Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Between Titan and the Dragon [Umashi - Private]


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
As I sat aloft a large tree root; my doured expression lay rested on a scroll; We would like you to test a newly promoted Jōnin; he goes by the name Umashi. We understand that this is outside your usual job, but with the recent mission structure our regulars are presently occupied . . . Yeah; this really is out of my field- I normally teach kids. I assume they mean combative capacity... And. . . Against a former Kage to boot-- Are they mad?-- Of course they are.
My attention drifted from the scroll to the pathway that lead to this part of the Ancient Forest. It wasn't hard to find necessarily, and it served well enough to test people in their prowess -- Plus it saved me face if something gets broken. Since what does here, is either capable of withstanding the destruction, or simply won't matter to the watchful eyes of the Kumogakurian Authority.

Nevertheless, I rolled up the scroll; exhausting a drawn sigh. "Really though- I've only just gotten back to the village. Wonder if this is a two-way street? They're trying to see what I've acquired in my absence, all while seeing what this fella' has up his sleeve?-- Yeah, I wouldn't put it past them." My tone was easily discerned as a bit convinced of the certainty behind the thought, not that I had anything to hide from the village. I just figure there are less subtle ways to achieving the same results.

After a passing few minutes, I found myself standing up and stretching a bit of my body. Bahamut and I haven't had to do much extensive fighting since the prison, so letting rust get the better of me may be a bit embarrassing...

Upon the arrival of the other participant. I took a moment to examine their details, a person can be deceived by a body-type; but more often than not it can tell a lot about a person's ability. Lithe with toned muscles for speed, bulk; or a low center of muscular focus for power. Or you might see various points calloused more. Even to take account of which foot they lead, which hand they move to interact with a person first-- All details to counter a person and exploit their strengths into weaknesses. Ready? As ready as I'll ever be, I guess. Just gotta' keep the states under control. I heard silence from my partner. He knew I had a point, and hopefully I don't need to use them-- Or maybe it's good I do? We do need powerful new talent after-all.

I figured that my counterpart was doing similar value gauging of his intended sparring-partner. Or, I'd hope he did. In the case he did, the attire I adorned was perhaps a bit outlandish to the usual shinobi. Geared with dark brown tanned leathers, heavy fabrics and furs almost gave me the appearance of a barbarian; but it all served a purpose along with perhaps the most outlandish, being the palm sized scales of alabaster white that I wore as make-shift armor on my left shoulder, my thighs and waist. One can never be too careful after-all.
Beyond such, I have a shinobi pouch that covered my entire back waist-line for an assortment of tools and goods for both aiding allies and myself. With no immediate weapons so to speak on my person. Other than that, I wore my hair a bit unkempt and most of it tied behind my head in a pony-tail; my skin singed ever so slightly by sun-exposure and a prominent scar that covered from forehead to chin over my right eye.

"Umashi." My voice breaking into the silent air, it was monotoned and carried a droll that could put people to sleep if I tried reading them a novel. I followed the name immediately after, "I presume?"
Without delay, I walked towards him to avoid any excessive distance from either party. Extending my right hand to shake, "Shieo, I doubt you've heard of me. But it seems the village has requested that I partake in a sparring 'bout with you. . . I wager it's more of an observation on both of our capacities over me actually testing you. But whatever." After shaking, I would take a few steps back. Holding up a symbol of respect to an honored spar.

"While I'm not really one for the excess of pleasantries. I s'pose I'm about as ready as I'll ever be-- So on your mark."

Bahamut Thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Umashi was trying his best to be unassuming, and by trying he was actually dressed in his medical whites from a job that he was no longer employed to do. Since joining Kumo, he'd done his best to be unassuming and now was nothing different. A gentle giant by some accounts, he simply minded his business and tried his best to avoid drawing too many eyes, however it seemed like he just couldn't do just that . . . mind his own business. Though he heard the guy approaching, what he didn't expect was to find a slender ninja the likes of which he was finding hard not to recommend a burger to. It wasn't to say that Umashi was this hulking figure himself, but he had a respectable muscle tone that gave the impression that he was used to hard labor.

Eying his supposed foe up and down, Umashi recognized a shake down when he saw one. However, what he didn't recognize was the man, and he was far more familiar than Umashi would have liked. Was this how Kumo tested their shinobi? Trying to think of a way to get out of the ordeal, he found that thinking up an excuse only lead to more excuses and probably a sneak attack because he'd be so focused on actually . . . making excuses.
"I know that I'm still new here and all . . . but aren't we not supposed to actually fight and what not?" Shrugging his shoulders, he stuffed the rare plant that he'd been inspecting deep into his medical satchel. Strapping the bag up, he tightly tied the straps against his body so that he wouldn't lose them.

Sighing, Umashi glanced around him to make sure that he wasn't currently about to get ganked in the middle of the forest.
"So how do you Cloud folk types do things around here? Am I supposed to hit you and then you hit me, and then we arm wrestle and the like? Or should I just dodge something?" It wasn't so much that Umashi was ignorant of the rules, he was just stalling for time. The thing about being a seasoned warrior was that he didn't have to wonder about just what he was capable of. Even when it came to fighting in an unfamiliar setting, he simple knew his own body well enough that his movements seemed like something manipulated by a master puppeteer. With just a few more seconds he could just about have this guy where he needed him. A chuckle escaped from his lips as he clapped his hands together and a shimmer of light escaped from his palms that signaled the manipulation of chakra.


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

It appeared that the man named Umashi hadn't intended on shaking hands, or wielding a sign of mutual combat. Er... Perhaps just an uncommon culture where he's from-- I guess. I mused in silence to myself. After he had made his inquiries, I tilted my mouth ever so slightly; figuring that despite the matter that they were both called to do this by their superiors- It only lent suggestion of ulterior motives- Nevertheless, I'm not really much of one to shy from being honest in settings that establishing some level of trust is valued.

"By our orders, any normal rules are generally exempt save death." I muttered, letting my left hand drop to my side; my right hand had reached into the folds of my shirt; a small capsule of my design was withdrawn and I placed it in my mouth. If anything, it just looked like medicine or candy. As Umashi went on to ask about how they fight; I figured it was safer to just not bother answering. It was then that Umashi had slapped his hands together-- Seems he means nothing more than to start this. Hope you're as ready as you said you were. A grinding voice of a behemoth in my mind resounded, Tch. Always.. You know this as well as I.

Battles were fickle things, and it seemed our newfound ally to the village was no different. As the light emerged from his palms, I figured I'd waste no time myself. Whether he meant to use Ninjutsu, Taijutsu or Genjutsu- I figured I'd start my own motions off on my weakest mark, a way to feel for the opponent- But at the same time; I also had an obligation to take notes on his aptitudes...

With my hand that fell to my side earlier, I reached back into my shinobi pouch; withdrawing three uniquely forged kunai, each with three blades, the two adjacent to the center were substantially smaller, but served as counter-balances for the lofty weight each blade carried. After-all, they were weapons as well as tools. In one fell motion, I threw all three from the one hand. The first aimed for the space between Umashi's head and right shoulder, intent on missing- The second two feet from Umashi's left leg. And the third launched between Umashi's head and left shoulder. . . All of which in the heat of the moment appeared to be intent on blocking any escape paths- Which I s'pose, also mostly did that.

However, that wasn't quite the goal. As they blurred at super-human speeds. My body vanished nigh instantaneously; and audible 'fwomp' was left in my stead.
And at that very moment, I appeared in seeming simultaneous action to all three kunai. Wielding them by the handle and sending a quick, precisely angled slash for both trapezius' muscles and a final strike towards the sartorius muscle behind the knee. While I anticipated some level of defense, counter or evasion- I lent my confidence in the maneuver to him being unfamiliar with such a close-quarter style.

Designing the motion to grant myself some time to plant my hand against the ground after the final strike to vault myself backwards and land some feet away from the point of combat. One of my Hiraishin kunai still held in a reverse-grip; my index finger looped in the ring hole, the other two planted themselves in two various positions around the field. My eyes were set to his, in preparation of what was to come. After-all, this man was no joke; to act with abandon would lose me any ground quickly.


Bahamut Thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The guy was fast, that much was for certain. With the seconds having ticked by, Umashi could only remember the guy drinking something or another before everything became a blur and he was forced on the defensive. To the imaginatively discerning eye, the whole of the scene would have slowed to a crawl as Umash's skin turned a hue darker, more green and definitely leathery. Slowly erupting from his back and not so neatly tearing away at his clothing, a large shell started to tip his body backwards as he fell with an awkward grace. Always one to prep a good defense, Umashi relied more on his instincts than his skills as he quite literally retreated into his shell just as one of the well placed kunai managed to get a well placed slashing strike on his shell. Sending him into a spin on his back while still shielded within the large three meter wide shell, he was pushed all the way back until he stopped with a soft thud.

Unable to exactly see what was going on outside of his shell, he sighed and thanked the stars for his go to defense and suddenly felt himself being righted so that he could look ahead at Shieo. Outside of his shell, the Tsukumogami that Umashi called his shadow clones had appeared just as he hit the tree that stopped his momentum. Decked in matching outfits to Umashi, the two were only distinctly different from him and each other due to the way that they dressed. What was also peculiar about them was the visibly shimmering spiritual aura that surrounded them. Kin, the gold dressed one was the first to reach towards Umashi and right him so that he could face Shieo, though it was Gin, the silver dressed one who spoke after looking to Umashi and shaking his head.
"You'd think that he'd actually have done something offense first instead of defensively, for once." he mumbled as he pulled out a silver ring from his pocket and put it on his left middle finger just as an equally gold colored one appeared on the right middle finger of the gold colored Kin.

Having sensed the banter, Umashi popped out of his shell and stood up between the two, looking like a freakish humanoid turtle.
"Next time, do me a favor and don't do me any favors if you're going to be an anus about it!" Making a motion to act as if he was about to hit the silver colored contract in the head, the creature mockingly flinched. Looking to Shieo, Umashi cracked his knuckles and pointed a finger at Shieo. "You almost had me there!" he yelled, before he had a mental panic and began to look around for the satchel that he'd been carrying. Not immediately seeing it, he audibly exhaled. "But now I'm annoyed . . ." Sending what seemed like way too much chakra into his palm, he took a few steps and spun on the ball of his foot before he stopped short of spinning around twice and sent a spiraling Rasen-shuriken towards Shieo, intent on wiping the perceived smug look off of his face.

OOC: Umashi has summoned his two Tsukumogami contracts while in Turtle Sage mode.


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

Upon catching my footing against the ground, shortly after the assault that I had hoped would be enough to cause the man to fall a step back and take things in caution. That alone, I thought would be enough to tell a story.
In the moment I had gained my equilibrium from the attack, I flourished the kunai around my index finger to guide it into a reverse-grip. I liked it like this, it allowed some freedom of usage and acted as a suitable defense for close-quarters for my fight-style.

Looking back a moment in how the engagement played out, there was a certain unreality to the moment; Umashi had done what I expected, but at the same time unexpected. I figured he would do something surreal, unorthodox to ascertain his defense and well-being to my offense. But what he did was a bit out of the knowledge books; in addition to his abnormal appearance there were two other beings that stationed on either side of him as he re-positioned himself and his bearings. Beyond their bickering, I couldn't help but steel my attention. Antics were often deployed to try and stall an opponent for an opening or a surprise, they fitted themselves as careless or foolish- And sometimes demeaning to get under the skin of another.

So in the moment I had drawn myself to focus on my left hand, my hand had carefully sifted through a generous weave of seals. A tool that I figured would come in handy.
Umashi had choiced some words that I figure were meant to downplay the motions that I made; or perhaps he was sincere-- It's hard to tell some days with all my experiences with people too high on horses that only exist in their minds.
I externally sighed, perhaps giving the wrong message to my opponent. While it wasn't intentional, I wasn't about to exhaust any stamina speaking- He was an opponent I needed to keep an ey-
Just as I was pacing through the situation in my mind; Umashi had made short work after his comments to spiral and unleash a Rasengan with the properties of Fuuton, a tornado of chakra unleashed and directed towards me. A bead of sweat had slid down the side of my face; He's really giving you a run, perhaps his estimates of your strength have awarded you with the honor of facing him at a significant strength- Though his form and companions I wager are already proof of that enough.

"Tch--" an aired sound escaped my lips as the jutsu tore through the surroundings and made it's path directed towards me with the clear intent to devastate anything I could throw out as a defense with me included. Which is why I couldn't help but allow a cracked smirk stretch across my face, as I stood up straight the kunai hanging by my index finger. At that moment, I lifted my left hand into a salute; at the very moment I fired it forwards to indicate a full-sung salute.

My body and presence vanished in a wrap of licking shadows that wreathed around my body like a demons' claws. As the Rasengan reached it's critical point and erupted int a blast that shredded the entire area. I observed from a safe distance; only to be scolded by my own companion- Me, myself and I; I suppose.

Coward; couldn't take that head-on? Meeting the comment with a momentary silence, I settled with another sigh; With tools to do so, sure; but I don't know what he is capable of- Nor his allies. But now it's three against one... Care to make it ever so slightly more even?
Thought you would never ask. I cast a smirk; this is why the Ancient Forest is an ideal place to let loose.

From the distance, the trees where I lie let out a gentle crack. A brush of the wind; only for the careful seconds it took; as in a brief moment of clarity. Umashi and company would come to notice a particular fantasy. As a gargantuan draconic entity emerged skywards; towering at an approximate height of eighty to hundred feet tall, and easily triple that in length. It had batted it's wings and cast a Primordial gaze down towards the three enemies. All in the briefest matter of seconds, it then opened it's giant maw and an orange-white glow took its stead, in a hyper-pitched screech the energy built at such an unreal speed; the ground well below the dragon had started to bubble from the amassing heat.

If anything to make things worse for wear for the trio. I had sent in a genjutsu to drive into the mind of Umashi; a simple technique that immediately isn't so noticeable. But granted a bridge of the nervous system and stamina of the summoner and what one could imagine is the contracts of the being. After which, my attention looked up to Bahamut - "Now." I quietly voiced to myself.

And then it happened. A blinding flash of chakra burst from the mouth, and seared across the landscape; guided to follow Umashi and each of his two companions; as the orb that filled its mouth had burst into three separate streaks of scorching fire.



Bahamut Thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The rasengan missed . . . it really, really, missed. Wondering if he'd somehow slowed in his old age, Umashi started to mentally correct his calculations when a deafening quiet overtook the forest. True enough he'd just destroyed a large enough portion of the place with which to brag about but something was off about the lack of noise at all. Taking a step and then another, Umashi looked around for where the fellow named Shieo. It was almost easy to wonder if he had actually hit and utterly vaporized the guy but that would have left behind even a minuscule amount of residue. Out of the corner of his vision though he thought that he saw something and he quickly turned his head towards it as a stiff breeze broke through the tree line and suddenly the sounds of the world rushed back to him all too quickly.

Mouths agape, the three amigos all looked on at the large hulking creature that more erupted from nowhere with an amazing display of power. Swallowing hard, Umashi felt a hand on his shoulder as he felt a cooling sensation overcome his body. Recognizing the protection of Gin, suddenly the Tsukumogami morphed into an exact replica of what he and Umashi were looking at. It seemed as though the tactic was just in the nick of time as well as a flash of light shone right before the heat of the attack tore through the air towards them. In that moment before the attack hit them however, Umashi wondered if he'd indeed bit off more than he could chew. That or was it that this was a bit too perfect of a retaliatory strike? If there was a dragon, then where was Shieo? Umashi had long ago encountered enemies who could tap into the surface thoughts of others. Was Shieo one such being?

OOC: > : | Gimmie that gen save check plox n' thx!


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Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank

Crouched atop a branch. I witnessed the semi-ethereal annihilation that my Persona unleashed on the landscape; I've always considered it moderately real. It bridged on the gap of reality and illusion. A persona hovered ever so gently between such differences; too far in reality and it would break in interaction with it's host. Too much in the realm of illusion, and their latent destructive powers would be so easily teetered to being negligible I figured. My eyes were sharp, and it was hard to deceive them; so when I witness the destruction from the vaporizing waves of fire from Bahamut, it was difficult to say even if it was my mind breaking the world- The world still bent, ever so slightly under the weight of the part-illusions.

During my reflection of the glorious explosions that raked the lands, glassifying parts of the dirt and rubble. The stern grinding voice of Bahamut filled my mind, It seems your facing of other dragons may come in handy. Oh? I sounded to my other-half, as it batted its wings with such magnitude that the trees and grass buffeted under it's surreal power.
Indeed, it seems our honored Kage has taken liking to mine-own form. Perhaps it is best we remain as two warriors, for now. If he decreases his form we can blend realities more.

I didn't like hearing those words. But I knew with Bahamut's form and our minds and souls alike; he was better equipped to fight something of that size. For now; so I readjusted my position in the woods, rearing closer to have better view of the aftermath. As dust and ash settled from the pluming guise of destruction; the sight of the dragon came to view.
Letting out a calmed breath, I rested my right hand to my side; a hiraishin kunai in hand. And my left palm started to sizzle with heat; nothing came of it yet. But the heat reminded me that my draconic wrath mark was ready if I needed it.

So I continued the counter in my head, wrapping my mind and body in a paused state of chakra. A habit of battle; seizing the control of any lingering genjutsu on myself. I couldn't be certain if the sight of the dragon was reality or illusion; not in the dust. But I could be certain by counting on my habits.

In the meantime, Bahamut kept bound to the skies. Watching below; as he kept the skies to his domain; allowing Shieo to keep watch and defense of the grounded domain. Their opponent was unimaginably powerful; and both were plenty aware that he's been passive; save the Rasengan. But it was a fools-errand to only press the offense. So they bided their time.

[WC 458]

  • Rolled a 40 on Gen DC

Bahamut Thought.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well it certainly hurt, that was for sure. Or at least Umashi thought. It was one of those experiences where Umashi wasn't sure if his head hurt from trying to process it all or if his body hurt because he tried to tank it all. Whatever the case was, when the attack was all said and done, he had the Tsukumogami give up the ruse as he walked out with his hands up. Some things just weren't worth fighting over and as he looked around at his surroundings, this certainly wasn't one of them. "So how about I give up, eh? I got this thing called a family and what not . . . a real fine thing and I also don't need to go revealing my secrets before a real battle . . . yeah." As if his words weren't exactly all that clear, Umashi coughed and walked forward some more out into the open. "In a word . . . that really hurt." Smirking, Umashi stopped walking and then attempted to vanish into the shadows.

OOC: Topic left unless stopped, lol


Active Member
Aug 12, 2016
OOC Rank
I blinked, from my vantage point as the dust settled and the man I was tasked to test walked out with his hands up and an air of indignation; or maybe I was simply reading into the comments too profoundly. Regardless, I allowed my body to slip from the branches I perched on, and walked to the open.

Truth be told, I was a bit surprised. I was right in thinking he was hiding and holding back a lot more than he let on, but opted to simply conceal the actions in lieu of having it prepared for something that wasn't existing now. A bit abnormal, if I were to think of it in other way.

"Er.. Sure? Not really sure what I'll tell them pencil pushers; but I guess I'll come up with something or another." I muttered something under my breath, nothing against the man. More-or-less, my discontent with having to do all this to begin with. That's when Umashi had slinked into the shadows, and opted the path of darkness to transport himself.

To this, I arched a brow. Thinking we woulda lost.

"Mm... Probably, though I think he coulda just walked instead of using something so... Inefficient." Regardless of my observation, I figured I should head back to the offices and report my thoughts.

[Topic Left]


Bahamut Thought.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
