Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Back from the Center of Earth [Requesting entry]

Oct 4, 2015
Kurokawa figured it would be less of a hassle to enter if she did it the same way she left. As one person. She would approach the gates to Suna with a parasol above her head to block the blistering sun and prevent it from searing her alabaster skin. She would be wearing her Suna forehead protection as a belt around her waist and had keep her old Stone Forehead protection tugged away in her travelling bag along with her other stuff. Her newest acquisition would remain stored away in her to prevent the situation getting more complicated that necessary. If Hemorian speaking to the one letting her out warranted her having to show up at his office after she got back who knew what would happen this time.

As she entered the gate she would settle down in a visible spot and wave her passport around to attract attention from whoever manned the gate this day. With any luck the same one that let her out would be on duty today, so that she could kill two birds with one stone and maybe learn about this supposed war she hadn't gotten a wif of, that was still brewing from way back when. She still found it odd that she hadn't been called in to work at the hospital more if there was a large scale conflict underway but time would tell.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Yatamaru was on a smoke break.

Guarding the gates was dull yet important work, which made for a very odd, and quite paradoxical, pairing. It was just this sort of quandary that the white-haired, green-eyed, shinobi was pondering — or maybe that was just an excuse for taking an extra long break? — when suddenly a bright glint caught his eye in a most obtrusive way. Squinting at the sudden change in lighting, reflexively holding up one hand to block out the unwanted glare, Yatamaru looked with a slight twinge of annoyance to see who it was that approached the Toraono Dojo.

A parasol? Beneath the protection from the harsh desert rays was a fair-skinned young woman with sweeping white-pink hair, not entirely unlike his own, with eyes covered by a blindfold. Something about her seemed familiar — where had he heard of a description like this before? Discarding his previous line of thought in favor of this new mystery, the gate guard would make himself known to the visitor. Stepping away from the wall he was leaned up against, dressed in a loosely fitted white button down shirt (with only a minimal amount of what seemed to be brown liquor stains), simple brown slacks, and open toed sandals, Yatamaru approached the woman.

"Hello there, young miss," said Yatamaru, a trail of hazy white smoke streaming out of his nose, "is that passport for me? You shouldn't have." He was referring to the slip of paper in her hand. Patiently extending a hand out for her to place the aforementioned passport in, he took in another drag of his cigarette. "Though, really, you need to. These are troubled times, you know — war is here, and you can never be too careful."

She would give him the passport, or she wouldn't get in. Of course, he had noticed the Sunagakure headband around her waist, but it was a necessary precaution to treat everyone the same. Perhaps he was being brusque, but he had strict orders from the higher ups to be extra vigilant these days. His caution, ultimately, was unneeded — this was a Miss Hashigaki Kurokawa, shinobi of Sunagakure. Suddenly the mystery of why she seemed familiar made sense: Senju Kazuki had put out a request for her immediate escort to his office upon her return. Lifting one eyebrow, Yatamaru handed back her passport.

"Nice to see you returned safely, Miss Kurokawa. I hope your travel has been relaxing and well worth the time spent — we could use your skill sets now, more than ever. Before that, though, it seems you have some unfinished business with Sennin Kazuki? I shall escort you, if you don't mind."

It's not like she'd done anything wrong, but orders were orders. Lazily raising an arm towards the Dojo, then waving it from side-to-side, he gave the signal to the others manning the gate to open it for them. Furthermore, he gave the signal for someone else to take over for him — he had another task to take care of. Motioning for her to follow him, they'd be on their way soon.

Entrance Granted. Escorting to Senju Kazuki's office. Follow up thread:

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
