Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private [Clan Sakurako] Home sweet home.

The sun was slowly setting as it started to get towards the evening. Nao didn't really speak much on his way towards the clanhouse, until it started to get into view. "I cannot wrap my head around it... why would they do this? Why..." No matter what he thought, he couldn'\t get his head wrapped round. Once they got to the clanhouse, Nao would open up the front door. "It is a lot different than the last time you probably walked these streets... I had everything demolished and rebuild." He would comment and place his sennin clothing on the hook for jackets. "Please come in." he would mention and go straight to the fridge. "Seems like he didn't had time to eat yet... There may a child barge in, they life here." he would comment, thinking his adopted son would or could come home.

"Coffee? Tea? Whiskey?" He offered various things to his friend and if he would comment for anything he would grab it. "To make it more accessible... I will give you a Clantoken. That token means you are my guest. That does also mean.... that if you cause imparible trouble, that I have to deal with all that." he would speak as he placed down his own drink last or only at the counter. After that he would go to the study across the place and come back with a wooden token. "It has my blood inside and a bit of my chakra. So it is an official sign... You have free access on these grounds of the clan. Outside... I have to be present sadly. Also, once you are outside. Carefull... We have a virus going on, it didn't spread to new people in a while. But we still have a lot of them sick..." he would sigh deep. Only one of his students recently got out of that... And so far not many made it.

He would place the token on the kitchen and take his glass. He had taken a bit of whiskey. "It will be up to you... I have beds upstairs, or I have the singles outside. They are normally renting homes, for those who are starting. So it may be a little small... but it still is a good home. Feel free to use which everyone. Just let me know if you take a single home, I will give you that key too."

"So I guess... we will start operating from here. Do you want a time off to get your head in the game too? Scout these clan grounds or..??" He questioned the other. Setting base and go over a plan was the first steps.


Topic for Yong, or those permitted by Yong and Nao.


There is one, but I forgot about it okay? There are 3 rooms, one medical room, one locked room, and a big pantry.




As his 'guide' walked him through the clan-house district Yong noted the vast improvements in the area, Nao dwelt again on one of the most pertinent mystery they currently faced "Why indeed..."

As they walked his companion may have noticed his more than casual glances at the new buildings once they made their way to Nao's complex because as he hung his coat on the designated hook he mentioned that he had had it demolished and rebuilt. "Yes I noticed, I am impressed with the designs, functional and easily defendable whilst also feeling like a home... Good..."

Yong declined the general offer of beverage politely, inspecting the immediate surroundings as his friend pored himself a drink with the obvious intention of calming himself from the recent shock. Even before it was drunk it seemed to have the desired effect as Nao mention that his ward had not yet eaten and may be home any time, Yong gave a small nod in acknowledgement, the Myakashi Village hidden in the mountains was always bustling with children, Yong would welcome the interaction of it came to pass.

Listening intently to his friend as he spoke on, giving him a small token and explaining its purpose, a clan symbol, a sign that Yong was indeed a guest within these walls... A powerful gift... "Thankyou my friend, it will not leave my possession until you request it's return. You are very hospitable my friend, if I could impose only on the facilities of this beautiful house I find myself with very little use for sleep of late so a kettle, shower and conversation will be wonderful."

Then Nao moved back to the meat of it all, what was the next step? "No, no rest yet but I must speake a moment, and warn you, please do not speak with haste when you hear these whispers because your next words will have power my last Lord of Fire..."

His friendly smile would fade to a look of seriousness, his eyes locked on those of his friend Nao, though his physical appearance did not change, for the first time Yong would allow his friend to see the darkness within. Like the dragon that stood in human skin before him, Yong would allow a touch of the Devine granted him by the goddess of Deep Waters to break through, show the dragon they were not the only monster here.

"My name is Hirato Yong, adopted son of the Myakashi Clan... husband to a dead wife... father to children branded outlaw before they could walk... ANBU betrayed by those I swore to protect... Enemy of Konoha... Murderer..."

The missing ninjas words would lower to a whisper, though through some strange manipulation of chakra Nao would be able to hear the words clearly regardless of the distance between them, as if whispered from slightly behind his head, it would be slightly unsettling even though it was not the intent.

"I meant to burn Konoha the night we met, the uncomfortable dinner between Migoya and the foolish Takeshi... I would have killed them all that night but for the one saving grace, Migoya saw it too, we both saw a will of fire that burned pure, clear and true, something we had not seen since our childhoods on the streets of Konoha before this recent age of decadence and greed... Time does not move for me as it does for others, memories of the future echo backwards, not clear like a picture but veigue like thunder over a stormy sky... Not the great thing itself but the wave left by its path... You were this great thing, but would you be for good or ill... We could only wait... And so Konoha was left uninjured when we had entered that home with killer intent.

When I returned, it was as a test for you. When you stopped me at the gates I was a real threat, yet you did not hesitate, you stood against me with scared defiance... I was proud of you, you were brave... When the young children entered the fray to defend you... I was proud of you... The fire still burned true and clear, what's more others felt the natural desire to follow this light... Then I gave you my token..."

Yong paused briefly to let Nao absorbe the flood of information given to him but he would hold his hand up to halt any immediate questions, continuing before allowing a response.

"Now, Last Lord of Fire... Friend Nao... For that promise long ago I will find your stolen heart, make you whole once more.

But know, as with all things this has a cost... The Deep Water demands an exchange. You must take the mantle of Hokage... By force if necessary but I believe that will not be required, I could see the way Takeshi looked to you, he was not so blind that he missed what so brightly burned before the strangers that we were. Konoha needs this fire once more, without it you will all die in the dark... You will be Hokage... This is the first...

When you have taken this mantle, you must cleanse this village to what it longs to be, a shadow hidden in the leaves, a place of spirits and power and life, not this decayed corpulent hub of industry... Return Konoha to balance... This is the second and last...

If you make this exchange I will hold you to it... I will stay with Konoha, protect your young village as your will of fire returns the balance. But know, if you fail to uphold your exchange Konoha will no longer be under my protection..."

It was a lot to process, Yong knew he was asking a lot, he also knew that the Sennin was smart enough to interpret the not so veiled threat of what it would mean for Konoha to not be under his protection, after all the thing Yong was predominantly protecting Leaf from was infact Yong himself.

"If you need time, please think on it my friend, for I know this is no small cost. I also know you are more than capable of recovering what was taken without my aid. I will leave you to ponder and start my investigation, what I learn I will tell you regardless of your decision..."

Yong would turn to leave before hesitating and turning back to face Nao. "Please warn your ward of my presence, I do not wish them any duress."

[OOC: topic entered and left unless stopped :)]
So far only Yong managed to see how he laid out the plans of this house. He knew his friend was a sharp one, but this beat almost everything. "You saw that... while no one else did." he muttered and took a big gulp of his drink. Maybe this man, his friend, was a lot sharper than that he was.

"To those I can easily say yes, offer still stays in case you wish your own single spot." He would comment before offering the rest bit, hearing how he said no about that, he would nod. "Alright... so what is the next bit..?" Then as quick as anything, he was hushed. In his mind he was asking what was this time..? Yes, maybe he was starting to get impatient, but what now.

He would motion with his hand that he would be waiting while watching... It was then that his friend started to speak. When they locked eyes, Nao's eyes were calm, yes held a hint of curiosity.

It was foolish to think that there was only one monster here... Nao knew now how naive that thought had been, and as of right now... He looked to Yong as for who he really was, but he knew soon he left one thing out of titles. Savior. He was also a savior to many. Then he remembered the time where he was in the dinner, thanks to the story Yong said. Hearing how they wanted to end it all there, he would just smile. Wondering how that would have ended... he knew which path he walked clear that day. The awkward way of the meeting, the dinner and everything surrounding it. Hearing how Yong spoke about this Migoya, also made him wander what the story was with him... After all, he never really got to talk to these people, not like how he did with Yong.

About how he stood against him in a fight, maybe not the one of their prime time... but one that they both shielded the child, he knew that the other never really went full out. He chuckles soft.. Yea... This man wasn't all bad, he could have ended them all back in the day. on a whim if he wanted but he didn't. As promised he let the man talk further, not interrupting. His eyes held now a part of determination and kindness. He made amotion with his hand, for him to continue rather than that he would impress anything right now.

"If you need time, please think on it my friend, for I know this is no small cost. I also know you are more than capable of recovering what was taken without my aid. I will leave you to ponder and start my investigation, what I learn I will tell you regardless of your decision..."

Nao smiled warm as he looked towards Yong. "Nah... I don't need time. It is indeed not small, but I will add an extra... You were missing out one title before, savior to some, devil to others." He would let it hang for just a small moment. "Everyone is a murderer in someones story, don't forget, a medic's life has blood on their hands too. Good and bad." He too, had murdered in the past, and for that he would always atone, although probably not the numbers Yong had done.

"I will warn him, don't you worry about that. Fo rnow... let's both take a moment of time to think it over... and I will make sure that i think of a way too." He mentioned to the promise between the two. "But first... we have a couple of hurdles." He muttered once Yong was out of the house. His gaze went to the glass, to the liquid inside and took it down in one go.

"To the study..." He spoke and would be in the books and papers, planning and scemeing into the late hours where he would fall asleep on his many plans, crumbled papers and books.

[ topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
