Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Cleared. [Open]

Feb 20, 2018
"Yeah." The doctor said giving Asuka a final check up of her newly acquired eyes. "Whoever did it, certainly was experienced. No signs of infection or rejection." With that Asuka was let go, the doctor did suggest to not use them yet as they might cause some problems. To let them rest for a bit. Asuka wasn't having that, if she was given orders to use them, she would.

With that she walked out the door with a sigh and decided to wait for a bit at a nearby bench which overlooked the small park the hospital had for the pacients wanting to get out and get a bit of fresh air. The girl sat down, thankfully there was a tree on top of her so the sun wouldn't be warming her up, There were some clouds in the sky but overall it was a nice day. "Wonder what I should do now?" Without orders to follow she was hopeless, it seemed as though without following someone she had no purpose in life but just... be there. Living. It was quite a drag.

[Sorry for the short post, horrible at introductions]
What was she doing in the hospital? Nothing, really nothing, just roaming around the village as flippant as the day is long. As an AiT, her duties were almost non-existent, they save the work horse routine until you're in the actual door, before they make it so you can have no real personal life. At any rate, she would round the corner and head across the front of the building when she saw a girl sitting on a bench under a shady tree. She'd run for the girl, and then by her and to the tree, sticking to it with chakra as she ran up it and did a flip off, landing masterfully at the base of the tree. She had over heard the girls plea to not be bored, and was the big fun fairy who come to save her.

"You should have fun, it's a lot like doing work, but you want to do it instead of being marked a war criminal if you don't!" she jested, throwing her hands up in the air, sparking flying from her palms. She had practiced that for some time, and was glad her hands didn't explode. It was just a simple expelling of chakra from her hands, through the hand mouth. "So what do you say, wanna have some fun, or are you a...lame plain jane..." she said the last three words with a bit of an intense scariness in her voice.

[MFT - 243 WC]
Asuka couldn't even look at the girl that popped out. She didn't care, or rather. She didn't feel anything about her, she did wonder what her personality was like. If she actually felt anything or was just pretending to be someone so people didn't ask questions. That's what she did, pretend she was something she was not, in this case. She was too tired to care what people thought about her. Her comment about their line of work did bring a sigh to her lips, another one of this it seemed.

"Our line of work isn't supposed to be work." She answered her with the most deadpan expression she could muster. "It's sourounded by death, misery and resentment. Me, I see in a simpler manner. Complete the mission, nothing else matters. That's what I was taught to do."

To be honest, she hadn't even been 5 minutes with this girl and she already felt something, annoyance. Why couldn't she be left alone to just... wait for her orders? Why couldn't she be at peace with herself. This girl should do it sometime, being alone is it's own paradise. "I am lame plain Jane then. I don't know what fun is like, not anymore anyway."
The girl was very dead pan as a person. She was like a robot sitting in sleep mode waiting for the program inputs to move. This wouldn't do at all, she was a little cutie and shouldn't be so sour, she couldn't let another girl in this village be the biggest edge lord like every other person here.

"Our line of work isn't supposed to be work.It's surrounded by death, misery and resentment. Me, I see in a simpler manner. Complete the mission, nothing else matters. That's what I was taught to do."

"Are you a Uchiha? Don't be alarmed, you all act that way and it isn't your fault, I think it's a nurture thing and not a nature thing though." she said, thinking about how the Uchiha were probably raised with 'make your face look intense and be stoic and somber' classes. She smiled at the thought, but continued to speak.

"You see the thing is, it is work, we get paid. Death surrounds us no matter what, my family owns a donuts shop and feed diabetes to the masses all day. You I assume, just came out of a hospital, an epicenter of death, Someones heart is stopping right now in there, for any one of a hundred reasons. You only make things miserable and resentful if you want to, but if you're the simpler type then who gave you the order to be miserable so I can blow them up?!" she was on some kind of inspiring lecture roll, and it was getting to her.

"I am lame plain Jane then. I don't know what fun is like, not anymore anyway."

"This won't do, I order you to have fun and not follow any more orders the rest of the day!" She said slapping her hands together, when she pulled them apart there was a circular object in her hand that had a happy face on it. It was a yo-yo, she had made with her hand mouths. They were closed as she handed it over, not revealing her freakish things that often times wierded people out.

"Start with this, play with the yo-yo!"

MFT - WC: 361
She sighed as the other girl continued, it seemed she didn't get the message of "Leave me alone" although her personality certainly was an interesting one. But in the end, Asuka was still the same. An unfeeling husk. "Indeed I am an Uchiha. And I'm not alarmed, I just don't care." She simply answered, and it was true. Her talk about nature was interesting, it seemed as though her mind was simple like hers, the difference was Asuka saw the bigger picture she guessed this girl didn't.

Oh? So she thought she was miserable, well her previous statement was wrong. She was simply an idiot. Asuka scratched the back of her head as she continued, once done she spoke once more. "You are wrong to think I'm miserable. Life, death, happiness, sadness. They hold no value to me. I am neither miserable or happy, neither sad or excited. Or, to put it in a way your brain can understand, I don't give a damn." Hopefully this would be enough, or at least a step towards her goal at the moment. Being left alone.

"You can't throw orders around and expect people to follow them." She simply answered, not even attempting to acknowledge her comment about the yo-yo. "I only follow orders from the people that are my superiors. Or rather, the ones I consider my superiors."

Current Ninpocho Time:
