Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Cleaning up the gates just a little (B-rank Anarchy Mission)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Perfomed by Sunaku Kohana

The brief encounter within the Red Light District was somewhat eventful, if anything just giving her and the other Shinobi notice of there being very little time left. And there was still a lot to be done… as she roamed the streets, she did remember one thing in particular the men said, a lot of the thugs who were setting up the bombs themselves elected to stay by them, choosing a swift death in contrast to being buried under the rubble of the falling cavern. She had changed her visage with the transformation jutsu, seeing how ladies of the night would probably cause a lot of attention outside of the seedy part of tow. She looked rather unassuming now, a simple middle aged women with plain features and long brown hair, with her cloths tattered and sullied by the duress of the time. While such a lady might have been a prime target, she knew just how to blend into the shadows enough not to be seen if she didn’t want to. Besides, it seemed at this point most thugs were worried about their survival then actually trying to gain some more loot.

After a bit so s troll through the market areas of the Sietch, she quickly found a gathering a bit larger than usual. 4 men arguing in the distance in front of a building. Without much delay, she approached the group, wanting to listen in on just what they were talking about…

“I don’t care what you say, I ain’t gonna just sit around and wait till I get fucking blown into pieces!”

“Yeah? You rather get buried under the rocks once the whole roof blows apart? Face it men, the whole village has been duped…all we can do now is make it painless for ourselves”

“For fuck sakes, we should at least try and run! Even if the Cabal is killing anyone trying to leave, they can’t catch everyone! There’s gotta be some ways to get out. Maybe if we climb the rubble at the gate’s we’ll reach some holes”

“Forget about that. As if they wouldn’t kill anyone coming close to the Maw. And even if you survive there, you think the bombs that blew there were the only ones? These Cabal bastards are pretty devious…they set up even more bombs in the wall’s there. And the kicker is, those are connected to some other parts of the village Maybe they’ll blow up in your face, maybe they’ll blow up some innocent family in the village. I aint doing that. Even if we’d mange to get out, the Shinobi who survive will just hunt us down like dogs…you three can go and try, I’ll just wait here and get it over with quick…”

Thus the conversation was over, the three guys walking on their merry way, while the final one entered back into the building. Many feelings filled his mind…the memories of his imprisonment, the euphoria of being free and looting the city…the sight of the Shinobi who lashed out on those who broke out, or those few times he actually has seen a Cabal member. Back then, he either had the choice of setting up a bomb here, or getting killed where he stood. He choose the former, foolishly hoping it would gain him some offer…and Now here he was, with 6 other worthless people like him, sitting in front of a device which would blow up in their face in a while. Waiting for their death’s, while all those stronger than them fought in their little world. This was tiring…oh so tiring… he just felt like he could sleep for ages right now…

Perhaps the men overestimated the length of his nap, but regardless, fall asleep he did. And so did all the other people who were inside, attempting to guard the bomb. The only one not taking a snooze was a middle aged women with brown hair, entering the room. Using a rather complicated Genjutsu was a bit of a change of pace, but with the people here all being tired and weakened mentally, she could use it to make the harmless for an extended period of time while not having to deal with each one individually. She silently glided into the room, facing the bomb. As she did with the earlier one, she gently touched the device, a spark of her chakra coursing through, and rendering the explosive inert, leaving it to crumble into harmless clay dust. As the guards would wake up, she would be far gone already…heading towards the Maw.

She had heard the news of the destruction of their gates…but she had only just seen it for the first time. The lift, everything around, reduced into rubble. Who knew just how many people could have been lost there. Kohana took quite a deep breath. She had dropped the transforming jutsu, feeling that she should maintain a bigger reserve of Chakra right now. The Matron of the Sunaku clan was clad in the standard Chunin gear of a shinobi, though one could see it seemed to be not quite fitting to her frame. She didn’t quite have the time to search for her own gear as she decided to help the people of the village, so she picked up the uniform which seemed to fit best. While this male Chunin garb was a bit to large, it served her well enough. Her hair was more of a bother, with having to tie it up into a tight knot for it to not bother her. And there she was, standing in the ruins of the Maw…with little idea where to start.
She felt that the bomb remaining here was somewhat important, with how little information they had. What other part of the village was it connected to? Was it made in a different way to be able to interact with another contraption in some other point of the village. Would the Maw endure another explosion if it were to set of here? She hoped she didn’t need to find the answer to the last one…she only needed to find the device.

It wouldn’t be easy though…there was a lot of ground to cover, and she didn’t quite know where to start…it could have been anywhere in the area after all. Still, she moved onto the rubble of the Maw and onto the scaffolds…it seemed from afar as if she was trying to catch any attention…and for that, she was reward with an arrow which whizzed right before her visage. Just as she expected…there was a guardian of the Cabal here. Or at least someone hostile towards her. Still, she couldn’t quite see where the person was…though she could see yet another arrow coming her way. Picking up the pace, Kohana started to move forward, jumping in between the arrows this mysterious attacker was pelting her with. He seemed to be quite adapt in the art of archery…so much in fact she felt one of the arrows bounce back from behind her, hitting her from behind. Luckily the Chunin vest was thick enough to stop the arrow from doing major harm…but she couldn’t let this little game carry on for too long.

She tried to run as best as she could, until she could spot out from where the Archer was harassing he from…with each arrow she had a better idea of where exactly he or she could have been…After some time Kohana took a quick stop, a sand of hand seals forming at her finger before a cloud of Sand kicked up, veiling her from the archer. After a brief standoff, another body would run out of the veil, bolting away from the scene, earning another arrow from the Archer. However, it would turn out the Kohana running there was a mere distraction, an illusory clone.

The archer would curse a bit, wiping some sweat of her brow before she heard from behind “Nice shooting there”. The young looking girl would turn around to face Kohana, her bow poised to fire. Seemingly unphased, Kohana spoke on standing in front of her “Such wonderful form, and such strength in such a young girl…you really had me on the ropes. Don’t be too hard on yourself…sometimes even the best of us can be caught in a simple ruse…” The young archer barked at her “You should have used the chance to run you Sunan pig! It’s not like you can stop anything! The bombs are already set…” With a soft chuckle, Kohana would say “I know dear…I’ve already taken care of those…I simply wanted to talk with you now…”. With shock in her voice the Cabal archer said “Y-you lie! I’ve had my eyes on you this whole time…” To which Kohana replied “ Have you now? I managed to trick you once…what says I didn’t do it before? Distracted you for a second to slip past you guard and…” Kohana was interrupted as an arrow flew, pinning her foot down to the ground. And with that, the Archer girl was of.

She moved from one scaffold to another, with ease, running this rout before. Her dream was about to come to fruition…It was insane of her to even be here, but her grief was great enough to deal with how insane her quest was. She was a skilled archer hailing from the Soon’s Haven, and with a few of her friends she offered mercenary aid, escorting the many merchants and visitors to the town and from it, and also towards the damn Sunan village. It was during one of those missions they were attacked… Out of all of her friends who were on that task, she was the only one not either dead or crippled. They were attacked by Shinobi…and the shinobi would pay.

She could not understand just how the Shinobi witch could get past her, but she knew how to arm the device. It still wasn’t too late. After reaching a part of the maw, she quickly poked around the wall, trying to find the right section. And there it was, the device…still seemingly working. The witch tricked her! She needed to go back…she needed to…stop…before she…fell asleep.

This one was a bit more tricky to manipulate. At first it was easy, weakening her mind, and tricking her into thinking she already dealt with the device, and then faking an image of her managing to pin down the enemy Shinobi. Now, with her mind determined on her task, she was much harder to subdue. But in the end, Kohana managed to do just that. Using the Temple of Nirvana, she put the young girl to sleep. For a second, her hand reached for her blade, ready to end the girls life. Some might have seen it as an act of mercy, if the village was truly in such peril as everyone claimed it to be…Still, she couldn’t just push herself to do it. She could sense the girl was from the outside, her skin tanned and slightly touched by the diamond sand… and she still was so young. She couldn’t say how many Sunan she could have killed…but she did not feel in the right place to be the judge and jury. Not at this time at least. She carefully fiddled with the device in front of her, seeing both a timer and feeling it was a bit more complex. Still, with her delicate touch, and expert command of her chakra, she managed to succeed. As the girl would wake up, she would see, to her frustration, the device was long gone from the wall. And Kohana, while slightly winded from her exploits, was feeling quite good about her accomplishments. Much better than sitting wondering if their one breath wouldn’t cause the entire village to die. At least now she knew that was one step further from happening.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
