Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Brevideciduous

Sep 27, 2017
This was the first time that Gaki had been so severely beaten by another member of the academy. Despite his apparent flaws as a shinobi he had usually kept the upper hand due to his bigger frame and more... vicious nature in a fight. Single snapshots of streets and unfamiliar faces streaked his vision as he was dragged through the streets of Konohagakure, his legs trying their best to assist the movement. Each part of his body seemed to burn, the pain keeping him both awake enough to be considered "conscious" and at the same time dampening all sensory intake to mere blurs and muffled sounds. That little... brat. His opponents face seemed to drift into view, although Gaki could not understand whether it was part of his imagination or not. That stupid little hardshell... this calls for a rematch! I hope you are proud of me now, father. His mental voice sounded sour and for a moment Gaki tried to straighten himself again between the support that was lifting him up artificially but even as his feet steadied for a moment his thoughts trailed away again, and his collapsed again.
All the while someone, or multiple someones, kept him moving until the edges of his vision filled with the glaring white. The sounds changed and so did the smell too and Gaki realized that he mustve fallen unconscious again and had meanwhile been carried into the nearest hospital or something similar. I wonder... if hes gonna come see me...
White turned to black, black turned back to white and some murmuring crept into his ears before he seemed to be moved again.
Then a wave of coolness swept through his body, and with a final and audible sigh he drifted into painless sleep.

WC: 293
Left things as open as i could, Gaki has been sedated at the end. Feel free to fill in anything youd like, ill adapt once i get back to my pc :)
Being a student at the academy meant that Shusuke couldn't take the missions that paid well, and unfortunately caused him to accept the work his mother gave him. Letting out a sigh the young Yamanaka stopped his cart of single stem flowers in a blue glass bud vases in front of the next door on his stop. He didn't have a name for this patient as it was just to be delivered to every patient in this wing. It was supposed to offer a sense of positivity and enjoyment in an otherwise grim place for so many people.

Pushing the door open the young shinobi saw another younger member of Konoha laying in the bed, and he looked rather rough. A few steps in and Shusuke could tell that these wounds were from a fight. A slight grin came from one corner of his mouth. Hell... This may be the perfect opportunity to try that new jutsu he was practicing. Gingerly placing the bud vase on the side table the pupilless eyes of the Yamanaka scanned over the boy's body. This was the time all right.

A few well practiced handseals and the surge of chakra slowly began to emerge and shift from the traditional blue chakra to a soft light green. Placing the chakra laced digits out Shusuke would hesitate, for just a moment. I'm not a Mednin... Maybe I shouldn't... His mund began to worry, but without risks why be a shinobi.

"Ninja Art: Coagulation Jutsu"

Quickly scanning around the child's body, Shusuke looked for the thickest bandages before placing his jutsu on what he would assume were open wounds that would lead to bleeding. There... Applying pressure the Yamanaka would do his best to help encourage the wounds to heal.

MFT: 289
Shishiwakamaru was not strong by any means. He never worked out, had zero ninja training and, well, he was a friggin kid. Dragging the beaten blonde through the streets of Konaha was no easy feat, especially with him slipping in and out of consciousness. To him it seemed like Gaki was going to be ok, he wasn't completely beaten to a pulp and he was murmuring the entire way to the hospital. It was very difficult to make out anything he was saying, more so considering Shishiwakamaru was putting everything he had into just keeping the older kid on his feet. Maybe he shouldn't have been the one to volunteer to take him...

Entering the hospital he called for someone to help him, staff quickly came to his aide and took Gaki from him. He watched as they placed him on a movable bed and wheeled him down a hallway. He was asked to take a seat in the waiting area if he wanted to stay and wait for Gaki to be placed into a room. When the time came he was notified that the blonde was placed into room 204 and that he was stable enough to receive visitors. Shishiwakamaru would thank the staff member and proceed down the spotless, bright corridor towards room 204.

As he arrived at the door he noticed it was already open, a cart with flowers on it had been parked just outside the door. 'Was someone already sending this kid flowers? I guess even the rowdy types can make friends...' He mused to himself silently, internally, while slowly opening the door. To his surprise he witnessed another kid, seemingly around his age, doing something to Gaki. He had not seen medical jutsu before, so it would be foreign to him. Truthfully he had little to no experience with the shinobi world aside from the stories he heard from his recently deceased father. He was too young to remember anything about his mother before she also passed years ago. Shaking these thoughts from his mind he spoke up and confronted the kid working on Gaki. "What are you doing?" Initially it might have came across as accusatory, but it was meant to be genuine curiosity.

[OOC - Topic entered, MFT]
A soft warm feeling spread through Gaki's body as he lay there in the sheets. For a while now he had been drifting in and out of a state of near-alertness, his thoughts traveling unfiltered through his head. His father, his siblings, his current position at the academy, the last fight against the white haired kid...
He hadnt been beaten so cleanly since his last brawl with his younger brother. Feelings of anger, regret and shame mixed, leaving him with a stale feeling in his mouth. It was only when a sudden sharp voice shouted out in the room that Gakis consciousness came rushing back into his body and with a loud gasp he opened his eyes, his body instinctively straightening itself in the hospital bed. "What! Arghh!" Pain bloomed in every part of his body as he stared at the blonde boy before him. His eyes slowly trailed down to the two hands placed on his chest. "What. Are. You. DOING!" In another universe Gaki would probably have been blushing at the situation. In this one however he attempted to leap out of the bed and away from the strange kid. Scanning the room as quickly as he could he noticed a second unassuming kid standing there. That one is familiar... was he there when i fought the brat? Fought? What fight... that damn... Argh!
With a yelp of surprise he crashed to the ground. "Ouch, fuck! What are you even doing in my room?!"

WC: 246
Sorry for the short post, lots of busy busy, ill be back next week with more :D
Focusing his chakra the young Yamanaka was channeling his own energy into this unconscious child, helping his body speed up the clotting process and allowing him to start the healing process more naturally. A few moments passed before another child, probably a student, walked into the room speaking in a tone almost as if he caught Shusuke doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. "My job, I could ask you the same thing, boy." You know, for an eight year old Shusuke could really come across as a brat sometimes. His intent was to start interrogating this new comer, who was clearly older than he was, but that all changed when his patient, Senju Gaki, woke up. Not much could have been done by Shusuke before the seemingly hyperactive child leapt from his bed and landed on the ground.

"Seriously, have you never been in a hospital? You are to remain in your bed until your Mednin, that would be me, tells you otherwise or gives you assistance!" The boy quoted one of the actual mednins who worked in this hospital as he has done this very same thing in the past acter overexerting his mind. A shift in his posture and a sweet scent began to fill the air as Shusuke would raise his index and middle fingers up to his chest while looking at Gaki.

"Now, two things can happen. You calm down and get back in bed or I calm you down and have your friend over here help me get you back in bed. Your choice.'

If either of these boys knew anything about the legendary Yamanaka Clan and understood his clan's prowess they would realize they were already under his influence thanks to the Phantosmia Chakra Style and that the sweet scent filling their mind was actually Shusuke's Chakra filling their senses without the use of any jutsu. While his technique may not be as flashy as the Uchiha's flames or the Senju's wood, this child was still a descendant of the prodigal Yamanaka Clan.

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"My job, I could ask you the same thing, boy." A sheepish, chastened look fell upon Shishiwakamaru's face, his eyes falling to the floor. It came out as he thought, a miscommunication. Call it being sensitive, or the like, but he was easily disheartened and was feeling sorry that he had barged in like he did. "My apologies, I've just never seen what you were doing. But it makes sense now that I know you're a med-nin." Truthfully Shishiwakamaru was surprised and astonished at this older boy's accomplishment. To be a medical ninja at such a young age, he must be very gifted.

Gaki's sudden awakening startled Shishiwakamaru, causing him to jump a little. How dazed and confused he must have been to not realize where he was or what had happened to him. To his relief the other blonde took command of the situation, showcasing not only another reason how he had become a med-nin so early, but also his maturity. In this moment he reflected inward and wondered why he was so far behind the curve, was there something wrong with him?

Thankfully a pleasant distraction wafted towards his direction, filly the room to be exact, and helped him regain his focus on what was happening in the real, rather than his thoughts. "Now, two things can happen. You calm down and get back in bed or I calm you down and have your friend over here help me get you back in bed. Your choice." His ears perked up suddenly in shock, his eyes widening to what had to have been saucer sized. Taking a few steps back in hesitation he would make his protest. "Wait what? ME?! No no no, I literally just brought this guy here from a fight, I know what he's capable of. I fear I'm not capable enough to help... I'm sorry..." What was this, pity party day? Perhaps he was still feeling discouraged from not being able to find a class, or the fact that though he was a student at the Konaha Academy he had yet to learn anything. That 'book' he had found at the gates was the only avenue he had right now to gain any skills or knowledge, and most of the contents in there were way above his comprehension.

[OOC - MFT - WC: 381]
Still clutching his chest Gaki slowly rose again, his eyes pinned to the two other kids in the room. "Your mednin?..." Disbelief blended into his voice as he gave the other blonde kid his usual Gaki-stare. It was true, his chest was feeling a lot lighter now and this was a hospital after all. Gaki licked his lips, his blonde hair even more disheveled than usual and once again considered his options. Doesnt sit right with me to have a younger brat work on me like that... But what if hes an actual ACTUAL mednin? He could have me stay in here for weeks... and i need; i NEED to find pebble boy. Cant let that shit sit on this fight like that! I bet he is out and about bragging about our fight! The more thoughts he wasted on the past the angrier Gaki found himself becoming and if it werent for a sudden sweet scent that filled the room he would have most likely directed that anger towards one of the other kids.
As the smell of flowers intensified however he felt himself slowly loosing focus. "I... you! Uh... huh!?" Unguided anger seemed to dissipate like steam from the young senju as he kicked the bed post, winced and slowly crawled back into the sheets.
He didnt lie down, but instead sat crosslegged on the mattress, his eyebrows still duking it out like two angry caterpillars. "So if your, uh... my.. MY!... uh... Mednin? Who is this wimp then?" With his hand still held defensively before his chest he simply nodded towards the black haired kid. Who ever that was seemed to be either very insecure or very inexperienced or both. "Doesn' look like he could 'help me back' into the bed, if youd ask me?! YOU, whats your name! You gotta introduce yourself when... ugh... faced with seniors!"
Which i should probably do too.. but no, if he came here to treat me then he already knows my... "Im Gaki... s-shit!" His mouth moved without his permission and Gaki grimaced as his eyes swerved back to the mednin. The blonde child seemed to be very young indeed... or was he?
Damn this brat... i feel like he has knocked all my senses askew! When i get my hands on you...
Atleast he felt some small pride in hearing the blackhaired kids reluctance to touch him. This is how things should be.
"Now! I will lie here, or sit more like, in my bed and you will treat me. Yesplease!?" He mumbled the last word more than he actually spoke it. Only then did Gaki allow himself to relax somewhat and let the fragrance of sunflowers fill his head. "Say, is Pebble somewhere in here too? Hope i havent ruined him for the future... hehe..."

WC : 468​
"Wait what? ME?! No no no, I literally just brought this guy here from a fight, I know what he's capable of. I fear I'm not capable enough to help... I'm sorry..." Shusuke gave the older child a snide look. ”He wouldn’t be conscious…” His pupiless eyes shifted towards the young Senju. ”…he’s just bigger than me and I’d need help moving his dead weight. As he spoke he watched Gaki climb up onto the bed.

As he watched the boy struggle to say what he meant Shusuke would chuckle softly. ”Shusuke, Yamanaka Shusuke” The young boy’s hands would make a series of seals before a soft green glow would come from them. ”I don’t know who or what your pebble is, but you should be getting discharged soon. You can look for your rock later.” He would approach the patient and, if allowed, he would place his hand onto his chest again. Ninja Art: Mystical Hands. As the healing would be placed onto his target the young Yamanaka would utilize his Illusory Cantrip, Tourniquet, to make Gaki feel like his injuries were not as bad as they were, after all if Shusuke was going to keep this charade up it needed to be believable.
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By this point the conversation had become muddled and confusing. Gaki still seemed kinda out of it, hit his head harder than he thought I guess. The blonde kid finally introduced himself as Yamanaka Shusuke. A look of relief overtook Shishiwakamaru's face upon hearing that surname. No wonder this kid had made med-nin at such a young age. His family lineage was known of great feats of medical expertise due to their affinity for botanical type things. "Well... It looks like you have things covered from here. I'm sure Gaki here is thankful for your services." As Shishi opened the sliding door he would pause and look back towards Shusuke. "Don't let that kid try to boss you around, he seems mostly all talk given how he's in here and his sparring partner is not. It's nice to meet you, Shusuke. The name's Shishiwakamaru, Nara Shishiwakamaru. I hope to see you around man." With a subtle wave Shishi would close the door behind him and make his way towards the exit. He wondered if he would meet either of the two again in his future.

[OOC - Topic left]
As the young Nara spoke Shusuke nodded towards him as he continued to focus his chakra into his Medical Jutsu. A few more seconds would help the patient’s pain levels continue to lower. Though his injuries currently were minuscule the relief of pain is almost always appreciated and Shusuke was sure this child was no different than any other.

”Duly noted, thank you for the input. Don’t you worry, you don’t get to be where I am as quickly as I did without being able to take care of yourself.” His eyes would shift from the injured Senju to meet the young Shishiwakamaru’s. ”Maybe we will meet again, but hopefully it’s not here in the hospital.” Shusuke chuckled a little bit and gave the departing child a nod.

Shifting his gaze back towards the young Senju Shusuke would continue. ”I think your condition is stable at the moment. I don’t think any of the wounds you have are in risk of infection and the pain should be more manageable. Unless there’s something you need, I’ll be heading out. Call for a Mednin if something comes up and you need help.”

Shusuke would bow slightly towards the patient before making his way back towards the hallway where he had his cart of floral deliveries. He was supposed to be delivering these single stem bud vases to every room and he had spent too much time in this one room already. He chuckled slightly, maybe the next room he won’t pretend to be a Medic and get caught in the process.

[MFT- 259]
[Topic Left]
The heat of the thin take away ramen bowl with its warping, poorly affixed lid, permeated into the young shinobi’s hands as he quickly walked through the bustling hospital. He had asked at the front counter where Gaki had been sent for treatment and had been given a long list of directions which, if Ishi was being honest with himself, sounded more like the directions through a maze rather than a hospital!

Now, only a few minutes later and only three brief stops to ask for guidance in direction Ishimoto found himself at the door of Gaki’s room just as a flower boy left the room to continue his deliveries. Ishimoto gave the younger boy a friendly smile before entering Gaki’s room.

The room was surprisingly large for its children sized occupants, Gaki sitting on the bed cross legged and… Shishi was it? Yeah that sounded right.

A sheepish grin came over the boys face as he slowly moved towards the bed, his hands outstretched, a bowl of steaming ramen in each hand, cheap bamboo chopsticks balanced on top.

“I brought you some ramen… I thought you two may have been hungry?”

The white haired boy gave Shishi a warm smile and offered the bowl in his left hand to the younger boy. In truth it was his Raman for he had not anticipated the younger boy’s presence, though Ishi would prefer to make a new friend and just buy more ramen later.

He turned his attention to Gaki now, quickly taking stock of the boys injuries before sheepishly placing the bowl on the bedside table and stepping back, his expression changing from sheepishness to excitement in an instant like only a child could.

“Dude! Where did you learn to do a cool jutsu like that? Those rocks smashed the shit out of me!”

His hand reached to his shoulder, pulling his ninja chain armour down to reveal a vicious bruise over the boys chest where the Gaki’s jutsu had found its mark. The boy began pointing out sections Of specific interest.

“See how it’s gone all purply-redish here with red bits where the armor stretched! Coolest bruises I ever got!”

[ooc: topic entered with Ishi and ramen :)]
"Ill show you who's all talk you little!..." His voice lost its strength when first the one kid and then the young medicnin left his room one after another, leaving Gaki all by himself for a few moments. It was true what the blonde had said, the pain was subsiding slowly and with each passing moment his mind seemed to clear up too. What an embarrassing fight that was... Shaking his head he slowly moved his body to the edge of the bed. Now that all people had left he allowed himself to wince at the pain and slow his emotions down. Gaki sighed.
What a great start this had been. Beaten by a kid with no jutsus.
Suddenly he heard steps approaching his room and with a quiet growl he prepared himself to verbally assault whoever would come through his door. His mouth froze however when he recognized Pebble, the boy who had put him into the hospital in the first place. The young genin was holding a bowl of ramen in each hand and smiling broadly as he entered the room.
When he openly proclaimed that the food was for Gaki the young Senju twitched. Great, now he has come to run his mouth... i should just break his jaw right here and now, saves him the long haul to the hospital! Easier said than done however as his hands were now suddenly holding a wooden bowl.
"You! I? What!?" He felt overwhelmed by the sudden onrush of questions and pointers and... the politeness of it all.
Then again, maybe he had been more injured than he showed... The thought tasted sour on the back of his tongue and Gaki knew on instinct that this had not been the case. Especially now that Pebble was showing him the various wounds and bruises that he had received in their short little brawl Gaki understood that he should have gone "for the kill" from the beginning.
The boy was clearly more toned than he himself and not just was his hair the color of freshly ground stone but also did his skin resemble the same.
"It couldve been far worse had i actually put any effort into it! This is a fairly simple jutsu that ive picked up from my brother when i was younger..." Gaki was still unsure how to handle this situation but decided to go ahead anyways. He felt a small wave of pride collide with his shame upon mentioning his brother. "My brother is even stronger than me! He can do more than just shoot stones, Pebble, he can literally move the ground! But i can do that too. Almost, that is. If i try hard enough i could probably move this building!" Suddenly blushing upon this lie Gaki stopped and quickly hid his face behind a chopstick full of noodles.
"I hope you do know that i wont be as easy going next time! Anyway. What clan are you from? You dont strike me as one of the major clans?!"
Despite the casual questions his tone kept something accusatory to it, like he did not believe his foe to have not been from one of the bigger clans.
WC: 531​

Current Ninpocho Time:
