Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Autumn Leaves [Going Missing]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao stared at the gates of the village, standing like he had many times, looking outwards. The pain he felt in his heart was heavy, and he patted the gates goodbye. Now is not the time for hesitation, I have failed the village, it’s time for me to leave. Taking a drink of his Sake, he turned and placed it next to the gate, hoping some soul that needed it would find it.

Feeling practically naked in his civilian clothes, he started to walk away, hoping to find a new purpose, away from the village, just wanting to have peace.

[Run Time – 1 Hour]
[Migoya + Doku + Hisao Going Missing]


Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
He had been towed along in Hisao's wake for what seemed like an eternity. Still in a little bit of a daze Doku was once again not paying attention to his surroundings, everything that had just happened was starting to take it's toll and he had not even really taken part, merely persecuted for defending his family. Now he found himself at the gates of the village and he could tell from his companions demeanors what was about to take place, why they were here, but he did not raise his voice in dissent. He knew what the village had become and he knew what they had to do next.

Dark days indeed.

[Migoya + Doku + Hisao Going Missing]
[Run Time – 1 Hour]
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He tried.

And he had succeeded.

Myakashi Migoya watched with care as the rest of his clan ran through the gates of Konoha, drawing away most of the guards from the main push. They were the few - volunteers that knew the cost of leaving the village but they were also civilians. Civilians dressed as Konoha shinobi, drawing away the bloodthirsty cowards of this decrepit sesspool of a village.

They were making a sacrifice for the greater good, and if they were killed the blood on Takeshi’s hands would now not only include children, but innocent civilians trying to escape a regime. Whilst Leaf might ignore that fact, broadcasting it to the other villages might get them to finally see what Konoha had turned into.

He would not permit his clan to suffer anymore. The Will of Fire had gone out.

A pale hand touched his ear where his hidden headset was located. One word was spoken.


A single word was uttered. If any guards were left, they would now face the wrath of the Myakashi… unbound, unbroken, unbent.


[Migoya + Doku + Hisao Going Missing - Run time - 1 hour]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
And there. They. Were.

Maki half expected this, the man was no fool. He waited just beyond the gates, letting the guards deal with the distraction as he sat patiently. And as the three came barrelling by he would simply step out before them.

He was unarmed, which didn't mean much for most but for him may as well have been naked.

"Feel free ro keep going if you want, but I would much prefer to have a talk. Especially with you, Migoya was it?"

(Not stopping you unless you want to. Wanna rp a bit, not fight again.)
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He should have suspected this…. It was going too smoothly. Too easily. Leaf was many things, but unobservant was not one of them.

The man… the ‘damaged’ one, Maki, was now before him - a Sennin, the ANBU Sennin from what he had been told previously. But he was unarmed, and he seemed to want to talk. Of course it would be a valid stalling tactic, Migoya was anything but a fool, but surprisingly enough he had had enough of unnecessary bloodshed.

“Yes, Maki isn't it. I suppose we should feel honoured to be stopped by one such as yourself. We would have asked to leave, but, well - Takeshi is not exactly trustworthy nor unbiased. You have seen that for yourself.”

His clanmates paused, unsure as to what to do in this situation. Migoya merely nodded, indicating that they should keep on walking.

“These people are innocent and have done nothing wrong. They seek a place where they are welcome, supported and heard. That is not here… not anymore. Let them pass and I will talk. Oh - and if anyone else decides to pop in unexpectedly, well… my limited trust has already been stretched.”

His voice was tired, as if he carried a burden that he did not want to bear. Many people did not understand Migoya, but his family was everything to him. It was the only thing that mattered in a world full of fakery. It was his purpose and drive, and had been for years now.

“Dont you… dont you just get tired of it all Maki..."

[OOC: Not stopping but chatting.]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
Hisao stopped as Maki stepped out in front of them. He felt tired, more so than he should really feel, even at his age. His feet shifted subtly, preparing himself for a fight. He recognized the man, he was from the fight moments ago, he had turned Yong’s weapon of choice against him, after that remarkable Genin had surprised them all.

His words were non-combative, and Hisao allowed himself to relax. He directed his request to Migoya, and Hisao would not interfere, he didn’t feel like he was here for a fight. ”For the record, I am truly sorry this has all happened. I just think its best if I leave and think for a bit, away from the village. I am spent, and I have informed the Hokage, whether or not he accepted it.”

He wasn’t going to stop Migoya, but he wasn’t going to stop himself either. Migoya would find him when he was ready, and he wasn’t really up for talking right now.

[Run Time Expired]
[Topic Left]


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed the other was open to communication. As he mentions Takeshi not being trustworthy, Maki says nothing. Takeshi was one of two people in this world that had his complete confidence. While he might not agree with every decision the man made, he knew he could count on the other to do what was necessary. As Migoya nods for the other two to run on, Maki makes no move to stop them, true to his word.

”One of those innocent people hit me a few times with his sword while I was having a mental breakdown.” It wasn’t spoken in a threatening manner, instead a light hearted jab at the words the other had given. Words were being more power with Maki of late, he found. Maki recognized the tiredness of Migoya’s voice, for it matches his own.

”Indeed I do. That’s why I’m here, alone. And not starting up a second warzone. When you spoke in Kenshin’s dojo you mentioned kids being slaughtered. Other than the ones we both learned about just afterwards, which I’m going to be looking into, I’m guessing there’s more I’m not aware of.” He looks down at his arm, the iron prosthetic covering the stump of where before he’d had a flesh and bone limb. ”I can only blame myself for not paying attention to things going on around me. I know this. But my eyes are beginning to open and I’m noticing this village is having issues.”

A wistful look crosses his face. ”I’m not innocent on that front either, mind. I joined this village by killing one such youth. He was throwing around powerful jutsu and assaulting civilians in a tavern. Ignoring him would have put far more people in danger than not. That’s why I supported my branch killing those who fled the village, regardless of their age. I know it’s not fair what we ask of kids in this world. But it’s even more unfair to train them into weapons of mass destruction and let them loose upon the world at large without supervision. But now….now I wonder if this world even has need of Shinobi anymore. We’re a stain.”

His single eye focuses on the other once more. The orb had shifted from brown to a passionate red color as he spoke. ”I’m going to try to do what I can to turn this place around. But I do agree that you four need to go elsewhere. Make no mistake on Takeshi’s words, he does mean them. But more than that, he and others are going to be waiting for any chance they have to retaliate for the attack. Indeed, were I… old self we would not be talking right now. Not with words. So I ask you to tell me of what has happened in my hermitage, and then…go. For the good of us all.”
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“He tends to do that…”, Migoya chuckled. His voice was tired and strained, and clearly in pain but for a moment there were no guards to his feelings. “We all have our demons… some just are closer to the top.”

He listened carefully to the man’s words, a man that he had wished he had known before… the incident. Hisao and Doku had informed him about this man, and his own intelligence gathering had told him about the torture he had suffered by the hands of the frost shinobi.

He wanted answers, and ones Migoya could provide.

“Nitish… a powerful shinobi indeed, one possessed of dark power. He tried to run, and was caught. Takeshi and others, including Hisao here, cut him down. He was a boy...”

Maki then spoke about the need for the village to control their academy students. It was a strange thing indeed - such power amongst the young. But death...

“I understand Maki-san. I understand the necessity of controlling the situation. The problem though is that these students… the stories they tell. The stories of bullying. The stories of favouritism. They might be powerful, but they are children. It is up to the village to sculpt them through patience, guidance, and hope - not through fear.”

Migoya looked into the one blood-red eye of the man in front of him. He had an interesting tale, Migoya surmised. One he would have liked to have known under different circumstances.

“One boy… Katsu. He liked honey. He spoke to me just before… before. He is dead. At the hands of villagers here. Villagers who were meant to protect him, guide him, help him to grow.”

Normally he could control his emotions, but the rage was evident. His plans had not accounted for a group of children adding fuel to the fire, and as a result getting burned to death. He would carry that burden. Blinking away the anger, Migoya looked up to the moon, his pale features fairly growing in the moonlight. His brothers and his clan had moved forward into a new future.

“But I agree with what you said before. I need to stop talking now. It is time to leave.”

He turned away. Maki’s words hit home, and he certainly hoped that the ANBU Sennin would do what he suggested.

“But should you wish to chat… here. I’ve set the frequency. I don’t suggest you try to track it. Call me… call me when the Will of Fire is once more burning.”

A small headset would fall to the ground as Migoya walked away, following his brothers into the unknown.

[Run time expired]
[Dramatic RP expired]
[Topic Left]


Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
More interupptions, more voices and swirling emotions. The group had been intercepted by the ANBU Sennin, the very man which Doku had cut into not so long ago. He was unarmed and was not making hostile moves though he wouldn't have blamed him if he had.

Migoya indicated that they should move on and they did but not without saying something first. "I like you Maki, sorry I cut you but all I knew when I ran into that room was that men I consider my family were in danger. Possibly your thinking mirrored my own..."

That was it, that was all he would say before moving past and following Hisao.

[Topic Left]
[Run Time Expired]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
