Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event CLOSED: Kyōsaku House: Right Path - Second Floor "Participant Quarters"

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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Location Descriptions: This would lead to several rooms that would be marked with the names of the competitors. These would be their personal rooms, should they choose to use them, and would house a wide array of personal conveniences and items.

OOC: After entering through the Dinner Party thread, please feel free to post here at your leisure until we reach our "midnight" deadline.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank

... The masked woman let out an ever so quiet sigh. She has been watching the man's every move, keeping her eyes on his Crystal Eye jutsu as well, all while not looking suspicious. She was tasked with gathering information on Akkuma, and while there was a lot of incriminating accusations on him, there was hardly any proof other than taking a shot in the dark that he would be connected to the string of attacks on both Leaf and Cloud. She figured maybe the best way to get the information would be to take the biggest risk and talk to the man herself.

She stood outside his dorm room, the name marked, "Akkuma", on the door. She could easily break into the place, sure, but right now, she isn't about to start a fight right now, even if she finds out the demon's deepest darkest secrets. That, and it would probably result in her being disqualified, and thus less likely to keep an eye on Akkuma. She knows that if anyone were to see them together, it would bring up some publicity that the two may even be working together. Even so, it would this conversation would be far from it. She is only banking on this meeting to hopefully go well, from what she learned about Akkuma. He likes to brag. And... She had definitely seen him when something interests him.

It would really be up to him whether he wants to be honest or not. If he were to arrive, at his dorm, the young anbu operative would simply give him a note pad to read, something she had already written down,

Hello Mirokou Akkuma, my name is Silent. I was wondering if we can have a talk in private?

Yuna would simply wait, scanning the environment for any chakra disturbances, from the demon's own dark aura to if there were any others rounding the corner.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The door to the room would swing ajar & standing before the Masked individual would be the Sage. A curious expression upon his face upon seeing her there, yet the undeniable hint of interest. Before he could say anything a hand was extended & with it a note for him. Immediately his eyes would flash with delight, as he scanned it's contents. With a flash of chakra the note would disintegrate & he would chuckle noting the Moniker given. "By all means come on in, I'm sure this will be interesting." Turning to walk further into his quarters as he spoke. All the while wondering just what Raizo was playing at letting what he suspected was a Kumogakurian Anbu into the Sennin Games. Perhaps this was his way of dealing with the threat that Akkuma had stirred up?

"Silent, generally when I have private conversations with individuals. The courtesy of identity is provided..." he would turn to face her, those piercing emerald eyes of his holding her in his gaze. "Even Anbu are not immune from this expectation, even those representing foreign powers." Yet from the tone of his voice he obviously didn't intend to enforce it this time. Perhaps he was just voicing his annoyance or did he think they were still under surveillance at this moment? Due to that he would allow her the professional courtesy of keeping her mask on. From one former shadow to another although it was clear that was the only courtesy she would be receiving. He was in this competition to win it, that would only be achieved by being efficient.

"What's so important that we must discuss it in private. I must admit you've got my interest...for now." he would say with a devilish chuckle full of mischief. That ominous aura of his practically thrummed with energy, almost as if it were giddy with anticipation at what might come. Akkuma spoke unconcerned with any potential eavesdroppers or surveillance. If he was to become a Sennin of these lands they would need to know him. By the time these Games were through they would, for better or worse they would know him. There was little concern that it would be an attempt on his life, if that had been there intention. It would have happened out in the Desert, not here in a house full of shinobi being hosted by the Kazekage.

Clearly he thought she was Miro's companion, for in all his time in Sunagakure he had not once ever met another shinobi forced to communicate in such a manner. It was easy enough for him to deduce, although much harder to prove. All she had to do was deny the obvious implication & it would be her word against his. If they were being listened to or surveilled it would be for the observers to determine.

[Topic Entered]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The Cloud ANBU listened as the demon spoke, inwardly, she wanted to laugh at the idea of showing her face, she could imagine the surprise on his face to see a face that he would recognize. Yes, the two had worked together before, to handle a mutual enemy, but this time... It would be either him or her. If all the evidence is right, and not planted through an type of malicious means, then it would means that Akkuma would be the one that had ordered the attack on Leaf and Cloud.

She would tap her pen, thinking, before writing down,

I will say that you are quite charismatic as you are at gathering information. Unfortunately, though, I will not remove my mask as it is a violation of ANBU code, something I hope you can respect the decision of. As for why the private talk, it simply isn't to give you compliments.

By now, you can probably guess that I am the same operative that you have encountered out in Wind Country with my colleague as you spoke of things that would be shady or of the sort that both Sand and Leaf had done. I will make it easy for you. I will ask you some questions, and request you be truthful. You can also ask me questions. However, if I don't feel like answering, I will either abstain the question or respond with can neither confirm nor deny. If you feel the need to keep some information to yourself, you can also abstain or respond with the neither confirm nor deny.

Once this conversation is over, we will go about our day. During the Sennin Games, I will not seek you out unless if specifically needed for the rules, and vice versa through any means such as getting your hands dirty or by having someone else tail, watch, or by any other surveillance way to find out anything about me or you. If you are okay with these terms to answer questions, and give questions with the knowledge that both of us can abstain from the question, along with no surveillance of any type during the Sennin games unless if need be by the games Rules.

Basically, once I walk out that door, we both go back to being participants in the Games, nothing more, nothing less. Agreed?

Giving the note to Akkuma to read, she would read his every movement, in case if the Demon decided to strike out at her or any other way.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Shadow before him seemed to think before scrawling out her response & what was wanted from this interaction. Akkuma stood there wondering what he would be handed. After a brief moment he was handed the written response. Those emerald eyes of his scanning its contents, chuckling initially as he read through it. Another devilish grin would flash upon his face as his lifted his gaze from the note to the Anbu before him. Contemplating the various paths before him before he returned his gaze once again to the note. "It is truly a've had all this time to learn about me & yet it appears you've learnt so little." he would say calmly as the paper ignited in his hand. There was no aggression in his words if anything his tone was disappointed. Dusting the ashen remains of the note from his hand as he spoke his next words.

"I cannot accept your offered terms." He said in a business-like manner continuing on to say. "You are my competition. Regardless of our other business, this alone means that I will do everything in my power to undermine you while within these Sennin Games." There was no maliciousness to his words, for him this was just another matter of business. By competing, even if just to get close to him the Shadow had opened themselves up for attack. Despite Miro's best efforts with her wording he would not be in breach should he deal with this one. For they had gone well out of their way to meddle in his affairs. Fortunately he had no intention of doing so yet, after all there was still much to be gained from this encounter.

Post Theme

"Now regarding our other business." He paused for a moment as if appraising the shinobi before him. "Your suspicions are correct. I orchestrated the attacks against both Kumogakure & Konohagakure." With such a confession who would blame the shadow if they attacked him here & now? His heartbeat increased to an almost human pace with it's excitement. "It should be made clear that Sunagakure played no part in this. The Kazekage himself had banished me from his lands." A sigh would escape his lips, tilting his head to once more appraise the shinobi before him.

"Candidly, we can settle this now if you'd wish. You could avenge your people, stop me & enhance ties with multiple nations all with one victory. On the other hand you could fall here & serve only as yet another demonstration of my prowess." A chuckle would escape his lips as his tongue slid along them with excitement at the thought of a potential snack. "Then again if you do take that option you'd never know why I did it & there is so much more yet to come that we could discuss." Those emerald eyes of his would flash with mad delight as he spread his arms wide.

"Silent, Anbu of Kumogakure. I leave the decision with you...I do hope you don't disappoint." He would say full of anticipation & excitement. How would Silent react to this news? What would they do with the knowledge that he had not yet finished with them? Perhaps most importantly why was he confessing to these acts? What was his motivation for it all? If his suspicions were right & they were still being surveilled at this moment then what did he have to gain from this confession? In truth could they ever know the motivations behind his actions, did they care to? Or would they blindly attempt to deal with the immediate threat he posed. An act that would serve only to further leave them open to his schemes.
OOC: Apologies on the delay.​

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
The anbu only listened as the demon spoke, she would also take notice of how he would look at her. It was obvious that she piqued his curiousity. And she knows full well that she is in the lion's den now. Blinking, she sent chakra to her eyes, snapshot, to record the event taking place. This type of conversation would need to be examined by the Kazekage when she gets the chance to meet with him again. Moreso since he declined the terms of agreement in which she had laid out. It would also mean that the man would definitely try and use his own type of surveillance to get an idea of who or what she is. He spoke of the Sennin Games, how he would undermine her at all times while in the Sennin Games.

He also gave her a decision. She can try and fight him now, but with either outcome of that fight, she will be robbed of more information. And that is something she really needs right now. At least she knows for certain that he is the one that orchestrated the attacks and that Sand had nothing to do with it. But now it poses a different question, or rather some other questions. The anbu would write down on her notepad once more, and then giving it to the demon. If he were to try anything the archsage plans on blasting him with some holy chakra. She knows that he's a dark sage, ironicaly, so theoretically, she is at advantage. If only he didn't have more information to share.

So let's start off with the basic standard question. Why. Why would you incite both Leaf and Cloud to attack Sand? What are you planning on doing with the three Villages? Along with that, why participate in the Sennin games and what would you really plan on doing if you become Sennin of Sand?

Now going more into detail, what's your relationship with Myakashi Kiko, Shion Yoshino, and a 'Lord' Nobu. Along with that, if you knew of a particular Sand ninja who may have either died or went missing. From my understanding, this person was a bit odd and has been affiliated with you as being part of their family.

Yuna knows that the talk of family in such a tense situation as this could rile just about anyone up. She would hope that if Akkuma does get riled up, he might spill some information that he may have wanted to hold dear, maybe even this potentially missing ninja's name.

Used snapshot to record thread
(1/3 snapshot memories)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed that Silent was more interested in gathering more intel. He couldn't say he wasn't disappointed he had hoped to see who was hiding underneath that mask, but the day was still young there was still time. The shadow began to scrawl down her questions, while he waited Akkuma walked to the nearby desk & retrieved from it a summoning scroll. Using it to Summon a sake bottle, unstopping it he would take a swig before accepting the written dialogue from Silent. A satisfied chuckle would escape his lips "It is only natural you would want to start there I suppose." Those emerald eyes of his held his masked guest in his gaze as he answered in an almost business-like manner. "I thought that would be obvious. To determine who Sunagkure's true allies really were." he let the words hang in the air. Of course only a fool would believe a shinobi nation would send a single individual in a act of war & in such a brazenly unnecessary manner. "Truthfully after discovering Konohagakure had no intentions of upholding the treaties & had in fact been actively collaborating with a Missing proxy to break them I wanted to be more thorough in my testing of Kumogakure." There was a seriousness to his gaze when he spoke these words, showing that he was speaking the truth. For there was no denying the sincerity to them, but how had he gotten this information?

"I didn't set out on this mission to kill my own people, but as shinobi we must be willing to sacrifice everything to achieve our goals." Then a devilish grin spread across his face as he continued on. "In regards to the inciting either of Kumogakure or Konohagkure to attack Sunagakure..." there was a pause & his eyes would flash with delight at the thought of what he would do should they be so bold. "If either of the Great Nations were to be so foolish. All they would be doing is providing me & this land with more sustenance." He licked his lips at the thought, just how many souls would he get to taste before this was all over? With a thin smile the Sage scanned her next question & chuckled. "Isn't that obvious dear? Wind Country & Sunagakure are my home." He said the words in a matter of fact manner as if it should have been obvious. Then again he did have multiple sons who had set down their roots here. Along with many other family members. It did seem only natural after all he had invested into this land & it's people that this place be his home. Sure he had his differences with some of it's inhabitants but it wasn't as it this land was without its own complexities.

"I would rather not go into too much detail as of yet. But you could expect a significant uptake in intervillage projects to ensure a maintenance & growth of village relations. Along with an established task force designated for dealing with threats that specifically threaten this balance of peace. Such as Mercenary groups, Missing-nin, Private Organizations seeking to undermine our goals." To him it seemed like it would be the most obvious path ahead no matter which position he got. Rather these would be the first of many steps in his path to changing the very foundation of the world as they knew it. "My Harbinger...that is who Myakashi Kiko is." he said the words with pride as the memory of her disconnected almost ethereal voice played in his mind. "Shion Yoshino is a member of the Gekido Clan, which originates from Konohagakure's Crater City. He is not a threat to you or your village." The statement was said almost as if both fact & a warning to the Anbu. For his masked guest may not have known but the Sage had a fondness for the broken & disenfranchised of the world. "His Master Lord Nobu would have been...but my associates & I have removed him from play. Nobu was to be the proxy used by Konohagakure to facade as an unaffiliated party. Intending to establish a vast information network throughout the great nations via businesses. While also keeping any potential village traitors in line by having them work with him." There was a lot of information here & some serious accusations being thrown around with heavy diplomatic implications.

"It is not disimilar to a method I have used before so I can attest to its effectiveness. Consider the threat Nobu could have posed, how dangerous an intelligence vulnerability he could have been to the Nations. We removed him, Raizo disapproves of my methods. But I am aware of threats before they even come up on your radars." he would say calmly as if he had not just admitted that he & his cohorts were responsible for yet another murder within a foreign border. Then again this one was likely one that would've been sanctioned had it been brought forward to the relevant individuals. If he ended up making amends for the lives he had taken during the attacks he could very well end up Sennin of the village. "You're going to have to do better then that Silent. Were they a male, female. Young, middle aged, old? My family is large & varied. Odd would be a kind way of describing some of my family members given a great deal of us aren't human." Another chuckle before he licked his lips sizing her up before continuing. "Then again perhaps you were hoping to make me emotional? If that's the case you'll definitely need to get into the details." There was little doubt in his mind that she meant Kureji but he had to be sure & he wanted to know what information she had on him. When last he had seen his son he had no reason to believe any of these village shinobi could pose a threat to him. But it would be disingenuous to say there wasn't some part of him that felt concern for the youth.

[Let me know when you have Fish. ;) We'll duke it out a lil, unless rp has moved away from it by then.]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Yuna would again listen to the demon speak, through and through. Every word he had spoken was intricately made to ever make him out to look like the good guy. While the light shed on Leaf with the missing ninja marrying one of the Hokage seems to hold up as truth, both Akkuma and Raizo had spoken of such a marriage.

Moving onto the real issue, Akkuma had sounded so sure of himself that there will be little to no backlash onto him from any of the other Countries. Finally, he went on to talk about the names she had mentioned. Myakashi Kiko, from how Akkuma talked of her, and hearing about her from what Miro had talked about the attack on Cloud Gates, this Kiko is sounding very much like a formidable opponent. Then there was Shion Yoshino. Very little is known about that name, and Akkuma only stated that this person was part of the Gekido clan that was governed by Nobu. Nobu himself, from how Akkuma described him, was merely a failed copy of what Akkuma is. It could also very well be the reason why Akkuma and his conspirators wanted to get rid of the leader of the Gekido clan. Whilst it may seem that Yoshino might be a criminal in the eyes of Leaf, it might prove useful to employ him if he learns of his leaders fate and bears hatred for those accountable. And that, is another thing. Akkuma spoke casually about murder. Even if it was done to a criminal, Yuna doesn't know the whole story, but knows the general laws and just doing senseless murder is a no no for all places with laws.

As for the name that she doesn't know, Akkuma chided her for not giving him sufficient information to go off of to let her in of who might be another one of his helpers. She thought back at what Raizo had said about the particular person. He said student, so they were obviously young, most likely a student or a fresh genin. As for odd, she compared to how Raizo had talked about this mystery person vice how Akkuma was throwing out ideas for her to grasp. As an Anbu operative, she would have to take an estimated guess and see how the demon would react to it.

But before she could start writing down on her notepad, there was a knock at the door. A stranger would open the door, it would be a member of the Journeymen order, explaining to the two that they would have to wear these wristbands and failure to do so would cause for them to be void from the competition. Two wristbands produced, one the archsage took and clasped the metallic device onto her left wrist. She would wait until the journeyman left, either Akkuma would wear the device or not, and when they leave, she would continue to write. Once more, she will give the note to the demon for him to read.

Perhaps said family member is young. Maybe a fresh genin at the time before their disappearance? Maybe they were not mentally right to be a ninja and was in a mental institution of some kind?

A different question comes to mind. What makes you think that this grand plan of yours will go off without a hitch? Sure you have already led to a dissonance in society between the Villages, but there will always be things that even you with all of your information networks can't predict happening fully in the way you wanted. The fact that I am here having this... Discussion with you is proof. Your head hasn't been severed from your neck once you have stated that you were the one to orchestrate the attacks on both Leaf and Cloud. Along with that, sometimes when brought to extreme chances in life, people can change. What makes you think that things won't go your way and all three villages actually start to work together, strengthening their bonds? What's to stop me from sending out messages to the other Villages after I am done here talking to you to rally everyone on the same side?

(takahashi wrist device on from this post)

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
The Sage had to admit it made it all the more exciting not being able to so easily read his foe, he watched the masked kunoichi take in his words. Unfortunately before he could find out her thoughts on what he had said there was a knock at the door. Soon after it was opened by one of the guests he'd known would inevitably arrive. "Oh our toys have arrived, spectacular craftsmanship. I'd expect nothing less from your Order, thank you." he said accepting the device & placing it on. Giving its design an appreciative look over as he did so, he'd have to further investigate what it did later. "I believe there were a couple participants up in the bar area as well." with those words Akkuma would give the Journeyman a smile & closed the door. Turning to accept the note that was held out by Silent, taking the note he walked over to the nearby table.

A chuckle escaped him as those emerald eyes lifted from the paper to the masked Kumogakurian Anbu. "So the Kazekage has been giving you full access so to speak. Tell you what what why don't we circle back to these questions after I address your others?" Another smile one that held know surprise almost as if he had expected it, followed by a rhetorical question. That was all she would get from him on Kureji for now he didn't wish to get to emotional & risk not fully covering what he wished to ensure they knew. After all it seemed their investigations had been making much less progress then he had anticipated. "It already has gone off without a hitch." A devilish grin appeared on his face mixed with disbelief. "There are some flaws in your logic my dear. They work off the assumption that my end goal is to cause dissonance between the villages." An almost playful look would flash upon his face before he spoke his next words.

"Do you really think if I wanted I couldn't have chosen a better means to sow dissonance or discord as you say my agenda was?" With a sigh he gestured at Silent as he continued on. "I would say my actions have hastened the necessity for greater village relations." Gesturing around he would close his eyes as if he could feel it in the very air, after all he was the bastard spawn of a Chaos Demon. "That dissonance you speak of has always been here. It will not go away until it is properly dealt with." Opening his eyes to reveal emerald orbs full of malice & hatred as he took in the lavishly built room around them. "The Gods of Commerce have taken much from shinobi. Your old wounds & hatred will not be healed through trade, it is battle that will restore those bonds between the people of the nations." When he spoke there was a certainty in his voice, he'd seen the people of these villages they needed an enemy.

They were always so eager to find themselves one. "Is the fact we are discussing this proof? Or is it even further evidence of the combined inadequacies of the villages?" When he posed the question in response to her own, his eyes flashed with a devilish delight. He wondered if she had considered any of the things he truly wished to say. But where was the fun in giving away everything thing this early on in the game? "Rally everyone on the same side, to what? Overcome human nature?" He let out an unnatural laugh that would be unnerving to most. "There is a reason the shinobi way of life has endured for so long." There was an almost matter of fact way he spoke the words, as if he expected someone in Silent's position to have known this by now. "Even if you were to succeed it wouldn't matter." Another devilish grin as he shrugged continuing on. "I would eventually resurrect, I have more then enough fellow conspirators invested in the outcome for their own reason. If this plan fails, I will carve out a place for myself & those who wish to join me." Pausing to ensure that the gravity of his next words would not be lost on the Anbu before him.

"Should any of the villages try to stop me. I will use the bones of their people to lay the foundation of my Empire." Those emerald eyes held Silent locked in their gaze. "Consider the many wonderful things I will do for Sunagakure & the many Nations. How safe they will be with me contained by Sennin-ship." A theatrical pout expression was held on his face as he said. "If I don't get Sennin, I'll have to go carve out my own little piece of heaven...which of the lands I'll do that in I've yet to decide." Another laugh as his hand lifted up to run through his hair, this time a more serious expression held upon his face. "Back to your first few questions here...I happen to think my son is a remarkable ninja. But then again villages are impeccably renowned at overlooking talent." Taking a step towards her she would feel the very air itself almost pulse if corrupted chakra, pausing he continued holding her in his gaze as he asked one final question. "Tell me why do you want to know about him? If you have hurt him or are hunting him, I will have to kill you before we continue any further." Where with many of his earlier threats in there encounters they had been purely business, this was not. His voice was coated with malice & every word laced with his venomous intent.

[OOC Wrist device worn & much fun to be had. =P]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She would let the demon speak his mind about the whole matter, of her questions being answered, how he isn't working to be some kind of villain, but rather pictures himself as the hero the world needs to fix itself, in some fuck up type of way. He would continue on about how even if she does manage to kill him, he would soon resurrect. Along with others that support his cause. Moving on, the conversation went to if he and his conspirators were to ever fail, he would find a new haven somewhere else. And finally, the talk about his child, a son as a small bit of information made its way into Yuna's mind. The area suddenly felt heavy, and she could tell that the demon was trying to impose his corrupt chakra over her. Instinctively, natural chakra flowed about her, as if a pot of water over the fire, not boiling just yet, but surely simmering. She would look back into his eyes, a fierce determination that would speak volumes in of itself. Surely this type of personality that she has made her almost want to clash heads with her own Sennin, but as of right now, there would be nothing stopping her from blasting the demon to bits and pieces. The only thing actually stopping her is the want to gain as much information from the demon as possible.

The anbu could tell that she had hit a soft spot, there was definitely a change in attitude before her as the demon seemed to be a bit more tense of the situation, enough to make an actual threat. She could stick to writing, but she feels as if this time, it will leave her more vulnerable than ever. Instead, she would keep her eyes trained on him and focus her natural chakra to the ground, making the floor warp until words are made and then a few moments later, turned back into the normal floor.

maybe, maybe not. I would be lying to say that you can be a very convincing person. You, despite the things done, could have quite a bit of followers with that charisma that you have. But with your actions you will have many targets on your back. I don't agree with anything you say, but I can't deny you have great leadership skills. But after that, the compliments stop there. You say that if I do kill you, then you will resurrect. Then I say, if you resurrect one-hundred times, I will find a way to kill you one-hundred-one times. And if not me, then by someone else who will not deal with your antics of killing others for what you have envisioned as a necessity to a better future. As for your son, so far there isn't any incriminating evidence or known knowledge that he is an enemy of Cloud or Sand or has done any harm to either of the Villages as of yet, so you can rest easy for the time being. But if there is, I will welcome you to try your best against me. I've been wondering just what kind of blood will come out of someone as vile as you.

She would let those words sink in, before channeling her natural chakra once again into the floor,

There is one thing I will ask aside from us both threatening to kill each other back and forth. If your chance at becoming a Sennin were to fail, you mentioned moving to a new place, a new haven. What will you do if that were to happen? Will you try and find revenge for those who have wronged you? Such as myself for targeting you, or the Kazekage since he is the sole person who would make the final say fo who gets to become Sennin. Or the future Sand Sennin who took the title from your grasp?

Or would you try to find other ways to meddle in the affairs of the other major Villages? How far will you go until you are either satisfied?

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"Attention, Kazekage Ryuzaki Raizo is making his way to the grand ballroom to give the opening remarks and explain the festivities for tonight. All non-participants, and non-judges, are encouraged to make their way to the ballroom at this time. All participants and judges are free to remain in their respective locations and listen to the opening remarks over the PA system. Opening remarks will begin in the next 10 minutes."

@Miroku Akkuma @Chigokai Yuna

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Once more Silent had listened intently to his words. But when his aura had lashed out when natural chakra almost bubbled up in defiance, how curious. Another Sage. Had this been one of the reasons she had been put on his investigation? Who better to handle a Sage then another? Akkuma had clearly made his point as Silent no longer wrote her inquiries on paper, using her nature chakra to shape the very wood beneath them. No doubt so that she would not have to take her eyes from him after the change in his demeanor. "Flattery will get you no where my dear." his lips curved into a devilish grin as he turned & walked towards his desk once more. Deciding that this action would allow his guest to relax as he continued answering her. "Debts can be paid in many forms Silent, no one knows that better than me." he would say turning his emerald eyed gaze upon her. "There's something so intimate about that...the thought of someone killing me. Over & over again. I'm sure we'll become well acquainted by the end." he chuckled as if such a threat concerned him. If anything such a Fate would do more harm to Silent's humanity then to himself.

The Sages eyes scanned over the newly formed words & an amused smile formed on his face. He went to speak when another announcement cut through the Mansion. "Attention, Kazekage Ryuzaki Raizo is making his way to the grand ballroom to give the opening remarks and explain the festivities for tonight. All non-participants, and non-judges, are encouraged to make their way to the ballroom at this time. All participants and judges are free to remain in their respective locations and listen to the opening remarks over the PA system. Opening remarks will begin in the next 10 minutes." Although it had stated specifically they needn't be there. What finer a reason to end the discussion now before he lost his control with the Kumogakurian shadow & revealed what he had become. "While I'm sure you would like an answer. It seems on that front you & your peers are incapable of looking past your own biases for now." With those words he walked over to the door & with a warm smile opened it motioning for her to depart.

"Until we next meet Silent. After all I'm sure you have much you wish to say to Raizo should you get the chance." No doubt she wanted to see his announcement firsthand. The Sage had no more he wished to divulge, certainly not to what he considered to be just another tool of the village. The way she had framed her inquiries had been consistent, ever the loyal lapdog. There would be no broadening this one's mind, not with the current biases she carried. It seemed to be a common blight among these village shinobi one that so few of them possessed. A hubris they seemed unwilling to acknowledge. As an Anbu he had expected her to have the more flexible ethics of her branch peers. What a shame it seemed this was not the case. Once she had departed he would close the door behind her. Turning he would move back falling onto the bed with a sigh. "They truly are incapable of seeing it...even when it's right in front of them." he thought out loud to himself with a hand aloft in the air, spiraling around it a thin line of sand.

"What will I do?" he wondered as Silent's questions hung in his mind. Perhaps most importantly what would they do? "What would he do? Would he truly listen to my counsel? Or would he use the title as a means to shackle me?" his own questions grew in response. It was not the first time he had asked himself these questions but with that time drawing ever near they grew ever louder. Time was ticking away & the announcement would soon begin. Standing he would straighten up his attire before opening the door once more & departing for the Ballroom. On his way there he listened to Raizo's words & wondered what the thoughts of all the Sunans listening were.

[MFT & Topic Left, for Ballroom - unless stopped. Thanks had a lot of fun! Sorry on the delay.]

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
Making his way to the ballroom he would get caught up in some of the crowd who were also migrating that way. This would then get mixed with two other factors; 1) he had been drinking a bit more foolheartedly than his body was truly ready for and 2) he had no idea where he was because this house was new to him. Combining all of these factors, well it was enough to cause his head to spin. There was another thought that was also creeping in, and it was that he needed to use the restroom. Taking a moment to fight through the wave of people, he would find a worker and ask to be pointed in the direct of the nearest restroom. What he was told and what he had heard, well those two things might not have necessarily been the same. He was pointed in on direction but his eyes simply saw the staircase, so he ascended them. From there he found the restroom, or at least he had assumed he had. Instead, he found a room marked "Katsuo".

"Is that how you spell bathroom in some fancy Sunan language!? Is that a village secret?!"

Either way, he would pound and pull at the door, frantically trying to get in the room. He was panicked, he felt like he might pee his pants, and when reaching his breaking point, he finally noticed something familiar and inviting; a room with his name. Sprinting, he would barge into the room hastily leaving his door ajar, scan quickly for a bathroom, and ultimately succeed in his quest.

The relief he achieved was on multiple levels, as he would let out a sigh, wash his hands, and confidently walk back into his room.

"Wait... the speech!?"

He would be late once more.
MFT - 298

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She would watch as the demon would go to the door and gesture for her to leave. She would look him in his eyes, signifying that they're not done and as soon as the chance rises, she will be there to knock him down a level. But right now is not the time. And for right now, he isn't a threat to her and is being polite. No doubt about it that the demon held on to more information, but for now, she'll have to make do with what she has. Blinking, her snapshot has ended and the anbu operative would make her way to the ballroom.

(Topic left)

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
From the PA System, would come the following announcement:

"Thank you all for gathering here this evening. I know there is a lot of intrigue in not only this event and our competitors but also in general. Why do things in such a non-traditional way? I think concerns about upholding and respecting traditions is one that should be valued, but I also believe that change can also illicit growth. Evolution. We are standing at the precipice of a unique time for Sunagakure no Sato, a time in which the village can either adapt and evolve or stay complacent. Complacency is often given as a pejorative, that it is bad. It isn't, at least in context. This village has finally entered into a level where complacency is probably welcomed. Where consistency is finally consistent. After decades caught in a maelstrom, attacks from insurgents, attacks from twisted creatures from the wild expanse, and constant fear of a faction seeking to destroy you... Suna has finally reached a point where the day-to-day is mundane. A day that you live on the surface, that you thrive but not at the forced hand of survival, and one in which you can enjoy just the simplicity of existing without being on edge for the next danger."


"And while we have reached the place of peace, is it where we should remain? Or is there a benefit to challenging ourselves, not merely waiting for challenges to come, to grow and change? We've already received one message from one of the other Great Nations challenging our previously held traditions, and we're already aware of the dangers still lingering in the Desert Expanse, but shouldn't we already be moving forward regardless of these external events and not simply because of them? Isn't it time to be proactive and stop merely being reactive? These Sennin Games will not only mark a new Sennin to join the upper ranks of our military but also mark a new chapter for our village. One where we look at our traditions and current concepts and make a decision on what truly is best for the progress of our village, what truly is sustainable."

Another pause

"So then, what about tonight? Why are we here? Why are some of us wearing these odd metallic wrist devices" he would say raising his own arm to show that he too was wearing the device, "Before we get to that, let me take a moment to mention that we will be doing something different within the Sennin Games. Like I said in my original announcement, this was to be a spectacle and showcase for not only our shinobi and our village but for all of Wind Country. In keeping with that promise, one of the Merchant Lords of Soon's Haven has graced us with an amazing opportunity; tonight, and all other facets of the game, will be recorded on film, and then Merchant Lord Guchi Sheena and her amazing team will take the film and release it for home consumption. So while it won't be real-time, each stage of the event will be witnessed by all those within our country, either in their home or at various gatherings planned around the country. Ultimately, the goal is for the final stages of the event to be filmed in real-time, witnessed in live broadcast form, but there are still several hurdles to climb before reaching that point, as Lord Sheena and her team are painfully aware of... so I say all that to say this; smile, because you are already on camera!"

A longer pause. He would continue.

"Now I am sure some of you have already processed what this means, but some of you might still be in the dark on this; for those of you participating, you are on full display. This is a spotlight and magnitude that many of you were maybe not expecting nor that some of you want, while others of you may revel at the ability to be put on such a stage. The reality for this decision was simple for two reasons; 1) The easiest reason; if you are selected to be a Sennin, you are standing in this very spotlight already, we are giving you a chance to grow accustomed to those lights instead of starting out blinded. 2) As I mentioned originally, these games aren't just a simple test--you are now going to be viewed, judged, and scrutinized not only by myself, those assisting with the games, but also your peers, village members, and country mates. Being able to handle that pressure is no small feat, folding to that pressure is no grand failure; you are being tested."

Now on to the focus of this evening. As already mentioned, you all are wearing these wrist devices, which were made by the head of our Journeyman Order, Takahashi Satoshi, of the renowned Takahashi Clan who has served this village and country proudly. This device will be used throughout the games for various purposes, to keep track of your progress. To activate,"

There would be a pause with the sound of shuffling picked up on the microphone, "
you must press this button and then emit a small amount of chakra. The runic work of Satoshi will then kick in on that small amount of energy and the device will start up."

Satoshi has stated that this device all works fundamentally the same but because it is powered by your chakra, or your spiritual essence, it is not an exact science like modern [of the NC world] technology. Instead, each of yours might act a little differently based on your own personality, but I have been assured that all of them will have the same fundamental character and starting prompt; a little creature named C.U.R.O. or "kur-oh" and you should all receive a welcome message introducing you to the device."



Lowering his own device he would continue.

"You will notice that you all have a score, and that score is starting at 50 out of 100. For tonight's game, the rules are fairly simple. It's a battle royal..."

There would be an amount of tension in his pause.

"...of appeal. That's right, you will be assessed by our judges, non-participants within the house, based on your conversations, actions, and behaviors tonight. Favorable conversation? Gain points. Pick your nose? Lose points, depending on who sees you. The rationale for this is simple enough, if not mundane for those of you itching to do more punching; I need Sennin that are not just pillars of strength. I need Sennin that are pillars of our village. Can you relate? Can you speak in a way that promotes yourself on our causes? While this may not seem like an exciting assessment, I want to caution you on believing this to be an easy one; are you truly someone who this village can believe in? If so, show it."

"Your score at the end of this round tonight will be used for rankings in the next round. The score caps at 100 but as a reminder, you can also lose points just as quickly as you gain them. Should you wish to question any transactions, you will have to talk to me. I have access to all participant's points and overall score sheets. If my ruling goes in your favor, you will be returned the points taken or given to you, and if my ruling goes against your favor, you will be penalized 20 points."

He would pause again.

"You, as a participant, are able to give your points to fellow participants but are not able to take them away from others. Any points you give will be subtracted from your total."

You are welcome to hide away from judges, but every hour you go without receiving feedback on interacting with another person wearing one of these devices will result in a loss of 5 points."

"Last bit on the rules; since this competition will have us staying up through the night, you are welcome to retire to your room and head for bed. If that is what you wish to do, remove the device and the 5-point penalty will be deducted based on the time remaining. And lastly, we will have a group meeting, for those who wish to attend, in 3 and 6 hours, in the meeting room on the second floor. Those who attend will receive 10 points automatically and those who do not, will not be punished. We have roughly 8 hours of competition tonight, so best of luck. Coffee, along with any and all beverages and food, are available to judges and participants at your request. I shall stick around the ballroom for a moment and then will wander around the premises for the remainder of the game."

There would be a sound of crumpling of papers.

"Oh, just noticed I received clarification from Satoshi about what C.U.R.O. stands for... and he says it stands for Shove It Up---okay, never mind. Good luck participants, I hope you all put your best foot forward!"

The communication would end.
OOC: Please check out this post

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
Dear Contestants! Unfortunately due to Out of Character timing causing a drastic delay to this In Character competition, Round 1 has come to an end. The 1st Sennin will be rewarded to the contestant with the highest score!

@Chikamatsu Shin 92/100
@Tsurara Moriko 90/100
@Chigokai Yuna (Name shows as Silent) 80/100
@Shingetsu Sora 87/100
@Sunaku Harupia 85/100
@Uziuke 62/100
@Miroku Akkuma 60/100
@Okami Roku 42/100
@Kaen 25/100
@Kanmuri 25/100
@Mikaboshi (name would show as Sunahoshi Suzaku) 25/100

Congratulations Chikamatsu Shin for gaining the role of Sennin of Sunagakure!

Round 2 of the Sennin Games will begin at the start of the year of 2024! ICly this will be a month worth of prep. While Round 2 is not going to be a straight up modded combat, as there will be other factors that will go into this round, every contestant which has made it to Round 2 has been notified that they will be in direct competition with in the following pairings.

@Tsurara Moriko vs @Uziuke
@Chigokai Yuna vs @Miroku Akkuma
@Shingetsu Sora vs @Sunaku Harupia
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