Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An unexpected welcome [Entering]

May 6, 2015
Riyota hobbled through the gates of the village, holding the makeshift tourniquet over the gaping hole that had once contained his eye. He'd managed to clean it a bit whist outside, but it was going to need some proper medical attention soon or it was going to get worse. He made it through the gates and took in the familiar sounds and smells.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma sat atop the Dojo he often liked to go where he shouldn't, like the Kage towers he did love sitting on them. The Kage's didn't seem to like it though, not that he ever paid any attention to what they wanted. A familiar sight came into view, the youth he had encountered just the other day. 'Kuromairu Riyota I wonder what he's been doing in the desert.' He thought to himself noticing the boy was n need of some medical attention. Not being able to see any gate guards around he put on his Transformation Jutsu. Now he looked like he was about 5ft tall in a sand coloured robe, the hood up. Using his mask summon Jutsu he put on one of his many masks this one was that of an Oni. It had bright blue hair that came down around it like a big mane. Leaping from the rooftop he landed before the youth standing there silently before him, the sand seemed to barely move as he landed.

"Name, Rank reasoning for having left the village." it was the cold sound that spoke with absolute authority, forcing his voice to be a higher tone so as to help disguise his true identity. Blue eyes looked out from behind the mask, starring at the boy before him. This sentinel radiated power, no doubt Riyota knew if Anbu and would assume this was one of the legendary ninja. "How did you get yourself injured?" he asked the boy wondering what mischief he had gotten himself into, least he was brave. Akkuma knew what was hidden in the sands out there he had encountered one of the most dangerous beasts out there.
OOC: -Here comes the Akkuma! xD​
May 6, 2015
Riyota cast his remaining eye over everything, he smiled softly. His mission with Makeinu may have ended as a drastic failure which ended in both the boys eventually getting split up. He hoped Makeinu was ok, Who knew what was still going on out there... With a quick smirk he realised there were very few, if any, guards around the gate, meaning he could quickly slip back in. At least that's what he thought. There was a soft thud behind him and he whipped around to see something even more terrifying than the thug they had faced outside...A Sand Anbu....Staring directly at him.

The questions rang through his mind and he knew he would have to think quickly if he wanted to get out of this one. Crap...think,think,think. He came up with a plan after a few seconds and quickly pointed out of the gate. "I hadn't properly left Sir....I promise, I saw some guys running out and I went to look, in fact I was going to the Kazekage right now to report it." He nodded, hoping the best he had right now was good enough. So he waited in agonizing suspense to see if the Anbu would fall for it.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma sighed as the boy hesitated in answering 'Lying to an Anbu...cheeky little devil.' He thought to himself noting that he lied to the Anbu with minimal hesitation. Black chakra formed around the Anbus right hand, cursed kanji formed around his fingertips burnt brightly like hot cattle brands. Slamming his hand into the boys face, cursed chakra forced itself into his body. Fusing to his chakra core and binding itself to the very genetics of the youth. Akkuma had scribed the Solar Seal upon the boy. Usually the sealing processed brought about severe exhaustion and pain. Akkuma was not any sealer however he was a Dark Ssage, all his seals required was pain. Vast amounts of pain that could often be crippling while they bound to you.

While the youth would undoubtedly cry out in pain, writhing on the sand floor beneath him he would begin to speak again. "It's a crime to lie to me Kuromairu Riyota." he said coldly in a tone that held no mercy, tilting his head like a bird taking a final lol at its prey he spoke once more. "Now tell me the truth...lie to me once more and I shall have to give you a brand that will ensue you never rise above the rank of academy student. Now tell me the truth." his voice rose with anger and for a brief moment it would have sounded exactly like the demon lords normal voice. If any gate guards stood nearby one could only wonder what thoughts were going through their heads. The Solar Seal would begin to heal the youths body, fighting off infection and forcing his wound to heal. Those cursed enzymes and chakra forcing their way through his very cells to make the process occur.

Solar Seal Given to Riyota, Free Seal of the Week.
Link here in your training showing the obtains of the Solar Seal and one week of stat sacrifice.
OOC: Now let the interrogation continue xD
May 6, 2015
Riyota kept up the act for as long as possible, but soon learned that the Anbu didn't believe him. Before he had time to react, a hand emanating black chakra hit him right in the face, sending him to the ground. After that it was a pain Riyota knew only too well A curse seal, it has to be...what the hell, this can't be standard punishment. He let out a small cry of pain but took a moment to compose himself. He slowly and shakily got to his feet and looked the Anbu dead in the....Mask? "I've had that done to me so many times it almost tickles now." He weakly and defiantly grinned, he wasn't sure what the Anbu would do next, but Riyota wasn't going to back down. Even as the dark energies crawling through his body formed yet another seal pattern on his chest.

Riyota winced as the first two curse seals reacted to the new arrival but he managed to stand his ground. However next the Anbu said something Riyota never would have seen coming.

His name​

"How do you-..." he began before the man cut him off, demanding the truth from him. Riyota could swear he'd heard the voice before. I can't give up what I've been doing, not even to this guy. He thought, he attempted to grab for his axe, but once again forgot that he had lost it out in the desert. I can't let that stop me. He told himself, feeling the newly inscribed seal burn slightly. "I'm sorry, but I can't do that." He told the Anbu, lowering his hood. I hope you understand...

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled beneath the mask as Riyota picked himself up, brushing off the Curse Seal's pain as if it was nothing. Then again the process seemed to have completed quicker then usual. The demon knew it was something more then the fact hed received curse seals before. Perhaps the boy was one of those few, who could naturally master them. He'd never met one before but he'd studied samples he'd acquired and heard many stories. 'I'll need some samples...but first let's see if he's really willing to protect this secret.' he thought before bowing to the youth before him.

"I understand young one...but do you understand the price one must be willing to pay to protect their secrets?" his voice was cold and emotionless. Having been an Anbu and the plans he had in place he knew all to well that some things needed to stay secret. Sighing he would boot the child in the face sending rolling back through the sand, the force would have severely hurt and winded the youth. The kick was so quick and without warning it would come as a complete shock, yes this was no ordinary stop. Perhaps the boy would realise even an Anbu would not go so far as to begin beating an academy student while interrogating them at the entrance to the village. "Will you tell me now?" he would ask walking towards the boy at a calm pace, each step closer would undoubtedly bring in the severness of the situation to the boy. Would Riyota still keep his secret even now when faced with the monstrous brutality and complete authority of the figure before him.

Putting his hand into his pocket he soon withdrew it with an Ancient Battle Gauntlet now equipped, spikes protruded from the knuckles the fingers almost blade-like with how sharp they were. After all they were made for demonic hands like the ones he usually possessed. Once he stood before the boy once more he would repeat the question. "Will you tell me what your secret is?" tilting his head as that cold voice sliced through the air.
May 6, 2015
Geez, ok, that hurt the thought slowly went through Riyota's head as he pulled himself off the ground. He coughed and tried his best to get some air back into his lungs. I'm pretty sure this isn't standard procedure. He thought to himself, panting heavily. He looked up and saw his assailant slowly walk towards him. "Better get a weapon...or you're going to die." Riyota knew that voice all too well, and he couldn't exactly say he was happy to hear it. This time however he heeded it's advice as his attacker stomped towards him, equipping some sort of giant glove.

Riyota spotted what he needed and bolted for a cluster of building materials, out of which he grabbed out a fairly solid metal pole. A very low amount of Volts began coursing through it and Riyota readied himself to fight. He dug his back heel into the ground before he thought two things. I'm starting to think this guy isn't an Anbu, and I also don't think fighting defensively is going to help me out here. He nodded to himself and gritted his teeth with determination, kicking off from the ground, he launched at the man and swung at him with full force, whether this hit or missed he would afterwards twist to one side and take a swing at the man's legs. "This is all well and good for now" the voice laughed, "But how long can you keep it up without MY help...?" It continued questioning Riyota

[MFT 250]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma laughed maniacally as the youth dashed at him swing a bit of nearby material he had picked up. "Really trying to hit me?" he laughed simply stepping out of the way of each blow his tone mocking the youth. He let the attack continue for a few seconds before punching the youth in the face with the brutal medieval looking gauntlet. The impact would slam the youth into the ground the force would cause a big cloud of sand to rise. Akkuma dropped his transformation and unsummoned his mask.

"I'll give you this your brave child, but next time don't you ever lie to me. I might just have to kill you. Now let's get some food and water into you shall we?" he asked extending a hand with a warm smile, through it all the boy had maintained his conviction. No matter what he was going to protect whatever it was that he was hiding and he could respect that. He knew he could get it out of him if he wanted to but he was merely testing the youth. There was something Akkuma had been thinking about he had almost made his decision up.

"So Riyota why is that you would not reveal your secret to even an Anbu? Do you have a death wish?" he would ask giving a boisterous laugh he couldn't believe how ballsy the little shit had been. It seemed the brave or just foolish seemed to be flocking to him recently, perhaps this would be as easy as the others.
May 6, 2015
Riyota was thrown back with tremendous force and speed, coughing up a large amount of blood as he flew backwards into the sand. "In a battle of Strength and Speed. The cornered Rat will bite the Cat." The voice mocked him, taunting him, trying to evoke his rage in such a way that would make Riyota's curse seals trigger. That's not how this works. I call the shots, you get nothing, understood. He spoke to this inner demon of his. He struggled to pick himself up when he stared up to see none other than the Miroku clan leader himself.

"Is that how you invite everyone to go eat with you?" Riyota chuckled a bit of blood trickling down his chin. "I want it on record that given one more minute, I would've beaten you." Clearly showing Akkuma that though some of his bones may have broken, his spirit was certainly still intact. He was breathing quite heavily and the Solar Seal was working slowly, but at least he survived, there was that much. "I don't really have a Deathwish, no...but then again I doubt most ANBU resort to physical violence that quickly." He smirked. "Let's go eat. Just so you know, you're paying."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma laughed a loud warm sound, which was very surprising given who he was. Even though he had been beaten to a pulp Riyota still demonstrated the strength of his will. " varies I'm an very whimsical at times." he gave a little nod as if he were happy with the word he'd used. Laughing in a jovial manner once more at Riyota's next words. "I'm sure you would have..." he said with a warm smile and a chuckle.

"You my friend clearly haven't met the same Anbu I have...after all I used to be one." he would say with a small wave gesturing for Riyota to follow him. He couldn't believe the cheek of this youth, it reminded him so much of his defiance as a child. The Dark Sage would walk with Riyota "Haha indeed, I think after a beating like that you've earned a decent meal." he would say leading the youth with him, into the Toraono Dojo. To the mess hall that was currently being used by most of the clan. All kinds of mysterious characters made up the clan, from seeing this many together it was easy to see there was no single feature they all possessed. That is except their curse seals even children younger than Riyota ran around the hall, their curse seals clearly visible. Taking a seat amongst the chaos he would gesture for Riyota to do the same. Ripping off what looked to be the leg of some massive beast he began tearing into the flesh.

"We're all different in our clan, no one is better than the man next to them. We are united under a single banner. The damned, the's safe to say there is no other clan like us." he would say through a mouthful of food, washing it down with a large goblet of liquor. "So Riyota tell me, what happened to your parents?" he would ask in a curious tone. If Riyota had yet to start eating the demon would tear off another leg and the vegetables cooked around it onto a huge plate. Sliding it in front of the boy he would say "Eat." though in truth it probably sounded more like a grunt, but the intention would be obvious.
Edited to fix coding mistake
May 6, 2015
Riyota wasn't sure he wanted to know the kind of ANBU Akkuma was describing, so he just nodded and followed the man. "I think anyone would deserve a meal after a beating like that." He followed into the Toraono dojo. Riyota had been here so many times it was beginning to feel more like home than his home. He glanced around at the youth who all seemed to almost proudly display marks similar to his on their bodies. Riyota sat down at the request of his host and saw the man begin eating straight off the bat. "You have less table manners than me." he giggled. "I guess you'd better hope Seika finds that attractive...or am I supposed to call her Lady Azame? Riyota wasn't quite sure. The equality of the clan Akkuma described sounded nice, and Riyota began to feel a bit more comfortable.

Riyota began tearing off tiny pieces of a leg of meat that Akkuma had presented to him. However when the Miroku Lord asked his question Riyota nearly choked on it. "M-my parents? What's there to know really." he forced out some laughter, acting like the question was of no importance to him. In truth the mention of his parents began bringing up a lot of painful memories and he wasn't sure if Akkuma was the right person to talk to about it. Besides, the vague reasoning of his parents leaving could get him in trouble.

So are you and Seika married yet? he asked, trying desperately to change the subject.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Chuckling at the boys words he nodded in agreement, when Riyota joked about his table manners the demon gulped down his mouthful. Washing down the food by downing his whole goblet he said his next words "There is a time and place for everything. Etiquette is something you shouldn't worry about with family. We're all comfortable with ourselves and our kin, in our clan no is allowed to judge our kin." he spoke in a warm tone, but there was a seriousness to it. The demon began tearing into the meat once more as Riyota mentioned he should hope Seika doesn't see him like this. At that he had to laugh "Seika is no niave girl, she knows who I am and what I am. I've been very honest and upfront, she loves me for who I am. Just as I do her, I wouldn't change her in the slightest she's perfect." he would say with a warm smile, that look in his eyes made him look completely different. Less monstrous in a way, perhaps it was the sincere love sick look he wore when thinking of her.

Finally the boy started eating and Akkuma was glad he thought he was going to simply starve in front of him. His reaction to the demon questioning him about his parents was odd, his behaviour suggested he was hiding something. The way he tried to change the subject was poor at best. "Well for starters why they've let their son alone in Suna..." he said it with a shrug as if he were not truly bothered by it. That crimson orb and it's diamond counterpart slid to the boy when he asked if they were married yet. "No in truth I've been busy securing this village...and acquiring certain assets to maintain the survival of our two clans. But that is a talk for another time, soon enough we will be married." he said with a small smile truly he couldn't wait for the day.

"So tell me why you've been left here? Come now Riyota don't be scared or ashamed. My father is a demon that has and still plagues humanity for eons now. My mother was one of his many victims, when she gave birth to me she was horrified and abandoned me on the streets. Everything I am today, I achieved through my own skill, tears, sweat and blood. I'm asking about your parents because I'd like to invite you to join my clan, truth be told I've been considering adopting you." he would say calmly and matter of fact tone, as if these were the things that were usually discussed over a meal. Akkuma looked around the room his eyes sweeping over every person present before turning to face Riyota.

"I spent so much of my life trying to find my place, my purpose in life. I became a shinobi to get stronger so I could protect myself. When I got stronger I became an Anbu and dedicated myself to protecting others so that I could one day earn the right of admiration from others...but our paths do not always go as we plan. Some things can never be prepared for...but then I established the Miroku Clan and things have never been better. Than we came to Suna and things just kept getting better. Now I've met you Riyota I can't help but feel your place is within this clan, but not simply in our clan. I want you to be apart of my family, I want you to be my son. he said in a warm tone gazing at Riyota before gesturing around the hall in a sweeping movement. He let his words sink in so Riyota could truly understand before he'd continue speaking.

"There's no reason you can't find your place among us, you already have a seal from me. All you need to do is cast aside your family name and take that of the Miroku. You don't have to forget your parents, but accept you have a different family." he refilled his goblet downing the liquid filled golden object. Riyota would possibly wonder who was this man in front of him, nothing he'd seen from Akkuma suggested this kind of man was within that monstrous form. But although Akkuma was a monster he was trying to reconnect with his human side. The one thing he'd always desired was a family and he knew Riyota was meant to be apart of his family. He knew Seika would absolutely love Riyota he had the same spirit as Akkuma, perhaps a little less twisted.

OOC damn deep convo xD
Edited to fix spelling mistake
May 6, 2015
Riyota nodded attentively as Akkuma outlined the ideals of etiquette in the clan, he had hoped his comment hadn't rubbed the Demon Lord the wrong way. He was just trying to make conversation. As Akkuma answered his question on the status of he and Seika's relationship Riyota wondered what he meant about maintaining survival for the clans. Both the Toraono and the Miroku clan seemed pretty well off, then again, that might be because of Akkuma's efforts. Still, Riyota couldn't help but smirk slightly at the expression on the usually intimidating man's face as he talked about Seika. Riyota had never really thought about love before, and truth be told it still confused him.

Akkuma began to press the matter on Riyota's parents, however when the man began revealing events of his own past, it made the issues of the boy seem minute in comparison. As Akkuma had explained his past, Riyota thought it only fair to share what little he remembered with the man across from him, Riyota steeled himself and took a deep breath. "I suppose you're right, it isn't that big a deal, but to be honest there's still a lot of things about my past even I'd like to know. It doesn't feel like amnesia, but I don't know why I'd forget the details of something that big..." A look of heavy concentration passed over the boys face. "I'm not sure how to really explain my life as a little kid...average? I suppose, My Father was never the kind of person to dwell on minor things, I remember that, and he didn't like to talk much whenever I asked about any other family we had. He always just seemed focused on training me..." The boy strained to remember more. "I never had much interaction with my Mother, she was always away on missions...I think." He thought about whether or not he should continue, but decided he might as well. "I'm not sure if this is considered...well....strange but, neither of them ever told me when I was born...I'm not quite sure how old I even am." He thought on the last piece of critical information. "T-they left the village roughly a month before the Cabal attack. I-I don't know if it's related."

The boy finished his exposition, as white as a sheet afterwards, and sweating slightly, which is when Akkuma hit him with one of the biggest bombshells of his life. " Sir, or you sure you're thinking straight. I'm no-one important, for the head of the Miroku clan to adopt someone like can't be good for image." Riyota's prior cheeky attitude was washed away as he tried to process what Akkuma was saying, but when he thought about the things Akkuma had told him, he could definitely understand the reasons somewhat. "I admit it would be nice to be part of something like that again, but I'm sure you and Seika have too many things to worry about without adding me." The boy was making excuses on the man's behalf. Riyota knew deep in his heart that what he wanted more than anything was a family who loved him.

[MFT 524]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

Akkuma listened intently to Riyota as he spoke of what little he seemed able to remember from his past, devouring his food as the boy spoke. Once his guest had finished he would wipe his face clean of any stray bits of food before speaking. "Interesting...I hope you one day find the answers that you seek." Perhaps the boy's family had enemies and that's why they left or perhaps there was a reason much darker. Frankly the Demon Sage found it quite intriguing, something to investigate further perhaps. A large devilish grin spread over his face as Riyota asked him if he was sure saying it can't be 'good for image'. Akkuma burst into laughter his next words brought silence to the demon however.

"We are in the perfect position to adopt my dear boy. Do not worry about such trivial things about image among the Miroku..." If Riyota took notice he would find many of the Miroku clan members present had fallen quiet. "..we are all a family here. Our one concern is that we follow our hearts and stand by each other. That is where our pride comes from and the source of our true strength. We can do no better than what is your answer Riyota will you join my family or would you like to make another excuse for me?" The demon would ask with a smile those around looked at the youth wondering what his answer would be.

"I promise you this if you agree to join my family. I will always protect you, no matter what you do. Whichever path you choose to follow I will watch over you. I swear our family will love you unconditionally and aid you in all your ambitions." He would say warmly grabbing a mug of ale and chugging it down as he awaited Riyota's answer. The tension in the air seemed almost palpable as the witnesses awaited an answer with great anticipation. The Sage would understand if he needed time to consider it or even said no. After all the Miroku Clan wasn't for everyone they were all crazy in their own way but every last one was loyal to the core.

May 6, 2015
Riyota sat stunned as the man burst into laughter at the meer thought that adopting the boy would be bad for image. The young man couldn't help but smile ever so slightly as the man explained his willingness to adopt. Riyota sunk down a little bit in his chair as he noticed eyes were starting to fall on him. He looked to his left and his right, his mind ticking through for any flaws he could find in Akkuma's argument, trying to avoid being a detriment to the great clan the man had built. Yet for all the flaws Riyota believed he had, he couldn't find one reason that he shouldn't join the Miroku clan, he could easily come to be just as crazy as they were. So he took a deep breath and smiled. "Well then...if you'll have me, I graciously accept." his smile grew as he uttered the last word of his sentence. "Father..."

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank

The room burst into cheers as the feast began once rode with new frenzy people all downed towards the boy introducing themselves and slapping him on the back. Many of the other children came running over asking him which seal he'd been given and what ninja tricks could he do. The demon sage merely chuckled and said "Very well young Riyota welcome to the family my son!" with a loud demonic roar that shook the room he downed the mug of ale before him.

"We'll accomplish great things enjoy your feast and meet everyone." he would say with a warm grin the demon couldn't explain how good it felt to have a son. The Sage wondered what Riyota's destiny was, what kind of man he'd grow to be. Would he be a good dad? He hoped so but then again most would think a Demonic Warlord and Sage wouldn't make a good father.

Akkuma knew Suna to be his home now he was building the perfect family here and he fit in well with the people of this country. Could it be that the fates had truly decided to reward him for his efforts? Or were they building all this up only to take it away from him. Only time would tell but for now he was happy, truly happy. 'I've got Seika, Riyota, Uziuke, the Miroku and Toraono. My family is growing how it moves me so to have so many to give me purpose.'

Topic Left ~ Feast All Night
Riyota My Son Welcome To The Family!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
