Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Changing the Academy [SSM]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to walk threw the corridors of the Academy, he had the task today to look threw the Academy and though the building was still new it needed a lot of hard work done to it before it would be completed. Takeshi knew this as he walked threw the corridors that he once been in before, though long ago he would have chased his friends down these corridors. He missed those faces and knew that things would never be the same again, but that was as time passed and even he knew that it would be something that everyone would experience.

No matter how deep friendship goes it always had a way to last even if they were still not around. Takeshi allowed a small sigh to come to his lips as he opened one of the rooms and looked inside, as he allowed himself to slowly smile he glanced around and took out a note pad, it seemed that the Hokage was going more writing these days than he would care to admit. He walked inside of the room, the desk where well laid out and it seemed that this class room was one of the better ones now.

Desk’s still new and the board had yet to be touched with any chalk, he allowed himself to accept that fact. It seemed that he would have to speak to Kenshin soon about having lessons and seeing how much work was needed inside of the Academy to have these class rooms full again, as he noted something down on the pad it was nothing important just the fact that this room was ready to be used at any time. He allowed a small nod to come to his head as he closed the door behind and advanced onto the next door.

Takeshi did this for a few of the class rooms, most of the rooms seemed fine as he allowed himself to wander threw the corridors, he had managed to get past ten normally class rooms, now he wanted to change the last two that where here, out of all twelve rooms he had plans for the last two of them. As he allowed himself to open the door this room was hardly ever used, and he wanted to change that, there was no point in allowing rooms go to waste and even he knew that much. As he opened the door to the first room he took out a note and slid the bit of paper into the door. It simply read ‘ANBU Training Room’. As he allowed himself to look at the door he knew full well that it would have to be changed as he stepped inside.

Looking around the room he instantly got out his book and begun to write what was inside of the book. It seemed that he was planning on the first change that he wanted to see completed to the Academy. Taking the pen to the pad he begun to write down the changes that would take place to the Academy.

Anbu Room
This class room will be dedicated to ANBU Branch, all of the furniture in the room is to be moved and the room is to be emptied, upon the completion of this shutters are to be installed onto the windows to allow the room to become completely black if needed. Supplies for equipment needed in the room will be provided with the money to cover this coming from the refurbishment cost, information to be sent by the ANBU Sennin on what is needed for this room later. The floor for this room will be laminated instead, this is for the needs of cleaning purpose. Everything else the walls can become a dull grey colour, leave the chalk board at the front for any information that needs to be placed on it as well as making sure that the desk has been removed from the room. Chairs can be stacked at the back wall and this would mean that the if there was a need for them they would be supplied. After this, the ANBU room will have been completed and the keys to this room will be kept on Captain’s and Sennin only.

Takeshi was satisfied with what he had done with this room, it seemed that he would be willing to supply the branches with a room to fit there needs and this would be no exception. He allowed himself to smile as he turned away from the room and walked out of the door allowing himself to lock the room behind him, leaving the note on the door he pocketed the key as he headed to the last room in the corridor, this room would be another one that is changing to suit a Branch’s needs.

Takeshi allowed his hand to come open to the next room, much like the previous one this one had been abandoned for so long now, it seemed to be collecting dust on how little the room had been brought to use. He allowed himself to smile slightly as he walked threw the door again, it was almost as if each room he had a vision of what he wanted it to become, each room had the potential of being used and had the potential of becoming something helpful instead of sitting dormant inside of the Academy. He would change that soon enough as he allowed himself to start writing the notes once more, the instructions to see the completion of the room.
This room will be allocated to the Medical branch, as such the furniture needs to come completely out. The windows need to be widened slightly so that light will come in and make sure the room is always illuminated, no darkness is to be allowed inside of this room due to the work that will go on here. The next step is to rip the floor up and allow for laminated flooring once more to go down making sure that no damage can be done to the floors from any of the operations or medical work that is required of people.

The middle of the room is to have an operating table, this can be transformed into a patient chair if it is needed, around it to have lights. Equipment, monitors and anything else that is required to have it act in the manner required. For all of the equipment please see the Medical Sennin for more information on purchases that need to be made to keep this a state of the art training facility inside of the village.

As for the rest of the room, please leave a scatter of desks around the chalk board, this will allow lessons to be taught here as well as feedback given. We will need to look at installing taps and a sink into this room as well as other hygienic precautions that are required for this to be a working hospital room. All of these locations are to be discussed with the Medical Branch Sennin and she will see that they are completed to her high level of expectation. With this in mind please carry out the required work here.

Takeshi allowed himself to finish up the note pad and for now closed it and slid it back into his pocket, holding a single bit of paper in his hand he walked out of the room once more locking the door and allowing himself to leave the small note on the door for the builders, he was still unsure how much they would actually get from the information given but any questions could be taken up with the Sennin he would prefer them to have input in the rooms that were designed for each of there branches. This way they felt part of the future, part of the next chapter in the village and not an outside looking in on the changes that were taking place.

Takeshi allowed his eyes to glance down to the note as he read the words that were now etched on the door, the plaque would replace his words but for now this would have to do. It simply read the following ‘Medical Training Room’. He nodded to himself as he headed around to go to the Dojo he wanted to see what kind of state it had been left in, after all there was improvements coming all round and even Kenshin and his branch deserved for those changes to affect them as well.

Takeshi walked threw to the open dojo, the floor slightly springy it seemed that they were still in working order, though Tamashii had told him the truth, the weapon racks that etched across the wall where non-existent it would seem and what had once been a room full was now Barron. What ever the next generation of students had been doing they had managed to get on the wrong side of the Uchiha as he frowned slightly. It was almost insulting to thing that they felt the need to take without asking, a simple question to the teacher and he would have leant them the weapon. Instead they are missing, and he would have to spend more money to re-equip this room for the next generation of students. Though the old training dummies stood at the end of the room it seemed that there was the possibility to improve on this room just like the others. Takeshi was not going to let that go unnoticed, he allowed his hand to reach into the robes once more as he brought the note book out. He would start to write on it start to plan the development of this room. While the renovations of the classrooms had been done by the previous Hokage, they still had a lot that was from the old Academy. Times changed, and Takeshi was willing to see this place improve in time.
Dojo adjustments are to be made as well, this room is to be stripped of the old weapon racks, new ones are to be placed instead, filling them with each type of weapon in the Shinobi world, both wooden and the real versions are to be found on the racks. These training dummies are to be replaced with fresh ones as well, this will allow students to not keep smashing there blade against old wood, have four of them replaced into the room as well as making sure that they are able to be spring grounded to move with each hit that is given to them to give the students more freedom on what they are able to do. Also making sure that the floor is replaced to keep it easy to move on for all the Academy students that enter this place. With this the room to have a lick of paint as well to make it look lighter than the current situation and the windows once more to be widened up slightly, this will allow for more light inside of the dusty room and hopefully continue to bring Students towards this room. If you have any questions or anything that comes to mind that you may require attention for please report these to the Main Branch Sennin to be able to have his attention for it. Other than that, make sure this room is locked and the key is given to the Main Branch Sennin and the Head Jounin so that they have access and know who is coming in and out of this room.

Takeshi allowed himself to walk out of the room once more, it seemed that he had manged to cover each of the rooms that needed changing. He allowed himself to smile as he walked threw the corridors and left the Academy. It seemed that he had a lot of work that he was doing, and this refit was just one of the small matters that drew his attention, the changes had potential but in all honest and even Takeshi knew this one it would be down to the branch Sennin to utilize the opportunity that he had given them. They had to have the people in to use the rooms and that would be the changing part that needed to be done.

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Current Ninpocho Time:
