The sun was slowly setting as it started to get towards the evening. Nao didn't really speak much on his way towards the clanhouse, until it started to get into view. "I cannot wrap my head around it... why would they do this? Why..." No matter what he thought, he couldn'\t get his head wrapped round. Once they got to the clanhouse, Nao would open up the front door. "It is a lot different than the last time you probably walked these streets... I had everything demolished and rebuild." He would comment and place his sennin clothing on the hook for jackets. "Please come in." he would mention and go straight to the fridge. "Seems like he didn't had time to eat yet... There may a child barge in, they life here." he would comment, thinking his adopted son would or could come home.
"Coffee? Tea? Whiskey?" He offered various things to his friend and if he would comment for anything he would grab it. "To make it more accessible... I will give you a Clantoken. That token means you are my guest. That does also mean.... that if you cause imparible trouble, that I have to deal with all that." he would speak as he placed down his own drink last or only at the counter. After that he would go to the study across the place and come back with a wooden token. "It has my blood inside and a bit of my chakra. So it is an official sign... You have free access on these grounds of the clan. Outside... I have to be present sadly. Also, once you are outside. Carefull... We have a virus going on, it didn't spread to new people in a while. But we still have a lot of them sick..." he would sigh deep. Only one of his students recently got out of that... And so far not many made it.
He would place the token on the kitchen and take his glass. He had taken a bit of whiskey. "It will be up to you... I have beds upstairs, or I have the singles outside. They are normally renting homes, for those who are starting. So it may be a little small... but it still is a good home. Feel free to use which everyone. Just let me know if you take a single home, I will give you that key too."
"So I guess... we will start operating from here. Do you want a time off to get your head in the game too? Scout these clan grounds or..??" He questioned the other. Setting base and go over a plan was the first steps.
Topic for Yong, or those permitted by Yong and Nao.
"Coffee? Tea? Whiskey?" He offered various things to his friend and if he would comment for anything he would grab it. "To make it more accessible... I will give you a Clantoken. That token means you are my guest. That does also mean.... that if you cause imparible trouble, that I have to deal with all that." he would speak as he placed down his own drink last or only at the counter. After that he would go to the study across the place and come back with a wooden token. "It has my blood inside and a bit of my chakra. So it is an official sign... You have free access on these grounds of the clan. Outside... I have to be present sadly. Also, once you are outside. Carefull... We have a virus going on, it didn't spread to new people in a while. But we still have a lot of them sick..." he would sigh deep. Only one of his students recently got out of that... And so far not many made it.
He would place the token on the kitchen and take his glass. He had taken a bit of whiskey. "It will be up to you... I have beds upstairs, or I have the singles outside. They are normally renting homes, for those who are starting. So it may be a little small... but it still is a good home. Feel free to use which everyone. Just let me know if you take a single home, I will give you that key too."
"So I guess... we will start operating from here. Do you want a time off to get your head in the game too? Scout these clan grounds or..??" He questioned the other. Setting base and go over a plan was the first steps.
Topic for Yong, or those permitted by Yong and Nao.

There is one, but I forgot about it okay? There are 3 rooms, one medical room, one locked room, and a big pantry.