Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

C Rank-Where the Wild Things Go

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Re: Toraono Clan Anew C rank Mission (Samejima)

Kuro stood and shook both their hands before leaving them to their planning, certain things might require his help but they must learn certain portions of their strength on their own. Surutameni stood out just as Kuro's former gravity jutsu instructor had mentioned he would. It made Kuro feel a certain amount of pride that his young Uncle would soon master his own abilities and become a force of power in his own right. With the proper training Surutameni would surpass him and take up mantle as a Lord in his own right. As always it was simply a matter of time and effort.
"I look forward to your reports and efforts, Sunagakure will be safe once again, and I know you two will have a great part to play in it."

Topic Left
((The Hunt Begins))


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
Re: Toraono Clan Anew C rank Mission (Samejima)

Surutameni didn't bother bowing, even if it was customary, it was more of a hassle to him than he felt was necessary. He just left. Such was the way he was acting lately, especially after all of the news of his family. He sighed and looked back, his shoulders falling in a slumped fashion, this was going to be one of those days for sure. The boys hands went to his pockets as he looked forward and kicked at a rock outside of the gates while he waited for Naoki to catch up.

Those amber eyes rolled at her suggestion. Of course she would suggest around his home. It was aggravating, but just as with most other things pertaining to others his age he just let it go. "Sure." Was the only response he gave her as he pressed forward once more, heading in the direction of his home. Hopefully she wouldn't be too talkative like most kids were. He just wanted to get this mission over, seeing as for some reason the Toraono Clan wanted to test him. Suru just sighed and slouched his shoulders more as they walked. Family. He almost wished he hadn't found out about his apparent true family.


Aug 14, 2014
Re: Toraono Clan Anew C rank Mission (Samejima)

Hm? Did I mess up...? The boy's words (or word rather) were neutral, but his voice gave away his current mood. Ahh, this is why I just can't hang out with people... She lost purchase on what little confidence she had in her conversational skills, and her head hung. It wasn't like she needed to see where she was going after all.

Dad did say things were more fun when you got along with your partner when on patrols... Maybe this is for the best though, I'd avoid him if I weren't on this mission. There's something kinda... Naoki then realized she was thinking exactly what those other kids were thinking, the first time she encountered them. She felt he was different (albeit different in a dangerous way) and she just instantly shut out any chance of interacting with him!

You have to be the change you wanna see in people! I think that was the line... What was it from? Uhh whatever, I should try to find something to talk to him about! But...

She snapped her fingers again, partly to make sure she was walking right and partly to gauge Suru's expression. She couldn't gauge expressions well, but it didn't seem like the older boy was expecting conversation... I... I don't think he's all that open to talking... I should keep quiet then right? That's a lot less trouble for both of us, I'm sure. yeah, this'll be one of those business-type patrols, and not one of the funny kinds.

So the blindfolded genin kept going, keeping quiet as she was sure was acceptable in this situation.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Unbeknowst to Kuro after assigning the mission to monitor for Cabal activities Seika's consort had returned and had vowed to wreak havok upon those that had inadvertantly caused her internment of house arrest. Upon his Kyojin form passing him access after placing Kuro's chakra seal on his passport he had literally ran from Seika's side in the passion of the moment to exact blissful vengeance upon the remnants of those whom had caused Seika's predicament. As luck would have it the young nin to be and the hidden heir apparent had just begun their search. As the evening winds blew in through the slowly repaired ventilation systems for the city, the nocturnal life of Sunagakure began its movements in earnest. As with all things done in the dark, shadows of those moving against the flow were quick to make use of the rebuilt tunnels in search of an easy exit.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma lay atop one of the rooftops near a busy street, listening to those who walked pass after. He found this to be a good subtle way of finding intel while he rested, just so it happened he saw two young children that seemed to be walking with a purpose, noticing the tools they possessed it was apparent they were shinobi. The demon sage stood up in a flash and casually strolled alongside the two youths except atop the roofs, his Toraono robes shining in the sun. Those massive horns of his giving him an eery shadow to those who briefly say it. Sanguine colored eyes watched the two as the continued on in an obvious uncomfortable awkwardness. 'I wonder what could cause youth to be so focused, surely it was an important task that their doing and why is there so much tension between children?' he thought to himself sometimes he thought humans were even weirder then himself. After all what did children have to truly squabble over, well he wouldn't drive himself crazy thinking about it why not ask them. Leaping from the rooftop he'd land in front of the two crouched down yet still towering above the two children. Smiling a shark-like grin those blood red eyes slid from one student to the other. The shinobi's horns were each over a foot long and his pointed demonic tail flicked with interest as his gazed moved between them. "I'm Miroku Akkuma my apologies but I couldn't help notice you seem to be two ninja moving with a purpose..." he leaned between them to whisper so only the could hear. "So what task have we been given today my little Sunans?" he would say leaning back with a devilish grin.

Standing at his full 6'4ft the charcoal haired demon bowed "Head of the Miroku Clan, friend to Mother Suna and her children. So come enlighten me children what is our objective?" he would ask he'd been brushing up on his sunagakurian culture, excitedly turning on the spot placing a hand on both the Academy Students shoulders attempting to march them onwards. The Large Summoning Scroll on his back was tied loosely and if they looked close enough the children would notice runic glyphs on the mans wrists and neck occasionally revealed by the movement of his walking. "Also there seems to be some tension between you two what's going on? You can't let yourselves get distracted by emotions its not the ninja way...then again I give into mine quite often so who am I to say?" he'd ask chuckling hoping to lighten the mood of a spontaneous demon encounter. What would the two think of their new partner 'Hopefully I won't get myself in trouble interfering with village business. Then again I'm sure an experienced shinobi on these patrols couldn't hurt, after all I'm just lending a hand. Although he knew how often he tended to attract bad luck, then again maybe it'd help draw out whoever they were looking for quicker.

{Mission-Bombed} -That's right its a thing- <3


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
As they continued their trek towards the Grand Palais and the slums that Surutameni called home for so long, the boy retained his silence for awhile. He wasn't really upset with the girl, he just had a hard time allowing people in. That fact only made worse with the rather sensative information he had been given quite recently. He snorted absent-mindedly and kicked out at a wall, hands still in his pockets. "Tch..." The sound managed to escape his lips in his struggles with his own thoughts and it caused him to look back at the girl he was now partnered with. He really didn't want her being afraid of him, or being like all of the other kids that just passed him by and pretended he wasn't there. The black haired boy was tired, so very tired of being an outcast with only a bird to call his friend, but he really had no idea of how to fix it. I wonder what she thinks of me... She probably thinks I'm some freak like the rest of them.... His mind chewed at him, causing him to pause a moment open his mouth to speak, only to close it shut a few seconds after.

"Uhm... So... " Suru tried desperately to find something to talk about, but only ended up closing his mouth again and scratching idly at the back of his head. Boy, this was difficult. Thankfully, something... No, someone else had just interrupted their rather strained silence by leaping to the ground before them. This stranger was intriguing, and rather scary to look at, but to Suru all that gave him was a mild amount of curiosity. The horns and the ever swishing tail seemed to draw the boy's attention far more than the sanguine colored eyes. When the man, or devil in this case as it would seem, spoke Suru's own amber hued orbs snapped to lock with the demonic ones before him. "What's it to you what we are doing?" The boy's hands were still buried in his pockets but he was far from being in the mood to deal with someone new, as he already had someone new and awkward to handle as it was. It wasn't unlike him to show a little bit of an attitude towards his elders, but any normal kid probably would've run for the alleys instead of throwing a bit of a temper in this particular man's face. As the strange Shinobi stood, Suru's eyes never fell. He wasn't about to reveal information to someone he didn't know, especially with the events of the Cabal within Sunakagure. "You could be lying." He proceeded to just walk past the man, shrugging his shoulders and speaking more out the side of his mouth than anything. "So, why would we tell you?"

The hand that was placed upon his back was about the breaking point, he had just had his fill of annoyances today. Who cares if this particular Shinobi looked like a demon? Suru whipped himself around and stopped in his tracks, swiftly removing the hand that was in contact with him. "Will you keep your hands off ME?!" He hadn't meant to snap, but he did and he was fuming. "My emotions are none of your concern, and what we are doing is ALSO none of your concern." Suru snorted once again and turned himself back around, stuffing his hands once more into the pockets of his shorts. He muttered to himself as he walked. If one were listening the words 'stupid', 'annoying', 'frustrating', and an entire string of negative things about the particular mission he and Naoki were tasked to and the arrival of this man; Akkuma.


Aug 14, 2014
Naoki's head jerked up, hearing the older boy speak. Oh! So he does want to talk? Man I should've just gone with whatever it was that-

Then a powerful presence appeared. Very powerful. The sound of the landing was muted, yet the very presence caused Naoki to stop. Why was this?

Because once he spoke, it was very apparent that he had horns growing out of his skull. His heartbeat also revealed generally how he looked, and he did not look like someone friendly. This combined with the man's height and sudden appearance out of apparently nowhere was enough to send Naoki falling backwards, landing on her backside as she skittered about three feet away from the source, stuttering, "Wh-wh-what who why how!"

She remained on the ground as he introduced himself, and took in the robes he was wearing. She wouldn't have noticed any colors, but a few snaps of her fingers allowed her to sense the embroidery, which most likely told of his affiliation with the Toraono Clan. He's... a Toraono? Or a friend of theirs, at least? I don't think anyone would be able to just get into the dojo and get clothes from there otherwise right? Naoki herself wouldn't have considered this, but it wasn't likely that just their clothes would have been stolen either, if any foul play had even been involved. Ergo, he was probably sent by one of House Hyou? Though I think Lord Onimaru was happy with my training, he shouldn't have felt like he needed to send anyone... She made a mental note to train a little harder.

Miroku... The surname somehow gave her chills. It may have just been how the name sounded when he said it, but it did not mean sunshine and rainbows.

She would've jumped to her feet to either introduce herself or stop Suru after noting the robes Akkuma was wearing, but they weren't feeling very good at just that moment. S-Suru-kun... How do you talk to scary people like that...

She stood after Suru's tirade though, and dusted herself off. "Um, sorry about that... I'm Samejima Naoki sir, recently became genin of Sunagakure!" She then bowed, thinking I'm getting a bit more used to this! ...or maybe I'm just a bit more confident after having accepted my first mission... "We're just going on a patrol sir, nothing out of the ordinary! It's not something we'll be needing much help with, and I'm sure you'd-" Her voice caught for a moment, before she cleared her throat and continued, "Y-you'd have more important things to do than watch us walk around sir!" Kuhh, and here I thought I was doing so well!

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Two men and a woman rounded the corner heading straight towards the distraught group. They were moving with intensity but Naoki could hear them murmur about how they needed to escape Sunagakure. They seemed intent on making it to the dojo despite the heavy guard presence there. Each of the men carried strange objects that hummed, Akuma and Surutameni would feel the familiar pulse of Ancient Relics from them. They were carrying something important, the three people stopped in their tracks upon the sight of Naoki's clothing as the swordsman in their group pointed to Surutameni's sword hilt, he recognized the blade as he backstepped struggling to escape the danger of the sword Surutameni carried. The woman amongst them however only had eyes for Akkuma, she had studied the Toraono Clan in reports and sketches from her superiors. They were true demon bloods and this one before her looked just like the bastard demon blooded from her city that had ritually murdered her brother for power. She could feel his presence more than the children before him and Akkuma could telepathically hear her angry thoughts --- ---Damn the Toraono Clan and the horrors they unleash upon the world!!!---<i></i>The final male only thought of completing the mission as he threw down a smoke bomb before he leapt away giving the others the signal to escape on their own.

They looked at eachother amidst the smoke for a split second then scattered in different directions running from Akkuma and the two young ninja. Akkuma could tell the woman wasn't really running... the other two were running for their lives.

The trio was left with many choices .... split up and chase down each person, call in for immediate back up, or as a team single out someone to capture, or maybe they would do something unexpected.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma wasn't surprised at all by either reaction from the two although he did not appreciate the disrespect from the boy. When the young girl apologized and began saying that surely he would have more important matters to attend to. Oh if only they new that everything the demon did was important whether he knew it or not that much had become evident. Smiling the demon grabbed the boy by the scruff of his shirt lifting him up so he could look into his eyes, those razor sharp teeth gleaming. "Intelligent boy, I understand your suspicion. However your insolent disrespect I will not, its only due to the girls apologies that I won't reprimand you." with that he dropped the boy. Withdrawing a smoke from his pocket and igniting it.
"This is my loves village, her people. Tell me if you were in my position would you not help where you could?" as he asked this question he paused looking back over his shoulders his instinct guiding him.

Two men and a women crossed the corner they froze instantly the two men looking at each other Akkuma heard their thoughts and smiled. "Children I'm afraid any task you have has just become second to what is about to go down." hearing the womans words a guttural snarl growled out of the demon. "Children you will pursue the man who dropped the smoke bomb. Whatever you do, don't let him complete whatever task he has in hand even if you must kill him. Understood?" he would ask the youth as his hand performed blinding handseals, within seconds a coffin began to rise from the ground. Bursting from it a white haired youth with scalpels hanging off him. "Roku you will protect the children, kill anyone who would harm them. Capture that man." he said before quickly performing more handseals slamming his hand into the ground upon completion. A huge plume of smoke streamed out as a 40ft tall Bear was summoned beneath him. "Bikou, you will hunt the other man who has fled now! Bring him back alive." he would roar leaping from the bear quickly performing one more string of handseals summoning ten fallen Sunagakurians and directing them to pursue the same man that the children were after. Now he would head for the woman who wanted to be caught.

"Come hear! You fucking cowards! Trying to flee this village, I will make you beg for death. Once you do so I will rip out your throat and devour your soul. Any who would wish the Toraono Clan and Sunagakure ill will. Will. Die." he would roar. The battle had been initiated and the first play made how would the students react would they be true to the Sunagakurian way and hunt down these traitors. 'I'll finish up here quickly and assist them. "Good luck!" he'd roar back towards the children, let the games begin.

1: Summoning: Impure World Resurrection - S-Rank Ninjutsu - Master Rank {Summon Roku} (Benevolent)
2: Contract Summoning: Bikous S-rank Summon
3: Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil - B-Rank Ninjutsu
OOC: Good luck with back up! ^-^ And sorry for late post
Edited to fix coding


New Member
Aug 12, 2014
Noaki had fallen over, what a surprise. Surutameni rolled his eyes and snorted as the girl who was supposed to be his partner for the mission, rose and dusted herself off. Her chatter with the demon-man was nothing important to him, although her apologies were slightly irksome. When he found himself being lifted up by the collar of his shirt and sweater he was none too amused at all. The boy had just told this creep to keep his grubby paws off of him, and now he had the audacity to pick him up? He stared at Akkuma and crossed his arms, the expression upon his face hadn't really changed. He was seriously annoyed with this guy, and he did not care what sort of 'special' person he just happened to be. Suru didn't bother responding to Akkuma's threats of reprimanding, but that question he asked made the boy think. "I don't know. Maybe." He paused for a moment and looked the other way, only to have his thoughts completely rerouted when a trio of suspicious characters appeared around the corner.

Something was off about them, and it made Suru grit his teeth, his hand immediately dropped to the hilt of his weapon; the blade that had been so rudely pointed to. The boy wanted to get rid of them, even if they did have a strange vibe, and he prepared himself to dive into them without so much as a thought. Before he even took that first step, Akkuma was ahead of him, giving commands and summoning things left and right. The first, an undead boy by the name of Roku it would seem, that one didn't bother him at all. It was the second summon that had Surutameni reel himself back a small amount. A forty foot bear burst into existence amid a fog. It was huge and the boy's jaw dropped open out of awe. His mind went blank for a few seconds, at least until the demon-Shinobi was screaming obscenities after the woman. "Thanks. Let's go." Suru didn't bother wishing Akkuma luck as well, he didn't seem like the type that needed it, he looked to Naoki and nodded before dashing off after the man, pulling his sword from it's scabbard as he did so.


Aug 14, 2014
My love's... ohh... He's not all that scary as soon as you get past the um... horns... and the tail... No, still really scary. The genin was able to sympathize with the demon, at least until he began summoning the undead and a giant bear.

What on... What is this?!

Despite not being able to see, all the noise going on enlightened Naoki amply on what was going on around her. She couldn't notice the pallor of any of the summoned humans, and there wasn't quite enough noise around to make out a lot of details like sunken eyes and torn skin, but their signature rotting smell was quite enough to alert the less rational part of her mind to the fact that these people were not just summoned allies... Currently though, her thinking mind was in control. What is that smell...? Have they been in the ground too long or something? And how'd they even pop out like that, were they waiting for Miroku-san to perform those handseals? The concept of undead summoning was not understood, or even heard of, by the young genin.

Regardless, Naoki knew she had to hurry up and follow after the smoke bomb guy. Following behind Suru as she attempted to detect him, she let off a series of finger snaps in either direction behind the older boy, making sure to note any distinct forms of people running away from the scene. Not much happened before she recalled hearing them talk about what they were going to do, and decided to relay this information to her partner. "Suru-kun! It wasn't all that clear, but I think they were talking about getting to Toraono Dojo, trying to leave the village for some reason. I'm going to try and head him off there!"

After receiving any sort of affirmation (or none at all), Naoki would go towards the Dojo in the other direction. She was quite happy to be away from those people, who were frankly very otherworldly to her. But something nagged in the back of her head. Why would that one go in a different direction though... A distraction? To split us up? She found herself being quite disturbed at that thought, since it would infer that he was confident in his ability to either escape or... I hope Suru-kun will be okay. she thought, but tried not to linger any more on passing the dangerous task off to a student. Guilt on the job, as she might soon find out, was dangerous. She tried to justify it as she made her way to the Dojo.

The bear would likely have the fleeing man captured before Naoki got there, unless he was impeded by the much hotter climate here, in which case Naoki would likely be just behind him as he confronted the man.
[spoilername="OOC"]Alright, back on track for the most part... Let's get this show on the road >w<[/spoilername]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
