Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private An Explanation Is In Order - Req Nobu & Shion

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
They would see the building well before they entered it, unlike many of those in the district the 'Devils Lair' was extravagant to say the least. A multi-level estate that was popular no matter the time of day. Greeters stood before it trained by specialists in the art of allure & each one possessed a suitable chakra signature. They would be greeted with deep bows at the sight of Akkuma. Typical boisterous greetings one would expect of such a scenario. Two behemoths of men stood either side of the entrance, each pushing open the massive doors to the establishment. "Welcome to the Devils Lair..." he would say as with a devilish grin as the interior of the building was revealed. The lavish features of the casino were all designed around the occult. From the intricate carvings along the wood walk to the artwork displayed. This level seemed focused on drawing in individuals & invoking more primal urges to loosen inhibitions. From the hosts, servers & entertainment everything about the establishment had a subtle allure to it. Gold & a blood-like crimson were the most prominent of color features. "We should discuss matters in my office, please follow me." with those words he would lead them through the inebriated individuals who were being seduced by the charms of the establishment.

Approaching an elevator they would notice a camera above it, as they approached the doors would slide open. Stepping in he would await his guests before going up. Once in the elevator he would press the appropriate button. When the doors slid shut his emerald gaze would appraise his guests as they awaited for the brief journey to end. "The situation has need to be informed so you can act accordingly." he would say pausing momentarily to find the best way to go about what needed to be done. Coming to a halt the elevator doors would open & Akkuma would enter the office taking his seat behind the desk. Behind it were dozens of monitors, each showed the feed of various cameras. For the keen eye it would be noticeable some of these had been patched into local security feeds. Most from business that the clan had an influence in. After all the Miroku knew all too well the value of having eyes & ears everywhere. Gesturing for his guests to take a seat he would use a small console under his desk to turn off the monitors display. Rather then have them serve as a distraction for his guests. "Please don't take this the wrong way...but your ability to read a room so to speak needs working on." his words were not meant as a disrespect only a friendly note to his new business associate.

Reaching into a compartment in his desk the half-demon would remove from it one of his more preferred plum sake. Taking out three glasses he would pour them each a glass. "My relationship with the Kazekage as it stands currently is...complicated." he would say the last word with an ominous laugh as if he were amused by it. "Until I resolve the situation it would be best you downplay our business agreements." While his words retained their warmth there was for the briefest moment a flicker of the sinister monster he was. "Lord Ryuzaki Raizo is by all accounts a decent individual. Perhaps inexperienced...but he has a noble heart. A foolish one but noble nonetheless. If he possesses the conviction to stick to his ideals Sunagakure will do well from his leadership. Unfortunately he has much to learn & little time to do so. Already I can see those that aim to mold him into what they need." with those words his gaze would move to the one-way glass that revealed the many levels of his casino below them. It would be obvious that whatever had happened, was a serious incident. "Evidently it is a lesson many shinobi need reminding...until I've done so it would be best for you to approach the Kazekage without me. You should find it easy to get an appointment with him." the words were said in a matter of fact tone as his gaze slid back to his guests.

That piercing gaze of his holding them as he spoke his next words. "Bonds are what make a person in Sunagakure. Use your ties to Konohagakure & Lady Asuka to broker what you need. This village will find itself in need of engineers specializing in locomotives, given your nations significant use of such mechanisms that shouldn't be a hard need to fill. These people face threat that seeks to destroy all they are. Come with the intention of helping, even with profit on the mind & you should find them amendable." when he finished speaking the Sage would lean back in his chair. Waiting for what his guest would have to say about the new information & advice. There was still more Akkuma needed to give them such as lab locations & suitable traders. However he knew given what had transpired at the Gates this was not a matter that could be left unspoken for the time being. Once Nobu had been updated on the situation & formulated a plan they could address the matters that were easily handled. Like the rest of the casino a soothing aroma could be smelt in the air. A suitable scent one that was not over powering but strong enough to cover the scent of blood or alcohol.

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Nobu followed Akkuma as he listened to the man speaking, it seemed that they had traveled into his area and his place of work, after all they were in his territory for all of his, and even the Yamanaka had to admit he was treading on a think wire anyway, as he looked around and nodded tot he welcome he got he followed the man to his office, stepping into the elevator he listened to the man speaking about the situation that had been evolving a small frown crossed his face as he expressed a small amount of concern to the words from the man, it seemed they had come at the wrong time of course.

"Well we couldn't have timed it any worse I can see that much, while annoying it's not something that should stop our end game from being achieved, after all, we simply want establishments here."

As he took a seat he listened to the words and nodded slightly, it did seem he had a lot to learn, but that was expected after all they had been thrown into a world where their own actions now had to get them by. Though the same could be said for those that he had already encountered inside of Sand. As he leaned back and listened to the situation that was happening, he instantly noticed that Akkuma wasn't forthcoming to the idea that was being played out or what had actually happened, instead, he was darting around the wording and what was actually happening and not giving information easily.

Just pointing out that the group needed to go without him, well that would be easy enough if what is said is true and Nobu knew that he had to go that was the whole point of them being here was to sort this out and get establishments set up inside of Suna. As he nodded slightly he paused for few minutes once the conversation had died down slightly as he pondered his next words, after all the information that had been given had been a lot in a short time processing the details and memorizing them he sighed as he looked towards Shion before looking back.

"So, how in the mud is your name right now with the Kazekage, and the second point what exactly is this complication, I would rather go into this conversation knowing full well what I am getting involved in before stepping inside that office door?"

He waited out a few minutes to let his words linger around the air before he turned his attention to Akkuma and checked the surroundings out, he knew that he was helped inside the gates but that is where it seemed the help would stop as he leaned shuffled into his seat slightly.

"Engineers wouldn't be a problem, any more information you could give would be greatly appreciated to set up a few places around to boost moral as well, and in terms of coming to help well isn't that why we are here after all who doesn't like a water hole or a place of relaxation. So I guess the questions I asked beforehand are the important ones less than the next one I am going to ask. How do we find the Kazekage as this is our first time in Suna."

[Topic Entered]
[MFT: 555]


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion had been following them towards the casino from the looks of it. He would be eying the place quite a bit until Akkuma said that they would discuss things in his office. Shion nodded onto that and followed along. This place was almost like a complete step up from their own if he almost were to say so... then again- this was also a completely different place than leaf would ever be. Suna was different... with that in mind for his own things... he would need to take heed to that, perhaps combine the best things of the two to make it bloom more?

As he was inside the office, he would look around a little until he found himself stuck to a screen. Screens were a bitter reminder for him, but even at that he would notice that it was switched off. Clearly he had been speaking about him as Shion simply looked away. He didn't feel like causing a ruckus about it at the time.

"Neh... Lord Akkuma..." he started out. "Could you elaborate on the; My relationship with the Kazekage as it stands currently is...complicated." He crossed his arms. "I rather not jump in blind or poke any unneeded holes... If you know what I mean with that." Stepping on toes that were still bleeding were a dangerous path to take for him and nobu... more for him as he could be an elephant in a room.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage would listen to the two individuals before him & the questions they had. He would get the simplest of the matters out of the way. "Once we've finished business here I will have one of my attendants escort you to the Kazekage Tower. From there you will have to make your own arrangements." he would stay still failing to answer to what degree his name was in the mud with the Kazekage. "Lord Ryuzaki Raizo has seen fit to banish me from his village." the statement was made in a business-like manner & yet there was a devilishly wide grin upon his face. "As one might expect it's a rather difficult feat to enforce ones will upon me." his words were with a mischief one would expect from one such as himself. "This unfortunately means I must remind Lord Raizo & those in his council of the being I am. Why it is far better to have the monster with you then against you...given this I expect you would wish to keep our arrangement a secret. Worry not about the Gate guards...many have their own pacts with me & that troublesome youth will be dealt with soon enough." with those words he would lean back before continuing on. But first he would pour himself a drink & down its contents.

With a satisfied sigh he would continue speaking "When you've finished your business with the Kazekage or beforehand simply seek out the broker I've listed in the scroll I gave you earlier. From there he should be able to assist you with any other matters you have in regards to getting established. He'll also give you the details to some former facilities of mine that should prove sufficient for any off the grid operations you may wish to use. There is a vast underground train network given your connections it should prove easy to maximize use of that. In regards to the operation Sunagakure is conducting & the threat they face. I'm afraid my information is limited at best. All I can say is it is evolving & our foes are much more complex then the sunans initially anticipated." with those words he would wait to see what other objections or questions they may have for him. Given the situation he & those under his employ seemed quite comfortable going about their routines.

Then again it was not the first time he'd been cast from a villages walls or imprisoned. He'd gained much experience over the years when it came to circumventing the restrictions placed upon him by those unwilling to do what he did. With time they would come to understand he was a necessity. They always did although whether or not it was a lesson they would learn in time was something only the Fates could foretell & Time reveal.



Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Something kept gnawing at him, something that the other demon had said... and he started to get suspicious... now what you had to be doing when you were getting suspicious... was to ask. And that he did. The words that followed from the other started to give him a slightly worried expression but he decided to tilt his head on it. To make it look a bit different he hoped. 'Banishment doesn't happen often... Not from what I know, for someone to banish... Him... Some may say a fool or what else. I have no reason to judge that just yet as I have yet to meet this man... But this doesn't bode well for things.' He would lean into his hand as he started to think, it was unlike him in this situation. But he held back, he didn't say much as he would just keep on listening.

'How would things fare better..? They will most likely be patched up to date that we entered as guests from Akkuma... I share the same curse as him. Being a Demonic Ancestry... And somewhat follow in the same lines of working in and around the place.. Yea-. Like hell that will work out just fine. A bomb has exploded... The best we can even do at this point is to not throw gasoline on the fire...'
His eyes shifted from one to another. He felt like he would need more time to get through this... Get through the bottom of what would be the best thing to do.

He would release the chin that he was now holding and folding his arms together. "If you both excuse me... I will go outside, get familiar with the area and attempt to get an idea of how to approach it.. without throwing more gas on the fire..." He would turn and walk towards the exit. He was already deep in thoughts and most likely wouldn't hear words anymore.

[topic left unless stopped]
MFT: 250+

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
