It would only take a little bit for the descendant of Byakko to return to his Clan's entrance where he would sit down momentarily to give himself a quick rest. He had actually called on his headset as he entered for one of the many members of the Byakko Clan to deliver him the supplies and weapons that he needed which he kindly accepted and then told them to go back to their own thing. As he waited, he would close his eyes much like he did at the Academy and meditate for awhile until they all made their way into the entrance. It should've been the easiest place for them to all meet since Yanjirou could lead them right there considering his heritage. When they arrived, they would see their sensei sitting in a chair opposite the door to the entrance. They would also see that the entrance split into four different wings to accommodate each of the four branches that lived there.
This entire meeting place was merely to give him some time alone to mediate and cool off before they headed out into the hot and miserable weather of the desert. Why the children decided to go when it was daylight out was beyond his thought process, but he wouldn't stop them since they had to show that they knew what they were doing in the exam and also prove that they were ready to be shinobi for the village. Every action was being evaluated by him after all and thus far they hadn't done anything extraordinary to jeopardize their chances of passing, but they had decided to lose the element of surprise by walking in the broad daylight and being struck by the terrible weather. If they had decided to go during the night, it would have probably been safer for them to move since many creatures slept during the night; although, not all of them did. Going while the sun was setting or gone for the night was the ideal situation, but they could still get there in roughly two days unless something came up that drastically screwed them over. One thing that they did not need was a sandwyrm appear that would devour or maim them all considering most of the sandwyrms were ancient creatures that were far stronger than even the strongest shinobi in the village.
Now, it was time to wait.
[OOC: The exploration will begin soon. Just gotta do the prep stuff a little more. Expect to do 3 posts here and then we will finally begin the desert fun!]
This entire meeting place was merely to give him some time alone to mediate and cool off before they headed out into the hot and miserable weather of the desert. Why the children decided to go when it was daylight out was beyond his thought process, but he wouldn't stop them since they had to show that they knew what they were doing in the exam and also prove that they were ready to be shinobi for the village. Every action was being evaluated by him after all and thus far they hadn't done anything extraordinary to jeopardize their chances of passing, but they had decided to lose the element of surprise by walking in the broad daylight and being struck by the terrible weather. If they had decided to go during the night, it would have probably been safer for them to move since many creatures slept during the night; although, not all of them did. Going while the sun was setting or gone for the night was the ideal situation, but they could still get there in roughly two days unless something came up that drastically screwed them over. One thing that they did not need was a sandwyrm appear that would devour or maim them all considering most of the sandwyrms were ancient creatures that were far stronger than even the strongest shinobi in the village.
Now, it was time to wait.
[OOC: The exploration will begin soon. Just gotta do the prep stuff a little more. Expect to do 3 posts here and then we will finally begin the desert fun!]