Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Brighter Future [Uchiha Maikeru, NanjirouDaniresu, Reicheru Saitou Group Exit]


Jul 1, 2018
There was a slight stinging as the man pulled his needle away from Maikeru’s pectoral muscle, before wiping away what blood and ink remained with a wet paper towel. Spraying water over the young man’s chest, he wiped away, giving it a final, cursory look before giving the thumbs up for him to stand from the chair.

“Aight,” The man said, switching a toothpick that had been in his mouth from on side to the other. “That’s gonna take a few weeks to heal, so be careful you keep it clean, ya hear?”

Maikeru simply smiled at the man, before bringing his hands together into the rat sign in front of his chest. He watched as the green chakra eked over the wound, before closing up and remaining cuts that lingered. He may not be as good as Mikasa was, but something like this was something he could do in his sleep. He was a medical chief, after all.

The man simply shook his head, shrugging. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen a shinobi do something like that, and it wouldn’t be the last. Walking to the mirror, Maikeru examined the new tattoo, cocking his head to the side to look at it.


The tattoo might have been a bit much, what with the excessive amount of color on it, but, it reminded him of the boys. He remembered the hours they had spent in the tree house, coming up with a symbol for their little ‘crew’ as they liked to call themselves. The thoughts, the happy memories, they all brought a small smile to the edges of his mouth.

Paying the man, he returned his long sleeved shirt to his body, before snapping his jonin vest over it. With a flourish, he donned his long, black, hooded traveller’s cloak, before finally strapping his backpack on. He was ready.

As he approached the gates, he presented his passport to whoever was ready. It was time to leave home.

[Uchiha Maikeru requesting gate exit]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka looked down upon from on top of the gates, like she usually did. Well... this was interesting to say the least. She quickly teleported down and walked a few steps in front, grabbing the passport from him and looking it over.

"So..... Maikeru, where you going? Duration of stay... bla bla. You know the drill." Asuka asked with a long sigh, today hasn't exactly been a good day. But she couldn't exactly have the attitude of a bad gate guard. Better to look over things and let people be on their merry way.

[Need link to topic where passport was granted]

Santaru Kaede

New Member
Jul 6, 2018
A backpack. A sword. A necklace. The bag only had a few changes of clothes, an extra pair of shoes, boots, a sleeping bag, and a few mementos. Her father's sword hangs off her back and a sea blue gem hangs from a necklace. The gem was her mother's and a gift for her when she came of age. Her grandfather decided she was old enough for it now. Besides the two heirlooms, it was odd that her life had been condensed down to a single backpack, but she knew it was best to travel light. Plus, her grandfather would arrange for the rest of her stuff to be sent to her when she was settled in. Giving her grandfather a tight hug, she turns to leave through the door of the place that had been her house for most of her life. The old man wipes a tear from his eye and gives her one last piece of advice.

“Be safe out there. Stick with Maikeru and Reicheru and watch each other's backs. Don't forget to write! Love you! Oh and…”

Danii jumps down the path lead to the street and pauses at the gate. She turns to give him a wave goodbye and disappears into the crowded street with a big grin on her face.

“Love you too, Gramps! Sorry, but I'm already running late and I need to go.”

The old man shakes his head and laughs to himself. He had so much to tell her still, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He always felt she was still too young and, by the time he had made up his mind, she was leaving. He had wanted to tell her the truth, for her to hear it from his on mouth, but the letter he snuck into her bag would have to do. She was old enough now. She needed to know about the corrupting nature of the world at large and the truth about that idiotic son of his. She would handle it though. She was much stronger than her father. He mumbles a quick prayer to himself and watches as the girls leaves, standing in the doorway until even the hilt sticking out above her head fades from his sight.

“Good luck, little one. Make me and your mother proud. Redeem your father.”

Danii arrives at the gates with her bag and her gear and hurries over to her friends.

“Sorry, I'm running late. Gramps was getting sentimental again. Are we all ready?”

She walks up to the gate with Maikeru and Reicheru and presents her passport.

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Earlier this week…

"You're not really doing this, are you?" Hiroshi's question hung on tense air. Reicheru's cousin had come by her still empty house, a topic they had stopped addressing some time ago. In this village, hope seemed to only result in pain. Reicheru turned from her packing, looking the other Nanjirou in the eye. His green optics flickered with emotion, ranging from sadness to anger to regret; the gray eyes of his cousin remained calm. "I am, and I'm sorry you're not. If you ever change your mind, please, please let me know. I'll drop everything to come get you, trust me." Pulling her cousin in for a hug, the boy tried to laugh to hide his hurting heart. "Jeez, you don't need to make me out to sound like a damsel in distress or anything…"

She understood why Hiroshi chose to stay. Though neither of her grandchildren were fond of her, the Nanjirou matriarch held significant sway over Reicheru's uncle Daisuke. If she saw no problem with the violent tendencies of Leaf, then he too would turn a blind eye for the sake of keeping the family intact. How counter-productive that would be if the next child the authorities decided to end was his son. Pushing the thought away, Reicheru set a green cloak next to the pack laid upon her bed. All of the necessities were there, along with a little extra yen to purchase a heavier coat than could be found in Leaf when they neared Kumogakure. Snow - that was one thing Reicheru certainly was not looking forward to. "I love you, Hiroshi. Be careful. Make sure to write."

Present day…


The day had finally come, and it was neither cheery nor grim. The sun was hidden away behind the clouds, and a strong breeze occasionally grabbed at the kunoichi's dark locks and tossed them about her. She watched for the last time as the oak leaves danced through the air on her path from just outside Oak District to the gate. A walk that was usually filled with the sounds of children's laughter had become silent, a testament to the exodus that had already begun. Though the path was familiar, the village no longer was.

Along the way, she passed an empty raspberry bush.

Finally she arrived at the gate in step with Daenerisu, just behind Maikeru. Stepping up next to him, Reicheru looked down into her bag to grab her passport out before she took the time to look at the guard on duty. "We're all heading for Kumogakure; length of stay, indefinite. All signed and approved…" the kunoichi's voice trailed off when she finally looked up.

Reicheru found herself staring into eyes that had haunted her dreams for countless night. The same gaze had stared back at her through a mental link as the owner of these eyes cut down her friends. They had been cold, void of any feeling or emotion as lives were ended before them. Reicheru's grip on the passport she was handing off tightened involuntarily with an anger that was intense as the day it happened. Since that day, the Academy Head had kept a low profile, working over time with her students and eating at home or at Maikeru's house to avoid any public incidents. Swallowing hard, she released the documentation and straightened herself.

"Asuka." The name was bitter in her mouth as she attempted to greet the kunoichi. Biting the inside of her cheek until she bled, it was all Reicheru could do to keep her tongue tamed. 'Please Maik, please… we're so close.' She thought as she looked over at the Uchiha, gauging his reaction. Mmm, yes. An Uchiha guarding his temper. No problem. This would be fine.

[OOC: Requesting exit. Passports for all three received here.]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Walking to Asuka's side the man gazed upon the three present head tilting down to the young Kunoichi in the aftermath nodding slowly before addressing the three. "Well it is a shame to see three young aspiring Shinobi leave the village however if you feel this is where you path takes you then so be it however" There was a moment of pause thinking on how to words his next statement before nodding. "Make sure the choice you are making now is the one you are certain you wish to make."

His words carried weight to them words that spoke from experience and safe to say the man had little interest in watching the three do what they were doing but would respect their decisions considering the circumstances. "Whatever you decide to do I simply hope the best for all three of you and wish you all the best of luck in your en-devour." Chinatsu rose to the man's side speaking from his own mind as he always did caring little for opinions on the matter. "He speaks the truth though it's a shame to see those who attempted to form the elite squad, one make to protect the village in it's hour of need should such a thing happen, Leave because things became difficult."

[Topic entered]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin heard chatter. It had been some days since the attack and he was feeling better. Mostly. The scar on his left temple still hurt but it was manageable. As he approached the gate, he heard and saw a lot of familiar faces. It was a mixture of feelings seeing the lot of them and knowing the situation.

"I Yuu Kenshin Main Branch Sennin also give them leave if that was not enough." Kenshin would say as he approached. "A promise was given and a promise will be maintained. Asuka... and you friend you may stand down. they have chosen their path and have earned their right to do so." Kenshin would say, his voice firm.He was not in a playful mood. This was a horrible situation and he was not going to let it end in bloodshed.

[topic entered and permission given]


Jul 1, 2018
For the briefest of moments, Maikeru's head was completely devoid of any thought. All he could do as he saw Asuka approach him was feel. He felt the blood rushing to his heart, the increased heart rate as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He could feel his eyes drawing into a tight scowl, his teeth grinding against one another in pure, unadulterated fury. He could feel the handle of Kusanagi biting into the soft meat of the palm of his hand as he gripped the cloth wrapped handle tighter, and tighter. And for a moment, he believed he would draw on her. That he would take his blade, run it across her jugular before she could even respond. It would be easy, it would be quick, and he would feel amazing.

That was, until Danni and Reicheru appeared. He could feel the tension draining from him as quickly as it had come, as his hand that was hidden beneath his traveler's cloak loosened, and his posture returned to relaxed. Luckily for him, Reicheru was able to remain calm, to explain what was going on, and left the Uchiha little reason to need to speak. Gods was he thankful for the Saitou he had fallen in love with.

Yukio could have put a wrench in their plans, but, thankfully again, it seemed Kenshin still had their back. He gave the Main Branch sennin a thankful nod, before he took his passport from Asuka. He walked past her, pulling the hood of his cloak above his head, before stepping through the gates.

[Topic left]
[Village left]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Well, this was certainly interesting. Her boss had come to aid her? To be honest she wasn't entirely sure on why exactly he came, but she couldn't exactly tell him to go away. Besides it is a welcoming site. Yukio came as well, his usual emotionless self speaking but she didn't mind. Kenshis's words did through her off for a bit but she simply shrugged.

"Well. Kumo you say." Asuka sighed. "Since Kenshin-sama just said you can go, you can go." Maikeru walked right past her without saying a word, it was expected considering what had happened but if she did had to do something. Walking over to Reicheru and Daenerisu she sighed looking at both of them. "I'm not expecting you to forgive me and I'm not going to ask for forgiveness." Asuka shrugged saying those words. "Just remember, if our paths cross again it's going to be your choice to make on what to do next. Not mine."

With a respectful bow she waved good bye. "I wish the best for you three in Kumo." Those last words she simply dissapearead from sight.

[Topic Left]
[Exit granted for all three per Kenshins orders]

Santaru Kaede

New Member
Jul 6, 2018
To Asuka, Danii says nothing. The snapshot of her friends’ last moments flash through her head and she avoids even lookin at the girl. Luckily, Reicheru steps forwards and handles the interaction.

She turns to Kenshin. She gives the Sennin a respectful bow.

“Thank you Kenshin-sensei. I'll never forget the lessons you gave me in you taijutsu class. Your honor gives me hope for a better Leaf in the future.”

She turns to Yukio and gives him a bow too.

“I'm sorry if you feel that we have let you down, but I told you that day in your office, my commitment is to the team, my friends, and my family. I will take a few fond memories of this place with me, but it was never really a home and the chance of it ever becoming one died with Katsu. My bonds tie me to those willing to die for me, not with a place that needlessly kills its own. I really am sorry that we must part ways here and under such circumstances.”

Danii turns to her friends who she needs no words with. She gives the two a nod and a smile and walks out the gates with them.

[Topic Left]
[Village Left]

Saitou Rei

Jan 31, 2018
OOC Rank
Never in her whole life had Reicheru been so happy to see Kenshin arrive. She thanked the gods for their timing as Maikeru's tense body relaxed, and once again freedom was at their finger tips. Turning back, the young kunoichi stared Asuka straight in the eye as she waited for her passport to be handed back to her. Though the comment from whatever that thing attached to Yukio was bothered Reicheru, Danii's response summed up how she felt - how all of them felt. So instead of beating that dead horse, Reicheru's gaze bore into Asuka's as the other Jounin threatened to undo her composure with her words. "I'm sorry Asuka, but you don't get to play that card. You were the one with a choice in all of this." With that she pulled back her passport and stowed it away securely in her bag for the long journey ahead.

Still, there was one final piece of business. Turning back to her Clan Master, Reicheru gave a deep bow. "Thank you, Kenshin-sama. I wanted to come by and say that before I left, but I didn't want to interrupt your recovery. I have learned so much from you, and I will always be grateful…" Tears began collecting in corners of the girls eyes; how ironic, that around the person she wanted to look strong in front of was always when her emotions got the best of her. She took a step closer to the Sennin. "You told me once to find my place of happiness, and I did. You told me to find my reason to fight, and I did. It just… didn't work out for me here the same way it did for you. But I did try…" With that, Reicheru threw formalities to the wind and threw her arms around the mountain of a man's waist in an embrace. "I'm so sorry Kenshin, but thank you." After her father's death and mother's extended absence, Kenshin had become the closest thing to a parental figure in Reicheru's life though she hadn’t realized it. For so long she'd ached to get out, but now the reality of the difficulty of losing the few bonds she had left in Konoha cut deep.

Letting go, Reicheru pulled herself together and gave those remaining a parting bow. Finally, she followed behind her friends, heading out into the great unknown beyond the gates that had only brought her trouble.

[Topic left]
[Village left]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Kenshin accepted the nod and the words. He even accepted the hug which was surprising but he returned it.

He watched them go.

His frown had upgraded to a scowl.

"Pay attention Asuka." Kenshin would say not looking at Asuka. "Look at the consequences of your actions. Genin and a Chuunin dead on the streets. 3 more have left the village to never return. At least one of those people there wants to see you dead and will probably try to make that a reality at some point. Were Riku and his gang a pain? Yes. I will fully admit that. However they were loyal to Leaf in their own way. Much more loyal than Migoya, Doku, or Hisao. They were real traitors to Leaf. The reason why I was mad at them was not because they were breaking rules but because they were going to get themselves killed. Never once did I think that Leaf shinobi would be the ones to do it. It thought i would be our actual enemies. See what you have done or help do? There were others with you who I need to talk to but you are here to witness the full brunt of your STUPIDITY." Kenshin would swing around stare full at Asuka. Kenshin's grey eyes were in pain, some from moving so fast, but most was the loss of life. "This village suffers because of your lack of judgement. You will not put this off on someone else. Because of your actions, we have lost fine shinobi and guaranteed future violence and for what? Because you lacked the judgement to maybe just knock them out instead of kill them. I am going back to one of my most basic points I bring up to class and maybe you will listen to me this time." Kenshin was irate as he began to pace. Some footsteps were harder than others so every now and again there would be a sizable foot print from where he had slammed his foot. "The future of this village matters the most. The next generation is what matters the most. I put my trust in you so that you can lead the next generation and this is what you do with this power? Kill first and ask questions later? Tell me, once you have killed the next generation or forced them out of the village, what will our village do? Kenshin stopped in front of her and stared into her eyes for a moment before waving his hand, not giving her a chance to speak.

"Note that you disappointed me Asuka." his voice loosing some of the anger. "Or maybe I disappointed myself for failing teach a basic component of the Leaf village. Either way, I am expecting you to pick up your work. I lost 6 leaf shinobi and you will have to take up the slack."

Kenshin would stop and turn his head towards Yukio.

"I am sorry, friend. I am not in the mood to talk. I will be in my office doing paperwork if you want to talk." Kenshin would say and then he would leave.

[topic left]
[MFT 522]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
