Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Announcement to all! [Summoning Leaf Shinobi Force, all branches]

Feb 20, 2018
Asuka looked at the stack of letters on the table, she was about to start the announcement of what was going on to the general Shinbi Force. She liked to have a no-bullshit approach. She figured that if you were honest with people they would in return be honest with you. In the end though it didn't matter, they deserved to know. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Rayne asked with a concern look. "A simple announcement would be enough." Asuka kept her stare at the pile of letters and shook her head. "This type of thing isn't meant to be kept a secret. Especially if it involves more people." Rayne sighed and dropped her head in defeat. When it meant the well being of the village, Asuka didn't pull any punches. Asuka then gave the letters to her assistant. There were 2 types of letters. One for the Sennin, another for the rest of the force.

Sennin Letter
Fellow, Sennin. I require your presence at the academy in exactly one weeks time at mid-day for announcement as to the new policies that were discussed at Takeshi's office. If you could, pleae bring your respective Shinobi.

Kind regards

Uchiha Asuka

Letter for Shinobi
Leaf Shinobi Force, a mandatory meeting will take place a the academy in room 205 for a special announcement. Again, your presence is MANDATORY. Any Shinobi who misess this meeting will be given a painfully easy but really tedious mission to complete. From Jounin to Academy Students. Everyone must attend. The meeting will give updates to some policies and news regarding recent events. The meeting will take place in one weeks time at mid-day. I will be waiting for you there.

Kind regards
Uchiha Asuka
Main Branch Sennin
Class 205 for a special announcement. Yukari read the letter several times before sighing with the roll of her eyes. It was as if she had expected the writing to change somehow; perhaps to something less of an inconvenience. No doubt the Kunochi had more pressing matters that required her attention but those earns would have to wait as an absence could lead to further inconveniences. Dressed in a bright red coat, Yukari threw an elegantly designed scarf around her neck before slipping a pair of dark gloves around her hands. Dark leather pants and dark boots headed toward the designated room 205...

Apparently Yukari was the first to arrive in room 205 to her own surprise. It’s not like she was late however it was easy to feel taken back by an empty class room. Yukari would smirk before folding her arms in disappointment.

“Interesting turnout...”
It didn't take the man long to arrive it wasn't an every day thing that everyone in the village was summoned to the same spot though a classroom in the academy may have been a bit optimistic though he arrived non the less, tilting his head to the side his eyes came to rest on the Kunoichi that had arrived. He didn't recognize her, though it was becoming a more common thing that the man was unaware of all the Ninja in leaf these days finding himself too busy to remember every face and trainee simply accepting the fact she was there as he took a spot leaning against a wall Chinatsu rising to his side.

"Well certainly an interesting situation, though why we have been summoned here I do wonder. I do hope its something remotely interesting otherwise this will seem like something of a waste of time." The being chuckled to himself though the Uchiha said nothing simply crossing his arms and tapping his fingers on the crook of his arm tilting his head up to the women once more. "Seems we are the first to arrive, do you have any idea why we are here or do you know about the same as the rest of us?"
Takeshi had received the notice that there was a meeting going down, that made him laugh slightly as he pondered on what actions would be required he wondered how Asuka would be developing and what set of actions she would have in place for the future of her branch. It was a good time to test if she had learned anything new since the last time they had spoken. Thought it seemed that this was a meet up for all the Sennin and branches, his invitation must have been lost in the post it seemed, or he wasn’t supposed to attend either outcome actually wasn’t known to him right now and he didn’t want to just go around trampling on the ideas of others.

“Guess it's time to go as a surprise visitor then. I should still have my stuff around here”

Grabbing the battered and dusty black robes, he looked down at the mask that had been given to him by Kazuki, his old teacher. A smile escaped his lips as he remembered being inducted into the ANBU branch of Leaf, he remembered the hunts, the trials and the pain that he had suffered to wear this mask. Throwing the robes over him, he fitted the mask to his face knowing full well that no-one inside of Leaf had seen this mask or him in standard robes, it would be something of a miracle if anyone recognised him.

Heading into the instructed room he grabbed himself a seat, as it stated everyone was to attend from all ranks he considered himself just another person attending that was slap bang in the middle of the ranks, so he really didn’t mind too much about being here. Seeing one other person present with him he allowed a small nod from his covered hood and sat in the corner at the back. He was here to see what was going to happen rather than actually getting involved in anything.

[Topic Entered]
[MFT: 330]
Annnnnd your boy was feelin' it man. Like, these doubles were killing my sleep schedule man, but you know me, I'mma power through it my peoples. Despite being short-handed in the Medical Offices, we all got to get summon for some "announcement" whatever like I got the time to spare like that. And for what? Ain't like we're going to get a raise or somethin' cause it's coming from the Main Branch soooo like what is there to expect? Well,... now that I think about it, I can tell you what it might be. Just like a lot of big meet-ups, they gotta either drill propaganda, "loyalty is this, loyalty is that, Leaf forever,..." yadda yadda... oooor depending on the leadership, responsibility will be dealt out in such a way that the head or leader has VIRTUALLY no responsibility whatsoever,... oooor if it has anything to do with processes and procedures, they're going to add unnecessary steps to an already convoluted process BUT, only after complaining about the time it has been taking to complete said process or we'll say Task-Completion-Time TCT for short. And we ALL know that the additional steps added in NEVER aid to speed up the process, yet the underling(s) WILL be expected to improve /shorten the TCT nonetheless. Sound about right?

Anyway, so y'all know what time it is right?... TOP-DOWN RUNDOWN time. Got the clean-cut you know, not as fresh as it normally is but still moisturized and conditioned with the brush effect. Glamin' the face with some fairly new black and gold designer shades, GoldenEye. Now so y'all know I'm was at work so I had to keep it cleaned up and professional a little bit so I got the white shirt from Leaf's Own, common brand, with black dress slacks on, Kotaka Spice: designer brand, and combo that with the matching black wing-tip shoes too. And of course, I had the lab coat on you know, brief work break and all. Although... keepin' it honest, I don't thinkin' I was able to hind the bags under my eyes very well with the glasses.

So I arrived pretty close to the expected start time, and I came in dual-wielding, clipboard in the right, energy drink in the left. A few people here and there, some from other Branches and all that, even Anbu. I did spot the two people I've seen before though, the pale guy from the gates, and Red Spice from the office... yeah that's the name I'm giving her for now. Send her a long-distance nod with a smooch, and a deuce to the pale guy... the peace sign. Anywho, I take the seat in the classroom closes to the wall with the door cause I wanted to be the first one out once this thing ended, but took a center row cause I don't need absolutely everyone's attention. But, to those that felt like taking a little risk, I pull a deck of cards out my lab coat and flash it somewhat secretly to the rest of the class from under my left armpit. I then tuck it away, make a swooping with two fingers with my right hand will hiding it behind my left armpit again(Shinobi Spades), I then exhale deeply and cross arms over my chest briefly(Shinobi Hearts), and finally I gives a third option by stretching out three fingers, index, mid, and ring, and tapped my lip once(Shinobi Gin Rummy). Yeah, y'all ain't know your boy is decent with the sign language. I got a few shakes from some of the others I didn't know, can't blame them though. Many days in my youth, little ole Ryo done got in a pinch of trouble, but hey I learned a little signing because of it so. Still, I knew there might be a chance no one would take so I had other means to keep me awake for whatever it is we were about to be droned with.

[Marked for Training]
Nagisa would appear as she always did her Sennin robes over her blue monk like attire. Her eyes flashed in the daylight resembling orbs of blue. She had been a bit late due to finishing up a report.

'Still made it.' a voice said in her head and Nagisa ignored the female spirit.

She would be looking at Yukio and Asuka with a questioning look but she would be quiet/ A combined leadership was better than a fractured one. The blue eyes would scan the horizon and make note of all who were there and those that were not. No other medic was here which was a shame but they were busy with their tasks.

Nagisa stifled a yawn briefly. She had been working throughout the night using Shizue's power to keep herself awake. After this she was going to go take a nap.

[topic entered]
An all round meeting with the Sennin of the main branch? His first thought when he got to know of the mandatory meeting. Not once could he recall a time where both parties were seated behind closed doors, let alone all three. The uchiha saw them like distant cousins of some sorts—close in the framework of the village yet so torn out in their contrasting roles. While one served to keep the peace, the other bred the perfect killing machines, as opposed to the third which furnished her ranks with shinobi who seek to preserve life. However, with the latest development, he curiously strapped a sense of urgency to it. The prospect of the outcome of things piqued his interest as he hastened to room 205.

Upon the vast halls, Hoheto presented himself a breath of fresh air cladded in a radiant color of white. His apparel that of a kimono with the uchiha insignia at the back, much different from the flak jacket and green jumpsuit he was accustomed for. Bespectacled, his pearly eyes quickly took to heart the numbers present. They are met with a few familiar faces. The sennins in particular he smiled at. Other than that the turnout was more of a hand to mouth show than he imagined at this time. Perhaps he was much early or he like the others yet to arrive were being waited for. Either way, the uchiha sauntered shoulder high to the nearest seat his way—his waist length, dark hair tied in a loose ponytail behind.

[Topic entered]
“A waste of time…” Those were his first thoughts as he warped his way into the heart of the “Emerald Isles,” his Sharingan lazily glaring up at the tallest building on the isle and the adjacent building next to it. “Is such extravagance even necessary?” Akechi wondered, moving toward the adjacent building – the Academy – where he would attend a mandatory meeting that was supposed to include all of the shinobi currently within the Leaf Village. It seemed like an invitation to listen to more tangential political dogma, but the other option was equally as inconvenient and described as a far more tedious, menial task. In other words, just show up or the punishment will be the most annoying thing she could think of.

After casually strolling through the halls, he arrived at his destination – room 205. It struck him as a bit surprising that they would use a general classroom to house the entirety of the Leaf Shinobi Corps, but a peak in the classroom alleviated this concern. There simply wasn’t a lot of people here. The room was filled in with a handful of people from each branch before he arrived, but far from the fighting force that Konoha employed. He was a bit underdressed; only wearing a white “Ramen Ichiraku” T-Shirt and black sweatpants with matching sandals, but the invitation didn’t say anything about a dress code.

So, this Uchihan Journeyman moseyed past everyone that eagerly awaited Asuka’s extra special announcement and found himself the furthest wall from the front to lean on.

“Hopefully, we’ll be out of here soon,” the man would comment to himself.

[Topic Entered]
Asuka stood outside the classroom, mentally preparing herself for what was about to come. Either she failed miserably or she set a new standard to how things were run. Running the scenario on her head multiple times she just hoped it would go as she planned. It had been a few days since her sisters... departure and she wasn't going to let it happen again. Of course unexpected variables may occur but she was trained to deal with those. Her other identical self, Rayne, placed a hand on Asuka's shoulder. "This is what Takeshi told you to do." Asuka sighed looking at her with a slight smile. "Not like this... but since Kotori..." Rayne squeezed her shoulder "I know. I do think you're doing the right thing. Walk in there like you own the place and they'll listen." Stretching her hand Rayne turned into a black light and shot up to Asuka's hand, morphing into a scythe. Taking one last deep breath she opened the door and walked inside.

She didn't turn to greet anyone, or say an introduction. Straight to the point. Asuka walked up towards the front of the class and stood in front of the podium and turned towards the awaiting audience. She recognized most faces. There was... someone in robes and a mask that seemed familiar but couldn't quite determine who it was. Unfortunately... her other sister wasn't there. 'That brat' She thought with a sigh. But now was time for action. With a sigh Asuka started to speak. "I'm not going to bull shit you, I'm not going to sugar coat recent events." She looked around a few times before continuing. "It all started with a letter sent to Cloud developing a Hokage Summit here in Leaf. The invitation was declined by someone called Otani Akira. Who, as far as we knew, wasn't the Raikage."

Asuka sighed placing her scythe on the podium and continued. "Shortly after Hokage-sama recieved yet another letter from ANOTHER person claiming to be Raikage. Someone named Shinrya Kitsune. Hokage-sama got concerned and sent some operatives to Cloud and figure out what was going on." Asuka looked away for a moment, trying to find the right words for this. "Long story short. They denied the operatives entrance, and are believed to be hiding two Leaf missing-nin. So, Cloud is Kageless, harboring missing from Leaf."

Asuka straightened herself up and with a serious expression looked at everyone in the room. "After a meeting with Hokage-sama and the Sennin, Hokage-sama declared the treaty with Cloud over, Cloud is now considered dangerous The Leaf village is now in a state of lockdown and The Leaf Shinobi Forces are on high military alert." Asuka continued speaking, leaning herself and placed her hands on the podium. "The Phoenix Gates are now under the Main Branches Jursitriction. NO ONE, goes in our out of the village without ME or one of my head Jounin knowing. If any shinobi from Cloud show up, ask them for their passport. No passport? No entry. If they do have one and it matches, escort them to the Hokage tower immediately. Anyone caught letting them wonder will be punished." Asuka continued "Everyone is expected to take part in guarding the gates, each branch will be sent a scheduale before the end of the day detailing their times to do so. NO ONE is to guard the gates alone, anyone caught interrogating someone at the gates alone will be punished." Unfortunately this wasn't the end. "Consider the outer zones off limits without authorization. You want to train in the Valley of the End. You go through me or my Head Jounin. Otherwise, Kitsune park is always open."

"We are now in a high state of emergency, don't get me wrong. We're not at war. But on guard. We're not attacking, but will defend ourselves if provoked." She stopped for a few moments and continued. "This goes for every Branch. Each Sennin will deliver the appropiate punishment if anyone breaks the rules. I'll repeat them one last time, 1. No one goes in or out of the village without Main Branch knowing. 2. Outer Zones are off limits. We do not wanna risk coming in contact with potential threats. 3. No one guards the gates alone. Pairs or trios if neccesary. 4. Foreign Shinobi show up, escort them to the Hokage tower. They resist, knock them down and drag their ass there. 5. No passport. No entry. 6. Anyone breaks any of the rules, grave punishment will ensue." Asuka stopped and leaned back "That's all. If anyone has any questions, please stay and ask them. Otherwise... stay safe."

[Leaf village on lock down}
Man, all these supposed men, and not ONE set of balls in the room. Oh well, what can expect from a bunch of whipped b@$#hes? Well, there wasn't much to do now that there weren't any takers in cards except to tuck them away and put my clipboard to use na' mean? Had some inspiration in the room, Doc and Red Spice were looking nice. So I starts putting a pencil to the back of a form on the clipboard, checkin' the time on my watch, and you know what, that chick Pearl was a little late to start. '10:00 right?' All I could do was be on the mutter like, "Yep, because the little people's time doesn't matter so much. Score one for Uchiha Entitlement." Yeah, them Uchiha got the worst mindset more than 9/10th of the time, 'cause if you ain't Uchiha, you're not important,' with their uppity a$$es.

Eventually, Pearl comes in right, but I ain't see her twin, Baby Girl. Oh well, looking at one is like looking at both soooo, inspiration. She starts to speak but I already know it was going to be boring as s#$t so I keeps drawing na' sayin'? 'Nice ear-catching openers but I know a "It'll be your job to do X,Y and Z" speech when I hear one.' Yeah, I know the game so I just sip my energy drink and draw to stay awake. 'Yada yada... another village got an issue with Leaf...yada yada Cloud is in the wrong this time cause 'WE' won't ever be responsible and it's always someone else fault... yada yada Raikage is such and su... wait what...Shinrya Kitsune WHAT....' *Chokes and spews energy drink* *COUGH* *COUGH* *cough* "Sorry, eehm, windpipe, went down the wrong way." *Clears throat* Eehm so ummmm,.... mmmm,.... how do I put this. All I could think was,... 'Ummm,... ... ohhhh f#$k,... ...ohhh s&^t,... ...ummm... eehm.... ummmm. Okay okay, just draw,... just draw,... just draw,... sip a lil bit,... okay okay, flip the page over and take notes on the rules... ummm hmm okay okay...' After that she goes to dismiss us and well, I wasn't about to stay in chit-chat on the matter 'cause uhhh, I had work to do. Yeah yeah that's right, umm these darn Uchiha holdin' up my work. So I gather up my stuff and gets up and heads out and I'm like, "Okay, see you later, stay safe Pearl. Loveyoubye." Wait what, Basuta don't "love" anybody, that's auto-response... f#%k it, keeps it movin'.

[Topic left unless stopped]
[Edited: Being that it has been nearly ten days since this post and more than 5 since the latest post since then without being stopped, topic left.]
Lockdown. The announcement was the preferred failsafe of a despot’s fragile control over the people they wished to rule. It was power, masquerading as fear, which served as an illusionary fulcrum that kept people in line as long as people believed that they had something to fear. The situation sounded as incomplete as it was uneventful, and the reaction to these events felt as excessive as it were foolhardy. Unilaterally, the hegemony had decided to hold a Kage Summit to discuss “peace”, but their request was declined – ostensibly peacefully, yet disrespectfully. Akechi kept quiet as Asuka continued to speak, listening to his fellow Uchiha’s words carefully as if she needed to prove her words true and he was the detector. The situation in Kumogakure seemed chaotic. A letter turned away by a shinobi, another sent by a Raikage that Leaf was unaware of, and Leaf shinobi turned away from the gates as if the treaty meant nothing. Clearly, there was a cause for concern, but a “Lockdown” was quite the leap logic. Now, the Main Branch held dominion over the Konoha’s gates, the peace treaty had been canceled, and the Shinobi Corps was put on high alert.

It’s funny how fragile “peace” truly was. Just a couple of letters could cause skirmish… or maybe something much worse.

“And what of Suna?” The man queried from the back of the class, slightly waving in Asuka’s direction as she asked for questions. He was curious about what they had heard from the place that he was born. They normally isolated themselves and stayed out of political conflicts, but he was curious to see if anyone had knowledge of their current status. After all, if there truly was an enemy dangerous enough to cause such commotion, then knowing how many strings that they could pull was essential.
Takeshi allowed himself to sit quietly in the back of the room as he observed the meeting that was taking place. Pondering on how Asuka had chosen to word the information that she had given everyone, though it wasn’t his place to argue with her in front of everyone. Instead he would sit quietly and wait to see what information would come his way. It seemed that a few of the others had questions as well, though that didn’t really surprise him, most of the leaf would question the things that they were told or information that they were given. He allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips as he remembered how orders worked back in his day, though those times had changed.

He remained silent, he wouldn’t leave just yet there was no point in that as he needed to speak to his Sennin anyway, it seemed that his mood was out of shape, but with the information that they had managed to receive it was expected that his mood wouldn’t be great. Changing his voice for a few moments he decided instead to completely mask who he was from this meeting.

“If its ok, I would rather leave my questions until I am alone with the three Sennin, though I do have some that I would like to raise and voice my concern over if that is ok with everyone.”

The voice almost high pitch and giving off the impression that it belonged to someone that was a lot younger, it was something he got used to changing from his time inside the ANBU branch, sounding innocent in some situations would get you what you wanted without alerting anyone to your true intentions.

[MFT: 287]

Current Ninpocho Time:
