Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open Broke and Broken

May 7, 2023
Akira finished the stick but didn't take the one off of Kiriyomi, he had managed to have his fill of food and he didn't want to press any further at all, he wanted to make sure that he still learned from this world, and with being given the freedom now t explore more of the world, he knew that it was only a matter of time for him to be able to learn new skills from others. The Academy would be the ones to show him the future training he would need, the question that really would matter is who else would team him with things that the Academy couldn't.

"I appreciate the offer, I really do. However my life has always been this, I guess looking outside in, you may have a different view of the situation, you may see the tough sides, for me what is it but nothing but normality it has been my life for years, ever since my existence, what I want to do, what I want the Academy to do is to allow me to grow and create my own future, allow me to step out of the house, the shadow that has created who I am and forged me to this point, and allow me to take on my own duties and responsibilities."

He let the words linger as he smiled at the floor, the offer was a nice one and one that he would have loved to take up, but he knew deep inside that he couldn't at least not right now that much was for sure.

[MFT: 265]


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiri holds his dango up to his head, allowing Kohara to take another bite. He knew that he would likely regret the decision later, as the ant would be on a sugar high for quite some time. He had lost his appetite, though, after Akira had explained what his life at home was like. Kiri knew that he was overstepping by offering to house the boy at his own home, but he couldn't help but feel like he needed to do something more to help. He didn't want to just slip the boy some money and food, then send him back home to a place where it sounded like he wasn't appreciated. Reaching down and pulling out his wallet, Kiri reaches in and takes out some more money before reaching out to Akira.

"I know that we just met, but I feel like I see a little of myself in you. I never had any friends until I started at the academy, unless you count the various insects that I got to know. I grew up secluded, but for a different reason. It makes me feel kind of sad that you've never known the feeling of brand new clothes, so please. Take this and at least get yourself a new pair of shoes. You're going to need something sturdy for the Academy, because they will run you ragged. Literally. My shoes fell apart from all the Taijutsu training that we did. I'm surprised that your parents haven't gotten you anything in preparation, especially since it sounds like your siblings have gone through this before you. Think of it as a present, a celebration for getting into the Academy. It's not easy, but I know that you will do just fine. With that mindset of yours, you can do anything that you set out to accomplish. I look forward to seeing you on the other side."
May 7, 2023
Akia listened to the other boy talking to him on the bench, it was clear that he was offering to help him and he knew it, though Akira didn't want to be considered a charity case, and he really didn't like taking money from someone he had only just met, the offer of kindness, even the meal was enough and something he would probably never be able to repay and even after all that he still wanted to try and help him out, however, he couldn't replay him for it. Stopping for a few moments he decided to try and be honest with the man.

"Kiriyomi, I cannot ever thank you enough, today the food was great, and even getting some to take home was amazing, so I really do not know how to express the kindness and gratitude for what you have done for me, it is really honestly above and beyond. I am glad that it was you I met today on this little trip out, I have to say if it had been anyone else I do not know how that would have been. But you have allowed me to see that people do care in this world, and I cannot thank you enough, I cannot accept the money, I will work hard at the Academy and get my own clothes next time you see me, but for now I cannot take the money from you, you have already shown me enough kindness today."

He let the words linger but didn't move to take the money from the boy, he knew that his world, his expectations, and his views on the family had shifted from the experience of today, but what did that mean for the rest of his future, it had created doubts within his own mind of if the family was worthy to be his.



Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiri sits with his hand outstretched, holding the money to Akira, as the boy talks. Nodding slowly along with what the boy says, he pulls the money back and places it in his wallet but decides not to tell Akira about the money that he slipped into the bag along with the meal. He would need that, and he could pay Kiri back at a later date when he was making money by taking on missions later. Besides, it was a gift, and Kiri would refuse to accept any money back from the boy in the future if he tried to pay him.

"You know what, Akira? I feel like you are exactly who you are meant to be at this moment, and your family should be proud of you. So many people would have snatched the money and ran off, but you were respectful about declining and making your own path. I think you are going to do extremely well at the Academy, and you are going to grow up to be a fine shinobi one day. Don't lose the heart that you carry with you; you weren't wrong when you said that many shinobi of the village ignore the general populace. I can tell that you won't grow up to be one of those jaded people. You have a kind heart and a sharp mind, and you will be able to do anything that you set your mind to. Would you like some company to walk you home?"

[MFT: 250]
May 7, 2023
Akira listened to Kiriyomi speaking he was a pillar of support for this child. Though they had only just met, he allowed a small smile to come to his lips as he pondered for a few moments on the best reply after all the information given seemed to be correct. As he looked down at the money that had once more been given to him, it was clear that Kiriyomi wouldn't take no for an answer, as he leaned back on the bench where the two of them had been chatting away on he did see a better future for himself and he did of course see that he would have to change, his expectations and who he trusted with would be changed. Akira was so young his mind now swimming with ideas and options for the future.

"I think you are right, I do think the world will change and no one has to walk any other path but the one that they set for themselves, though of course I am sure the path will never just be a simple straight line, but who knows what it will be, though I will give it my best I am sure of that. As for the company, sure I suppose no harm in walking home with me, at least you can see where I live, it's not one of those fancy clan houses though if that is what you are expecting."

Akira hauled himself up to his feet and off the bench in those few moments as he waited to see if Kiriyomi would be following him as he took a slow walk towards home.

[TWC: 274]


Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
Kiriyomi stands up, taking a final bite of his dango before tossing it into a nearby trash can, much to Kohara’s dismay. The ant flies into the trash can to secure a final bite for himself, as well, before flying back into the mess of hair atop his host’s head. Sighing at the insects antics, and because his hair would be unbelievably sticky after this, he slowly follows Akira down the street, presumably towards his home.

”There’s nothing wrong with not residing in the clan houses; I personally feel that it is more limiting. My family’s housing is on the edge of the village, which was good for me growing up, as it allowed me to be near the forest where I could study insects and make friends with the wild animals out there. But it was harder on me as well, because there were so few children around that I didn’t quite get to know any of them growing up. I was also a rather shy child, so that didn’t help matters. Thankfully my parents never pushed me out of my shell, instead allowing me to grow and mature into whoever I was going to be naturally.”

His voice trails off at the end, thinking of his late father. Would he be proud of who Kiri had become? Was he out there, somewhere, watching over his son as he made friends and fought to protect the village? Kiri could only hope that one day his father might know peace, rather than wandering around as a spirit.

[MFT: 256]
May 7, 2023
Akira walked with the main as he sighed the day seemed to have gone too quickly for him even to consider it and everything that had been discussed as he looked over to Kiriyomi who was talking once more, the backward and forwards and open conversation between the two of them was something he truly appreciated and enjoyed, it wasn't often he would be allowed to speak like this with anyone especially not his family, but that was a completely different matter, as they twisted and turned round corners, it was clear that he would be moving into the well less off area of the village. Though most in Leaf would say this didn't exist.

"I mean I may take you up on that offer, at least for now though I just have to get on with the situation as it is, Changing things is not going to be easy it has been set in stone like this for years, and as such people just get on with it and turn a blind eye. I hate to admit defeat but I do believe that this cause may be one that has been lost before it even started, especially on this front. But it's family, isn't that just what you are to expect?"

Finally, he stopped in front of a house, it looked run down, well-used and clearly a lot smaller for the number of people that were living there, a faint glow escaping the door showed that someone was at least inside, as he turned to look towards Kiriyomi he smiled.

"Well looks like we made it home"



Apr 2, 2023
OOC Rank
As the two walk through the village, Kiriyomi keeps his eyes open and observes their surroundings. Not only is he watching the nicer parts of the village fade away, he is keeping an eye out for any of Akira's bullies that the young boy had mentioned before. He wasn't going to let anything happen to his new friend, which is why he had offered to walk the boy home. Many of the village would proclaim that there was no "bad part" of the village, that all of it was nice. But one glance around here told Kiri that this was definitely a more rundown area, one which wasn't patrolled as often and that needed to change. He didn't like the idea of any part of his home being neglected, and if he had any say in the matter, he was going to make sure that it didn't continue.

"I agree with you that some things appear to be a lost cause, and many turn a blind eye and ignore them as a whole. But all it takes is one voice, however small, to speak up against such things to change the matter. Once you draw attention to something that has been ignored, others will begin to look towards it as well and realize that the way things have been done is, in fact, wrong. Change usually happens slowly, and over time, so just trust in yourself and be the change you want to see in the world. I believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to."

As they stop before a house, Kiri turns and looks it over. It is nothing glorious, by any means, and looks much too small to fit a large family inside. It looked homey, though, well lived in and there was a light glowing from inside indicating that there was, indeed, someone home. How nice it must be to always have someone to come home too... Sometimes Kiri would return home from missions or classes and it would be hours before his family returned home. What he wouldn't give to always have someone to come home to. "This is a nice house, Akira. It looks like it has been well loved over the years. I had a lot of fun today, and I hope to see you around the village more often. Keep up with your studies, don't let the bullies run over you, and become a strong shinobi in your own right. Here's my address, if you are ever in the area feel free to stop in for some tea and a snack. My family loves to have my friends over, so you are always welcome, day or night. I mean it." Kiri places a hand on Akira's shoulder, smiling down at him, before saying farewell and heading back towards his side of the village. The entire walk home, he can't help but continue to think of the part of the village Akira was living in, though, and decided that if he ever got an audience with the Hokage that he would give the man a piece of his mind.

[Topic left unless stopped]
[MFT: 518]
May 7, 2023
Akira allowed himself a few moments to listen to the words of his senior, it seemed the man had been giving him advice so far and he knew that even with the advice being what it was he needed to make sure that he succeeded, after all coming from the man that had more experience he would take all of it on board, he would grow and he would every day work on becoming stronger. What shape that would take he would be unsure of, and of course unproven until the day came when he had to make decisions on his own, what they would look like and what his future would hold would be a different story.

"I may pop in one day, who knows what the future holds, of course, I am sure the next time we meet things will have changed, I wish you the best future as well, and know that I will try my best to meet you at some in the future when we have grown, I take this as my first step into what will be a bright future for me. Don't go doing anything stupid until we meet again at least."

With that the two parted ways, it was clear that the night had come to an end, and now it would be down to the future to show what would become of these two Shinobi of the village, though saying that Akira had found a small spark of hope in his life, and knew he would have to work on himself to get stronger.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
