Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private AWOL Nation: Along came an Ancient... [Event: Shadow Steward]

Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank

With his time spent aboveground continually fleeting, Sora knew that he at some point had to make an appearance to keep the talks of his demise from filtering into the wrong ears. With how much of a mess of things his exit had brought, his face was one of many that usually brought the wrong sort of attention. With all sorts of labels being applied to him, he knew that audience with those whom he needed to consort with would bring out the usual suspects for a shinobi world power. Whether they be assassins or would be allies, the fact remained that with money being a near unlimited resource for the enemies of the true state, he couldn't take the risk that somebody would seek to double cross him for a stated price. Knowing that his supposed Fourth Order was one of the few remaining loyal shinobi forces left from the way that Sunagakure had been before, he kept his cards close to his chest and rarely confided in those that hadn't consistently proved their loyalty.The only problem that remained though, was what came next.

Sure, they could run, and they could hide, but the thought of truly leaving the Wind Country behind over something as easily explained as plain old greed, seemed a bit soft to him, for lack of a better word. He himself had been raised in the desert, he knew it, and he had lived the nomadic way. Even more than that, there was his experience as Suigetsu, that too was a life that had seen strife. This was a problem that was very much one that could be solved, but it would require a refined touch if all out war was to be avoided. Thus far, their enemy had seemingly known their every move, almost as if they had been on the inside from the beginning. There were rumors that this was just the case, stories that weren't adding up. Situations that seemed a little too coincidental, and that was why Sora had set up the meeting that he had. Sora was a place that was known for high profile figures and lots of tourist traps, where better for Sora to hide out among the crowds in plain sight. Using what networking resources that he had, he bought enough time in a hidden enough underground speakeasy with explicit instructions on who should show and when. He didn't expect to solve all of his problems in one go but one thing needed to be figured out for sure, namely, who was in charge?

OOC: This topic takes place an untold number of weeks/months after the topic, AWOL Nation: The Spark [Event: Shadow Steward] Err on the side of it being closer to three months than a few weeks. Either way, Sora and the Fourth Order have been considered at best, KIA and at worst, AWOL. Upon entering the topic, it won't be clear where Sora is until at least Akkuma or Michino/Council, joins.

This topic will be the IC version of conversations that have and are happening concerning the next Kazekage. Miroku Akkuma will play himself or a representative respecting his wishes and Toraono Michino will play the part of at least a representative of the IC Council that is still loyal to the true Sunan government.

This topic isn't locked to others but anybody joining should expect a high security situation that'll get purposeful troublemakers booted ICLy. If you want to join, just ask me and we'll come up with a reason on how you managed to get invited. The private tag is more so an indicator that it's not an aimless topic and that everything is intentional.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
The city of Sora moved with the same strong commerce and attraction as a wealthy man’s paradise as it ever did; war be damned. While the sands outside the grand painted stone walls of the city continued to be muddied in crimson, life just continued to be as it ever was within. A facade of paradise for the ultra wealthy within the Wind Country, a vacationing site for nobles, and a place to legally procure the most exotic of goods; a face for it’s truer intent. Beneath the fine vaneer above laid a complex spider web of political gambling that had to be seen to believed. Deals were made here. Wars started, and ended. The treaty between Wei and the Oil Barons was signed in public here, in fact, and the locals were still quite versed in the week long celebration that followed.

Today was just like any other day. The rich continued another debaucherous twelve to sixteen hours of life, and those that were striven to continue seeing to the country’s future met in secret. The location of the speakeasy was tucked into plain sight - literally behind a coat rack. As a flesh colored mechanical hand raised to touch the rack, there emitted from the seemingly human man an electronic sigh. From behind a man the size of two normal humans urged him along with a grunt. The hand touching a brand new coat pulled it back to reveal a little door that slid open the moment it was revealed. The giant behind the mechanical gentleman shrank down slowly to accommodate before they both ducked down to access the stairs leading into a basement.

The smell of fine brandy wafted up to greet Sousuke and his elderly Oushi-Ouja companion, Nabushin. The old Ox-King breathed it in once he was off the stairs, his size once more growing to about nearly eight and a half feet in height - about a good four feet off his normal. The horns that remained proudly adorned his head scrapped the floor above the speakeasy until the man found a place comfortable on the floor to seat himself. Sousuke simply walked and pretended to be as human as possible - a sight that would fool anyone but a trained shinobi. Though he had taken on a far more aged appearance to align with his true age, it was clear that the skin hanging from his metal frame was still clearly fake. Something with the way it didn’t have the natural sheen of a sweat n’ oil covered face the desert folk normally dealt with. They were both dressed as Sunan nobles would - Nabushin carrying over his impressive frame a chakra sensitive robe of animal furs both rare and common, and Sousuke wearing his clan's traditional breastplate armor that would place him more among adventurers than noble; his face also sported an impressive beard. The two both came to Sora seeking a new fashion in their old age to break away from tradition, and romanticize a more youthful time. It was quite common for men of their age to seek the older times, and though the two rarely left Suna anymore it wasn’t so strange to see two nobles together.

Settled down the old Ox-King grunted at the bar tender for the menu while the ex-Steward was the first to reach their invitee. Members of the old Council, mostly nobles, had received a message that had invited them by pulling some old favors that even Sousuke had forgotten. To have such an old source from the city of wealth calling his name meant something equally as old was seeking their wisdom. The mechanical immortal had suspected his wayward friend Tama, but felt his gearwork heart lifting to see a member of the razed 4th Order still alive. The ghost in a shell moved across the room in a few steps to shake Sora’s hand personally. It was a shame they were the only two nobles able to escape Sunagakure without any follow suspicions, but then they were also the only ones of that generation still capable of keeping up. Most of the old guard were simple nobles, and thankfully Wei grouped Sousuke and Nabushin in with them; ignorant that they were both accomplished shinobi.

It is good to see a man representing your company,” Sousuke’s voice rang out with a static edge, keeping the name of that said company well out of his metallic mouth. Just in case.
“I suspect knowledge of why you seek the aid of the Old Council, but we need to hear it just as well.” Nabushin, ancient Oushi-Ouja as he was with barely a whisp of hair left on his head simply raised a glass of fine brandy in agreement.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
To think he would be back here so soon & without the prime intent of shedding blood. Not that it wasn't a possibility for the night, given his suspicion of what was taking place. A breeze carried dancing grains of sand along the surface of the ground. Sliding across the threshold of the establishment & under it's door. They danced across the wooden boards towards the group of individuals who could shape the Fate of these lands. Each grain would begin to swirl around colliding together, fusing until what remained was the form of one Miroku Akkuma. Those crimson eyes of his scanning the group before him, resting on his fellow Sennin who had been flying under the radar so to speak for quite some time now. "...I see you're alive. Well that is one less position we need worry about filling I am glad." he would say in that hoarse voice of his as he approached the group, whether or not they believed his sentiment on that matter was another thing entirely.

Akkuma's gaze moved from his peer across those present. He was surprised to see who was attending & at the same time he found himself glad. For he still had a few deals he had yet to call in from some of those present. "If I didn't know any better..." As he spoke his gaze moved around the group back to Sora. "...I'd say something underhanded was taking place. But that can't be the case, because as we all know that would fall under my purview." He let the words & the implication they carried hang in the air. After all even Sunagakurian children had heard whispered warnings of the boogeyman that was Akkuma. If recent reports were to believed he was fraternizing with Mercenaries, Missing-Nin, wanted criminals & even the figurehead known as the Yamikage.

Yet despite this, many individuals still sought him out, each for their own reason. Whatever their reasoning, despite moral or ethical objections they all knew you needed the Immortal Trickster on your side. That is if you were to tip the scales of Fate to your side. Had that been the reason he was summoned here? Or did they already suspect the role he played & his ambitions? No, if they had there would have been a less public place chosen for the meeting. After all in such a circumstance it would be they who cared about collateral damage, not the monster that had made Sunagakure his home. Maybe they didn't suspect a thing, after all he had been running the Omni Prime Medical Facility dutifully. Conducting his Sennin Affairs as required, meeting with those he had deemed of crucial importance for the upcoming future of Sunagakure. Not every meeting & parting had gone smoothly. But it was to be expected that some ventures would come with small hiccups along the way.

Taking out a chair he would turn it around & take a seat. Leaning forward he would cross his arms in front of himself to rest on the back of the chair, which was now before him. "Yes, do illuminate us...after all some might say our little gathering might be of a seditious nature. Given the location & those of us gathered here today." Despite his words there was a mixture of emotions from the Sage. While his eyes reflected his curiosity, his lips were curled in an amused smile. How often had they looked down on him? Yet here they were undoubtedly intending to overthrow their current Kazekage because they weren't happy with the regime. Something many of them had no doubt suspected him of at one point in time. How time had ravaged the Storm Lord & yet Akkuma had little doubt his power had suffered the same atrophy as his body at the hands of time. Mortals were peculiar like that, it had been some time since they had last seen each other but he remembered it well. After all the Storm Lord still owed him from their last negotiation.

Then there was Sousuke, to think even the Robokage himself had come all the way out here to partake in such a meeting. From there he counted various nobles, some faces he knew others he did. Yet each had their own reasoning for being here today. There were some that he knew the motivations of, others he suspected & those that were enigma's in the game so far. Yet Wei's reign had been vastly more effective than he had anticipated. Sedition of any kind by sunans was unthinkable before Wei's reign & yet here they sat. Akkuma had been a part of more groups & organizations than there were squads in a village over the span of his time on this world. There was no telling how things would play out, there were too many variables out of his control. The few cards he did have up his sleeve he would have to use wisely if he wanted to make the most of this opportunity.

[OOC: Akkuma has arrived. Dun Dun Dun]
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
They appeared, in much the same way that Sora figured that they would. First was the council's representative, Sousuke, and his even more hefty friend, of which, even Sora had seemed to underestimate the size of. There were tall people, there were large people, there were the inhumanly tall and large people and then there were people that were all of that and truly something larger than life itself. While Sora couldn't quite not call it lumbering, he did appreciate the fact that the meeting location was in some way able to handle having the myth of a man and his hopefully jolly giant without completely falling apart. "It is good to see a man representing your company",” The voice that emanated from the man spoke of a life fully lived, but Sora had to deny himself too much praise. "It is good to be alive... for what it's worth." Smirking, Sora straightened his oddly assembled outfit. Perhaps it was the look of the Fourth Order as a whole, but it was an outfit that could only be described as part grease monkey, part nomad. “I suspect knowledge of why you seek the aid of the Old Council, but we need to hear it just as well." Willing to agree, Sora nodded once more. "Yes, I think that we'll..." His voice trailed off as a certain unsavory character entered the room.

Almost at once, the sound of chatter in the room died down as all eyes turned towards Akkuma. The epitome of a polarizing figure, even Sora momentarily held his breath as he wondered just what sort of entrance the man would make, but thankfully his fears weren't warranted as Akkuma kept things mostly cheeky if anything at all. "...I see you're alive. Well that is one less position we need worry about filling I am glad." Turning from the council representative, Sora opened his arms wide and made a show of welcoming his fellow Sennin. Making a show of scratching at his chin and looking up to the ceiling, he mused out loud, "How's the old saying go, 'the rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated'?" Giving a chuckle, he shook his head and beckoned the man and the council member towards a more private part of the speakeasy. "Yes, do illuminate us...after all some might say our little gathering might be of a seditious nature. Given the location & those of us gathered here today." Akkuma spoke his truths openly, but much to Sora's chagrin, he had to admit that the man was right. Even if they didn't like it, a Steward Kazekage was a Steward Kazekage, which was to say, a legal position. There were only so many ways to handle a discrepancy with the current government in power and that was were Sora's current plan came in to play.

Securing a side room that had a deeper floor than the other spaces in the speakeasy, Sousuke and his friend would have at last been able to be somewhat more comfortable as the meter deep seating area put them on par with more average men. Taking his own seat and leaning back in it, he waved towards one of the attendants and gave the signal for the door to be closed behind them, and then he leaned forward with his hands crossed. "I'll start with the important part up front, we need to choose a new Kazekage and I'm willing to bet that the council... the real council not only agrees with me but has a list of candidates." Like Most tense moments, the initial sting came with speaking the quiet part out loud, but Sora didn't stop and if this was to be his grave, he was content with digging until he hit the bedrock below. "I've every reason to believe that Chikamastu Wei was involved in the disappearance of the 10th and 11th and if his alliance with the Oil Barons is any indication, I don't believe that he'll stop until this country is bled dry and any opposition is buried beneath the sands." Somehow speaking even this much made it easier for Sora to continue on, but the next part of the conversation was going to either land gracefully or land in a fiery crash, but land it would.

Taking a deep breath, Sora uncrossed his hands and paused as he leaned back, before clapping his hands together. "During the Sennin Games, I and a number of other participants were exposed for being Ancients, both true born and hybrid alike. Admittedly, this really shouldn't have been the surprise that it was to me, but the sciences of tomorrow are as potent as the magic of today so somebody, somewhere, was bound to figure out a way how at some point. I just never figured out that it would be at the hands of a talking watch, but I digress. Admittedly, I'm only saying this because most of the people outside that door are either wholly or partly Ancient, Hybrid, Fang Marked or something else not human. Once it became clear that we were being hunted, some of us more liberal sorts, banded together. Either way, shortly after that, Lord Reizo went missing, and if the tea leaves tell their story straight, he and anyone who ran those games has since disappeared. Shortly after Lord Shin commissioned the creation of the Fourth Order, putting me, an Ancient in charge," Stopping only to loudly snap his fingers to emphasize the point, the silence that momentarily followed was enough to emphasize his point. "Lord Shin is attacked in broad daylight, the Fourth Order's airship yard is bombed, and the Oracle Order is not only seized by this new government for the safety and preservation of knowledge, but there's an open and clear hostility towards anybody representing the old ways. This... this is the sort of incursion that goes beyond mere oil and gold. This is the sort of greed that eventually engulfs the world itself."

Turning to the three before him, Sora motioned towards them all. "The easiest way to defeat a nation is to defeat it from within, and I and my allies have every reason to believe that this systematic attack on the structure of the Wind Country is seeking to accomplish just that. First they sought out the apex predators by developing a way to root them out, then they neutralized the greatest minds in the land, followed by creating the perfect scapegoat in the nomadic tribes, and now they are attempting to rewrite history itself by careful crafted stories to the masses. If we don't act now, then as cliché as it sounds, this will be the chaotic era that truly does us in." Recognizing that he had just given the verbal equivalent of a written essay, he shook his head again leaned and back in his seat. "People need a hero to look up to, and a duly appointed Kazekage could be just that." With most of the cards laid out, Sora made a show of turning the conversation over to the other three in the room. One one hand, he could have simply decided the matter with Akkuma since they both were Sennin, but on the other hand, he wanted to as much avoid a constitutional crisis as possible. How far that sort of chivalry would get him remained to be seen.

OOC: I'm going with the logical reason that if Sora could be figured out as an Ancient via scientific means then so could other non human creatures.
[LINK] Revealing of Sora being an Ancient

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Akkuma’s entrance, though far more tame than most, was not unfelt. Sousuke shifted uncomfortably in his chair at the sight of the demon’s presence. He knew full well the power the imp had managed to accrue while ever being a tick on Suna’s neck. The old Steward’s eyes narrowed at sight of the Devil, his hand snaking out to catch Nabushin’s arm as the Ox King began to stand; immediately ready for combat. His eyes turned down to his friend with some confusion in his voice,
We could take ‘em!”
The Devil is not treating us with his direct presence for combat, Lord Nabushin…” the Robokage quickly responded. A gruff strong sigh puffed out of the giant that scooted the table away a few inches before he flopped back down, shaking the entire speakeasy. After some brief introductions of the Old Guard to the New, their host lead them back towards a more private room for a conversation most enlightening.

Sousuke’s hand reached up and scratched a his blue beard absently, despite there being no real itch to tame. A habit of one who’s soul once lived in flesh, he supposed. Regardless it helped him focus his thoughts around the databomb that had been injected onto his harddrive. The information Sora had laid down on the table gave the ex-Steward more than enough to ‘chew on’. It had been turbulent times, indeed, for the one-time slayer of the Deep Court Ancient to be underground with Hybrids, Fang-Marked, and other sorts between himself and the exit. He couldn’t remember the last time such danger had been entailed with his rather diplomatic seat on the council. Then conspiracy on top of conspiracy as well. Ancients, the bombing of the Fourth Order, the Oil Barons, Wei’s mysterious return as…a man Sousuke thought had been long dead…

He’d be lying to say he didn’t miss it. With his retirement came a long awaited peace, a chance to settle down, and help guide Sunagakure from the background while the next generation got their foothold in the shifting grains. His companion was the opposite. Old as he was, the former Beast of Sunagakure was ever a man who enjoyed a good fight and wished more than anything to end the storied annuls of his time on the world with a bang. With the way their enemy had already routed their army to fight the Nomads, turning the entire country against each other, it appeared that neither legend was getting the ending they strove so hard for. Now he sat in a basement with a being he, and many other Rangers, had lost their lives fighting against; looking for common ground to turn out a poisonous greed that sought to drown the entire world.

Sora brought up his plan that lifted the ex-leader’s heart a little bit; one of hopefully peaceful resolution. While Sousuke doubted Wei was going to hand over the reigns to the 13th without conflict, there was always the chance the man’s innate cowardice would overrule their hubris; not likely, but still a chance. The Robokage looked up at Nabushin for aid in listing names, but he only grunted and continued to enjoy his brandy in silence; looking away as if embarrassed. Sousuke eyed over at his companions for further suggestions before before closing his eyes and leaning back in thought.

The tiny chakra crystals that was his brain fired off repeatedly, giving him the ability to fully process one hundred full plans, start to finish, of a revolution against Wei. Each one of them was headed by a different leader, or a repeat in a different scenario of rebellion. In truth, he only could think of two, maybe three people he’d actually trust to lead their desert nation to victory. The crystals ran through the potential leaders that could carry the will of Sunagakure in challenging Wei for the right to Kazekage: that which superseded a Steward’s right. Men and women’s faces took the place of the head speaker, and after a full minute of thought his eyes opened again with a sigh.
The first one that comes to mind, is a shinobi named Yanaru Tosa who is on the field currently leading the Main Branch against the Nomads. He has a strong ethic in all fields, a natural born leader, and most of the military knows and respects him…however, he has little to no standing with the noble factions. His family name is new, only second generation with a third generation coming up…
The second is an old friend, Uzumoreru Toushin. I was told he was recently returned to service in the ANBU department but, I cannot imagine any situation in which he takes the title of Kazekage that isn’t bathed in blood. He’s twice ruled the Underground with an iron fist, and I can’t imagine his age has helped that mentality. The third, is…” Sousuke sighed and put a hand over his face, already distraught at the limited options he thought the entire Council would be agreeable to.
…talk of another Sunahoshi line hidden among the Nomads who could-
Say it,” Nabushin spoke up, his eyes still firmly planted on the wall, tears welling in the corners as he drained the glass of brandy, “Just get it out already! You already know who’s the best fit and yer’ just beatin ‘round the bush you right metal bastard!
Who, what I-” the fake-flesh covered golem tried to right himself, believing he had said something offensive.
NO!” Nabushin roared, standing up suddenly, causing his horns to comically break into the ceiling above to hold his head straight as he continued, “None of them have the political experience needed to navigate the Sunan Nobles and this damned city! But you do know one that does! Say it already!

Sousuke stood up, his body ready to try and reign in the old Ox if need be. The last place they needed Nabushin to act out in was behind a room full of old enemies of the Toraono Clan. He desperately searched for a name to answer the giant before his anger boiled over, only coming up with the one person who nettled him more than most:

The Ox King raised his hands and roared again, shaking the entire room a little before picking up and throwing a chair into smithereens against a wall. The ceiling where his horns had stuck in tore at the wood until it splintered off but remained corked just the same. Nabushin was breathing hard, a powerful aura rising up that only quelled when Sousuke moved to placed a hand on his back.
Always that brat! Always out doin’ everything I set out for the Oushi-Ouja…leave me. Forgive my outburst.” The anger seemed to flee his flesh as soon as it rose. To think there was a person’s name who could rile the Ox King more than the Devil himself. Snagging the bottle of brandy from the table, the giant walked out of the private room and back into the main part of the speakeasy. Shortly after, the Steward took back his seat and leaned back in his chair; his purple hued eyes glinted with a certain edge.

He hadn’t actually thought of Michino as the first person to push forward, but it wasn’t out of lacking candidacy - it was out of respect, and the love of a family member. The boy had been something of a nephew to Sousuke and he had proudly watch them grow from his concerned teens into the fine young man they had become. A warrior of the people, heavily saturated in politics, and as of recently even physically able as he had returned to combat training shortly after Raizo’s disappearance. Of the thousands of people he had registered in his mind, of all the potential scenarios of ousting Wei, Sousuke admitted he had left out the youth on purpose…but now that he thought about it…

The Toraono were one of the original clans that could claim the Iron Throne…” he mumbled softly as if further considering it before looking up to Akkuma and Sora, “He’s all but the leader of the Toraono Clan, only officially waiting for the Demonbeast King to pass the crown themselves, and has managed to tie together the demonkin in a way no one has before; being that he was raised and trained by the entire clan, and not by the bloodline he discovered later in life.
With his backing…yes…” a subtle change hinted in the being’s eyes, from edge to strategy, “If the Suna Council declares Toraono Michino the 13th Kazekage, it will enact a decree of the clan itself to draw back all members into Sunagakure for the coronation; the Toraono will only follow the will of Suna’s leader.
According to the information Tama has been feeding the Council from his time with the Nomads, he has been noting that the Toraono have played games of cat-n-mouse with their enemy instead of outright killing them. He believes they’re just waiting for new leadership to abandon multiple battlefronts and return home. With their aid at our side, we’d have no problem out muscling Wei’s limited guards and force them into submission. If all goes well…it should end with zero causalities on either side…

[Nabushin now looks like Kaido, we ballin. Also I asked Sousuke what Sousuke would look like right now, and that was the answer. Old Man Hector from Fire Emblem.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
