Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Atque Subtemine [Modded E Rank Mission]


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The sun hung high above the sky, couldn't have been any more than 12 or 1. Though the day was at its peak, the natural frigid climate of Lightning Country seemed to overcome and overtake any warm rays the sun might have tried to cast down to the denizens of Cloud. Fortunately it didn't appear that it would rain and there were so few clouds in the sky today. A slight breeze would find its way through the cracks and crevices of Minako's outfit sending a shiver up her spine. Hopefully she had dressed warmly for this occasion, her very first mission was at hand! She already on her way towards the mission office, there she would finally see what it was like to be a shinobi... Sorta

As she walked through various neighborhoods and past miscellaneous shops and stores, a plethora of scents would invade her senses. The house just down the road had just baked a fresh pie and casually left it upon the windowsill. The fresh, sweet aroma of berry filled the air and clung to the insides of her nose. A nearby ramen shop had even more enticing scents coming from within, salty warm wholesomeness drifted about. Yes today seemed to be a, relatively speaking, peaceful day within the confines of Kumogakure.

In time, Minako would find herself at the steps of a large building, unmistakable to the likes of her kind. A visage of power, responsibility and opportunity, The Mission Office. Within its sturdy walls anyone can find work. Whether it be small or big, the assortment of odd jobs could range from miniscule garden work all the way to something grand and dangerous as hunting down a bingo book target. Given her young and newly attained title of Genin, Minako would surely have opted for something a little safer. Something that would offer some quick cash without much relative work involved. As she entered the room marked with the lowest mission symbol, a loud creak would emanate throughout the almost barren room. As she awkwardly entered the room, she only see a few other people within. A pair of freshly graduated students and the Mission Officer. He gave Minako a pleasant smile and waved her over as the pair of kids scampered away with their own missions. "Welcome, welcome. How might I help you today?" Brief and to the point, as one might expect people in a place like this to be. He would await her answer even though he essentially already knew why and was already sizing her up to pick the most suitable job for someone like her.
The mission office wasn’t that far now, and Minako was pretty sure she was feeling a bit nervous, or it was just the cool breeze that was hitting her blue clothing, and even the breeze was making her blonde hair dance all over the place. It was clearly a day where the breeze shouldn’t be the only thing that she has to worry about. She wanted quick cash, and with that, she decided to head over to the mission office, hoping to make some money.

While walking over, she let her sense of smell take over while walking around. A pie for example, smelled very yummy, and it was actually making Minako’s stomach growl. She wasn’t the type to eat all that much, in fact, she was usually lazy to even make food for herself, she preferred people to make the food for her because she was just that lazy.

“Finally…” Minako looked right above her, to see that it was the mission office. She keeps forgetting how big it actually is, but that is probably because it’s rare for her to be here. Maybe it was time to come here more often, she does feel a lot better after her accident after all, and the fact that this will definitely help her in the long run will help too.

It didn’t take long to enter, and it didn’t take long to find the correct room either. In fact, she didn’t seem to be the only one here who was about to take a mission, some children left through that door just as quick as she entered, and it wasn’t long until it was her turn to do so.

It didn’t long for the officer to welcome her, and with his question, Minako walked over to the officer with a smile hidden by her mask. Her brown hues wandering off into the distance, before quickly shifting her gaze back over to him.

“Hello.” Minako greeted, tilting her head and crossing her arms, she was never really that graceful, and so she hoped that it would improve over time. “I was wondering if there are any missions available for me??” She questioned the man in a friendly tone of voice, also hoping that there were some missions just for her.​
The elderly man nodded and began to rifle through a stack of papers until he found one with Minako's image upon it. Apparently they already started a file on her, word got around quick it seemed. "Ah yes, here we are..." He plucked her single paged file from the stack and grazed over it quickly. There wasn't much there given her recent promotion to Genin status, but that just meant she would have plenty of opportunity to fill in the gaps. "Alright, young lady. I've got just the thing to get you started." The older gentleman reached into a file folder and pulled out a small scroll, handing it to Minako. "A nice lady would like her dog to be walked and bathed, seems it's a big guy too. Just arrive at this address and she can get you started. Best of luck to you, and congratulations on your first mission." The old man would call out for the next person in line and would assist them with their mission request, being sure to give Minako a pleasant wave goodbye. She had her mission, she had the location, all that was left was to set out and accomplish her very first mission. Was it the most glorious? No, but every great shinobi had to start somewhere. Even the mightiest of Kages started in the same boat as Minako. For when nothing is certain, anything is possible!

[Minako's Progress: 381 out of 2,000 words]
Unsurprisingly, the man didn’t take that long to find something for the young woman. Not that it mattered, it just gave the scarred female some more time to adjust, she wasn’t really sure what she was going to get, nor was she sure on if she was going to like or dislike it. Then again, she wanted the money, and it might be a good start. It could give the people some insight into what she can and cannot do, if she got herself stuck doing baby jobs all the time though, she probably wouldn’t be the happiest Fujiwara, not by a long scale.

Being handed the scroll by the seemingly kind gentleman, Minako then had her mission explained to her. It seemed that a dog of sorts simply needed to get a good walk and a wee wash, oh lovely… for some strange reason, Minako really felt the need to just walk out and do something else right now, her muse for this little mission was incredibly low. She just hoped that the guy couldn’t see that she was incredibly disappointed, even through her blue mask.

Thanking the man upon being congratulated, the woman walked out in her typical graceless manner and off she went. She had to find the address first, the only problem being that she felt so sluggish, that she didn’t even dare calculate or think of which way was the quickest. In fact, she let her feet do the talking as she yawned away.

“My gosh… I can’t even be bothered…” The lady mused as she looked around before she groaned. “While this task may seem meaningless right now, as the man said… it’s just the thing to get me started… bless him, I bet he doesn’t realise how much I didn’t care…”

Looking around with her hues, the female bit her lower lip… she may or may not have gotten lost, that was a bad idea… ah well, she was sure that she could find the right way somehow, and with some correctional help by looking at some entrances, she instantly knew that she was at the right place.

“Don’t bother asking yourself how, Minako… Even I am surprised as all hell as to how I managed...” The female sighed softly as she dropped down her hood, revealing all of her blonde hair. It was getting a tad too warm for her to keep her hood up, the air will do it some good.

Finally, the woman found the right door, and walking up to it, she gave it a good knocking, all in hopes that the woman was there.​
-Knock Knock Knock-

Almost instantly after Minako's profound knock, a loud and boisterous noise erupted from within the confines of the house. She could hear the scraping and the barking just on the other side of the door. From a distance, relatively covered up by the noise of the beast, a faint a feeble reply could be heard. "Coming, coming. I'll be right there!" Well that's good, at least she found the right place, it seemed. It would take the elderly lady some time to reach the door, but in time, the door was finally answered. A large furry snout was the first to breach the door's barrier, nearly pushing the older woman to the floor. "Oh get down, Snuffles! Leave the nice lady alone will you?!" Immediately Minako would realize just exactly what she had gotten herself into. Any hopes and dreams of this being a nice and easy "walk in the park" were cast aside and shattered to pieces. This doggo was monumental in size and would more than likely prove to be a challenge in itself.

The lady adjusted her spectacles a bit to get a better look at Minako before speaking once more; "Ah, you must be the one who is gonna walk and bathe my Snuffles. Not exactly what I was expecting, though I suppose you would be a better choice than a mere child. My dear Snuffles is no toy poodle, that's for sure. Wait here a moment will you?" Before Minako was able to give an answer or anything of the sort, the older lady closed the door. She seemed rude, but then again most old people are kind of like that. Oblivious to the world around them, the mind is always the first to go... A few moments later and she returned with 'Snuffles' in tow with a large, thick leash. Also a hand bag of sorts was given to Minako. "Be sure to hold on tight, if you're not careful he will get away quite easily. Inside the bag you will find the addresse to the place I have him washed with a specific shampoo for him. Make sure they use that one and not theirs, dear Snuffles has a 'condition' and will break out with a horrible skin rash." Once again she closed the door leaving 'Snuffles' and Minako to fend for themselves. The dog would look up at Minako and give a short bork of anticipation. This was quickly sizing up to be quite the annoying job she had taken. Ya know... it was never to late to quit and give up. But Minako wouldn't do that... would she?

[Minako's Progress: 817 out of 2,000 words]
A voice could heard along with the barking from a dog, it sounded like the dog that Minako may or may not have to take for a walk, she may only have one dog, or she may have a ton of dogs, Minako doesn’t exactly know, nor does she pay attention to that kind of stuff if she was going to be honest. She just knows that she has a task to do and she must fulfil it.

The woman that sounded off sounded rather old, and the door opening confirmed it, not to mention, that dog was humongous… this may be tougher than she thought it would be. If the dog felt like it, it could easily just topple her over and lick her to skin and bones, and that was worrying in itself. Nonetheless, Minako inhaled and exhaled, trying to get herself mentally ready for the challenge that was ahead of her.

When the lady spoke of her opinion upon Minako, she bit her lower lip, everyone seems to look at her because she always wears her ninja garb. In all honesty, she prefers to wear her current apparel and not anything casual, this would make Minako. Luckily, the woman noted that Minako would do, and the blonde breathed a sigh of relief. That was before the woman closed the door in her face.

“Okay…” Minako coughed lightly to herself as she looked around, trying to forget how rude the lady was at that moment. “Mission recap… take the dog for a walk and give them a bath… I am sure I will be rewarded for my troubles IF I can keep the doggo under control. The dog is massive though… hmm… I may have to find a way to keep the dog calm, which I hope I can sort out before they release their excitement… ugh, this is gonna be tedious...”

The door finally opened and the woman handed her the leash before explaining what she had to do and then closed the door once more. That lady seriously wasn’t making Minako’s life easier, thats for sure. Well, she had the cutie all leashed up and ready to go.

From that moment, Minako just wanted to give the lady her dog back and tell her that she had to do it herself… but something told Minako she would be making a lot of enemies from that endeavour, and she didn’t want to deal with that kind of stuff… sooo… she took him on. “Let’s take you to the place then.” Minako mentioned as she kneeled down, still holding tightly onto the leash and gave the dog a good little fuss around before standing back up once more. “Let’s go.”
Snuffles was of a sizable stature and while on all fours he easily cusped Minako's waistline. His thick white fur was pristine and glamorous while the sun's rays shone brightly upon it. Upon the order to 'go' he shot forward like a rocket, eager to find his usual walking spot. If she was not careful, Minako would find herself being dragged around the streets by this ridiculously sized animal.

Snuffles darted from site to site, sniffing this and sniffing that. But out of the corner of his eye... A SQUIRREL! Off he went, no hesitation just pursuit. Minako would be left with only a few options; let go of the leash and try and chase after him, hold on for dear life and what would probably be the ride of a life time, or perhaps she had a jutsu that might fit the bill. In any case, she would only have a split second to decide the fate of her day.

[Minako's Progress: 1,269 out of 2,000 words]
Snuffles was indeed a rather big dog, quite strong too, as Minako just found out. He was darting here and there, sniffling this and sniffling that, Minako wasn’t really sure what to make of it. It was all a bit too overwhelming for the masked blonde and she wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, dogs can go for absolutely anything and Minako didn’t even check the address of the place… welp, she was sure she could get some assistance somehow.

That was, until the dog started to chase after a squirrel, and it was absolute nightmare fuel.

“No, no, no, no, no!” Minako kicked her heels into the ground as she held onto the leash as tight as she could, before smirking, she had an idea, and it was much less effort than running with him. Wrapping the leash around her hand, she quickly knelt down and she hugged the dog, using the strength of her whole body to stop the dog from moving completely, she wasn’t sure if it was going to work properly, but she also heard that it gave… some sort of order with the dogs?? She wasn’t sure, she would probably have to find out somehow…

“Snuffles, no…” Minako bit her lower lip as she shook her head “Bad Snuffles! That’s dangerous!”

Now, Minako was getting a bit worried, was her raw strength even enough to hold the dog down? Well, considering she may or may not still be weak since her incident with the bullies not too long ago, she just hoped Snuffles preferred tight hugs over chasing cute little squirrels which could potentially get the both of them into dangerous situations, which she wouldn’t want… she doesn’t want the lovely old lady to not trust Minako, and it would go really bad for her aswell, as it would probably mean that her mission would end in a big, fat, failure.

Words: 318​
Just as everything seemed helpless and soon to turn to chaos and dismay, Minako went 'all in' and threw the hail mary of tactics by jumping atop the massive beast of fur in an attempt to stop him. What might have appeared to be the biggest mistake of her early career would soon be realized to be the best move she could make. For something as large and intimidating as a dog like Snuffles, he was surprisingly well behaved. Seemed ole granny back there wasn't too bad at training her massive beast. The moment Minako grabbed hold of the best, he took a few more steps forward before slumping over on his side, taking Minako with him. A rather large plume of dust and dirty flew into the air around them, covering them both with copious amounts of filth. It seemed that Snuffles wasn't the only one that would be in need of a bath once this day was over...

Snuffles would stand back up, wriggling free from Minako's grasp. He would cock his head to the left before licking the poor girl half to death as she laid nearly helpless in the dirt. After she managed to stop him and regain control of the leash, Snuffles would easily guide her to the location in question. The large, now slightly browner, dog had taken this trip many times and knew where he was going. Seemed Minako wasn't his first customer. The old lady had given the place a call after Minako left her house and so they expected her arrival. Snuffles was a regular here and they would treat him well. They would take the leash from Minako and point her towards the waiting area. About an hour later they would return with snuffles clean and brilliantly white once again. They gave the good little doggo a treat before releasing him back to Minako and waving goodbye to the pair. Now all that was left was to get him back home without any further 'incidents'. It would be a shame if he were to get dirty so soon after a nice grooming...

[Minako's Progress: 1,587out of 2,000 words]
Squeals emanated from the girls covered mouth as the gigantic doggo toppled over to the side, the female could only then chuckle as she was unsure what to do. She was pretty sure that she made the right choice though, considering that it stopped Snuffles from going off on his own, and it was probably much harder to pull off any other tactic. Sighing softly, the blonde layed there in the dirt, coughing and giving off various expressions, giving off that she didn’t really appreciate the karma that has been placed on her.

Being too lazy to move, Minako was able to force herself into getting up, due to the fact that Snuffles decided it was an excellent idea to lick her endlessly. Before she got up though, she made sure to cuddle into the massive fluffball first, appreciating his gesture.

Looking around, the female prepared herself for what was to come. Luckily, Snuffles helped her along the way, guiding her to the correct place. Which, didn’t take long to sort the doge out. For some time however, Minako was stuck in the waiting room, and the glares weren’t pretty… some of her face gotten sweaty thanks to her mask, and so took it off so her face could get some air. All Minako could do was sigh as everyone stared at her scars in shock and awe.

When the hour was over, Snuffles was returned to the lazy shinobi after being fed a treat for being such a good dog, just in time too, as Minako placed her mask back on at that time. Placing her mask back on, it was so sweaty anymore, she could feel the mask comfortably and that was the sign that taking off the mask was good for the skin, in her opinion it was anyway.

Waving goodbye and exiting the place. It was time for Minako to take Snuffles back home to the elderly lady, she was sure that she was going to be excited that Minako was able to do what she was tasked to do, even through all the embarrassment she encountered during the waiting room… it seemed she should’ve never taken her mask off at all, period.

“Let’s go, Snuffles!” Minako would call out, signalling the dog that it was pretty much safe to walk back to their owners house. “No chasing squirrels or anything else, though!” She would call out out the doggo as they would walk the streets once more.

Words: 412​
One could assume that after such a strenuous first day on the job, Minako might have been officially done. But unfortunately that is not the case, some otherworldly requirement was calling out to her to actually finish the day. She would find no issues walking snuffles back down the path they first took, Snuffles knew the way. He was mindful of the occasional critter or cat, being sure to mind Minako's orders to stay put. In time she quickly found her way back to the granny's house where she would give Snuffles back and must say her goodbyes. As fun as it might have been to hang around a cuddly furball as he, everything must eventually come to an end. I suppose all that was left was for her to return to the office and turn in her mission and collect compensation so she could go buy whatever it is that she was trying to save up for.

[Minako's Progress: 1,999 out of 2,000 words - Considering her mission done after her next post is completed. Literally 1 word away lol]
Making her way back to the house with Snuffles, she sighed softly and bit her lower lip, she wasn’t sure how the hell she managed to go back home with no issues at all. If she was going to be honest, that was also very weird, considering that Snuffles was chasing around for a squirrel when they were walking to the designated place. There was a few good things about doing this, nobody was watching her weirdly anymore, so she could fully relax now for one. The other is that the woman will have money to spend!

Finally at the elderly woman's house, the female just knew she had to let snuffles go from her hold. It was slightly upsetting, because she didn’t want to let such a cutie go. Instead, she wanted to keep him by her side and do absolutely nothing but cuddle him all night and all day long. However, she knew she had to, because it was the right thing to do. It just wouldn’t be fair on the elderly lady after all if Minako decided to steal the cutie, she would be in trouble for that and she would probably lose whatever dignity she had left very quickly.

It didn’t take long to return the furball, and after getting a thank you from the lady, she coughed slightly, bowed down to the job giver and walked back to the mission place, which took longer than it did last time, but only because she didn’t need to rush, nor did she want to get lost like she did the last time either.

After arriving at the place she gave her mission, she turned her mission in and then headed off. That was one mission officially completed, she was rather excited that she done it, and now she has that little extra cash on her so she could buy whatever she wanted.

Words: 315​

Current Ninpocho Time:
