Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event [Closed] Sennin Games: Round 2 - Sudden Death! Sora vs Harupia

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Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013

Behind the Kyōsoku House lies a large three chamber colosseum where today’s event has been scheduled! Some time has past since the end of the First Round of the Sennin Games and today the entire village has come to watch the Second and Final Round of the Sennin Games! Between the three open spaces there lies a network of rooms and passages where the spectators can easily pass through to watch each of the upcoming matches with ease. Alternatively, the spectators could remain in these chambers and watch all three events on the various televised screens.


In the chambers of the up coming matches There would be a platform in the middle of a large space surrounded by a large moat of crystal clear water. The depths of the water reach down over 100 meters and if the spectators or the contestants look closely, they would see that there was a current being generated pulling the surface downwards. Retractable wrought iron bridges extended out to the center stone platform allowing the contestants to make their way to the center arena. Each of the contestants have been instructed to prepare for the fight of their life.


In the center of the arena there would be a single man, one of the triplets who were selected to referee this event, wearing a suit of golden armor, prepared for this fight to be one of the most impactful this village had seen in some time. Pulling up the microphone and shouting out, he was ready to begin the match.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, as well as those within and outside of the traditional Gender Binary! Welcome to the Sennin Games!”

The crowd would cheer and an eruption of applause would be heard from the interior private chambers each contestant was provided to wait before their match would begin.

“Today we have gathered to see the wits and the strategies provided to us from the magnificent Shingetsu Sora and the marvelous plans and sharp tongue from the glamorous Sunaku Harupia!”

The man let out a grin and a hearty laugh.

“I will be your host for this legendary battle of minds, Shinpan Mittsu! Let’s give these contestants a round of applause as they join us for today’s great debate!”

As the contestants would come out they would see that in the middle of the arenas there would be two podiums with microphones waiting for the would-be-Sennin’s to stand behind as their Sudden Death Match was about to begin!
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Wits and strategies? Suigetsu was flattered of course, but equally so, he was a bit embarrassed. This many people, all expecting him and Sora to do something spectacular was enough to make even the most charismatic individual think twice about opening their mouth. Recognizing that he was in a bit deep with this entire event, the Ancient had had a meeting of the minds with his otherwise errant personality of Sora. If Suigetsu was going to not only give a good showing but possibly even win the competition then he was going to have to stoop to the same level as Shin and use two minds instead of one. Not overly familiar with his opponent, Suigetsu recognized the clan name well enough. The Sunaku were renowned and then some, and if he was going to be going against one of their "marvelous" ones then he was going to have to rely on a good strategy. With no pomp to his walk, Suigetsu approached the podium where he was to stand. With this being a less formal event than the last, he'd gone with Sora's callsign of an ensemble... the ever oddly out of place hoodie over his shinobi wear. With it being a comfortable pick and sporting more than enough pockets, a small part of him hoped that his opponent might overthink the youthful appearance for one lacking good common sense. Every advantage should be taken and ever strategy expected. Upon seeing his supposed opponent, Suigetsu would give a respectful nod and small wave of the hand. As the games had shown thus far, every interaction meant something and this would be no different.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Things were moving along at a steady pace. The first part of the Sennin games passed, and for what it's worth he didn’t fall out of contention for the first spot. He wasn’t sure whether the information he gathered convinced the Oracle to vouch for him, or whatever spectators there were for the conversation decided the info was good enough. Or maybe they were just convinced by his demeanor.

The second stage was set. Quite literally, with him stepping into the gladiatorial arena. The stands were full, and he knew for a fact this was going live all over the village. He had seen some of the remaining contests but they didn’t have much time to chat. The fact they weren’t sure who they would face probably everyone a bit tongue-tied.

From the sight of the man, it didn’t appear that he was overly stressed as he entered the Arena, with a bright smile on his face, his clothing simple with white pants and a dark shirt, with the addition of a white cloak on his back, one he wore whenever he ventured out into the desert. He figured playing the local Shinobi card wouldn’t hurt given how some of the competitors were from other villages.

One thing did confuse him slightly…they were told to expect a death match more or less. Yet the announcer seemingly was announcing more of a battle of wits. And there was two podium with microphones on them. He wasn’t sure what to expect… but he didn’t show it in his expression. As Sora greeted him, he gave a respectful bow of his head in return saying “May the best man win”

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
As the two contestants came from their respective prep areas the crowd would let out roars of excitement as the Sennin Games had been the talk of the town for a few months now. This month hiatus between the rounds gave the villages even more time to talk about who they were cheering for as well as giving them a chance to discuss their approval or disapproval of the first selected Sennin from the games, Chikamatsu Shin. The masses were unaware if this round would select a single Sennin or if the last two open seats would be filled from this round, but they were excited nonetheless.

Standing before the two possible Sennin, stood the MC for the event, Shinpan Mittsu. He let out a hardy laugh before speakig.

"Welcome, welcome, one and all! This match up was made in the heaven to maximize the scandalous nature that is this Sennin Game! Before this round begins, some house keeping:
First, when a question is asked, the first person to speak will be allowed to carry their response for a total of two minutes before their opponent is allowed to rebuttal. After giving their rebuttal the second contestant may give their answer and the first contest may rebuttal when their opponent is finished.
Second, rebuttals may last no longer than one minute.
Third, points will be deducted if you exceed your time.
Fourth and finally, the observers of this great match will be giving a crowd vote to see what the masses think."

The man looked around with a grin.

"For our first question... What would be an effective strategy to neutralize gang actively in the old Suna districts?"

  • From this post you have until January 27th at 23:59 site time.
  • You may post no more than two time in this time period to give your answer and your rebuttal.
  • If you do not post in this time frame you forfeit your answer or your rebuttal.
  • Spectators may not cast a vote on this question until January 28th
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
“May the best man win” Harupia's well wishing didn't go unnoticed and Suigetsu gave a curt bow as well. As much as this was a competition, at the end of the day, they still would wear the same headband when this was all said and done. "Do your best, because I certainly will as well." And with that said, while Suigetsu was quite primed and ready to lock fist with the Sunaku, the next words out of the presenters mouth gave the Ancient pause. "Welcome, welcome, one and all! This match up was made in the heaven to maximize the scandalous nature that is this Sennin Game! Before this round begins, some house keeping: First, when a question is asked, the first person to speak will be allowed to carry their response for a total of two minutes before their opponent is allowed to rebuttal. After giving their rebuttal the second contestant may give their answer and the first contest may rebuttal when their opponent is finished. Second, rebuttals may last no longer than one minute. Third, points will be deducted if you exceed your time. Fourth and finally, the observers of this great match will be giving a crowd vote to see what the masses think."

They really were going to make them debate? Turning his head to the side in a confused manner, Suigetsu gave a low whistle in surprise before muttering "Wow!" While he truly expected some oddities he most definitely did not expect a true debate. That said, with as long as he had lived and could remember, he was probably more prepared than most. It would be wise to not assume that his opponent wasn't as learned as he was however, and so Suigetsu listened to the question in earnest. "For our first question... What would be an effective strategy to neutralize gang actively in the old Suna districts?" Oh. That was a question's question, one that required some forethought and probably a heaping dose of insight. Had he personally had an issue with the gangs of the old Suna districts? No. However, that didn't mean that they weren't a menace to society to some degree. How would he answer? He didn't know what the perfect answer could be. Over policing would just lead to more problems and leaving them be was just as tantamount to encouraging the problem. Suigetsu had to think of something to say though, so instead of spending an over abundance of time thinking about the perfect solution, he instead thought completely outside of the box.

"Hire them." Said so succinctly and in such a matter of fact tone, Suigetsu was sure that his answer would cause alarm but he continued to explain his answer. "Many of those in the gangs were trained at that Toraono Dojo, so they know our ways and what it means to wear a headband representing something greater than themselves." Nodding his head as he spoke, he looked up and around at the crowd around him. "Many of them only resort to being in gangs because they've fallen on hard times and with the terrors of time past, their homes are destroyed and their streets unkempt. They no longer can afford the shiny new things. So, I'd say, reemploy those that have been taught and teach those who have not. And yes, while it won't work for all, giving each of them an equal opportunity to work towards something better would probably change enough lives to make their current gang lives not worth it. We can pump all the money in the world into cleaning the place up but until we help to give the people there a purpose and a hope, it won't matter." Had he spoken too long, was his point clear? There were a number of holes that could be poked in his argument but with the time that Harupia had to respond, he'd have time enough to think of a counter point to the counter points sure to come.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia gave a confident smile to his opponent as he said “I wouldn’t dare offer you any less” They all knew what was at stake here, and he imagined not one of the contestants that lasted this long was going to be half assigned it. But it was a sign of mutual respect to ensure the other you were taking them seriously.

Much to their surprise though, it seemed fisticuffs were not going to be the solution for the time being. After his opponent commented he added “I guess it does make sense…After all, a Sennin is to represent the country in a diplomatic capacity as well” which was, partially the reason why he never found himself pushing for a grander status. He knew how dirty diplomacy and politics could get…It wasn’t something he was ever looking forward to, but at this point, he felt he needed to do more for his home… even if It would involve getting into those murky waters.

The first question was not a warm-up one that’s for sure. The issues within the old Suna districts has been ongoing for quite a while. For a while, it got better, then another steep dip into trouble. It was something he and many others thought about…though coming up with an answer wasn’t an easy task. And it also brought painful memories, but those would need to wait for a better time.

Sora’s reply did have merit. After all, a lot of the people there did have Shinobi training and simply fell on harder times. So giving them a chance to bounce back could help…however

“I believe we would need a wider approach. After all, the residents of the Old Districts are not entirely made out of members of the gangs operating there, there are just as many civilians with little to no combat training, who are often prey to those abusing their power. I believe that putting more resources into rebuilding and reintegrating the underground districts back with the current Sunagakure is the way forward. You may call it a simple clean-up, but I believe its something more. Many people would say the Old Districts were neglected, if not outright abandoned, and this hopelessness has led people to extremes, but it is still part of our village, many of us have lived decades of our lives there. And I think if we put effort and resources into properly rebuilding and refurbishing them, it could serve as a tangible token of hope, that things will improve, and a sign there is a better way than to prey on those weaker than you.”
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Listening, it seemed that Harupia almost agreed with Suigetsu, only, he wanted to go a step further and to get more within the weeds. “And I think if we put effort and resources into properly rebuilding and refurbishing them, it could serve as a tangible token of hope, that things will improve, and a sign there is a better way than to prey on those weaker than you.” Capitalizing on Harupia's words, Suigetsu spoke up with a slight grin. "It seems that we're mostly in agreement on the issue. I'd just add to your stance by highlighting the fact that as you said, many residents of the Old Districts have not been formally trained. For that, I think we could solve that problem by creating more academies for doing so. The Toraono Dojo is a wonderful place but by the Sunan Academy leaning so heavily on it, we basically force everyone to go there instead of locations more close to home. The Toraono Dojo naturally carries a presence lending itself to protection, which keeps the immediate area around it safer than most other places. It's no doubt a conversation for another time but we might do well to have more Sunan Academy satellite locations as well." Shrugging, he stopped short of possibly diving headfirst into an entire academic approach to the matter. The rules had been set and he certainly didn't want to lose out simply because he lost himself in the throughs of answering a question. This was just the first question and he needed to pace himself.

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
As the contestants spoke their moderator would shake his head knowingly as the sounds of the crowd varied from person to person.

"All right! Thats the way it should be. Share your views with the people! They are thirsty for your input, after all by the end of this contest you may carry the weight of responsibility of not only the title of Sennin, but the weight of the innocent lives within this village."

The man looked around with a grin.

"For our second question... With resources dwindling what is a strategy you would employ to promote technological growth of the nation?"

  • From this post you have until February 7th at 23:59 site time.
  • You may post no more than two time in this time period to give your answer and your rebuttal.
  • If you do not post in this time frame you forfeit your answer or your rebuttal.
  • Spectators may not cast a vote on this question until February 8th
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
'Wasn't there a new Sennin?' With the way that the questions were coming out, a part of Suigetsu wondered if this was Shin attempting to get his peers to do his share of the group project just so that he could swoop in and get the credit. In fact, Suigetsu had half of an inclination to jokingly say as much but then he remembered that there were hundreds if not thousands of people with their eyes all trained on him and Harupia. One errant thing said against someone that he had recently competed against and he'd be seen as the sore loser, of which, he would be more annoyed with being considered a sore loser than just simply one who lost. Mentally shaking the thought away, Suigetsu focused on the here and now, answering the question. "We are the Wind Country, no, and our land is largely a rolling desert traversed by nomadic tribes. Solar and wind energy farms should more than cover most of our energy needs and they're both equally quiet so the sandworms will not likely bother them."

The Ancient paused at the knowledge that he considered simple by comparison. "From there, with the energy issue solved, we can invest more into genetically viable and edible cactus and plant life variants that can more easily withstand the harsh desert landscape." Moving his less dominant hand in a way indicating that he was thinking out loud, he began to pace just a bit to put on a show. "With our energy and food needs met by more sustainable means, we then go back to those less fortunate children in the formally gang infested Old Suna wards and give them food, shelter and all the schooling they need to become a well educated and generational defining workforce. We'll have solved the problems of today by investing in the thought leaders of tomorrow, and, might I add... via a healthy vegetarian route." Clapping his hands together, Suigetsu would give a sly grin. More than enough Sunan tribes practiced vegetarianism and generally vegan lifestyles out of respect for the land. Now, if only the people bought it, Harupia might actually go for the straight forward route, which was equally as likely to please the crowd.

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
"Another reminder of just why I'm here... I'm sure Shin is already feeling the pressure even with him being new to the station..." he thought to himself as the announcer spoke. For all he knew this could have been one big plot to poach ideas out of the contestants… there was a chance neither he nor Sora were Sennin in the end. Still, he was going to answer to the best of his ability.

The fact Sora was making a lot of sense did make it tricky. From what he could see the man before him was intelligent and bold in his strategies. A scientist perhaps? He wished he could have consulted Sosuke about this… Tho he wasn’t sure if his trinkerer friend knew a lot about plant genetics. He considers his answer carefully. Technology… an interesting question given what he saw before coming back home. But he couldn’t reveal that to the public, not yet. He knew the Oracles were aware of his story, but he felt he needed to speak with the Kage at first… Still, he could play off it a bit.

“Food and energy is one thing, but those solutions would require one thing – Space. And I think the issues back at Old Suna are tied to this as well, people feeling confined to the area under the surface as the space above the grounds is filled. The Desert is vast, and it may seem barren on the surface, but with the abilities of our men and women, we have the necessary tools to find the supplies we need. A careful expansion out into the desert, setting up encampments and potential trade posts from which we can seek out resources. And who knows, maybe even find secrets of the Ancient Sunan’s that lived before us, buried under the sand, ready to be rebuilt and used to our benefit” The Final bit could be seen as veering into more fantasy than fact...but with everything that the village has seen over the years, they knew the desert held many secrets. And well, all the myths could work on people's imagination...and he had at least some confidence in being able to bring it to life, eventually.
Last edited:

Sand Event

New Member
Feb 4, 2024
The Shinpan brother smiled and nodded at the answers. He was glad to see that his debate was staying civil as if this trial by verbiage came to a trial by steel and flames there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"My oh my, Sunagakure would be proud to call either of these candidates our Sennin! What magnificent displays of keen intellect and perspective wisdom!"

The crowd would cheer as his microphoned voice echoed throughout the stadium which housed at a minimum a thousand people watching this debate alone. He would turn and look at the crowds, waiving his hands upward to help encourage the cheers and merry displays of acceptance and the boos of distaste towards the answers provided.

It was at this moment, at the peak of excitement, that a cloaked figure wearing an ANBU mask would appear in a spiral of sand beside the announcer. He would lean in and whisper into the Master of Ceremony's ear. The jolly face that the brother had would twinge slightly and those that learned how to read people would be able to see intense amounts of anxiety forming and welling up within the man.

Just as quickly as the ANBU member arrived, they vanished, leaving the Shinpan man standing alone. He looked back at the two contestants before him.

"Well, this is quite the um.. uh-situation!"

He heard his voice over the microphone before realizing he was still wearing his mouth piece. Taking it off he gestured for the two debaters to approach him.

"So it appears that our situation has changed dramatically. I don't have all of the information, but you are um, both dismissed. Please be on stand by until we get umm, more information about his whereabou- I mean about the situation!"

He chuckled nervously as he let out a small part of the information slip out of his mouth. Someone was missing. Something was happening that was drastic enough to interrupt the Sennin Games.

If the contestants had looked around the arena, they would have noticed that the top viewing chamber of the arena has remained empty this entire time. The Lord Kazekage had not visited this debate a single time, and now the games are ending because someone's location wasn't known. Theories anc conspiracies could grow, but until and answer was given, every one was in the dark.

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
[Topic entered]

A soft telepathic message would be sent to Sunaku Harupia from the Sennin of Sunagakure no Sato.

`Sunaku Harupia, it's Chikamatsu Shin. I need you for an S-Rank Mission. Meet me at the Primus' Bulwark Gates in an hour. Bring the provisions you will need for a week in the desert. Tell no one about your departure.`

[Topic Left]

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
All things considered, this was going well. Honestly part of him expected a less enthusiastic reception to how the debate was going so far, though there were some boos at both of them. Still, this wasn't as cutthroat as some were led to believe, at least for now. The next question could very well start an argument...if it ever came.

What did come was an Anbu member, in and out, you could have missed him if you blinked. And that was never a good sign. The announcer spoke at first but quickly put his mic away getting them to approach. His explanation was vague, to say the least. The most telling was his slip-up, someone was missing apparently. Looking up into the confused crowd, the viewing spot for the important people was empty, including their Kage. if the situation was big enough to pull him back that wasn't good...unless..

Before he could think further, a voice appeared in his head. A familiar one, if distantly. The Newly anointed Sennin spoke in his mind and was requiring his help... S rank mission. Things were getting more and more interesting.

Outside it would look as if Harupia was rubbing his temple briefly before he said "Well, it can't be helped I suppose. Well played Sora...whatever the outcome is, I look forward to working with you rather than opposed to you in the future" he offered with a smile and offered his hand to the other person on the arena. Whether it was accepted or not, he would make his way out of the Aren and back home. If he knew about anything, it was how to prepare for a trip to the sands.

(Exit Stage left)
Jul 8, 2021
OOC Rank
"So it appears that our situation has changed dramatically. I don't have all of the information, but you are um, both dismissed. Please be on stand by until we get umm, more information about his whereabou- I mean about the situation!" The words cut through the games so jarringly that Suigetsu seemingly forgot what it was that Harupia was saying. Was, somebody missing? What was up with that last line. It didn't take the Ancient too long to come to a logical conclusion when Harupia seemed to perk up as if he was receiving orders. Something was amiss and it was clear that Suigetsu wasn't receiving any orders himself, which could only mean that he was being boxed out again. Whether it was his rank or his genetics, it seemed like some things just weren't going to be meant for him. "Well, it can't be helped I suppose. Well played Sora...whatever the outcome is, I look forward to working with you rather than opposed to you in the future" Eh? Somewhat stumbling through the motions, Suigetsu nodded at words and reached out his hand as well. "Agreed. I guess that I'll be seeing you around..." but Harupia had quickly left before Suigetsu could actually ask the questions that he was intending to. In fact, as he looked up at the stands around him, he noticed that a lot of people were starting to trickle out as if orders had been given. Suigetsu needed a friend on the inside of these things and he knew where to find one.

OOC: Topic left.
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
