Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Battle-Sage's Cometh

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro sat on a skeletal throne of sandwyrm bone with sandwyrm leather bindings. Runic terran markings dubbed it the throne of wrath, but it was commonly known as the Throne of Bone. Kuro had commissioned this one to mimic the original when he was twelve years old. Now fifteen years later, with many tales permanently interwoven with his name and deeds and a few legendary feats of action he now had learned a great deal about himself but still felt as if he had only scratched the surface. Now he would need to master new skills and learn how to empower others to greater feats. The time for Sunagakure's return to the surface was at hand and the clan's most inspirational trainee was going to help him learn things he would never forget. Akuma Kuro reviewed intel and progress reports on the reclaimed land since Masashi Katsuo had conquered the great storm of diamond sands.



Aug 14, 2014

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha

The woman known as Riseha would enter the Dojo requesting an audience with whomever was currently responsible for a certain genin she was supposed to have picked up a few weeks ago. Of course for her negligence to have reached these bounds, there was no possible way to defend herself without sounding desperate, but she well and truly thought the letter her dear sister sent her was a prank, as there was no viable way for a little girl to cross the Diamond Maelstrom on her own, carrying a heavy tuna fish of all things. Now she sat here, waiting for someone to come by and tell her she'd be allowed (or refused) to meet with the one who had kept her from carrying on without realizing her mistaken belief about her sister being a prankster at all when it comes to her daughter.

Taking in her surroundings was naturally the last thing on her mind, but that was what she needed to do in order to locate someone who would be able to grant her that audience she sought. The next person who passed by would be stopped and asked a simple request. "Pardon me. Would you be able to direct me to whom I might speak to in order to claim custody over one Samejima Naoki? Nine years old, about this high, dark skin and a Sunagakure headband over her eyes like a blindfold?" she asked, right hand indicating just about how high her niece was.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Akuma Kuro stretched as he stood up from the throne to hear a woman's voice from the hall ask about Samejima Naoki. Kuro knew the voice of every woman in the Toraono Clan as was necessary as a male of the Toraono Clan. The women ran the household and the men brought home the sandwyrm steaks so you had better know who you were talking to before you responded and you had better respond appropriately or be subject to all kinds of issues, drama, and possible butt whoopings. To hear someone unknown to him piqued his interest so Kuro simply walked briskly out into the foyer to address the lady whom was requesting Naoki. " Hello I am Sennin Toraono Kuro, I overheard you request information about Samejima Naoki. The young lady prodigy should be in one of the training rooms if not resting. Do you need to see her immediately or would you prefer to speak to her at your leisure?"<i></i>


Aug 14, 2014

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha
|Somewhat startled seeing a very powerful-looking Toraono walk up to them, with the one she was addressing excusing herself, Riseha recomposed herself to answer the one she now recognized as a Sennin of Sunagakure. A deep bow before she began, she said, "Please excuse me for taking your time. My name is Yamazaki Riseha, proprietor of Adagaeshi in the Red Lights. I have come today to request custody over her as her aunt."

The kimono she'd dressed herself in today was of a pastel yellow, patterned in triangles and tied with a red obi. She'd dressed as neatly as she could for this occasion, knowing she would need to look her best to form the best impression she could, considering she'd unwittingly left her niece to fend for herself for several weeks. "The girl herself has agreed to live with me, as she would like to honor her mother's wishes, and she is aware of the area in which I stay. By your mention of her being a young lady prodigy, might I also assume she is capable of quite a bit of self-defense?" she paused here, awaiting an answer. If a short one was given, she'd continue (in case of a longer one she would stay silent and listen) "Then there shouldn't be much of a deterrent to her living in the Grand Palais with me. All lessons and ongoing training will continue of course, and applicable fees will be shouldered by myself, as soon as information about them is sent."

She wasn't one to stick her nose in shinobi business, but Riseha felt she should be wondering how a student could already have a headband. Was this one of those exceptional cases for prodigies? At the same time, she was worried about how she would be able to pay the applicable fees, not knowing much beyond what her civilian customers complain to her about and only having heard of the Toraono Dojo's prestigious reputation.[/col]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro rubbed his chin as he listened to the woman speak and smiled. "Lady Yamazaki Riseha, I had no idea anyone of my wife's clan was still here in the village. As a matter of fact, had I known Samejima Naoki was in any way directly related to my wife's clan I would have made sure to notify you sooner despite the Cabal incursion. Even if you were not kin and she not a prodigy she would have been afforded the same training and living expenses for free for accepting the harsh realities of shinobi training under the Toraono Clan banner. You owe us nothing and Lady Naoki is free to live wherever you like. In fact if you want you may stay here in the Yamazaki compound set aside for my wife's family when they visit. Is there anything you need to facilitate your efforts? Do you require a protection team?"<i></i> Kuro sat crossed legged before Lady Riseha so that they could converse eye to eye without him being intimidating.


Aug 14, 2014

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha
|She had no idea herself of any relation to any member of the Toraono, much less the Sennin's wife! Face betraying her inner shock, she attempted to compose herself before responding, watching him sit down to match her height. "M-my apologies Toraono-sama. I'm afraid I must either be of some long-forgotten branch or of an entirely different family, but my family does not have the gift of control over chakra as your wife's line undoubtedly does. I hail from a merchant family in the Iron Country, one which, according to my parents, settled there after a long time spent traveling."

She bowed her head at the end of the statement, and continued, "However, while I am thankful for your gracious consideration in regards to our living conditions, I cannot ask for much more than the return of my niece. Is there any paperwork I might need to fill out, and has she been attending the Academy in addition to the lessons you've provided here?"

Though she is prideful, she was definitely not loaded. She didn't have the money to be paying anything back, and especially not for lessons she thought would cost a fortune if not for the Toraono clan's generosity. She wasn't about to bring that up again, but her pride wouldn't let her take advantage of them, even if they weren't using the area. Besides... She had grown rather attached to her little shop.[/col]

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro nodded and smiled "Her training was mostly from the Hyou family and myself but she is free to live wherever she wants and should you need anything at all. Please let us know we also have a set of trade agreements with Iron country as that is where my mother's family is from. Naoki has taken to lessons from the medical facility and assists students at the academy. She has near super sonic speed and is currently able to match my physical strength at will as long as she doesn't push herself too hard. If I do say so myself Naoki will likely end up far stronger than me by the time she reaches her late teens. Let me send a message for her... <i></i>((Akuma Kuro had Chouryoku Kuro contact Naoki via the blood crystal he had given her... Naoki your aunt is waiting for you at the dojo, please meet her at the main foyer at your earliest convenience...)) Kuro smiled again at Lady Riseka. "She should receive her message soon."<i></i>


Aug 14, 2014

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha
|Riseha chuckled, thinking this was likely one of those things where one's teacher saw their student through rose-colored glasses. "Well now, she didn't seem like that sort of child when I saw her... Quite normally sized, if not... rather tall as well, being nine. But surely she couldn't really... match your strength, at will even?" Her expression at the end of the question doubted her own perception of the one she called her niece. A blind girl who seemed somewhat intimidated even by the owner of some snack bar couldn't possibly... could she?

Then again... the very fact that she was a genin, and that she was blind... Coupled with all the things she'd heard from said genin, which she'd dismissed as exaggerations before... It was looking like her niece would definitely be able to destroy all the hard work she'd been putting into it from some temper tantrum.

Kishino'd better have beaten the morals into that kid. The dark thought was interrupted by the sound of her niece greeting her.[/col]

---Some time ago
Did she already get there? That was fast...

Having just gotten into the rhythm of her jogging for the day, Naoki was reluctant to leave it at that... But this was something that couldn't wait. She jogged a little more to allow herself to wind down, making sure she wouldn't get dehydrated by drinking something and finally running full tilt for the Dojo. Going to have to say my goodbyes and everything, ahh man this isn't going to be happy... She ran through several scenarios preparing for the worst cases in each one, worried to half death that something might cause her to burst into tears even.

Before she realized that she'd still be in Sunagakure. She'd continue protecting the place, just like she wanted to, as a shinobi. And she reached the Dojo in record time, at least for her. I'll visit a lot! And I've still got training and stuff here, I'll probably just... not be sleeping there anymore is all!

Naoki walked in, greeted her aunt and gave the presiding Toraono a bow before standing awhile, waiting for something to happen and panting a little. That was what good little kids did when adults were talking, right?

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro bowed to Naoki before pulling a black sand training target from inside the nearby closet. Black sand was iron sand compressed into a shape, incredibly dense and very durable Kuro had been leveling these training targets since he was nine years old although he never did it as quickly as Naoki does now. "Your Aunt might not understand what I mean when I explain that you are as strong as I am, so without damaging the area too much would you please unlock 2 gates and take out this training target in let's see, we'll make it challenging... 20 seconds?"<i></i> Kuro knew she could actually do it in less but if she did it in 10 seconds it might scare her Aunt and Kuro only wanted her Aunt to be proud of her. As he stepped away from the target he placed an invisible energy barrier around Lady Riseka so she wouldn't get injured from any debris.


Aug 14, 2014
"Eh? T-take out the..." I'm supposed to break this? It seems... Cue a few finger snaps to determine the density of the dummy, and touching it a little to try and narrow down the possibility of the dummy not being made of the usual material. It wasn't. Some kind of metal for sure. Really solid... and really hard to make I bet... Might be easier to break a wall... She faced her aunt, as if questioning whether or not she really wanted to see this. Honestly though, she was reluctant to destroy something unless she had to, especially when it seemed this hard to destroy.

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha
|There wasn't much she could do now, was there? Seeing her niece facing her despite not needing to do so, she said in the register she used to address family members and customers, "Go on, lemme see what you can do," patting her on the shoulder.[/col]

Naoki nodded before stepping forward, and concentrated quite hard, examining the problem from every possible angle she could think of. Can I maybe use ninjutsu? I know how to use water, wind and lightning... I should've tried to learn some fire jutsus too, but it's too late for that now... Lightning might be useful, but I still haven't learned how to use it juuust right... Should I just beat it up normally? Kuro-dono did tell me to just open the two gates, so that means I should use my taijutsu right? Five full seconds were taken to compose that train of thought, and though she didn't know whether or not it counted, she took a deep breath and entered full-out attack mode.

Gates, gates... umm... She hadn't tried opening them both since the earlier training, but she definitely put an effort in now. No doubt her aunt was waiting for her to start, but in truth she already had. Pretty sure the first one was... here? Here maybe... Being nervous didn't help either. She wouldn't be good at exhibition matches.

It wasn't too long after that though, before she finally activated her first gate. Once the feeling returned to her, she managed to open the second as well, launching into action as soon as she felt the chakra coursing through her veins, empowering every move she made. Unleashing a flurry of controlled punches at the dummy's perceived weak points, accurately and quickly, the first thing to snap off and roll on the ground was its head, and after that, the rest of the destruction would come easier since the structure now had cracks in it.

20 seconds, on the dot, from when she entered her attack mentality. Could she have done better with more prior knowledge and a reason to fight...? Maybe. But right now, that was the best she could've done.

Yamazaki "Oriza" Riseha
|By the look on her face, if Naoki had been paying attention to her, that level of destruction would certainly be devastating to her business if she ever got on the child's bad side. The shocked, awed and somewhat dumbfounded stare would certainly not be lost on any onlookers. Her eye twitched a little as she calmed down and tried to rationalize what she just saw. That kid... Could probably break the shop and its surrounding storage spaces in about a minute... This is Kishino's 'sweet little baby'? How the hell did she get this one to calm down after all that time spent eating fish all day? ...And that control... when this kid wants to break something, it breaks alright. If I know Kishino though...

The one thing she knew of her sister, the one sure thing... was that she would never allow her daughter to cause harm to others.

At least she sincerely hoped it was true. "You have definitely proven your strength, Naoki-chan. Come now, let's go home. Toraono-sama, I thank you for your generosity in allowing her to stay here, and even receive training that has benefited her so much. If there's ever anything I can do to repay this favor..." she trailed off, and gave the Sennin another deep bow.

As soon as it seemed like it was the right moment, Riseha would turn to leave, beckoning Naoki to follow.[/col]

Naoki wouldn't follow at once, but bowed to Kuro as well before she did so, with a nice big grin on her face as she began some chatter with her aunt on the way back.

"Don't use -chan there, neechan!"
"I'll use whatever I want. And don't call me neechan!"
"Ehh, if you're using -chan I'll use it too!"

Seems like they'll get along nicely.

[Topic Left (unless stopped)]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
