Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

And now for something calmer (Tutor)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru sighed gently as he finished writing on the board of the class, using his mastery of paper Jutsu to create a makeshift curtain to hide the text he had written. A small surprise for the students. It felt a bit odd to be in class again, it's been a while, with him lately doing more outdoor activity and training when applicable. The main reason was the fact the last session of such a kind he had turned out to be...a bit more hectic than he anticipated. He underestimated the hot-headedness of some of the students....he did manage to reign it in before anything serious happened, but there was a few more scraps and bruises than necessary.

He scratched his head thinking about that day and the aftermath. He did get an earful from the headmaster, that was ceartin...though it didn't amount to much. He still was one of the best into the village in terms of Ninjutsu usage... and most people were aware that given what exactly they were doing int he academy, some heated situations were hard to avoid. Still, he decided to calm it down a bit, especially since there was another batch of mostly fresh students. Hence he was in a classroom, at the pulpit, the blackboards behind him as he waited for the young girls and boys to fill into the room. A more suitable environment for Ninjutsu 101 introduction...though he did have some ideas in case there would be a few students ahead of the curve of the others.but for now, he waited the remaining few minutes until classes were to begin, let the everyone have enough time to file in.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The teacher of his next class may have heard of Hakuren as he and his sibling are known as hard cases. However unlike most that find their way into such a category, they were not ones to cause trouble. They were your classic bookworms; does very well in written exams but absolutely flunks anything physical. They are more than eager to listen and learn and quite often read about subjects ahead of the class. They know there stuff, but they fail to participate in class. They do not like answering question in front of others students as they are often teased for being know-it-alls or nerds. They especially do not like participating in physical activities such as practice duels.

Hakuren was the first to enter the classroom as he often is. Hakuren likes to be early unlike his sister that often comes in late. Tucked under his arm was a black book with words of silver. Leabhar na Geasa was written on the cover, which translated to Book of Spells. It was his mother’s book. In the book were lists of small incantations; three words or less. His mother writes these spells on paper talismans and use them as traps. Hakuren could not use the full array of spells like his mother, but he could make exploding notes and other various traps from the knowledge within its bindings.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The class did slowly fill in he did see some familiar faces, and some he hasn't met before. Some of them were more familiar than others since he saw them in the halls or was told about some of their exploits or...misdeeds beforehand in other classes. for the most part, this one seemed to consist of mostly calm students, though there was a pair which raised his brow. Apparently quite talented, but not very eager to participate more actively in classes... also less inclined towards physical activity. Well, guess this was the perfect class for them, at least from the beginning.

He made note of the class slowly filling up but he notices there were a few empty seats still. About a minute before the class starting he did a quick roll-call, making a note to attach each name to the face of his students. After that, he looked at the door before saying "I'll give he few stragglers a few minutes to join us, so they hopefully don't mooch over you notes to much" trying to joke slightly with a smile "As you may or may not know, I am Sunaku Harupia, and I'll be teaching you about Ninjutsu... But before we begin, I want to ask all of you...what exactly do you know about it? What lets us perform these techniques, how are we able to control the elements and bend them to our will?" he asked, trying to gauge how engaged the class would be before actually getting into the thick of it

Sorry for the slight delay, forgot to bookmark the thread and mixed the fact you posted a reply somehow x.x Ill be sure to respond more timely from this point on. I might NPC as a few students to make the class seem more lively if you won't mind that.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren was a well read student and often research about this ahead of the rest of the class. However that is not to say that lessons on topics he has already read about would be a waste. Written research only gets one so far. There are some things you can only learn through experiencing it. Hakuren may have a lot of book knowledge but very few experiences.

“Ninjutsu like any other jutsu uses mudra to to mold chakra in the human body. There are twelve mudra in total each representing a sign in the zodiac. However it may surprise one to know that…”
One student takes a ruler and eraser and catapults it at Hakuren. The eraser knocks Hakuren’s glasses right of his face and there was quite some laughter afterwards.

“Nerd” Hakuren goes to grab her glasses but another student gets to it before him. Suddenly it turns into a game of keep away, which did not last long. When Hakuren realizes that he was not going to get his glasses back to easily, he gave up. He wears glasses not because he has any problems with his vision, but for the effect of making him look more distinguished. So it’s not like they were that expensive since there are ‘for-show’ glasses. Since he does not truly need them no real need to expend so much energy to get them back. When Hakuen decided not to play along, they lost interest in the game and gave the glass back while saying that he was no fun.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Well, it did seem that blue haired Hakuren was indeed a smart kid. He didn't really remember any student referring to the original name fo the handseals...quite honestly it was something that escaped his own mind as well. unfortunately, the notes about the others students being calm seemed to be less accurate...well, he guessed that compared to a bit pushing down his classmates, they were a bit tamer.

He watched the situation unfold for a brief moment, just before Hakuren would give up on trying to retake his glasses. Before they could continue for much longer the Glasses would seem to be snapped from the air by an unseen force. After a moment it would become clear it was as if whips of sand and dirt whipped the glasses away, and then glided it down in front of Hakuren at his desk (still as clean as they were before). The snatching was followed by Harupia pounding his open palm against the chalkboard glaring at the class as he raised his voice saying "I may be waiting for anyone coming late, but CLASS IS STILL IN SESSION" his voice stern as he tried to calm the class down.

After that he would clear his throat, revealing the first part of the chalkboard, which had a somewhat detailed drawing of the human body, along with the lines indicating the Chakra System of the body "You are right Hakuren, Ninjutsu is one of the types of techniques Shinobi use, along with Taijutsu and genjutsu. They all have the same principle, using our inner energy and channeling it for whatever task we need. When I say energy I don't mean pure physical strength, though that is also important. However, chakra is created by the combination of physical and spiritual energy. For this you need to train your mind, as the smarter and more experience you are, the better you can harness case any of you doubted why we have you reading books and such. If you don't train your body and mind, you'll never be able to do things like this" he mused while performing a quick series of hand seals, and then extending his hand forward. Suddenly from the desk, several cards of papers started flying through the air, before each landed on every student's desk. The paper seemed mostly normal, if a bit more yellowish in tone, and perhaps rougher to the touch "Now, could anyone tell me or guess what is the paper you've just received? And don't worry, it's not a pop quiz... if you guys behave" he said half-jokingly, though he did give a sterner tone to his voice to make sure there wouldn't be more Shenanigans abound.


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
The Glasses would then seem to be snapped from the air by an unseen force. “As I was saying it may surprise one to know that hand seals are not always necessary to cast a jutsu.” There are quite a few people born with an innate talent to control a particular element. “Sunaku in particular have quite the talent when it comes to sand ninjutsu.” Hakuren places on his glasses and then quickly takes them off. There was a fingerprint on the lens from when then other student had grabbed it. Bring the glasses up to his mouth, he does a heavy exhale. His breath containing moisture from the mouth would fog the lens. He then takes the end of his shirt and rubs the lens with it. Hakuren almost drops when sudden the teacher slams a palm on the desk and yells at the class.

Hakuren quickly places his glasses back on his face and pays attention to the teacher. Harupia then reveals to the class a section of the chalkboard. On this part of the chalkboard was the human body showing the chakra system. The teacher then begins the lecture and the basic. Hakuren is already well aware of how chakra was made. He learned that stuff in a class on walking on walls. There was a lot of injuries in that class and few holes in the wall as well. This class seems to be less destructive to both people and building.

Hakuren watches the hand seals carefully in an attempt to guess want it did before he finishes. Surely the combination of certain hand seals must somehow correlate to the jutsu being casted, but he was still quick far away from figuring out it’s secrets. Hakuren was not able to guess what it did and recognizes the paper given to him. Hakuren reaches into his shoulder pack and pulls out a piece of Chakra Induction Paper just to be sure. Comparing the two, they look and feel to be made out of the same material. If Hakuren would put any amount of chakra into them they would burst into flames. Despite knowing exactly what it is he decides to keep quiet; he showed off his knowledge already. However the teacher could probably guess Hakuren knows since has some already in his possession.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Well, at least it seemed the blue hair boy was not overly rattled by the whole ordeal...though whether it was a sign of his mental fortitude or simply the fact it happened to often would be hard to gauge. Regardless he did finish his thought, pointing out the fact that some particular people had an even greater degree of control over certain elements. He let out a bit of a chuckle as he said "That's is true, creating people has a more natural predisposition to creating elements. My bloodline has spent centuries roaming the desert, taming it, slowly learning its secrets, until manipulating the sand became like second nature. Though when I was at your age, I could bearly rise a clump even smaller than you saw flying a mere moments ago. Not to mention learning the jutsu of other elements. But hopefully after this and future classes, you'll gain more of an understanding of this art, and sooner then later you'll be able to perform a whole slew of impressive technique" trying to engage the class a bit more. Seemed to have the usual results, some of the students perking up a bit, some of them not really that interested in the class.

He noticed the varied reactions to the paper he handed out, observing that the blue-haired student took out another piece of paper to compare. That had him a bit curious. While not really dangerous, at least in the amounts given to create these learning cards CHakara Induction paper wasn't something lot fo kinds cared to get their hands on. He would continue on explaining "These pieces of paper is what we call Chakra Education Paper. They are made of a special wood which reacts with a person's chakra. With enough work and discipline, you can learn to manipulate your chakra to take the form of any of the primary elements: Fire, Earth, Water, and Wind. However, we all tend to have a natural leaning towards a certain element, which is reflected in our natural chakra"

Stepping a bit closer to the class he would say "I know some of you already may have learned about focusing you chakra, be it by performing more Basic jutsu or perhaps learning how to focus it around your limbs. I want you to do something a bit different here. I want you to try and focus your chakra while holding the paper, make it flow through it so to say. If any of you would need any assistance or would be having a hard time, I will be here to assist. And regardless Ill be watching just what the papers can tell us about yourselves". As he finished he would move closer again, watching the kids grasp the paper and observing their reactions and attempts of making the paper react, taking a moment to stop at each desk and to give a bit of guidance as to how to focus if necessary. But even if he stood above one of the desks he ddi keep a keen eye on all the others.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren was right; this was the same type of paper he carries on his person. However the teacher did call it by a slightly different name. Looking around Hakuren could easily tell that it was definitely the same thing. Various reactions were happening from getting soaking wet to crumbling into dust and everything in between. These were all very common reactions and plenty of students found amazement in the effects they had on the paper. However there was of course a few that had no reaction at all as they had a difficult time focusing there chakra. One of these students was a girl sitting next to him. She seems to be concentrating really hard but nothing was happening.

“Take a deep breath and relax.” The girl looks at him an his paper still unaffected, but she does as he asks; breathing in through the nose and out with the mouth. “Now close your eyes.” Again she glances over at him as if to warn him that if he is trying to make a fool out of her, she will make him pay. After she closes her eyes Hakuren continues, “picture your chakra as a small flame within your body. It shines within and flickers with every heartbeat. Concentrate on your breathing and take slow deep breaths.” Hakuren smiles as she seeming follows his instructions. “The air mixes with the fire and fans the flame. Watch as it ever so gradually gets bigger, hotter and brighter. The light, the light is almost tangible as it flowed through your body like little streams. “ Hakuren was starting to feel like some sort of hypnotist. “Picture the stream flowing down your arm and soaking into the paper.” Soon the paper in the girl’s hands goes completely damp. The girls eye suddenly open and she see the paper dripping with water.

This was something his mother taught him though Hakuren uses it for a different purpose. This mantra was something he uses for meditation. Through this he can concentrate his energies into restoring his well-being; whether it is by fortifying his vigor, reducing his bleeding or simply increasing his chakra reserves. It is an art so few seem to practice nowadays.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
As the students of the class used their chakra on the papers he made mental notes of what each student managed to manifest. There were some degrees to the process, for example, one child with control over the earth element would make the paper crumble in an instant, another would see it starting to crumble into sandy dust on the other edges. There was a lot factor's but most did seem to grasp the basis of focusing their chakra within other parts of their body. As he passed by he did encourage the students, trying to help them focus on their chakra, urging them to think on whether they were feeling any sort of heat or vibration or any other stimuli when they focused their chakra and urged them to focus on it to guide them in a way. Not unlike what Hakuren was doing.

He moved past the blue-haired boy and the struggling girl, quietly listening as he guided his classmate through the process in his own words. The display caught the attention of a few others students, most just starting with a bit of bewilderment, two whispering in hushed tones and snickering, which he ended with a few quick taps at the desk. As the girl finally managed to perform the deed he said with a smile "Well done...both of you actually. Though I see someone's papers is still in one piece. Helping others is important but you can't lose sight of your own development" he said with a wink. He did not doubt the body's ability to produce enough chakra to make the paper react, he was simply curious what element was the most natural to him.

After a while, most of the class have managed to make the ard react in enough of a way to designate just what was their natural element. something he would remember for future lessons. He needed to teach them some appropriate techniques in the future. But this was more of a theoretical class at heart. After the class settled down a bit after the general hustle and bustle of the students talking about their elements he would speak up "Well, I can see you have taken to this pretty well. A pretty diverse collection of elements. The destructive fire, refreshing water, elusive wind, and the ever-present earth. But I wonder if you if anyone could give me a serious answer to this: would you know what element is able to beat yours? And if possible, would you rather replace the element you are naturally aligned to with the element which is the opposite of it?


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
When the teacher calls him out on not doing the task himself, Hakuren reaches into his pack for a couple of items. Surely a few would wonder what in the world he was doing. Hakuren pulls out two small vials of powdery substances. The one vial contain regular sand, which is quite easy to come across in this village. The other had gunpowder, which is a combustible substance. Hakuren was more than just a bookworm. After finding his mother’s book he has started to become quite the tinkerer. Often he would try to use things in unusual ways. He rarely buys poisons, tools or traps and instead he creates his own. Hakuren knows Chakra Induction Paper can be useful in more than just identifying a person’s natural affinity. Like at the wall Hakuren was going to use this paper in an interesting way.

Taking both vials he pour the two substances onto the paper and then folds up the paper with the stuff inside. Hakuren tosses the thing into the air and attaches a chakra string to it. With this special string he is able to infuse the paper with his chakra from a distance. Hakuren’s affinity was fire and thus the paper burns. As the paper ignites, so does the gunpowder and it explodes in a cloud of sand. This was one of Hakuren’s makeshift smoke bombs and it conceals Hakuren enough for him to secretly cast a jutsu. Once the sand settles Hakuren was gone and on the desk was a piece of paper cut into the shape of a person. Hakuren then re-enters the class through the already open door. The paper person on the desk was his substitute kawarimi target and the jutsu he performed was a body switch technique.

Hakuren returns to his seat and the class continues. It seems the real subject of the class is the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the elements. Any idiot could guess what element his affinity is weak against. Water is often used to put out fire so it was the obvious answer. “Water and no not really. I fine the use of fire with the special paper helpful.”

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia raised his eyebrow as the blue-haired student took out some components from his pack but silently observed. Even after he produced a small pack of suspiciously dark powder. As much as it frowned upon the more crafty kids didn't have issues getting their hands on potentially...dangerous tools. Though usually, they were a bit older than Hakuren... still the amount was mostly minuscule in terms of doing any actual damage. probably would cause more of a bang with whatever he wanted to do.

He had mixed the contents of the two vials in a piece of the chakra paper. Again some rumblings of the more cheeky kids started to come up. Some jeered at the throw he did, though most of the students wouldn't notice the thin string attached to the flung piece of paper. A Chakra string. Usually, something reserved for those using Puppets. He could see the energy spark through the thin line, igniting the paper...and also causing a smoke explosion in the class. A bit of a commotion started, a few laughs and panicked cries, which he once again silenced with a firm slap at the desk. As Hakuren reentered the room he would find himself under a pretty stern glare from the teacher all the way until he was seated. With a heavy sigh, he would say "I appreciate the...gusto, but I didn't intend for the whole class to be spooked. We'll have a chance to practice more practical skills like that I assure you" It was more of a warning, but his tone indicated he didn't want to see something like that tried again, at least now.

His question did generate some buzz which he did welcome for a change. In some instances, it was a bit of a matter of fact question, with him chuckling as he said "You got the easy answers to that. It's not as obvious how fire manages to cancel out the wind at first glance" he answers Hakuren as others raised their hand. Some were content with the element they leaned towards, some were jealous of others being cooler, some had a hard time imagining how to put it to good use. A number did show jealous of other being able to naturally manipulate fire and which they could do so as well "Well, fear not. The fact you are naturally inclined to a particular element is merely suggestions of where to start. With time, practice, and hopefully with a bit of my help, you'll be able to control all the elements. But in order to do that, you'll need a good understanding of how to control chakra in a more directed manner"

He would reveal the second Chalkboard, which had a written down overview of the elements acted against each other. Underneath there was a collection of pictures, each presenting one of the hand seals used for Jutsu "While using them is not required, such ability comes with time and practice. The Mudra we were talking about earlier allows you to concentrate the physical and spiritual energy within you for a specific purpose. Hakuren, you have used a Jutsu while showing off you craftiness earlier before, would you mind running through the handseals that you used?" he half asked half requested as he beckoned the blue-haired boy to step next to him. It was his form of flicking him on the nose for the earlier stunt.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren does as he is told and walks in front of the class and slowly goes through the handseals. “First you start with tiger.” He put his hands together interlocking his most of his fingers with both index and thumbs pointing upwards. “Then we move to boar” Hakuren positions his finger like how one would have there non-cutting hand when slicing food. Both hand would be like this pointed downwards. “Then we have ox” Fingers spread out he place his hands together at a right hand horizontal and left one vertical. The middle finger and ring of the left hand lay on the right one. “Moving on the the dog” Hakuren’s lays a left flat hand on a right fist. “And lastly we conclude with the snake.” Hakuren holds hand together with finger interlocking; similar to a praying position.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
He was honestly somewhat surprised, he was expecting the boy to be a bit more resistant to coming in front and presenting like this. Some people were quite protective of their skill sat times, and that was when they were adults. The class had a mixed reception, seeing how watching someone go through this motions wasn't the most exciting thing in the world. Some were more focused on the board, some of them watched Hakuren intently, with more or less attention, though he seemed to garner enough of a rigor in the classroom to not have any of the students try to actively disrupt the class. After Hakuren did his task he would nod saying "Well done indeed. The substitution Jutsu. A very basic technique, but one which will probably save your life at one point or another. Another basic technique you could see as useful..." he let a pause linger before he moved his own hands. It was a blur even if you were to be prepared as his hands moved into the practiced positions. Dog, Boar, Ram, and then a poof of smoke!"

After it would settle down, Harupia would seem to be gone, and next to Hakuren would be standing... another blue hair student with glasses. This one seemed a bit more upbeat, smiling brightly at the class before him as he said "Not to throw to much theory towards you...but this is one thing we can practice in class if you'd be interested in learning a jutsu, if you guys think you up to it" he said raising his now smaller arm into the air. The transformation jutsu was something he expected most of the class not to know quite yet. While a basic technique, it was one of the more difficult at its level due to the fact of needing to maintain a constant flow of chakra during the move.

Seeing a bit of a reaction he would dispell the technique, returning to his true appearance as he said "Well then, this is something you can train from your seats. though if you would like to have more space you can come closer tot he board, just do it orderly. These are the seals you need you to need to use..." he spoke, pointing at the mudra on the blackboards, and presenting them in a slower fashion to the class before he started to watch the class saying "Remember, make the energy flow into your fingertips as you did with the paper while doing the handseals. After that, they will help guide your energy through your body to change your shape...and it can be any shape you want, a different person, a plant. So you can be creative here... to a tasteful degree of course"


Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
His mother writes spells on paper talismans and use them as traps. Hakuren could not use the full array of spells like his mother, but that is not to say he doesn’t know any. Mostly at the moment can only make traps, but there are a couple of jutsu he can do though talismans. Talismans are interesting as they can be used as traps, which sometimes allows jutsu to behave in ways that normally do not. For example there are barrier jutsu that cannot be used reflexively, however if one were to use it as a trap it could act similar to being reflexive. These are the things Hakuren thinks up in his spare time.

The teacher performs a jutsu and of course even if Hakuren did know the hand seals by heart, He would not know what the teacher was casting until after it is done. Only ill-practised shinobi would perform hand seals slow enough to follow. Anyone worth their salt would move the hands so quickly that it is a blur. Otherwise it is easy to read what a person is about to do. Seeing another of himself stand next to him, it was obvious that the teacher did a transformation jutsu. “That is quite the transformation. However as I said before, ‘it may surprise one to know that hand seals are not always necessary to cast a jutsu.’” Hakuren pulls out a talisman and activates it as a trap on a timer. The talisman reads the word athrú, which means change. Of course the sensei could not read it as it was written in a style the does not use letters or kanji. “I am of such bloodline, if I may demonstrate.” Hakuren was technically asking permission after the fact, but it was not too late to stop the jutsu.

Not only did the teacher allow it, he welcomes the other students to participate as well. Shortly after showing the students the hand seals require to casting the jutsu, the timer would go off. The talisman contained a transformation jutsu, but set in such a fashion Hakuren is able to have it target someone other than himself. Should the trap be successful Harupia would find himself in the body of a dog. “My bloodline also have the unique talent of applying self-targeting jutsu onto others.” Normally this is done through Karmic Blessing, but unfortunately that was beyond Hakuren’s abilities

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Shinobi did need to learn how to cast their jutsu fast, that was a fact. This was more of an entry-level class still. He assumed some would be less capable of manipulating their chakra in general, let alone performing the transformation. After he spoke Hakuren seemed to dip a bit more into his mouth ways, though he didn't mind. He would prefer to let the boy flourish rather than have him be bullied for how he is. And this time for the most parts the kids who would do so seemed to mostly ignore it. probably the fact he was standing next to him helped, but they did seem interested in trying to replicate the jutsu.

Haru raised a brow but nodded towards Hakuren as he mentioned a demonstration, while the other students also tried their own transformations. Some of them were able to quite coordinate the moment of their fingers right, some did manage to perform the technique but due to using not enough chakra the transformation poofed before it could really be seen. Sometimes t came out slightly disfigured, a familiar sight of his own misshapen form appearing before him as the students tried to transform into him "You can change your size using the technique but you should try at first to achieve a form similar to yours" he instructed turning his head away from Hakruen for a second, while he was showing the rest of the class the talisman. With a hand seal of his own Hakuren trigged said amulet and aimed his teacher. He was surprised but he knew it wasn't an offensive jutsu so he didn't try to resist it. In a second later the class erupted in a mix of laughter and confusing as next to the boy was standing an adult, well-groomed Shiba Inu.

The now dog teacher kind of stood there for a second before turning his head as if to look over his body before opening his mouth to say "Bork bork. Wow. Quite Impressive" making the class give out a few more laughs. After a few moments, he poofed back into his true form (as tempting as it was to continue the class as a dog) before saying "That is an impressive trick you have there... though I just hope I don't need to tell you casting jutsu on other people s something you should be wary of. Even a harmless prank can cause a bit of trouble if you not careful...but impressive nonetheless. Ill take that as you showing you know the transformation jutsu quite well" he said with a nod and a smile as he started to move towards the class "You can sit down and relax for a moment, or perhaps spread the knowledge around?" he said with a wink as he approached on of the boys who seemed to be getting frustrated with he hand seal process.

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Dog transformation was a success and Hakuren decides to join in and transform himself into a canine as well. Unlike the well-groomed Shiba, Hakuren became a wolf. The wolf had heterochromatic eyes and wore an old red cloak. if Harupia was familiar with the pets of Sunagakure, he might have an idea who he is the son of. He did not transform into a random wolf, but one he knows very well. His mother was born to a clan of Inuzuka that specialized in what they called the art of the hunt; the ability to track down and captor one’s prey. Like most kids in the clan she was given a pup at a very young age. This was the dog Hakuren transformed the himself into. The wolf’s name was Totoro an despite her mother not inheriting the inuzuka bloodline, Totoro was still able to use pet jutsu associated with the bloodline. Unlike most of the other students transformations, Hakuren did not leave any detail out.

The way he walks, the way he looks and even the way he smelt. Hakuren even knew the exact amount and location of every tear in the old red cloak Totoro wore. After living with someone for years, you’ll get to notice things that no would even think about. When the teacher praises him, Hakuren does not respond. Totoro does not speak and neither will he. However Totoro is much smarter than your average dog as he seems to understand the human tongue. When Harupia tells him that he can go relax, Haruken respond with a polite bow of the head. He walks over to a corner and curls himself into a circle.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia was a bit of two minds after Hakurens further presentation. It was quite impressive how closely his transformation reminded a genuine wolf, and apparently one of Inuzuka heritage. Perhaps he lived close to a member of the family? It was possible he was a member himself though it was honestly rare for them to not inherit their animalistic bond with canines...though maybe he didn't come to that age yet. There was also the fact he seemed to... wish to stay in his transformed form. a good excuse to lay down in class... as amusing as the idea was.

There were a few laughs, though a lot of the students were laughing amongst themselves at their various transformations. As expected some caught on faster than others, but by the time they were done, as excited as the kids were they could pull off the technique with a passable degree of them looking as they intended, though they'd need to work on maintaining the jutsu for longer. But gaining Stamina for Ninjutsu was a class meant more for the outdoors. With a smile, he would approach the desk as he said "Our time is almost up. I know there has been a lot to take in here, but this is just the first step. And I hope that with me and the other teachers you'll soon learn a lot more way to use the power inside you. for your homework I want you all to try and memorize the hand seals for next class, and try to practice to maintain your transformation for longer then 30 seconds...or whatever you upper limits may be" he said glancing at Hakuren's wolf form as he said "Class dismissed, though if anyone had questions they can, of course, approach me" he said with a smile as he ended the class, watching ost of the students file their way out of the room.

(End of Class)

Ryu Hime

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Hakuren was quite the affective wolf and he seems to move with ease despite walking on all four-s rather than two. It was quite apparent that Hakuren has used this for quite a bit, but that what not do to her mother’s teachings, but his godmothers. Her Godmother and namesake was a Yamanaka of a particular clan. The Yamanaka have been known to possess a higher state of mind, having a clear and sharp mentality one might even call Enlightened. As a family of Yamanaka they seek enlightenment, however the path to such a goal varies from person to person. ‘to be an entity is to know an entity. Through watching through its eyes and experiencing life as it does, you will begin to understand the nature of its existence.’ Hakuren has heard this line many times from his godmother.

Walking over to his pouch over at the desks he pulls out a letter he had prepared earlier. This Harupia was not a bad teacher. He could be a little more hands on, but he’s not like one of those pure lecture types. Hakuren believes this teacher might humor him with the request written within the letter. Hakuren places the letter on the teacher’s desk before grabbing his stuff and running out the door.
Dear Sensei,

I Invite you to a game, I wish to play, to which I believe you will enjoy. If you decide to attend, the event will be held at 3:45 a.m. on Saturday.

I hope to see you there,

Nanachi Hakuren

(left topic)

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