Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

To be an Ashenheart one must possess more than an affinity to fire; one must embrace the truest meaning of the flame. Ashenheart burn brightly and passionately in both life and battle, without any hesitation, whether it be as a light to guide others or as a terrifying inferno to their enemies. The Ashenheart burn until there is nothing left but ashes; whether those ashes belong to would-be obstacles or of themselves.

Flame Hex - Passive (2 points)
The flames of an Ashenheart make them the most terrifying of foes. Victims of their pyromancy discover that the flames linger after contact, almost clutching to their body afterward. Targets finding themselves under constant siege of an Ashenheart will find they have little chance to ever attempt to treat their injuries; and even find innate regenerative properties halted while burning.
Effect: The user's Fire attacks nullify all form of HP recovery on their targets for the two seconds following the hit (may last between rounds)

Blaze - Passive (1 point)
Restriction- May be purchased three times
The Ashenheart brings the their power of fire to its utmost potential. their flames are all-consuming, and and quickly char their targets to crisps.
Effect: The user deals +2.5% Fire damage. If using a Fire attack against a target who has been hit by a Fire attack in the previous 4 seconds, this bonus is tripled against them.

Ashfall - Independent Special Move (3 points)
Not limited to flame, the Ashenheart may also use their burning powers to cloud themselves and others in a a thick haze of dark smoke and burning ash.
Effect: Functions as the Smoke Bomb item, but uses Ninjutsu Accuracy or the Accuracy type of a weapon affected by Conflagration. Costs 1.5 AP and 2% Max CP. After use, has a 15 second cooldown.

First Flames - Passive (3 points)
Fire waits for none, and makes no hesitation in its drive to consume all in its path. Much like the flames they wield, the user's power burns ferociously; but may fade quickly.
Effect: For the first five seconds of every round, the user's Fire attacks gain +2 accuracy and +10% damage. For the last five seconds of every round, the user's Fire attacks suffer a -2 accuracy penalty.

Conflagration - Independent Special Move (3 points)
Restriction- Requires a Minor Affinity to Fire
Those attuned to flames may channel their burning passion into the very weapons wield, their weapons seeming to erupt into burning flames the moment they are drawn for battle.
Effect: While using the Minor Affinity Move Elemental Channeling with Fire as the selected element, the user's weapon is treated as having the Special Composition: Fire augment.

Pyromancy - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
The Ashenheart hold nothing back in battle or life, least of all their own energy. They burn bright. They burn fierce. They burn until there is nothing left but ash; if not of their enemies, then of themselves.
Effect: When performing a Fire attack, the user may convert up to (Lvl x 50) CP into additional Fire damage; the amount added may not surpass the base damage of the action used with it, and does not receive any damage modifiers. This amount is divided equally for multi-hit attacks. The CP used for this reduces the user's Max CP.

Cinder Soul - Chakra Style (2 points)
The power of flame is dangerous; not only to others, but to the wielder themselves. Ashenheart fighting at their fullest give off a burning glow from within, as if they, themselves, were embers being consumed as fuel for their burning power...Power that they in turn, wield to char the enemies.
Effect: The user gains +2 Accuracy. Both damage dealt and received is unrecoverable (reducing their respective target's Max HP by an equal amount). The user's Chakra costs are raised +20%
Note: Like any other fighting style, this can be turned on or off at the user’s discretion or lack thereof. Counts a chakra style

Fire Blessing - Jutsu Modification (2 points)
Restriction- Requires Immolation Armor
While overheating from exerting onesself is hardly unheard of, the Ashenheart thrive off this; throughout battle their bodies not only generate heat endlessly, but their very bodies may begin to erupt in flame!
Effect: The Burnout special action of Immolation Armor will also reroll the affecting bind when used, and no longer places the jutsu on cooldown. Once per round, if the user performs 2 Fire actions within 5 seconds of eachother, Immolation Armor is automatically cast upon the user (at the rank known) if it is not already active as a free action that does not cost AP, but the user pays all CP costs.

Undying Embers - Ability Modification (2 points)
Restriction- Requires Hidden Power
So long as the smallest ember of life burns within the Ashenheart, they are never -not- a threat; no matter how wounded or exhausted they may be. Ashenheart bring forth their greatest power when they have nothing left to give.
Effect: The Hidden Power ability now may be based on the user's Chakra. When out of CP, the user may use their HP to perform Fire jutsu at a 1:1 conversion rate. This does not stack for both pools, and is only based on the which pool would grant the user the greatest effect (the user missing 25% of their HP and 55% of their Chakra would not gain +1.5 Secondaries, but +1 Secondaries).

Eruption - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
Playing with fire is dangerous, and most shinobi are cautious when it comes to their flame techniques, and carefully take the time to properly channel their chakra to avoid harming themselves. However, this is not the case for the Ashenheart; missing an opportunity against an opponent for something as insignificant as their own control would be madness, and they release their flames rapidly even if it means using their own body to absorb the recoil of an attack.
Effect: May be used with a Fire attack; the user takes CP damage equal to 10% of the attack's damage. The user's next action is then modded as if it takes half as much time to perform as usual (such as an action normally taking 2.5 seconds taking only 1.25 seconds), but the AP cost remains unchanged. May be used once per round.

Raging Ifrit - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
To think the Ashenheart invest solely in the power of their flame at the complete expense of control is to make a dire mistake; their command over flame can reach a point where they may add flaming properties to many techniques, even those not normally composed of fire chakra.
Effect: When performing a Creation jutsu, the user may pay 4% Max CP to have it considered a Fire jutsu (as well as its original type). Attacks made by a Raging Ifrit inflict the Burn secondary effect. The user may only have one Creation Jutsu modified by Raging Ifrit at a time. This special move cannot be reused until 10 seconds after the Creation jutsu it was used in ended.
Note: The 'Burn' effect causes the target to take +5% damage for a full round. 'Burn' stacks up to three times.

Incinerate - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
All are nothing but fuel to the Ashenheart. With searing flame, they may all-but disintegrate many common obstacles to ash.
Effect: May be used with a Fire attack by paying +15% CP. If this attack hits a non-player target that has its own HP value (such as a barrier, a contract, or a clone) with HP lower than < 8% of the user's Max CP, it is destroyed. If this attack destroys it (whether through this effect or otherwise), it will have half its usual HP the next time it is created/summoned/generated. If not destroyed, it will suffer damage equal to 25% of its max HP at the start of the following round. May be used once per round.

Agni Kai - Fire Ninjutsu (1 point, 1 to rank up)
Restriction- A-Rank and up
A fearsome technique demonstrating the tenacity of the Ashenheart. Initially appearing as a burst of flame, this technique quickly erupts into an inferno; perhaps a room of impenetrable flame, a tornado of fire, or tunnel of cinders. Regardless, the purpose is the same; the Ashenheart and their enemy are locked into battle with one another without interference of the outside world. While two of them have entered, which will be the one to emerge?
Rank 1: Deals 2930 Fire damage at +1 Accuracy to a single target. If the target of this attack is a hostile enemy, both they and the user are trapped in a special Arena; neither may exit or target anything outside the Arena, and they cannot be affected by targets outside of this Arena. Lasts 20 seconds, or until either the user or their enemy are reduced to 0 HP.
Rank 2: Deals 3470 Fire damage at +2 Accuracy to a single target. If the target of this attack is a hostile enemy, both they and the user are trapped in a special Arena; neither may exit or target anything outside the Arena, and they cannot be affected by targets outside of this Arena. Lasts 30 seconds, or until either the user or their enemy are reduced to 0 HP.
Cost: 3 AP, 6000 CP
- Once the Arena forms, this is considered an Arena jutsu.
- This attack uses Ninjutsu Accuracy or the Accuracy type of a weapon affected by Conflagration.
- This is not maintained; once active, it will last independently until either the duration ends, or one of the two is brought to 0 HP.
- May only ever strike a single target.
- The arena will not form if this attack strikes an ally/friendly target. Bmods should use discretion here to enforce this (attacking an obvious ally once earlier in the round is not enough to consider them not an ally for the purpose of this Jutsu).
- Targets within the arena that attempt to attack targets outside it will have their attacks redirected toward their respective enemy.
- If outside, there is no check to enter the arena normally, unless someone has a technique that allows otherwise.[/b]

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
[quote]To be an Ashenheart one must possess more than an affinity to fire; one must embrace the truest meaning of the flame. Ashenheart burn brightly and passionately in both life and battle, without any hesitation, whether it be as a light to guide others or as a terrifying inferno to their enemies. The Ashenheart burn until there is nothing left but ashes; whether those ashes belong to would-be obstacles or of themselves.

[b][u]Flame Hex[/u][/b] - Passive (2 points)
The flames of an Ashenheart make them the most terrifying of foes. Victims of their pyromancy discover that the flames linger after contact, almost clutching to their body afterward. Targets finding themselves under constant siege of an Ashenheart will find they have little chance to ever attempt to treat their injuries; and even find innate regenerative properties halted while burning.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user's [i]Fire[/i] attacks nullify all form of HP recovery on their targets for the two seconds following the hit [i](may last between rounds)[/i] 

[b][u]Blaze[/u][/b] - Passive (1 point)
[i]Restriction-[/i] May be purchased three times
The Ashenheart brings the their power of fire to its utmost potential. their flames are all-consuming, and and quickly char their targets to crisps.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user deals +2.5% [i]Fire[/i] damage. If using a [i]Fire[/i] attack against a target who has been hit by a [i]Fire[/i] attack in the previous 4 seconds, this bonus is tripled against them. 

[b][u]Ashfall[/u][/b] - Independent Special Move (3 points)
Not limited to flame, the Ashenheart may also use their burning powers to cloud themselves and others in a a thick haze of dark smoke and burning ash. 
[b]Effect:[/b] Functions as the [url=][i]Smoke Bomb[/i][/url] item, but uses [i]Ninjutsu Accuracy[/i] or the Accuracy type of a weapon affected by [i]Conflagration[/i]. Costs 1.5 AP and 2% Max CP.  After use, has a 15 second cooldown.

[b][u]First Flames[/u][/b] - Passive (3 points)
Fire waits for none, and makes no hesitation in its drive to consume all in its path. Much like the flames they wield, the user's power burns ferociously; but may fade quickly. 
[b]Effect:[/b] For the first five seconds of every round, the user's [i]Fire[/i] attacks gain +2 accuracy and +10% damage. For the last five seconds of every round, the user's Fire attacks suffer a -2 accuracy penalty.

[b][u]Conflagration[/u][/b] - Independent Special Move (3 points)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Requires a [i]Minor Affinity[/i] to [i]Fire[/i]
Those attuned to flames may channel their burning passion into the very weapons wield, their weapons seeming to erupt into burning flames the moment they are drawn for battle.
[b]Effect:[/b] While using the Minor Affinity Move [i]Elemental Channeling[/i] with [i]Fire[/i] as the selected element, the user's weapon is treated as having the [i]Special Composition: Fire[/i] augment.

[b][u]Pyromancy[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
The Ashenheart hold nothing back in battle or life, least of all their own energy. They burn [i]bright[/i]. They burn [i]fierce[/i]. They burn until there is nothing left but ash; if not of their enemies, then of themselves.
[b]Effect:[/b] When performing a [i]Fire[/i] attack, the user may convert up to (Lvl x 50) CP into additional [i]Fire[/i] damage; the amount added may not surpass the [i]base[/i] damage of the action used with it, and does not receive any damage modifiers. This amount is divided equally for multi-hit attacks. The CP used for this reduces the user's Max CP.

[b][u]Cinder Soul[/u][/b] - Chakra Style (2 points)
The power of flame is dangerous; not only to others, but to the wielder themselves. Ashenheart fighting at their fullest give off a burning glow from within, as if they, themselves, were embers being consumed as fuel for their burning power...Power that they in turn, wield to char the enemies.
[b]Effect:[/b] The user gains +2 Accuracy. Both damage dealt and received is unrecoverable [i](reducing their respective target's Max HP by an equal amount)[/i]. The user's Chakra costs are raised +20%
[i][b]Note:[/b] Like any other fighting style, this can be turned on or off at the user’s discretion or lack thereof. Counts a chakra style[/i]

[b][u]Fire Blessing[/u][/b] - Jutsu Modification (2 points)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Requires [url=]Immolation Armor[/url]
While overheating from exerting onesself is hardly unheard of, the Ashenheart thrive off this; throughout battle their bodies not only generate heat endlessly, but their very bodies may begin to erupt in flame!
[b]Effect:[/b] The [i]Burnout[/i] special action of [i]Immolation Armor[/i] will also reroll the affecting bind when used, and no longer places the jutsu on cooldown.  Once per round, if the user performs 2 [i]Fire[/i] actions within 5 seconds of eachother, [i]Immolation Armor[/i] is automatically cast upon the user [i](at the rank known)[/i] if it is not already active as a free action that does not cost AP, but the user pays all CP costs.

[b][u]Undying Embers[/u][/b] - Ability Modification (2 points)
[i]Restriction-[/i] Requires [url=]Hidden Power[/url]
So long as the smallest ember of life burns within the Ashenheart, they are never [i]-not-[/i] a threat; no matter how wounded or exhausted they may be. Ashenheart bring forth their greatest power when they have nothing left to give. 
[b]Effect:[/b] The [i]Hidden Power[/i] ability now may be based on the user's Chakra. When out of CP, the user may use their HP to perform [i]Fire[/i] jutsu at a 1:1 conversion rate.  This does not stack for both pools, and is only based on the which pool would grant the user the greatest effect [i](the user missing 25% of their HP and 55% of their Chakra would not gain +1.5 Secondaries, but +1 Secondaries)[/i]. 

[b][u]Eruption[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
 Playing with fire is dangerous, and most shinobi are cautious when it comes to their flame techniques, and carefully take the time to properly channel their chakra to avoid harming themselves. However, this is not the case for the Ashenheart; missing an opportunity against an opponent for something as insignificant as their own control would be madness, and they release their flames rapidly even if it means using their own body to absorb the recoil of an attack. 
[b]Effect:[/b] May be used with a [i]Fire[/i] attack; the user takes CP damage equal to 10% of the attack's damage. The user's [i]next[/i] action is then modded as if it takes half as much time to perform as usual [i](such as an action normally taking 2.5 seconds taking only 1.25 seconds)[/i], but the AP cost remains unchanged.  May be used once per round. 

[b][u]Raging Ifrit[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
To think the Ashenheart invest solely in the power of their flame at the complete expense of control is to make a dire mistake; their command over flame can reach a point where they may add flaming properties to many techniques, even those not normally composed of fire chakra. 
[b]Effect:[/b] When performing a [i]Creation[/i] jutsu, the user may pay 4% Max CP to have it considered a [i]Fire[/i] jutsu [i](as well as its original type)[/i]. Attacks made by a [i]Raging Ifrit[/i] inflict the [i]Burn[/i] secondary effect. The user may only have one [i]Creation Jutsu[/i] modified by [i]Raging Ifrit[/i] at a time.  This special move cannot be reused until 10 seconds after the [i]Creation[/i] jutsu it was used in ended.
[i]Note: The 'Burn' effect causes the target to take +5% damage for a full round. 'Burn' stacks up to three times.[/i]  

[b][u]Incinerate[/u][/b] - Dependent Special Move (2 points)
All are nothing but fuel to the Ashenheart. With searing flame, they may all-but disintegrate many common obstacles to ash.
[b]Effect:[/b] May be used with a [i]Fire[/i] attack by paying +15% CP.  If this attack hits a non-player target that has its own HP value [i](such as a barrier, a contract, or a clone)[/i] with HP lower than < 8% of the user's Max CP, it is destroyed. If this attack destroys it [i](whether through this effect or otherwise)[/i], it will have [i]half[/i] its usual HP the next time it is created/summoned/generated. If not destroyed, it will suffer damage equal to 25% of its max HP at the start of the following round. May be used once per round.

[b][u]Agni Kai[/u][/b] - Fire Ninjutsu (1 point, 1 to rank up)
[i]Restriction-[/i] A-Rank and up
A fearsome technique demonstrating the tenacity of the Ashenheart. Initially appearing as a burst of flame, this technique quickly erupts into an inferno; perhaps a room of impenetrable flame, a tornado of fire, or tunnel of cinders. Regardless, the purpose is the same; the Ashenheart and their enemy are locked into battle with one another without interference of the outside world. While two of them have entered, which will be the one to emerge?
[b]Rank 1:[/b] Deals 2930 [i]Fire[/i] damage at +1 Accuracy to a [i]single[/i] target. If the target of this attack is a hostile enemy, both they and the user are trapped in a special [i]Arena[/i]; neither may exit or target anything outside the Arena, and they cannot be affected by targets outside of this Arena.  Lasts 20 seconds, or until either the user or their enemy are reduced to 0 HP. 
[b]Rank 2:[/b] Deals 3470 [i]Fire[/i] damage at +2 Accuracy to a [i]single[/i] target. If the target of this attack is a hostile enemy, both they and the user are trapped in a special [i]Arena[/i]; neither may exit or target anything outside the Arena, and they cannot be affected by targets outside of this Arena.  Lasts 30 seconds, or until either the user or their enemy are reduced to 0 HP. 
[b]Cost:[/b] 3 AP, 6000 CP
- Once the Arena forms, this is considered an [b]Arena[/b] jutsu.
- This attack uses [b]Ninjutsu Accuracy[/b] or the Accuracy type of a weapon affected by [b]Conflagration[/b].
- This is not maintained; once active, it will last independently until either the duration ends, or one of the two is brought to 0 HP.
- May only ever strike a single target.
- The arena will [/b]not[b] form if this attack strikes an ally/friendly target. Bmods should use discretion here to enforce this [b](attacking an obvious ally once earlier in the round is not enough to consider them not an ally for the purpose of this Jutsu)[/b].
- Targets within the arena that attempt to attack targets outside it will have their attacks redirected toward their respective enemy. 
- If outside, there is no check to enter the arena normally, unless someone has a technique that allows otherwise.[/i][/quote]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
