Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Change of Pace. [Requesting entry]


Aug 29, 2012
It had been a short while since he been to the gates; last time he wasn't even conscious, yet the gates were rather familiar. They created a stark contrast compared to the full sands.

He had questions that needed answers, answers to the things that lurk inside him now, and the person with those answers resided in Suna. He approached the gate with confidence and steady strides, he would already have his passport and documentation prepared for whoever stopped him.


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
As with any long shift, a girl needs something to do. Books were often a good choice, they kept her out of trouble but they were hard to come by. Having lived as long as she, there were few things she did not see or experience first hand. That said, there was always -something- out there to enjoy. She preferred the quaint bookshops on the surface, they seemed to have older books. She liked their heft and their leather bound feel. There was always something special about the feel of buttery leather beneath her fingers. As she browsed the shop she would not be able to find anything fitting, most were love stories. They had one for every type. For every kink. The fat guy and the midget was probably her best pick but something she was hesitant to bring to work. The ones with pictures of horses on the cover creeped her out and it seemed that most men had an allergy to shirts, In desperation as the hour drew near to the start of her shift she would turn to the saleman behind the counter. Was there something please. something OLD. Something RARE perhaps. Something INTERESTING?

The shop keep nodded, apparently in thought as his old fingers perused the shelves behind the counter. Eventually he found something, it was old and duty -- those were always the best kind. He slid the book across the counter, stating that the untitled book was a book about ancients, their lives, their curses and how mankind was able to overcome the ancient plight. It was ironic how fascinating the subject was. But-- the shopkeep warned... it was exceedingly important that she avoid the first page. It seemed agreeable enough, a price was asked and given as 3950. Steep. with a painful grimace, the price was paid and a new treasure was earned,

She went to work. She did a fair day's labor. It was one of those long monotonous days where she spent more time reading a book than anything else. It was a pretty decent book, a chronicle of Ancients, an account she was already interested in seeing from another point of view. It was laughable how they romanticized things such as the Courts. Humans were nothing more than livestock in those days, less a select few. The stories always followed the later. It really did not say anything special about the defeat, crediting Primus and making some celebratory statements but nothing more. That was an utter disappointment.

Shiori was standing at the gates, she had just gotten off duty for the day. When the shift ended she clapped the book closed, she felt no different after reading the massive tome. She expected something for that money but it did not seem very different at all and there was still a burning curiosity within her -- what was on the first page?

Curses and superstition be dammed -- she looked at that first page and lo and behold on that page was something that made her scream out in anguish. It was a pricetag, the book in fact cost 395. She flung the useless book to the side and let out an angered roar. Her shift was over, she muttered a brief report to the oncoming and started to storm away. It was then that the front door swung open and a familiar face peered inside. She stopped and spun about on her heel, raising her left hand to her cohort as she addressed the visitor with annoyance in her voice. "Took you long enough," she muttered with a muffled voice that he would not know through the mask. "Dinner is at eight... Let him pass," she demanded as she scribbled a name into the logs. It was not the correct one but she did not care.

[Entry Granted]


Aug 29, 2012
The procedure was quick and smooth, a muffled voice spoke through the mask. Something about the voice itched the back of his head. Something about seemed almost familiar at first. I show up precisely when needed, never sooner.

He would show his documents back into his jacket pocket, and raise a brow. so it is her... Adjusting his jacket, he proceeded walk past with into the village; as he passed her he would say, As long as their are no prunes, I'll be there on time. He would bow his head and continue into the village.

[Topic left/village entered]


Legendary Member
Apr 25, 2013
"No promises," she replied as they crossed path. The foreigner entered, his reasons unknown. In reality she did not care, he was in town and she would find him. He would not escape her. She watched him leave unhindered and she would follow soon thereafter from a reasonable distance. He was a curiosity, that is with his untimely return. She would have to keep an eye on that one.

What terrible timing you have brother-son...

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
