Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Friday, 14. Mar, 05:28:17

Contract Search Coffee to go please

Kaguya Mitsuha

Active Ninja
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Even while the girl had to train day in and day out to better prepare herself for the Genin Exams, she still had to accompany her father to important business trips. The business trip today would have brought them to Coffee City in the Coffee Republic. It would be a long day as they had travelled on a worn-down path barely even usable for the 'off road' vehicle that her father had. Yes, her father is the owner of a car dealership in Leaf. Kind of a crazy thing, when she was younger, her father was a natural businessman, who took chance on the stock for faster worldwide transportation for the regular non-chakra person. It had soon became an instant hit and stock prices went up with the demand for these vehicles. Even some ninjas have bought these vehicles.

But even something so new, so young to the world in terms of industrialization, her father has yet to get his hands on more rarer vehicles that could withstand the abuse of the beaten path of the Coffee Republic Forest that would eventually lead them to Coffee City.

Mitsuha sat in the car with the window down as her father drove towards their destination. The wind blowing fast on her face reminded her of her training when she would rush around building up her endurance. She was lost in thought as she would let her hand catch the wind, giving off the perception that her hand is riding a wave.

Her thoughts drifted to her trainings. A lot of it was general training, mainly to boost her body capabilities. But there were two types of training exercises that she would need to master. The first would be total control and mastery of her Bloodline. A woman named Asuka had really grinded the girl's gears to make her actually start talking. If the interaction between the two would be counted as talking. The second thing... She needed to become more social. She had realized that to become a capable ninja, she must be able to act like a decent human being and have to.... talk... eww. She's very shy on first meetings, and probably all meetings after that, never seems to get easier. But... She wouldn't be knowing what kind of direction that she wants to go in if it wasn't for the very few interactions she has had with other people.

She sighed to herself as she seen the huge towers of the City peek out from the horizon. At least they were getting closer than where they were earlier. The City itself was impressive. Nothing in her imagination would have prepared her for the sheer size and appearance of the place. Even though Leaf Village in of itself is big, Coffee City seem to dwarf her village by these towers rising up high into the sky and how more advanced it looks from Leaf. This is a shy person's death sentence... But... This was something that Mitsuha had asked her dad for. She wanted to get over her shyness. And this place seemed just like the place that could help her out.

After about thirty more minutes, they were finally at the heart of Coffee City, where her father got out of the car and had told her that he had important business to deal with, and that she would have to meet back up with him closer to nighttime. She grumbled to herself thinking why they couldn't let her in on the meeting. She knows the jist of the meetings. All it is would just be an hour and a half of small talk, and then another hour and a half of talking about expanding their business.

However, the girl was also given free reign to do whatever she wants with reason. And what does she do? She did the most logical tourist thing and went to a coffee shop inside of Coffee City, since apparently the coffee here is top tier type of caffeine. She was alone, but at least the first shop she went to had barely anyone there. She would wave to the waiter as the pleasant and sweet fragrant smells filled the atmosphere. Wow... She would think to herself. This place is amazing. After buying a cup of coffee, the young Kaguya would sit in silence and just enjoy the moment with her cup of coffee.

(Part 1)
The cup of coffee was phenomenal to say the least. It had really energized her beyond her imagination. Unlike other kids, when they have caffeine running through their veins, Mitsuha wasn't hyper at all. But she did feel wide awake. As stated before, the ride here was uneventful, which had left the girl tired. She enjoyed her stay here in this little shop until she started to get a little fidgety. Even though she isn't as hyper as other kids, she still is a kid, so she felt that she needed to move around.

Exiting the coffee shop, the young Kaguya would move over to a nearby book store. She spent a total of fifteen minutes browsing rows upon rows of books until one book caught her eyes. It was about battle stratagems. Looking it over, she would take note of many of its context. There were battle strategies for all types of scenarios, from large scale battles to small team battles, to one on one types of battles. It even goes into detail about utilizing poisons and traps! This is marvelous! as she thought to herself. It'll surely help her out in the Genin Exams.

Bringing up the book to the cash register, the cashier looked at the book and looked over at her. "Aren't you a little too young to be reading books like these?"

Mitsuha gritted her teeth, she wasn't expecting small conversation... But... This is exactly what she needs to overcome her shyness. Naturally, she felt her face go red, but she answered anyways, "I'm going to need it for my Genin Exams..."

The man, at first raised an eyebrow, then he flipped through the pages. Finally, he gave her a big smile, "Genin Exams! I remembered when I was a ninja! I was in my prime too! But then I had found the love of my life and decided to settle down. Tell you what kid. You see that stack of books over there?" He pointed to a nearby case of books. She remembered passing by it, not having much thought about it. She remembered it had talked about heroes having an animal or otherwise companion to dispel great evils. She figured that it was all fiction. "Take another look at them books and come back to me on your thoughts."

Confused, but obliging, Mitsuha went back over to the stack of books and flipped through the pages. While not all of the heroes faced world ending type of conflicts, all of them had a single thing in common. Based on a true story. Wait a minute... If that's true, then that means... She also recognized the word 'contract' keeps popping up when the book is referring to the creature or otherwise that has teamed up with the hero.

Walking back to the cash register she then spoke up, "These books are all about true stories, and more so, these creatures that are referred to as contracts."

The man nodded. "Contract creatures are wonderful, and can often times, tip the scales into your favor. Now, you as yourself, you won't be able to make use of the more powerful ones, as they require massive amounts more chakra to summon, but even a little creature could be enough to help you on your journey to become a well known ninja."

It all sounded way too good to be true, there had to be a downside or something else that would be needed. "But where would I find these contracts and how do I get them?"

The man shook his head, "You do not simply 'get' a contract, it is usually by a bond formed with trust that you do form a contract with a creature. As for where to find the contracts, anywhere outside of the three big Village Zones, Cloud, Sand, and Leaf Villages. Yes, it is possible that they could very well be found in Coffee City, but I would say it would be doubtful as there are many people here. You'd have more luck finding one more closer to the edges of the city where Coffee Republic Forest and vegetation thrives."

Mitsuha thanked the cashier and bought the strategy book and left to make her way to the edges of Coffee City, noting all possible landmarks so that she won't get lost on the way back. Finally, she made it to the edge. This forest kind of reminded her of the Forest of Death, however there was way more vegetation than the forest in Leaf Village. She took a deep breath and took a few steps into the forest to try and find these elusive contract creatures.

Not finding anything for about ten minutes, she decided to train her bloodline, forming bone weapons to cover her arms and performing one of the Kaguya's famous dances. After another ten minutes of training, she would rest and read her strategy book.

(Total word count: 1535/1500)

Current Ninpocho Time: Friday, 14. Mar, 05:28:17
