Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Are you willing to listen? [Tutor] [Nazomeku]

May 6, 2015
A familiar sight surrounded the young Miroku, he had been in the impressive Toraono Dojo many many times before. The grand building was essentially his route home, and he had used its many facilities many a time to hone his skills or to hone the skills of others. Today it seemed, would be a day for the latter. Riyota didn't fancy himself as much of a teacher, he didn't think himself old nor wise enough to have knowledge to pass on. However even he could see that the hot-headed young shinobi he had met a short while ago required whatever guidance he could get from anyone. Riyota had attempted to reach out to his own instructors but it seemed for right now they didn't have the time to focus on a new protege and many of them had suggested Riyota himself try to teach the boy (one had recommended decapitation, Riyota decided it was best not to ask him for advice anymore.) So reluctantly the older Shinobi contacted the younger to offer tutelage.

And thus, Riyota stood and waited within the training hall of the Dojo, wondering if his student would bother to show up at all. They hadn't exactly gotten off on the best foot and it was likely Nazomeku would assume Riyota had nothing to teach him, and whilst he wouldn't feel particularly bad if the younger Shinobi wound up being a no-show he did feel that he needed some premature intervention to prevent his aggressive attitude from landing him in some big issues later down the line.

And so Riyota stood...

And waited...

Quite unprepared to teach the lessons that needed to be taught.


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Nazomeku needed more. More, more, more. Mota, mota, mota.

He was beginning to see the light with his training. His persistence in becoming the best he could be was applaudable. For others his training may have been tiresome or overwhelming. Yet for him, everyday was a new day to push his limits and obtain a new technique or a new plateau in his physical limits.

Riyota has decided that their meeting place and training would be held in the Torano Dojo, the same place that Nazomeku was scheduled to clean weekly due to his rank as a Senju side branch member. Rather than being able to enjoy the fruits and leisure's of the main branch, where training and acquisition of strength was paramount, he was forced to do all the miserable chores that nobody wanted to do yet needed to be done.

Nazomeku’s familiarity with the place seemed to vanish as he walked into it for the first time looking to train rather than clean. Normally he would train elsewhere, knowing that the Senju have a designated part of the dojo for clansmen to train. Since he wasn't allowed to train there during regular hours, while it was being used by the main branch members, he simply chose to never use it until he was recognized as a main branch member himself.

“Yo Riyota,” he started as he stepped through the threshold of dojo 7. “This is a symbolic dojo you chose today. The number seven is known for secrets and obtaining knowledge. I know we weren't on the best of terms when we first met and accomplished that mission together; although, I want to make it clear that I respect you as a fellow shinobi of the sand and look forward to learning as much from you that I can.”

Silence ensued after Nazo’s tongue ceased movement. Nazo would bow slightly then shift his feet slightly to show he was ready to begin their spar if sparring was the agenda for the lesson.

Wc: 344
Pc: 1/5


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Nazomeku needed more. More, more, more. Mota, mota, mota.

He was beginning to see the light with his training. His persistence in becoming the best he could be was applaudable. For others his training may have been tiresome or overwhelming. Yet for him, everyday was a new day to push his limits and obtain a new technique or a new plateau in his physical limits.

Riyota has decided that their meeting place and training would be held in the Torano Dojo, the same place that Nazomeku was scheduled to clean weekly due to his rank as a Senju side branch member. Rather than being able to enjoy the fruits and leisure's of the main branch, where training and acquisition of strength was paramount, he was forced to do all the miserable chores that nobody wanted to do yet needed to be done.

Nazomeku’s familiarity with the place seemed to vanish as he walked into it for the first time looking to train rather than clean. Normally he would train elsewhere, knowing that the Senju have a designated part of the dojo for clansmen to train. Since he wasn't allowed to train there during regular hours, while it was being used by the main branch members, he simply chose to never use it until he was recognized as a main branch member himself.

“Yo Riyota,” he started as he stepped through the threshold of dojo 7. “This is a symbolic dojo you chose today. The number seven is known for secrets and obtaining knowledge. I know we weren't on the best of terms when we first met and accomplished that mission together; although, I want to make it clear that I respect you as a fellow shinobi of the sand and look forward to learning as much from you that I can.”

Silence ensued after Nazo’s tongue ceased movement. Nazo would bow slightly then shift his feet slightly to show he was ready to begin their spar if sparring was the agenda for the lesson.

Wc: 344
Pc: 1/5
May 6, 2015
Riyota heard footsteps behind him and he slowly turned to see the young Nazomeku approaching. Riyota greeted him with a nod in his direction, not saying anything yet. Nazo spoke first, explaining the significance of the number seven. Riyota nodded along to this observation, not bothering to admit he had literally just chosen a random empty room. "Don't worry about it, I've seen and heard much worse. You're a fine shinobi, just don't let your mouth get the better of you." He paused for a moment and looked to his metal prosthetic arm. "I made that mistake once..." He said, slightly quieter.

He noticed his student immediately shift position into a battle-stance. Riyota shrugged, he hadn't set out a plan for this lesson at all, so if Nazo wanted to choose for him that was fine by him. He stretched his arm out for a moment and rolled his shoulders, securing his jacket over himself. Looking at Nazomeku standing ready reminded him almost of his own childhood, standing ready to face the many teachers he had growing up.

"Alright, we'll start out with some sparring, its a good way to get to know another person. Now, I want you to come at me with an opening attack, we'll go from there." Riyota stood in his own battle stance, his left side turned towards his opponent with his arm up in an a defensive stance. "Whenever you're ready."


New Member
Mar 13, 2013
The necessity for words was null and void as soon as Riyota opened the door for their spar by enticing Nazo to attack first. Nazo thought back to their mission together and all the abilities or techniques that he had seen Riyota use and perform. There wasn't much for him to go off of. It wasn't as if he had seen his full arsenal of ninja techniques.

Nazo only remembered Riyota’s ability to track and find others, his regenerative ability which seemed even more advanced then Nazo’s ability to recover and regenerate, and lastly, the Black fleshly looking tendrils that oozed out of his body before. The regenerative ability made Nazo lean more towards the feeling that this spar would be long and the difficulty to take Riyota down would definitely be increased. The black fleshly tendrils, Nazo just had to be prepared to see them again. Last time he saw Riyota use it, he used it in a defensive manner; however, Nazo had an inkling that he could more than likely use the tendrils offensively as well.

Nazo was focused. As he released the Katon type chakra he began to formulate in his hands he would jump up into the air to give himself a bit of an angle. “Katon: Mythical Phoenix Fire!” His hands would turn into fists of flames and as he threw five punches at the air, five fireballs of a moderate size, about a foot and a half in diameter each, would go hurling down at and around Riyota.

[I need to see how he reacts to my attacks at first. If he’s going to dodge and not rely on his regeneration or if he’s going to tank through my lower level techniques and try to unsettle me with his defense.]

As Nazo’s upward trajectory ended and he would start falling back to the ground with the aid of the Earth’s natural gravity, he would clap together a few more handseals and rather than land on top of the ground, he would sink into the dojo floor and disappear out of view.

WC: 347
PC: 2/5

Used: Fireball (

Inner Earth Reflection Lure (
May 6, 2015
'I've seen bits and pieces of what he's capable of, but I seriously doubt that's it. I should be ready for anything.' He mentally reminded himself as Nazo leapt into the air and let forth a quick burst of fireballs in Riyota's direction. Knowing the technique well he quickly prepared some handseals of his own and put his hand out in front of himself. As the fireballs struck they would be absorbed harmlessly into a Flame-shield Riyota had created, as the smoke cleared and the shield dispersed he would see the top of Nazomeku's head disappear into the dirt. Yet another technique he was familiar with.

"Nice technique, unfortunately the ground is a fickle creature." He muttered to himself with a smirk, quickly fashioning another set of handseals he placed both palms on the floor in front of him and caused the ground within the room to shake violently. If Nazomeku was still merged with the floor he would be jostled about violently, causing disorientation and possible injury. The idea was to force him back out.

If his student re-emerged Riyota would try to provide him a leg-up. "Here's a tip, I'm quite well-versed in Fire and Earth. Though at this point I'm sure you discerned that yourself, so, you need to adapt. Use something I won't be prepared for, you have information. That's a deadly weapon in its own right." He would hope his lesson would stick and Nazo would understand that direct combat wasn't all there is to combat.

"I'm not going to block this time, on one condition. You have to use something either non-standard, or apply something standard in a creative way. Tossing fireballs and disappearing will only get you so far." He warned, dropping his guard entirely and allowing Nazomeku to hit him full force with something.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
