Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Besito the Big White Wolf [NPC Messenger]


Oct 28, 2012
After a few days trek Besito arrived at the Sand Gates. For normal people, it would have taken them much more time to arrive. At his top speed and with his high endurance level it had made the trip decidedly faster. Upon arrival, he had quickly decided that he wasn’t a fan of all the sand, and the heat was incompatible with his size. He hoped that Takeshi would appear as fast as possible so he could get home where the weather didn’t threaten to cook him.

He sat down a little ways away from the gate, aware of his size and how he appeared to those who had never seen him before. The wolf didn’t want to alarm anyone or look like he was going to eat them so he tried to give his best puppy eyes. He barked a few times announcing himself and would continue to do so every few minutes until someone acknowledged him. Once acknowledged, he would pull the rope that secured the first message and drop in gently in front of the person. Once the person took it out of the plastic it was placed in, it read:

Fist Note:

I’m Besito, please do not be alarmed I am not here to cause trouble. I am here on behalf of Konoha in search of our nin, Uchiha Takeshi. Please bring him to the gate. If you have questions, please form them as yes or no. One bark means yes, two in rapid succession mean no, and no response means I don’t know.
The note was on official Konoha Stationary and stamped as all letters that went out of the Sennin’s offices were. Hopefully Takeshi wasn’t in trouble in this place, making it possible for him to actually come to the gates.

[Topic Entered with NPC Messenger Besito]
[OOC: For size reference, think of Clifford the Big Red Dog]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012

It was another day in Wind Country as the sun was almost unbearable as I was making my way to the front entrance of our clan's dwelling. Apparently, there was a colossal-sized canine waiting outside for someone from the clan to appear, but aside from emitting a loud bark or two occasionally, he was being a good boy and not causing any harm to anyone. Of course, some of my family members were a little uneasy as I made the trek to the entrance to the entire Toraono Clan's home partially because this dog seemed foreign and also due to his sheer size. However, I had fought the legendary sandworm known as Barynx and a Carnasaur before in my life so a canine of this size truly wouldn't be intimidating unless he started to get playful or growled. Was it likely that one of these would happen to me? Yes, but I would continue on.

It would not take me long at all to open the door and see the oversized doggy waiting aside. He was truly was bigger than I anticipated, but he was a well-trained boy as he pulled a rope and a message dropped in front of me in plastic. I would remove it from the plastic and read the contents of it which stated that the wolf was here for a Leaf shinobi known as Uchiha Takeshi. Now, I did not know who this Takeshi fellow was, but I would give a simple nod to him as I would go back inside of the entrance and grab a headset turning it to the frequency for a village-wide announcement and begin: "Attention. Attention. May I have your attention. I am in front of the Toraono Dojo with a wolf from Konoha looking for a Mister Uchiha Takeshi. If you know where he is, please tell him to return to the entrance of the Toraono Dojo where I am with this wolf. Thank you. Byakko Kyuji, out."

I would then take the headset moving it from my head and holding it in one of my arms. A question would then be asked to this wolf with a smile on my little face: "You came a long way from Konoha. Would you like some meat while you wait on Mister Uchiha Takeshi? I will even prepare you a parting gift that you can enjoy when you get back to Konoha then. I am sure you would like that!"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi seemed to be jumping all over the village, knowing full well that the call had come over the headset for him to come to the gates. It was a weird call that had been made and he sighed to himself as he pondered on why he was needed, maybe Maki had issues getting out of the village and had been caught up. He shook his head as he headed down to find out why he was required to come to the gates, considering his other duties that he was doing he allowed a sigh to come to his lips in that split second as he stared at the big white ball of fluff. He allowed himself to wander over to the woman that had called him to the gates, it seemed to just rub him the wrong way that he was needed to come down.

“I was called to the gates by someone? I am Uchiha Takeshi a Leaf Sennin how can I help you with a problem, or was there something specific that I was required for?”

Takeshi awaited to see what the dog would do in this situation as he looked towards the other person, the girl had no name as her hair blew in the wind slightly at that moment in time. He studied her for a few more seconds before allowing himself to let a warm smile come to his face. The stretch of his lips and the friendly welcoming smile shone through as he allowed himself to look at the member of Sand.

“Nice to meet you by the way, can I at least grab a name from you since I figured that you were the one that called me here”


Oct 28, 2012
Besito gave a singular bark, in response to the person’s request. Normally he would only eat his own things that he killed, however, like the rest of the people that he lived with, he knew his manners, especially in foreign territory.

Once the meat was brought out he would sniff it to ensure it was edible, before devouring it in one fell swoop. He was a big boy and needed much more than that to sustain him, plus, the trip was a little draining.

Once Takeshi arrived, Besito would look at him and sniff to make sure it was in fact the Dark Sage. Like earlier, he would bite the rope off his other paw and gently drop it before Takeshi. When the plastic was removed, the letter was sealed by the Hokage’s stamp. Inside, the contents were written in their nin-specific language. A measure of protection should it fall into the wrong hands.

The note read:
Uchiha Takeshi:
Ouin essateyda bnacahla ec naxienat eh Guhury. Drnayd Majam – Jemmyka Mulgtufh (Aqdnasa).
The Hokage
The letter was purposely short, while giving Takeshi the most pertinent information. No one would write in a letter, what Yomi was going to tell him particularly given the three's relationship. Besito would wait to see if Takeshi had any yes or no questions for him before he would head back home.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to look at the dog that had arrived at the village with the message, he rubbed his head slightly as he looked down at the fur thing knowing full well that needed to be sorting out the peace treaty that he was involved in he sighed to himself before just grabbing a scroll out of his bag and scribbling something onto it, deciding that if he couldn’t be there in person he might as well send something that could be back. He allowed himself to grab a bag off the side of his belt and looked at the dog before attacking it to the side of the dog with string being careful in that situation.

“Go back to leaf, tell the Hokage to summon the scroll when they get back, it will inform you about the entire situation, of course given what is currently happening I am sure he will find the answers adequate in the scroll since I cannot do anything else in this situation.”

Takeshi allowed himself to reach into another pocket and grabbed a parcel before putting it onto the dog as well it seemed he would be loaded up with what would end up being two scrolls and a parcel for Yomi. Weird as it was he knew full well that he had to get her to summon the person that was there. Though knowing full well it would only be a short message he sighed.

“Anywhere to get food from?”

He aimed the last question to the person who did not speak that much but wondered if she would even reply.


Oct 28, 2012
Besito looked at Takeshi and watched as he took out a scroll. His ears perked in curiosity, with a slight head tilt at what he could be doing. Looking between the him and the woman who initially greeted him he realized that he’d be having to bring something back along with him. He allowed the Uchiha to attach something to his paw to bring back to Konoha. He was a little confused as to why he was not bringing back the Uchiha, but, was unable to express it. Perhaps the scroll had the answers. For Besito , it would have to do.

Besito barked a good-bye before darting off back to Konoha. He missed his home and he missed his mistress.

[Topic Left]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
It would only be a few moments later before the oversized fluff ball known as a wolf would nod his head that he wanted some meat. Of course, this "treat" that he would receive would be all the way back in my family's portion of the structure that we were standing outside. So being the descendant of a legendary celestial beast like I was I would tell one of the guards nearby to go to the Byakko Estate and grab a slab or two of meat. He would not think twice about it considering the entire Toraono Dojo were notorious for being welcoming guests and offering the shirt off their back in a moment's notice; this request was nothing extraordinary in other words. As I waited, a green-haired individual would make his presence known by announcing that he was Uchiha Takeshi, a Leaf Sennin, and the one that was requested by this big doggo.

Examining him, he didn't seem all that frightening and didn't seem to have any ill-intent behind his words or actions as he talked to the dog and took care of his business with it before the mutt would leave. My guard would return before the wolf left however and the slabs of meat would seem welcomed by him as he devoured them without a second's notice almost like he had been starving and hadn't ate since he began traveling from his home to my country. In any case, he would depart a little while later leaving this Takeshi fellow and myself alone outside of my home. I would be asked a question of where to get some food and I haven't forgotten his earlier question about my name which probably made me look stuck-up or a little bit of a bitch for not responding when he initially asked, but I was merely letting a foreign shinobi handle his business and not intervening unless need be. After all, it was not my position to stop a foreigner from responding to his own village.

In any case, I would extend my hand to the man for him to shake if he chose to and would probably introduce myself with a smile on my face. "I am Kyuji. Byakko Kyuji, the descendant of the celestial beast known as Byakko who is my lord and a member of the Byakko Clan. It is my pleasure to meet you, Uchiha Takeshi of the Hidden Leaf, as you are the first shinobi from Konoha that has graced me with their presence. I hope my village has been treating you well and you haven't had any issues during your stay." Internally, I was laughing as it was more likely than not that this fellow from Leaf was going to have to bend down a little to shake my hand since he was a tall individual and I was merely five foot three which was around average in the world. In any case, it probably looked awkward the size difference and us talking as one might see it as me being talked down to which was simply hilarious. Maybe, just maybe if Takeshi made me feel trustworthy of him more, I would let him know about this.

But for now, I would bring my hand back regardless of it being shook or not as I would bring my one hand to my face and offer him a pondering look while putting out a finger that was the universal sign of 'wait a moment'. After thinking about where the man could eat and the way that he presented himself, I would begin talking again: "Regarding your question on food, that is dependent on the amount of money that you are willing to spend and what you are looking for. I prefer visiting the the Desert Crown whenever I venture out to the village, but I want to try some things in the Sietch Zensunna eventually. However, I strongly would advise against going to the Grand Palais as the food is terrible, the people are terrible, and there is a real corruption problem there. I mean you look like a strong shinobi and you could handle yourself anywhere that you go, but I would stick to the high or middle class regions if you want good quality food."

Then again, I also would offer him the option that I offered to all foreigners since someone had to do it and it was only right. A moment later after my previous comments, I would say the following: "Of course, you are also welcomed to visit the Toraono Dojo which is right behind me and venture down to my clan's estate if you ever want to have an extravagant meal for free. That is always an option while you are in Wind Country, Leaf Sennin. If you do decide to take me up on my offer, let me know ahead of time so we can prepare for you in the kitchen and elsewhere so there are no issues."

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked at the child that was speaking to him, he pondered for a few seconds wondering on what words would be appropriate to use in this situation, he was being offered the job of baby sitting and that alone made him sigh slightly to himself. But he was foolish enough to ask the question and in return for that he had managed to land himself into the position he was now. At least she had given him a few options to work with, though it seemed that the choice was in his ball court so to speak which was funny. But still he would have to pick that much he knew was true.

“Well then, seems that you do have a few options available to me. I guess a kid like you are always eating out after they finish a day in the Academy.”

Takeshi looked at the girl, it seemed that her body was still going through changes though he sighed to himself. It was internal and not audible at all in this situation probably better that way as it would lead to less problems down the line and even he had to admit that right now any rest bite that he could get would be worth something. After all he was in this land he might as well get to see some of the sights and get to taste some of the food. It would be a learning curve and the Sennin had no doubt about that, so he had manged to get a learning curve by someone with no curves that thought made him chuckle to himself inside.

“Well I guess then I don’t mind splashing out to see some sights, but I am also one that knows the meaning of an offer of food, so I guess we can go to your estate and eat there if that is ok. I hope you don’t mind if we go back to your place and eat there. I feel that would be the best option plus it allows me to see these esteemed clan houses”

Takeshi waited for the girl to reply, wondering how long it would take for him to be shown the way and at least given the opportunity to eat food. He had to admit he was hungry and really had little time to eat instead he found himself running around at every opportunity that came his way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
This day thus far had been an interesting one to say the least as I was able to meet a foreign canine that towered over me and I was now having a friendly conversation with one of the Sennin of the Leaf. It was somewhat ironic that there had been rumors that Fire Country had been in a barbaric-like state after their Civil War and once the village had been reformed considering this man was most civilized from what I could tell. Of course, looks could be deceiving as they were for me since I was in this short, feminine body due to a somewhat recent event that occurred with me that I tried to forget about ever so much. But, that event where I fell continually reappeared in my thoughts and dreams and I could simply not shake it away. It was likely that I would have to meet the one who tried to slay me and try to have a civil conversation even after everything that transpired following it. But, that was for another day and a worry that I could continue to fight until I died if I had to. Besides, I had this green haired Konohaian shinobi in front of me and it would be rude to not listen to him.

As Takeshi spoke, he didn't start off on the best foot by calling me a kid considering the actual age of my soul, but I would let it go since he was a foreigner and didn't know any better. Besides, it wasn't something to get bent out of shape about and cause an international conflict over like alleged rumors about a certain shinobi from our village returning from his visit to the Hidden Cloud Village. I did not need to know what happened in Lightning Country nor see the individual to know that it was likely that these rumors were false that he was causing trouble since he was such a nice kid and had fought beside me against Barynx, a legendary sandworm that had been brought back to life. In any case, he would take me up on the offer to dine at my home, but he would not be direct with me about it and seemed to be beating around the bush. It could be for a multitude of reasons including he was just nervous, I was a woman, and everything was unknown to him so he might feel he was putting his life on the line with every decision.

When he finished, I would give him and me a moment of silence to allow myself to gather my thoughts and also for him to relax a little. But, it would not be long before I would respond to him. It was direct and to the point, but I would be friendly about it as I responded: "With all due respect to you, I am actually not a kid. See, there was an incident in the past that occurred with me and when I woke up from it, I was in this body. I still do not know how I got into this body nor where my actual one is, but someday I will find it and the individual or group that played this sick joke on me." It was true, my current goal was to find out who did this all to me and punish them accordingly for their actions since it had been such a cruel intention from them even though I was alive today. Truthfully, I was growing accustomed to this body and all its differences from my previous masculine one. Sure, I missed many traits that made me a Byakko like my eyes and claws, but life had a strange way of playing out for people and I was just part of that strangeness. At least, I had my feline-like ears still so people could tell that I was a part of the Byakko Clan, but the emerald vixen-like eyes that I bore did not exactly make things easier for anyone who saw me in my new appearance.

After I gave myself a moment to take a deep breath and refocus my thoughts on the individual in front of me, I would continue. "You look to be in your late twenties or early thirties from what my eyes tell me. So, I am actually much older than you, but due to the mystery behind my body missing and the fact that I am a demigod, I do not age physically as quickly as a normal shinobi in any case. My previous body was in its early to mid-thirties and this one appears to be either a teenage body or a young adult. In any case, it certainly was not easy adjusting to this body from my previous one, Sennin Takeshi" I would say with my tongue sticking itself out at the last part about it not being easy. I was trying to lighten the mood as it had been so serious for a little while and I wanted this foreigner to feel like he was welcomed and to not have to keep his guard up around me. After all, I never harmed a fellow shinobi unless they were causing harm to my village or me personally. It wasn't that I wasn't capable of doing so, but it was more about my role as the head Medical Chief in the village currently and the fact that I did not like death nor causing harm to others since I knew that I would be the one that was going to be patching them up. Sure, some people would exploit this role by harming people and then healing them up to make themselves look great, but I have morals and I couldn't stoop that low.

I would finish my part of the conversation, but merely stating the following: "I am ready to go back to my Estate if you are. However, it would be rude of me to not ask if there was anyone else that was traveling with you and if they would want to come as well. After all, most villages would not leave their Sennin alone in a foreign nation even if they were capable of handling themselves like you can I assume. If you have someone with you, summon them here and I will invite them to come as well at the very least so I am not being a rude host." Considering the fact that I was a part of the Byakko Clan, which was a sub-branch of the Toroano Clan, I did "gate" duties enough to know that high ranking officials never traveled alone to foreign nations and it was likely that he had traveled with at least one other shinobi from his village since Leaf hopefully would not want to lose a Sennin in another country. I could be wrong, but more often than not, I was right when it came to these kind of things due to my experience.

In any case, I would wait patiently for a response from Mister Uchiha Takeshi with a warm, welcoming smile on my face. I hoped inviting him to have a meal could possibly help relations with Konoha and Suna considering the two countries did not have any formal agreement in place between them probably due to Fire Country having civil unrest that resulted in a war in the past. They were probably doing well by now, but there was always rebuilding when a nation had conflicts as the citizens of Wind Country knew all too well with the Cabal and Sovereign attacks and the destruction that came with it.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi looked back to the person that spoke a small nod came to his head as he listened to the words, so the person that he was speaking to had changed their own appearance a few times. This was an interesting fact to take note of and he would be sure to not let this information pass by unnoticed, wondering how old the member of sand that had come to the gates really was he would have to prod into this matter later, though with the offer of food he decided it was best to just allow the situation to continue to develop at the current rate instead of just stopping the girl mid-sentence.

“If it’s any consolidation I am twenty-seven though that shouldn’t matter to much in this part. Your first guess was pretty accurate which is surprising, but still I will allow you to continue then I will reply to this at the end so please allow yourself to speak some more”

He listened to the address of him as Sennin and sighed he had not got used to that title yet and even though he knew that he was currently holding that rank and working inside the village it would still take some getting used to. Takeshi took note of the attempts to soften the mood and tried to match it with his posture, instead having a very open posture and welcoming one that he would sue inside of the village of leaf. He smiled back at the attempt of a tongue being stuck out and paid little attention to the actual meaning of it instead focusing more on the words that were being spoken by the women that now tried to make friends. It was free food and time to have some conversation he wouldn’t resist that opportunity.

With her next words is what would really catch the attention of the Sennin as he smiled to himself, he pondered for a few seconds. She wanted the members of leaf to come and host them to food. Checking the girl out once more he had another image, the girl that was not yet full and the man that was fully round would be spending time together that seemed to intrigue him about how much information could be had from this conversation. As he allowed his hand to come up to his ear he clocked his ear peace on in that second.

“Manzo, we have been requested for food at a local clan house, I am requesting your presence in this, make sure you look presentable and I will meet you there. I will give you specific location when I arrive just make sure you turn up. Also, if I didn’t mention before food will be free.”

With that he allowed his hand to come back down to his side, sending the summoning call out to one of the ANBU that remained inside of the village was something that he was looking forward to. As he allowed a smile to come across his lips he turned to address the woman that offered them food.

“Kyuji please lead the way”

Takeshi waited for the woman to take the lead and then would follow her to the house that she was referencing.

[Topic left with Akujin]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
In no time at all, the Leaf Sennin that was in front of me would get on his communication device to contact his fellow Konoha shinobi that was in the village and tell him to come to my clan's home. It appeared that things were working out perfectly for me as I was getting to sit down with one of the highest ranking officials in the Hidden Leaf and I was scheduled to meet with the Hokage from their village at the Martial Arts Tournament or their Medical Sennin, I wasn't sure of which yet, for our medical meeting with the Cloud's Medical Sennin. It still somewhat bothered me that I did not have the same rank as they did, but they also were different villages and probably have their reasoning for having their Sennin representing each branch. In any case, I wouldn't let it get to me because I was still the highest active ranked Medical Chief meaning I was the technical head of the branch unless the Kazekage stepped in.

Smiling at Takeshi though, I would not keep him waiting as a simple nod would be given to him and I would merely respond with the following: "Very well, Takeshi. Follow me." We would then be headed off into the Toraono Dojo and right to my clan's portion of the estate. He and his friend were going to be in for an enjoyable meal as well as I. I could not wait to talk to them both more and hear all about their village and their reasoning for being in my village in the first place. After all, it wasn't every day that you saw a shinobi from a foreign nation in your country or village on top of an oversized canine like I saw mere minutes earlier. There were no alternative motives and I was stoked to see what they had in store for me. Maybe, one of them would want to spar as well and I could see how the shinobi of Konoha were prior the Martial Arts Tournament to see if our village was prepared or if we had some work to do prior to then. We still needed to pick our participants anyways, but still, I would be willing to train the ones who were selected regardless if I was a pick as well or not.

[Topic left with Takeshi. Continuation is HERE.]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
