Amongst the heavy metal and rock music blaring from his mother's stereo the Steward worked on the upgrades of a camera. The camera had to be upgraded and capable of imbuing signatures. The Steward had hit a snag in the process. Condensing the chakra crystal to the camera size. The Steward's hands were steady, but the problem was trying to get the technology to fuse properly. Cameras were not one of his inventions, and thus that was the problem... or was it? The Steward thought hard, perhaps he shouldn't have been trying to combine the two devices, he merely needed to reinvent the other one. Thus the Steward began the grand task of attempting to reinvent the wheel, or in this case the camera.
The Steward started from scratch. The lenses wasn't the problem. He crafted those easily from scraps he had from his helmet designs for the Mark II. Next he had to invent the case, again no problem there. The case was sleeker now and more easily handed. Next came the inner works. Instead of working with technology he had seen, the Steward invented his own which even alloted for some chakra usage. Instead of using film, instead film was produced by chakra and the picture at the end came to be chakra paper. The one flaw in the new camera was that in require one with knowledge of chakra to use... but hey even academy students could use the device.
The device required one to take a snap shot of the signature, then a picture could be taken of the individual. The image would be encased in chakra and thus trying to edit the image would be extraordinarily difficult. The Steward didn't like that part and thus affixed it to be impossible, one merely needed to change around the alignment of the chakra particles to a double negative, instead of a positive negative. The reason being that if something was double negative it would be locked permanently thus preventing anyone from editing the picture or the signature.
Now for a few test runs. The Steward began by taking his own signature and picture. Although the image was off, the Steward thought of it as a success. He then went to take pictures of his mother and her signature.
Now then for the academy student pictures!
The Steward began the first set of pictures. He took pictures of the signatures first, and then the actual pictures of the students. So far so good. Each picture came out well ... except one, the student decided to stick out his tongue. Sousuke was not amused and thus had the student re-take the picture. Again the Steward didn't listen. Thus the Steward had to take disciplinary action and threaten to given the student detention if he should take one more bad picture on purpose. The threat of detention worked quite well, and thus the student took the picture properly. The next five set of students each took their pictures quite well considering that now the threat of detention loomed over all their heads.
Thirty pictures were taken, and the chakra camera was still in prime shape. The Steward thus allowed the chakra camera to be used by someone else for the next fifteen shots. Again each shot was successful. Each time a student in line proceeded to start goofing off, said action came to a prompt end when Sousuke gave said student a very stern look.
The last four pictures taken by the stand-in were starting to show problems in the device. Thus the Steward took to quickly opening up his tool kit and attending to some minor maintenance of his chakra camera. Within a few minutes, the camera was back in action and the last four pictures were taken with no problems at all. So it seemed that the new chakra camera was a great device with very little maintenance required.
Would the camera take to mass production? It was possible, but still that would take a few more months. The Steward did not wish to release a product with minor flaws, his products had to be flawless, perfect, but most of all his products had to be superior.
The Steward started from scratch. The lenses wasn't the problem. He crafted those easily from scraps he had from his helmet designs for the Mark II. Next he had to invent the case, again no problem there. The case was sleeker now and more easily handed. Next came the inner works. Instead of working with technology he had seen, the Steward invented his own which even alloted for some chakra usage. Instead of using film, instead film was produced by chakra and the picture at the end came to be chakra paper. The one flaw in the new camera was that in require one with knowledge of chakra to use... but hey even academy students could use the device.
The device required one to take a snap shot of the signature, then a picture could be taken of the individual. The image would be encased in chakra and thus trying to edit the image would be extraordinarily difficult. The Steward didn't like that part and thus affixed it to be impossible, one merely needed to change around the alignment of the chakra particles to a double negative, instead of a positive negative. The reason being that if something was double negative it would be locked permanently thus preventing anyone from editing the picture or the signature.
Now for a few test runs. The Steward began by taking his own signature and picture. Although the image was off, the Steward thought of it as a success. He then went to take pictures of his mother and her signature.
Now then for the academy student pictures!
The Steward began the first set of pictures. He took pictures of the signatures first, and then the actual pictures of the students. So far so good. Each picture came out well ... except one, the student decided to stick out his tongue. Sousuke was not amused and thus had the student re-take the picture. Again the Steward didn't listen. Thus the Steward had to take disciplinary action and threaten to given the student detention if he should take one more bad picture on purpose. The threat of detention worked quite well, and thus the student took the picture properly. The next five set of students each took their pictures quite well considering that now the threat of detention loomed over all their heads.
Thirty pictures were taken, and the chakra camera was still in prime shape. The Steward thus allowed the chakra camera to be used by someone else for the next fifteen shots. Again each shot was successful. Each time a student in line proceeded to start goofing off, said action came to a prompt end when Sousuke gave said student a very stern look.
The last four pictures taken by the stand-in were starting to show problems in the device. Thus the Steward took to quickly opening up his tool kit and attending to some minor maintenance of his chakra camera. Within a few minutes, the camera was back in action and the last four pictures were taken with no problems at all. So it seemed that the new chakra camera was a great device with very little maintenance required.
Would the camera take to mass production? It was possible, but still that would take a few more months. The Steward did not wish to release a product with minor flaws, his products had to be flawless, perfect, but most of all his products had to be superior.