Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search Another story about a lost kid


May 7, 2023
OOC Rank
Lost in the woods, or the forest as it was more accurately called, Jinzo was finding himself in quite the predicament of being lost. Keni had recommended among other things, that the boy find a contract companion and despite having his druthers, the Genin had agreed to the older friend's advice. So off he had started, slow at first but then picking up steam, he wasn't sure where he was going, only that he was going towards the general location where people typically stumbled upon sometimes friendly, and sometimes scary contract creatures. What had Keni said before, that he needed to be more offensive minded instead of sitting back and setting traps up? Well, for all that Keni had suggested, even he probably couldn't have predicted that Jinzo would do something so drastic as to go marching out into the middle of nowhere. Taking only the necessary breaks, Jinzo finally stumbled into a clearing that simply took his breath away. Though the canopy brush had been dense, he had caught glimpses of the large structure, but it was only when the natural forest gave way to the unnatural structure that he could truly understand what he was looking at. Though he was still quite far away from the base of the large tree, from where the natural forest ended and the new forest began, he could look across the large expanse of tree roots that stood between him and the summit. Not seeing any other people or things around, he found it eerie how even the birds seemed to avoid the area, he thought that he could just make out something halfway to the base but he wasn't quite sure if it was simply his eyes playing tricks on him. Whatever it was, he was going to walk and climb in that general direction as he made his way towards his destination.

OOC: I have no contract search modifiers to use. I am attempting to use the split words search.
WC = 312
Walking, climbing and continuing to make his way towards the large tree, Jinzo seemed to spook whatever wildlife was present in the large roots. Often hearing the scurrying and not seeing whatever the creatures were, he did his best not to be too afraid of what he couldn't see. Peculiarly enough, as he continued to explore, he found strange trails that while appearing to be made of slime, they also seemed to be made of something else as well. Not quite knowing what to make of the trails, they at least proved that there were in fact some creatures that seemed to inhabit the space. Though he wasn't afraid of slugs, he did find that they weren't the most engaging creatures. For one they were slow, squishy and generally best used in dishes from all what he could find from a culinary point of view. Of course, he could start looking for the slugs for just that reason. Slugs around this part of the Fire Country would definitely be far more unique than the ones that he normally found around the village. Despite completely not intending to do so, Jinzo soon found himself on the hunt for slugs for cooking instead of some creature to make a contract with. As a chef, he would forever always be on the hunt for what made for a good meal and not necessarily what made for a good battle partner. Continuing to follow the trails, Jinzo was sure that he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and he decided to investigate.

OOC: Slug accepted, thanks!
Jinzo walked for quite some time, following a winding path through the forest. He kept his eyes and ears peeled for any sign of animals. Unexpectedly, Jinzo heard a rustling sound in the bushes. He froze and held his breath. A moment later, a small brown deer emerged from the bushes and looked at Jinzo with its big, dark eyes. Jinzo's heart pounded with excitement. He wondered if this was how it felt to find a contract creature. As odd as it might have seemed, he had never seen a deer up close before. He slowly raised his binoculars and got a good look at the animal. It was even more beautiful than he had imagined. The deer watched Jinzo for a few moments, then turned and disappeared back into the bushes. Jinzo muttered under his breath and continued on his way.

A little further down the path, Jinzo saw a fox sitting on a rock. The fox was also watching Jinzo. It had a sleek, orange coat and a bushy white tail. Jinzo raised his binoculars again and got a closer look at the fox. It was even more beautiful than the deer. The fox stared at Jinzo for a few seconds, then jumped off the rock and ran away. Once again, he had missed out on a perfect opportunity. Jinzo was a little disappointed that the fox had run away, but he was still excited about seeing it and the deer. It seemed that all he had to do was to keep on walking and he would come across something or another. He continued on his way, hoping to see some other animals. Jinzo walked for a while longer, but he didn't see any others. He was about to turn back when he heard a loud roar in the distance. Jinzo stopped and listened. The roar was coming from somewhere ahead of him. Jinzo knew that bears lived in the forest, but he had never seen one before that wasn’t attached to some shinobi as a contract. Jinzo was a little alarmed, but he was also curious. He decided to follow the sound of the roar to see if he could get a glimpse of the bear.
What followed next was something that Jinzo never would have believed had he not seen it with his own eyes. Running and jumping over brush and limbs, Jinzo continued to follow the sounds of an obvious battle as he continued to head straight forward into the thick of what he figured would be a pretty intense battle. Though he didn’t know it yet, what he would find would change the story of his life forever. Continuing to run, when it looked like he was nearing a clearing, he slowed his moving speed but what he saw next shocked him. Where he expected to see a bear, there was in fact a bear, but what the bear was roaring at was much smaller in comparison. Seeming to do battle with the bear, there was a floating blue creature of some sort. As he focused his vision more, his mind told him that it was some sort of insect but as he thought about it more, it was like no insect that he had seen before. Was it even an insect, or was it some alien looking bird. The creature, whatever it was however, did not seem to be bothered by the bear and in fact, as surely as Jinzo was trying to figure out what it was, it gave a sharp cry of it’s own out of the clear blue sky a large bolt of light seemed to emanate from it and shocked the bear through and through.

Now, more than intrigued, Jinzo realized that he had found the perfect companion. Not surprisingly, the bear gave a startled cry, turned tail and ran off in the other direction as the floating blue creature started to float after it but then stopped short and seemed to turn it’s attention to Jinzo. “And what do you want? I’ve got more than enough fight left in me!” Flabbergasted that the creature could talk, Jinzo went along with the flow of things and replied in kind. “You’re the strangest little bug that I’ve ever seen…but I don’t mean you any harm. In fact, I was looking for something like you.” Letting out a clearly perturbed sigh, the creature shook with anger. “I do not know where your species gets off but I am far from a common bug. Do not your kind learn from books?” Taken aback at the oddity of arguing with a floating creature. Jinzo shrug. “We do but uhh, I’ve never seen anything like you.” Growing more relaxed, the creature audibly sighed again.

“Ever been to a beach?” Jinzo shook his head negatively. “It figures. I’m a blue glaucus.” Jinzo cocked his head to the side in confusion. “A what?” “…A species of slugs that call the oceans, home.” Jinzo had seen a lot of slugs but never something as strange as this. “You’re a far way from home then. There isn’t an ocean anywhere near here for…I don’t even know how far away.” Growing more relaxed, the creature seemed to shrink in size as the larger appearance of it seemed to be some sort of illusion. “Yes, I know. I was minding my own business when I was transported to this place. I was merely trying to ask that other creature for directions home when you came along. Apparently it isn’t as intelligent as you and I.” Simply going along with the flow, Jinzo nodded in apparent understanding. “Yeah, intelligent…” Letting a silence pass between them, Jinzo made his pitch. “Well, I’ve never been to the ocean but if you need help getting there, I can take you, or… you can join me for one heck of an adventure.” When at last the slug seemed to settle on a size, it floated over to Jinzo and seemed to ponder the idea of an adventure. “Do tell me more…”

OOC: Topic Left
Total WC 1579

Current Ninpocho Time:
