Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Requesting Entry Back to the Past

This thread is marked as containing someone requesting/being allowed entrance into the village.
Jul 11, 2018
It was a long journey, but Tatsuya was finally back.

The two cliff faces towered on either side of him, a reminder of how small a person was in this world. To think someone, or perhaps something, blasted their way through all this ancient, seemingly indestructible rock, in the past was both awe-inspiring and scary.

Tatsuya had his shinobi gear on - the same gear he had requested to be tailor-made prior to leaving Konohagakure. Though right now, he also had a relatively thick white jacket on. It has been a while since he was back here, and he was feeling a bit chilly. He had to admit, Kumogakure was quite a bit colder than Konohagakure.

Checking that he had everything with his - a rather thick backpack attached to his back, and a secure pouch over his chest, Tatsuya proceeded towards the gate, ready to request entry.

[Thread entered]
[Requesting entry]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

It was my time to be the gate guard that day. It was a little bit chilly, but nothing that I can't really handle. It has been a year and some change since I have gone through some freakish change in genetics to make me how I look today. I've tried to research ways to change back, with little to no way to change back to my former self. I decided to take a break from all the books and research by taking on a guard duty. It was partly to clear my mind of that task. But it was also to hope that my daughter comes back in one piece, safe and sound from a mission she'd rather do than have me go.

Today, though, a new person comes to the gates, someone that I have not seen before. My tail flicked back and forth as I waited for them to approach. Once they were close enough, I spoke up, "Yo." I started, "May I see your passport." It wasn't really a question, but more like a common practice. It was like that when I lived in Leaf, it is like that here. Though I doubt with how I look right now, a five foot four tall female kitsune with a very feminine voice, would be really demanding sounding or type, if one would take it as what I said that way. I brought out my glasses and put them on to read the stranger's passport when they do give it to me. My glasses fogged up, but slowly went back to normal as I waited.

(NPC Ziren entering topic)
Jul 11, 2018
Tatsuya was greeted by a (literal) foxy lady - well, little did he know that she was actually a he. Or still is? How does this all work? If Tatsuya had known Ziren's history, he would be really, really, REALLY interested at this point. It was less about his genetic history, and more from spending far too much time with Himawari Henkeitori. That guy. He can seem a bit crazy sometimes, but Tatsuya had to admit that he was legit cool.


"Sure thing!" Tatsuya exclaimed in response to the lady. He carefully took out his secure pouch from the folds in his clothing above his chest, taking a while but finally pulling out his passport and other documentation. He had left for Konohagakure on an official council mission. Council returned, he did not, but that was okay. He... had his reasons. And his passport was still valid.

Tatsuya watched as the lady took the passport and, putting on glasses, began reading it (presumably after it de-fogged).

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank


I read through his documents, and... one of my ears that's on the top of my head twitched. Konoha. Seems like that place still haunts me now. A lot of good memories there, and a lot of bad ones. But it was ultimately my decision after waking up from a coma, hearing of the kind of stuff that went down at my former Village, that I chose not to come back, but rather regroup with my wife and children here. It seems my past likes to follow me everywhere I go, of course there are others in the Village here who are former Leaf Ninja, then there was that incident in Wind Country, whilst doing a mission, and now this, after a year and a half of peace and quiet.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those people who want to see Leaf and all of its inhabitants tortured, its only that there was a difference in ideals and morals, and I chose not to be a part of something that crossed that grey line of what's right and what's not. Despite, my ranking of a Medical Ninja, my instincts of when I was an ANBU in training back a Leaf kicked in and I kept a straight face as I processed the information. "You're good to go." I handed the newcomer back his passport. I took of my glasses and then said, "If you don't mind my asking, how was it over there?" Showing interest as if acting like I wasn't once from Leaf, would be a way for me to at least have some closure to myself that everything was alright.

(Access Granted)
(Just trying to chat a little bit if you don't mind.)
Jul 11, 2018
OOC: Don't mind at all!
Tatsuya thanked Ziren as he took his passport back, stowing it away carefully. He would have bidded Ziren adieu, but was asked a question about Konohagakure. Never one to shirk from a chat, Tatsuya was open to engaging. "Konohagakure has been good over the past few years, but they have just had a major incident. As far as I know, criminals were able to find their way into the village and launched an assault on the Hokage's office or something like that." At this point, his face has turned rather grim. "There were... quite a few casualties unfortunately. The situation is ongoing, and Konohagakure is currently on lock down. No one was to enter or leave, though I got lucky."

Tatsuya turned away for a moment, clearly as if looking in the direction of Konohagakure. As if there was still something there that caused a longing in him. Not that he was even sure the direction he was looking in was Konohagakure anyways. Then, Tatsuya turned back towards the gate, and then at Ziren. "It is still unclear what the motives are. A reason for my return is with a warning, of a potential incursion. We do not know if that will be the case, and in fact there is yet to be any evidence for it one bit, but nonetheless I believe such a significant attack on a village always suggest the possibility of similar attacks on other villages too."

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

I listened, but I couldn't register what exactly I was hearing. There was a sense of dread building up in my chest. Whatever differences I have had with my former Village disappeared. I am always one to act on impulse. And right now, was one of those moments. I didn't hide my emotions any longer. A name came through my mind. Soku. She is my sister, but not by blood. We both have went through so much together, she was the only one that I know I can trust my life the most in Leaf. Just not her. Let her be okay!

My hand reached for my headset and called, "This is Ziren. I need someone to relieve me at the gates." I struggled to keep my voice calm, but it came out shaky. I turned to the one named Tatsuya, "You're coming with me to speak with the Raikage. Once my relief gets here." The peace and quiet I so longed for, was now ripped out of my hands. Someone I love as family, the only ties I have left to Leaf, could very well be in danger. But it wasn't like Soku can't take care of herself. But rather, another grimmer thought went through my head. What if everything plays out like the last time something like this had happened? Some rascals good for nothing kids have different ideals, highjack a radio tower, only to get offed by the very same people who should be protecting them. I'm probably overthinking things, but I am now filled with worry.

Finally my relief arrived, and I dashed off before they can ask why I am in a hurry. My heart is pounding in my chest, I can only assume that Tatsuya is following close behind me as I make my way to the new towers of administration, where Raikage Kitsune should hopefully be.

(Leaving topic)
Jul 11, 2018
In a moment, everything changed. He had definitely communicated something rather intense and serious to Ziren, but Tatsuya did not think it would elicit such a reaction. The foxy lady was clearly shaken, betrayed by her tone and the emotions that played across her face. She basically ordered him to follow her to speak with the Raikage.

That was his intention anyways, and he was almost about to assure Ziren that she did not need to accompany him to the Raikage. But something felt like this was personal to her, something she had to be present for. She seemed restless and almost could not wait for a replacement to arrive. So Tatsuya let it be.

And indeed, the moment a replacement came, they were off. She was fast, and did not seem to be hesitating in leaving him behind if he could not keep up, judging by the way she was so focused on her way. Luckily, Tatsuya could keep up - barely.

[Thread left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
