inside her other body's...hand-mouth? She was still more than a little perturbed by those at present. Still, she desperately tried to summon some force by which to defend herself as the paranoia and fear of death which had gripped her since the week-long pursuit through the countryside began. As the sword began to give off waves of healing chakra, however, she started to calm. Allowing the brittle bravado she'd presented the gate-keeping genin with to utterly dissipate as she closed her eyes and murmured an exhausted, relieved, unbelieving, "Thank you," from both of her bodies at once. Her gratitude expressed, she finally permitted herself to let go of that wariness and promptly fell asleep.

[Topic Left]
[Ditto I suppose. I'd prefer to continue the RP with either or both of y'all in the Dojo proper. But that's up to you.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
