Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Chief Delivery! [Req. Nao]

Apr 26, 2020
OOC Rank
Hikaru strode up to the familiar doors of the Konoha Byoin and stepped inside, relishing the wave of clean-scented air that came when one entered the building. It certainly hadn’t been long since she walked through those doors for the first time, and now… she was on her way to speak with her mentor about her official promotion to Medical Chief. There were two other Medical Chiefs serving the village at the moment, she knew- although she hadn’t met the second one face-to-face yet. She supposed she would get the chance to very soon, considering her new status. It felt very strange, to walk through the halls and wave to hospital staff that she would likely be charged with managing within the hour. She was absolutely excited, though. This was the next step in her growth as a ninja and a person, Hikaru was sure, even if it had come sooner than she had expected.

She arrived at the corridor that adjoined the Sennin’s office to the majority of the Byoin, and wondered briefly if he would be there or not. The thought led to another, very interesting one- she would probably get her own office. Now that was weird. Even her father barely had an office space to call his own, although that was more due to specifics within his research group rather than his own status. Still, she would have to bring him along with her to work sometime; he had been so elated when she told him she would be joining the Medical Branch.

Hikaru knocked twice on the door to Nao’s office, and waited respectfully to see if he was indeed inside. She extracted the letter of recommendation from her bag, taking a moment to examine the detailed seal of the Hokage imprinted on it, and held it at her side.
Going over and forth in his place, it had a whole lot more roomy hint to it. A bit of color here and there too. Yet the main thing everyone could see was the mountain of paperwork he had been going on. One of his medical chiefs was often only in the labratorium dissecting humans for learning behaviors and all. Their men were around helping where they could and he started to trust those harvesters more and more by each day. Then his second Medical Chief... well, he never got to see him anymore and never really saw him around. "Wish they would do their @!#$ paperwork themselves!"

Nao sat there, paper coffee cups were everywhere and he clearly had been skipping a night, the two lids on his desk had both a paperwork file on them. One seemed a lot smaller than the other was and then there was still a big one beside. It was the pile of completed and the pile that still had to be processed. There was this smell of smoke hanging around but the window was open, in the windowsill was an ashtray that had quite a bit inside of it. A pack of smokes to the side.

he heard the knocking and Nao looked up, debated if he should answer or not as he was busy.. But as he looked to the ceiling he bit through the sour apple and told the other to come in as it wasn't locked. "Please come in." He would say and wait for the other to open up the door. "A-h.. Hikaru, something the matter with the training?" He asked as he would stand up, leaning on the table as he was waiting for an answer.

[Topic entered]
Hikaru entered right away when she heard the Sennin’s voice from inside. It looked more or less the same as it always had, minus the columns of paperwork that had found their way to the surface of his desk. She had supposed that the job came with plenty of busywork, but seeing the effects of it firsthand was still a small surprise. There was a faint yet unmistakable scent of cigarette smoke, although she didn’t mind as much. Though she disliked their unappealing fragrance, she had taken the time to practice minute and precise applications of her Wind release, in this instance simply to mask the smell for herself a little bit. It was no hurricane (though it had felt like one to get the hang of), but it had certainly found its uses.

Nao greeted her, and she inclined her head in response, answering, “Hello, apologies if I’m interrupting your work. No, actually, quite the opposite-” she presented the letter of recommendation to Nao, “you see, I was summoned by the Hokage and told that I was being promoted to the rank of Medical Chief.” She could no longer contain her smile, and felt an odd sort of pride; though it didn’t feel like she had earned her new position through experience, as she had hoped, Takeshi had implied that it had come instead through effort and dedication she had shown. Hikaru waited for the Sennin’s response, thinking about the duties of a Chief of the Medical Branch. She had a pretty good idea of what the position entailed, although she hadn’t gotten to work with either of the existing Chiefs directly thus far.

Then, a thought occurred to her. The way the branches of Konoha were structured, there were only two positions under each Sennin; Chiefs for the Medical and ANBU branches, and Head Jounin for Main. That would mean she would have to replace one of the two acting Medical Chiefs… her smile faded. Suddenly, her rise in rank seemed less momentous than it did spontaneous… for the second time in five minutes, she recognized the depth that the decisions of a Sennin had and did not envy it. She would hate having to choose between one long-serving subordinate or the other to have their job taken by a fifteen-year-old who was designated ‘special’ as one of the former Kage’s last acts in office. Still, she trusted the judgement of the man who had governed the village for years, as well as that of her Sensei. She awaited Nao’s verdict, despite the fact that her appointment had lost a bit of its shine, with the same anticipation she had felt in the Hokage's office earlier.
As he asked if there was something ht matter with the training, he got a rather... odd answer in return. "Hmm?" He questioned and slightly tilted his head to the side as he was looking towards the letter. "E-eah... really? Well, congratulations on your ranking up." He was a bit baffled by that sudden event, he was happy for her but he also got questions. Those questions were soon opened up as he read the letter. "I see..." He would sit down again behind his desk to read it through once more. "Guess this means you have a really bright future ahead of you." He would smile towards her and soon saw her smile fade away. "I know probably what you are thinking..." He would have an awkward smile towards the young female, but he would wave that away.

With a simple hand seal, he summoned Sai who was already wanting to give him an ear full for skipping a night's rest. "Before you start about my habits Sai... Please summon Keiji and Hoheto to my office. The office in the Byoing before they march off to the Sennin office in the Hokage tower..." With a big pout, the contract did go away to get them.
"Your Sennin Nao has requested your presence immediately. You are to go to the Byoin office of his." That was all the contract would say to them.

In the meanwhile of the wait, Nao would speak to Hikaru. But he would sit down on the couch in his office rather than behind the pile of paperwork. "As you know I only have two spots. Through your recommendation, I am thinking of placing you either with Hoheto in the Combat Medical Branch or to replace him there." He was just being honest, Keiji was around a lot and Hoheto he never saw or heard from after the meeting previous in the Tower. "Now please don't think too much about that, that is my job." He would try to reassure her at this point as he already could have an idea of what was going on inside that head.

[Summoning Uchiha Hoheto]
[Summoning Keiji]
MFT: 355
A jolt of energy sparked through his body as Hitomi sent him a signal to awaken him. "Your Sennin requires your attention. Some weird white haired blue eyed dude stepped in and said so. Get your ass up"

Keiji's eyes flashed as he opened his eyes and heard Hitomi's words within him, he scratched the tired crust out of his eyes, his little powernap seemed to have gotten a little longer than intended. But he was getting so close to narrowing down the cycle of chakra within his test subjects. The abnormality seems to indicate an untapped ability he have yet to figure out how to utilize. Hitomi's notes had been piling up, and he kept looking through them between sessions and carving subjects, and testing their different organs. Was there something genetically within these individuals? Some kind of mutation? It was only a handful of them that were Shinobi or trained, and even they hadn't been able to explain what they were able to do. At least they wouldn't, since they died during their service.

He pulled off the blanket Hitomi had placed on him, sometimes he forgets how much their relationship has changed since they first met within the confines of the prison cells in that ancient hidden fortress in the Monumentum Deo mountain line. She pulled the blinds making his retinas scream, and growled to himself as he stood up and pulled his cheap shirt tightly and began buttoning up as Hitomi found the cleanest white coat, dusty and with small splotches of some liquid stains, coffee, or something else? Hard to tell, they were down by the bottom on the side, so they'd only notice if he turned the wrong angle, not that he really cared all that much. "Remind me, we gotta start taking some of these to the cleaners.." "Right."

Tightening the ponytail containing the many, semi-thick wild dreadlocks hanging from the back of his head he Stepped out, and make his way to the office, Hitomi followed diligently with her clipboard and empty papers and a pen in a sleeve pocket.
He didn't knock, he felt, as his presence was requested, and his relationship with Nao was at the more familiar stage. Stopping before the door, feeling a yawn get to him, he stretched his jaw and felt the yawn all the way through, providing extra oxygen for his brain brightening his thoughts, and even moaning slightly. Then, shaking his head a little to get the jittery out, letting his lengthy dreadlocks wriggle like octopus arms, pulled the handle down and stepped within the confines of the office.

"Yo, Nao-san!" he bellowed like a sport's fan, and within his first step in, realized he wasn't alone with Nao, looking at the small girl in his presence his eyes narrowed viciously, like a beast seeing a threat. His body language remained relaxed, his eyes only narrowed for a second as his brain went through several stages of thinking. "A girl?!, friend? Co-worker? Med-nin? Close Friend? RIVAL?! Co-worker.."
His next step was towards the girl, standing almost a meter above her in height, like a looming alien with wiggly tentacles coming from his head, he stretched his dark toned arm and hand in greeting for a handshake. "Suzaku Keiji, Medical Chief of research." His tone and smile started as being slightly off-tilted, but shifted to his more natural warm and welcome tone with a wider smile.
After she had shaken his hands, he wouldn't have been able to hold back commenting mostly to himself; "Huh, brown hair, hazel eyes, you resemble someone from my past. A royalty in fact. You have beautiful hair, I'll bet it's a hassle in the morning." He would comment with his smile growing slightly warmer.

In the meantime, Hitomi, with her giant red curly hair dark orange eyes and darkened midnight blue robes across her body, almost resembling that of ANBU quickly stepped in, and closing the door behind him stood silently with a bowed head in subservience next to the door as if being ready to hold the door for a quick exit.

[Thread entered]
Hikaru nodded in thanks at Nao’s congratulations- she understood the note of shock that colored his voice, very much so. “Yes, thank you… I wasn’t expecting this, but I’d be glad to be able to help out the branch in some new ways now.” He smiled at her and guessed that he knew how she felt about the promotion; she supposed it wasn’t exactly uncommon to be shocked about one’s advancement in rank. She definitely had been for the majority of hers.

The Sennin formed a handseal as his student sat in thought, summoning a humanoid creature into the room. She listened to his instructions and looked up- the same unease from earlier crept up again, and she leaned back in the chair she had taken. Hikaru faced Nao as he moved to the couch, and as he finished speaking she gave another nod of understanding, “Ok, I see. I have yet to meet Keiji, so I suppose working with Hoheto would be better.” Come to think of it, however, she hadn’t seen him either for some time now, not since he had led their group’s mission when she was still at the Academy. Much had changed in such a short-seeming amount of time… though at the same time, not much had changed at all. She still felt like the same Hikaru who had stepped into a classroom for the first time 5 or 6 years ago, yet here she was being made one of the village’s Chief Medical Officers. She returned the Sennin’s smile when he advised her not to dwell on it- and dwell on it she did not, for the door to the office clattered open in the next moment.

A booming voice entered the room, followed by a wild-haired man clad in a white labcoat. She directed her focus towards him as his eyes narrowed for a moment, and waited to see if he would introduce himself as the other Medical Chief. He certainly looked the part, and was followed in by a woman with a plethora of curly auburn hair and a clean-looking clipboard. He approached her neutrally and towered over her; she rose from her seat in response, still more than a head shorter than he was. Hikaru shook his hand- Suzaku Keiji was his name, indeed the other Medical Chief- and inclined her head by a measure, not used to greeting someone of equal rank who happened to be around a decade older than her. “Miyazaki Hikaru, Medical Ninja in Training as of now; although, I’m sure Nao will explain.” The young woman added a glance at her Sennin as her introduction concluded. She was still unsure of her position, and didn’t want to appear so pretentious as to claim the same title as Keiji during their first meeting.

She tilted her head slightly to the side as he mused to himself about her resemblance, which gave way to a half-smile as he commented on her hair. These two definitely looked like hair experts of some caliber… she thanked him, greeted the woman as well, and sat down once more. She turned her attention towards Nao, allowing him to decide whether they were waiting for Hoheto’s arrival or not. Although she had grown less concerned about usurping someone’s job, the simmering excitement within her had not died down.

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He was having a little chit chat with Hikaru till the Kami came back. "Sorry, Nao... I couldn't find Hoheto.." He said a bit somber in tune as he would soon be found floating over to the side where there were books and he picked one up. Nao simply glanced at him, going through a few thoughts.
"Really looking forward to what you will bring in." He would smile soft towards her and just a moment later it looked like Keiji entered the room. "Yo- Keiji-san." He greeted back and saw the narrowing in the eye. As he often picked up small moments. The hand that had been raised in a greeting, slowly went down as he started to access the situation. Listening is like a hawk in case there was a problem emerging at this moment.

He was a bit relieved to see that the other was saying who he was... but the number of compliments... Nao started to get a little bit of a feeling of jealousy, on which he answered to let out a little tsk and cut this chase rather short. His eyes didn't seem that happy with what Keiji had to be done.
"So..." his tone was sharp and even Sai didn't saw this or felt this coming. He dropped the book and picked it up. "Hitomi-chan, you are free to relax a little." he decided to ignore the two others in the room and offered the little Yokai a cup of tea... But Sai already took an interest. "Eaah... A real Yokai, the first time I see your kind in the fle--" And Nao pushed him away. "Easy on..." Nao said and glared at the contract who stuck out his tongue and waved it away. It mainly was a combination at this moment of him working without sleep at this point, the fact the paperwork didn't seem to get less with everything still backing up from the frost war. "I know... We aren't always on the same ground of some sort they say... but how about we keep a truce in and around the medical fields?" Sai was quick to that point and Nao facepalmed. Not giving Keiji any drink he continued on by nipping on his own coffee.

"So... Keiji this is Hikaru, Hikaru, this is Keiji." He started simple and leaned against the desk, feeling how the pile of incomplete fell over and sighing. "WIth Hoheto absent the decision is quickly made..." He looked at the mess behind him and figured it would be possible to pick it up later, not now. "Hikaru has been promoted by the Fourth Hokage before he resigned to the Hokage Fifth. She has shown excellent results, fighting a high ranking student while herself being only so young in that progress... In other words, ranks higher than she was and she did excellently. This piqued his interest and with that, she had already joined the medical branch, even here she made good progress so the Hokage gave her the promotion to Medical chief... However, I only have two places... Hoheto being absent..." He would pause for a moment. "From this moment on, Uchiha Hoheto has been Demoted to Medical Chief, main reason his own inactivity in and around the Byoin. He would need to prove himself once back." A regret he felt a little from the beginning he made that temporarily rank a real rank for him. "Then... From now on, Keiji, you remain in the Medical Research Division... Miyazaki Hikaru, you will be the chief of the Medical Combat Division also for your accomplishments on that battle."

[Offered Medical Combat Medical chief position to Hikaru]
[Demoted Uchiha Hoheto to Medical Shinobi (Med-nin) as he went officially inactive.]
Hitomi had simply bowed in response to those that greeted her, she remained standing where she had placed herself and only took notes as names and ranks were stated. She had a goal to the meeting, and nothing would interrupt her in doing so. She calmly raised a hand to say "no thank you" to the offer of drink from Nao. His assistant though sat and practically glowered at her as if she was the spawn of something unpleasant. His comments seemed defiling to her presence, and all she replied with to his venomous words were her eyes staring daggers at him. At this, Keiji felt her unease and annoyance, he bumped her mind with his, and her body jolted from her back to her shoulders. Excuse me, Keiji, I don't know what it is, but there's just something about him, something deep within me that riles me up regardless of what he says. I will try to stay focused.. He accepted this, but didn't lose his connection to continue feeling her thoughts.

Releasing his grip on the girl's soft hands he shifted his stance as Nao began introducing their names again. Nao will explain hm? He settled down and listened intently to Nao's words, he would keep glancing back to Miyazaki and smile to her warmly with an impressed look on his face. He only met Hoheto for a short while, so it wouldn't have bothered him in the slightest. Mostly he'd just be excited to see new things happen.
As Nao completed his tangent on the ranks given and finalized, Keiji turned again to Miyazaki "Most impressive Miyazaki-san. One of your age to get this far, there must be something unique in you." A peculiar smile encroached on the his of lips, slight teeth, more hungry than happiness "If ever you need an examination or a checkup I wouldn't mind doing a few tests." It would be wrong to assume he had any ill intent towards her, it was merely a curiosity that could never be sated, like a hunger to know every Shinobi he met, to know how they tick, and figure out any particularities that he could discover by figuring out their chakra energies and how they utilized and sharpened those skills. Talent is sometimes dependent wholly on the untapped potential. Reaching greater heights by tipping just the right scales of the mind and body. His smile changed back to a more normal setting as he looked back over to Nao. "Sounds good to me. With Hoheto missing, I can definitely see the great in replacing him, I'll be looking forward to working with Miyazaki-san."

He would take a step or two towards Nao "Mind if I take a sit and sip?" he would say pointing to the couch, the seating right next to Nao. But before Nao could reply, he would plop himself down on it, as if it was the obviously completely normal thing for him to do. He would lean in to Nao slightly and whisper, not trying to hide his words or anything "Happy to see you. But you know, if you need help with any paper work too, I wouldn't mind coming over and helping out here and there." Then leaning forward, looking down to the table in front of the couch and poured himself a cup of tea and took a quick slurp, almost burning his own tongue. "Hits the spot." He would utter quietly, in truth he was a bit parched, and if anyone was looking they could see Hitomi sigh to herself an embarrassed look upon her face as she continued to scribble down notes and writing down as many details she could hear and see. Her wild orange curls bouncing up and down as she continued her writing.
Hikaru accepted Nao’s introduction with a nod- this was it, this was the big decision. She was momentarily distracted by the falling papers, blinking and making a motion to help the Sennin pick them up, but as she saw him disregard them for the time being she did as well. He began, starting with her accomplishments over her cursory Shinobi career- which included her recent spar with Hinata, which surprised her somewhat. She had just wanted to practice for a real battle to better prepare herself for missions, yet it seemed that everyone in the village knew about it now. It was true, the fight had been very difficult… but it had ended in a draw at her call, and hadn’t felt particularly accomplished once it was over. In fact, she had actually felt rather burned, and very tired. It had fortunately done its job of familiarizing her with combat, however- she had awoken the next morning and filled a blank scroll with notes on her opponent’s movements, techniques for forming handseals quicker, and plenty more.

The odd, familiar feeling of impersonation came over her again at the mention of the two spots, and of Hoheto. She had met him before; he had served as her team captain on her first mission, and he had also introduced her to a few aspects of the Medical branch along the way. It felt so strange now to be presented with his job for her skills in a single spar… but at the same time, she felt something else as Nao completed his last sentence. The Chief of the Medical Combat Division… there it was, it was official now. She felt… proud of herself, suddenly and very proud. This was her accomplishment, and she now had an entire division under her leadership. The simple fact that it was all real now… that she could be referred to as ‘Chief’ from now on… it seemed to dispel her worry, at least for now.

She inclined her head to her Sennin, swallowing to clear her voice. “I accept the role of Medical Chief of the Combat Division.” Hikaru looked up. “Thank you, Nao, for continuing to teach me and allow me to do what I love. I look forward to growing more in my new role… the Chief of the Combat Division had better learn a thing or two about combat, I guess.” A smile returned to her face. She had already begun a series of research projects relating to jutsu and specific chakra control, and would be interested to continue her work in a new office of her very own.

She turned to Keiji and thanked him for his words as well. He gave her a bit of an unnatural grin, coupled with an offer for an examination. She kept her smile, nodding, and said absolutely nothing. He reminded her in that instant of something she couldn’t quite recall, nonetheless with a distinctly negative connotation to it. The other Medical Chief seemed perfectly friendly aside from that, though, and she looked forward to working alongside someone knowledgeable- as long as he didn’t unveil any more weird, toothy smiles. He took a seat next to the Sennin, accentuating their strange dynamic; again, Hikaru got a particular feeling of being just a little out-of-place. She was officially a Medical Chief of the Hidden Leaf Village, though, something she was still trying to fully comprehend. It meant so much more than a new prefix- an office and unlimited library access, for starters, which was already enough to be coveted by the Hikaru of last week (had she even been considering promotion, of course, which she admittedly was not).

She remembered another point she had wanted to bring up, as well, and cleared her throat briefly. “Oh, also, Nao- if it would be alright, I was considering holding a class to instruct some of our new Academy students in basic Medical skills. I talked to Nanashi Tenken recently, and she seemed very enthusiastic about it!” She waited for a response, her smile brightening. As newly appointed Chief, it would be her job to instruct the next generation… with what she had learned so far, of course. She still had plenty of books to read.
Nao had sat down on the couch after he had made a royal mess of the place behind his desk. As Keiji made a mention to sit down he wanted to reply but the other had already taken a seat. He closed his mouth again and watched him from the corner of his eye. He looked back to Hikaru as she accepted the position and nodded towards her. "That is reassuring to hear..." His words soft and Sai, the kami, moved along the office to sit down eventually behind the desk.

The whispering of the other was something he didn't really saw coming and it honestly was a surprise. For a moment his eyes widen before they came like half a glare and moments later he found himself with a twitching eyebrow. He started to feel embarrassed and looked soon the other way. "Nice to see you too indeed...." The words were muttered and he would then throw his head back, leaning to the backside of the couch. "Hm hmm... I wouldn't mind having you around here.. to help." He added the last bits of words and closed his eyes for a moment. He then replied towards the newly appointed medical sennin. "Sounds like a great thing to start on. You have my permission to run classes in and around the academy. If you spot anyone of interest who could or would fit the branch perfectly. Do not hesitate to drop a file at my desk and your reasoning." He really hoped more people would choose this branch later.

Having the warmth of the other near him, him sitting down on a really comfortable couch, sadly did result in him falling asleep just moments after he said that. Sai instantly noticed as they had a mastery band between them and he was found silently giggling.
"You have to pardon him..." He started to say and point towards the Sennin that was now laying there, arms crossed over his stomach, a breath that was stable and without noise. "It seems he finally found the point he couldn't hold on to the no sleep..." The kami started to scratch the back of his neck and floated over to check him. "yeah... We can keep talking, your Yokai is making notes and I will relay everything further too. "Ah- by the way, Keiji. There should be a specimen going your way soon, we had found it in the forest of death... Or rather, it found Nao back there. Hikaru, I would like to request you to keep an eye out for any student going near the place. I have heard rumors they would be more around it... but we rather not have one of those creatures around there... As Nao had a shitty beating before..." With that, the Kami once more went close to Nao to present the bandage at the hip area as he lifted up the shirt a little.

The kami started to go back to the desk and started to rummage around it a little. "Found it..." he would hold a key and a little pin badge. "This is the key to your own office for the Byoin. Keiji should have one too... if not, I can give you a spare one. Sorry in advance, things were hectic when Nao took over... Hikaru, along with the key you get a pin badge, something I just figured out now and will introduce. Keiji you get one too..." He would give the key and a pin badge to Hikaru, a spare key if Keiji needed one with a pin badge. "The pin badge is a tiny something to pin on your lab coat to present you are a Medical Chief... Pretty sure we don't have anything else for the time being... I mean, Nao has Sennin robes, since you two have high ranks I think it's fair.."

MFT: 645
As soon as Keiji had put down the cup of tea again, Nao spoke a few words, but seemed to slump a bit back and forth, eyes shifting, noticing what was about to happen, he adjusted his shoulder slightly and pushed down on the couch so Nao slumped properly into Keiji's shoulder. Might be a bit softer than falling in other direction, the raised position is definitely better for his back in the long run, plus, he didn't mind the trust being shown.

Stretching a bit he managed to reach his cup again, and take a sip, ending up just holding it in his hand instead of trying to reach and put it back on the table. Listening half-heartedly on the Kami, his attention was more to just keep glancing down at Nao assessing his sleeping behaviour, "Sleeping alright? Breathing okay? Relaxed? Hmm. Overwork, been there done that.." As the Kami reached out with the pin, he just nodded to the table, insinuating him to place it there, once he could stand up without disturbing Nao too much.

Keiji looked up, slightly embarrassed by his predicament but still feeling weirdly satisfied by it. Like the calm, soothing feeling of relaxation oozing from his lungs and heart. he was pleased. His eyes moved up to Hikaru and his lips creased up in a warm smile. "Looks like he's been overworking." Looking over at the piles of paper, he asserted. "We've had a lot of stuff on our plates these days, it's not going to get easier. So," eyes looking back to Hikaru "My department isn't receiving the blunt of it, and it's fairly chill. Most of the time I have hands I can spare, so don't end up like Nao, let me know if you need assistance. Okay?" His last word punctuated with him looking back down and over to Nao.

Hitomi maintained her work, but couldn't help glancing with a certain of death stare towards Keiji and the tea in his hands. Perhaps she was starting to feel parched as well.
Hikaru nodded, smiling at the Sennin’s approval for her holding classes in the near future. “Thank you very much! I’ll make sure to show them the benefits of a life as a Medical shinobi- if anyone shows promise, I’ll let you know.” Taking part in teaching the next generation was going to be a difficult job, and she was exuberant. She noticed Nao nod off on the couch in front of her after- he really was tired. The Mednin felt a mixture of sympathy and admiration… it must take a lot to sit at the head of an entire branch of the village, even a fully staffed one. As she glanced at Keiji, then back to Nao, the same humanoid figure that the Sennin had summoned earlier appeared. He resembled a young man in looks and demeanor, and he spoke, finishing a few points that she assumed Nao had planned to talk about.

A frown crossed the girl’s face as he discussed something that had emerged in the forest of death. She gave another, slower nod at his request, but her frown deepened and she asked, “We had planned to hold classes there, actually, just to familiarize students with the area. Would it still be advised…?” She thought for a moment. “We would likely need to be accompanied by a shinobi of Jounin-level or above, so I could ask-” Hikaru paused, remembering that she was now of that level herself. It would certainly take a few weeks to get used to this… but still, whatever creature had appeared had posed a significant threat to the Sennin, as evidenced by his bandaged side. She sighed with concern. “Would I be sufficient protection for a group of students to spend a few hours in a lighter region of the forest, provided we all stay together?” She was somewhat worried that she wouldn’t be able to repel any of these mysterious predators long enough for the students to escape, not to mention that doing so might prevent her from escaping herself. She still wanted to hold a class there, though, simply for the reason that she had agreed to do so with Tenken and she believed familiarizing students with the forest was important.

She accepted the key and pin badge from the young man, fastening the latter to her white lab coat on the spot. She was perhaps interested in some other signifier of her office, like the robes Nao had, but that could wait- she could bring it up later, when the Sennin in question was more awake and there wasn’t the topic of monsters interfering with classes on-hand. The Mednin admired her new badge, matching the red clip she wore on her headband. “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind!” she answered Keiji, simultaneously hoping she didn’t have very much paperwork to begin with and wanting to help the Sennin with his workload as well.
The kami blinked a few times towards Hikaru, she really hasn't yet settled in the fact that she was one of the high ranked now these days... He would slowly cross his arms as he started to talk towards her. "You do not need to forget, that you are now almost second highest in rank. You have to see it as you start as Academy Student. From there you get to Genin, but Genin stands equals to Medical in Training and Anbu in Trainings. Then you have the Chuunin who stand equal to those with ANBU and Med-nin. From there you have Jounin. Then something we have separately. A head jounin stands equal to Anbu captains and Medical chiefs. Such as yourself. Above there are Sennins, the answer to Hokage advisors and the Hokage." The Kami felt a bit stupid on the fact that he was one to explain this.

"Nao got hurt as he was simply training there. He was already partially chakra drained and the idiot didn't think clearly about using barrier.. Then again, it was his first time since Academy time to use his Medical in an offensive way. Something that is special to those who are called Benevolent... Like Nao, they are extremely patient and sometimes too kind... Yet once pushed to shove, they can come very nasty out of the corner. A few trees have felt that... But he wasn't used to fighting actually in the front line rather than supporting his team. Resulting in him getting hurt. The muscles were untouched luckily, but he will have a big scar there... Two to be exact and just above the hip bone." He would hold his chin between two fingers as he looked towards Hikaru. "I would say, only head to the forest and make sure you are prepared yourself if you get to teach there... There is a reason it is forbidden for Academy Students..." He would tilt his head and look towards Keiji and Nao.

"If you get tired of him, just place him down on the couch. He will get a sore back but that is his own fault for going on so long.." It was only now that he started to collect all the papers and everything. "Oh... uhm... Not sure you are noticing Keiji... but erm... I think by the gaze of your own contract... that you are six feet underground or something..." he would point out as that mood was not easy to miss.
Listening to the Kami, Keiji took a deep sip from his cup, slurping up the bitter tea leaves in the bottom, then taking a small breath, and responding carefully "It's cool, Hitomi will give me a quick hand." In response she walked from her spot and placed down her clipboard on the table, then assisted in nudging Nao slightly, then standing up, Keiji reached underneath Nao and yanked him swift but smoothly underneath Nao to settle him down lifting and placing him carefully onto the couch, avoiding him waking him in his arms. "Now at least his back won't be absolutely broken when he wakes up." Taking a step back, and Hitomi taking back up her clipboard, she took some quick notes, and then turning around to Hikaru Keiji said calmly "It was wonderful to meet you. I'm quite excited to have such a young and talented individual as one of my peers, I can't wait to see what you might accomplish." He took a few more steps, took the doorhandle and opened it up. "I'll have to see you later. Take care of your Master, Kami-sama!" he said the last bit as he waved and started walking out of the office and leaving to join back to his own work.

[Thread Left?]
[Apologies for the delay. Been busy in RL]
Hikaru nodded as the Kami re-explained the ranks to her, shifting in her seat a bit. Her position was definitely going to take some serious getting used to, especially if she embarrassed herself in conversation like that any more… it would just be a matter of time, the girl supposed. As it turned out, skipping ranks as she had done wasn’t just a free promotion, but a lot of work came with the job as well, the least of which being making sure she remembered basic training from the Academy. She listened more carefully to Sai’s words as he began discussing the attack Nao had suffered- from the sound of it, the creatures weren’t necessarily as dangerous as she had thought, but one could never be too careful. The Medical Chief also took note of the way his contract spoke about the Sennin’s combat abilities. He was that out-of-practice… which wasn’t a problem, of course, but it placed more pressure on her to excel in her new field.

With that resolve, Hikaru stood as the Kami finished talking. “I see. Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind for the class. Please let Nao know after he wakes up that I’ll give him a report on the class once it finishes!” She turned towards the door, pausing to incline her head to Keiji and Hitomi. “It was nice to meet you too.” She was certainly glad to have other medical experts around the Byoin.

Retrieving her things and nodding to Sai, Hikaru left the office as well. She was bound for her new office, of course- the place would probably need some renovating!

[Topic left, unless stopped]
For a moment his face scrunched up, but after a movement of his arm, he lay there, softly breathing as he was fast asleep. "He will be knocked out for a few..." Sai said and would cross his arms as he saw Keiji shift around with the help of their contract. "Yeah... Sorry, he normally doesn't really that well... and certainly when there is work piling up..." He would sigh and shrug a little before he would wave them both off. "Guess I will just float around..." He would sound a bit somber as he would gatekeep the office at this point.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
