Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Conference Talks (S Rank SSM)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2013
Kamaru eyes popped open. He knew it was time to get up. He felt comfortable though. Was it just an excuse because of his latest mission? Or was it he just liked laying in his bed? He wasn’t tired anymore so he should get up. He felt comfortable though. With a sigh he sat up. He didn’t have time to afford the luxury of sleeping in. This mission for him would probably be his most difficult one to date. He had scheduled a meeting of educators from the Academy and a few of the refugees from Leaf City that were non shinobi that had the free time that specialized in the Science of Chakra manifestation and manipulation. They were having a rough time of finding work in the village since there weren’t a lot of job openings for people doing research and experimentation in the field. It was a blessing of sorts or a gift from a higher being, few knew for sure. Fewer still understood it, but some innately were able to use and possibly master it.

Mediating between academics wasn’t going to bother him as much as the fact they had volunteered him to also speak since he was being slotted as the head administrative instructor. Either to test his mettle or to see if he was just a battle hardened ninja with no brain upstairs it was kind of a pain Kamaru thought. Since it was part of the mission though he had to comply; it wasn’t like he never spent time thinking and researching such things but among academics his was more research into better understanding things for application not theoretical principles and analysis. Getting up and getting dressed blurred by so did the trip to the meeting location. Looking at the time he was two hours early. Sitting down with a cup of coffee he waited for the hall to open as people moved in to set up the area. Most just thought he was a volunteer since he didn’t really give off the presence or vibe of someone who would know a lot about what was going to be talked about. Getting his name badge several thought it odd the coordinator helped out on the setup and seemed for the most part kind of forgettable. Kamaru dismissed it when asked though he simply stated they needed to get things setup and he got there early, he didn’t really have a reason not to help out so he helped out. A few mutterings about how he was odd for instructor mulled about, nothing bad par say. Just different.

As the crowd settled in he thanked the people that showed up and let things break up into smaller groups. As the day moved by he looked at the clock. He’d give a small lecture right before lunch, which he thought was bad since it was when most would be antsy and ready to leave to get something to eat. As he finished his coffee he heard his name called and moved over to a podium.

Might as well roll with it. Kamaru thought to himself as he cleared his throat.

”Good morning, my name is Namamoto Kamaru. Thank you all for coming out, I’ll be giving a short lecture before the lunch break so try not to fall asleep and bear with me. I’ll be talking about three different ideas using a jutsu technique as a representation of the idea. Mostly it’s showcasing Non-elemental jutsu techniques capabilities. The three idea or theories is the dynamic nature of Non-elemental techniques manifestation in jutsus versus elemental based techniques using Chakra Shield as an example, the interruption or deterioration of elemental based skills in jutsu using Five Elemental Sealing Technique, and the integration of elemental chakra into the manifestation of a Non-elemental technique such as Nature’s Guard.” Kamaru began.

”Chakra Shield is a lattice designed solely of chakra when manifested, used for offense and/or defense. Unlike elemental techniques there is a probability that since it is purely Chakra that an additional framework may be added to the jutsu when performed. Why is that important, it suggests that non elemental jutsu have the most interesting property singled out over any element, a possible fault in the technique or anomaly that causes the framework to build on itself occasionally. Those from Leaf City might compare it to seeding crystal formations in the industrial fields or the starter imperfection where ice crystals form for those unfamiliar with it. While the jutsu works just fine it stands to reason there are possibly things we have not yet fully understood and/or understand about Non-elemental techniques. Also due to the fact the technique is pure chakra it does break down to abilities and techniques specifically looking to break down or through barriers.”

He explained as he performed seals throughout the explanation having them move in unison.

Seeing a hand or two go up after he paused to which he asked them to save questions until after lunch so they could be fully addressed.

”Moving along, Sealing techniques are rarely used in combat by most due to the intricate nature and precision needed. Honestly it’s usually easier to just beat the opponent into submission. If there are cases where this isn’t the best option and the opponent used Ninjutsu of a specific type as a preference the Five Elemental Sealing Technique slows down their options a bit…” Kamaru began going into various possible scenarios. The talking point on Nature Guard came up as well but for some reason he was on auto-pilot. Was he bored or just trying to break habits he noticed. He was talking off the top of his head on the subject recalling parts from his notes from the speech but he was focusing on people occasionally and the exits. While he didn't expect a threat old habits of one usually did in a mission started to go on their own. Usually he wasn't the one speaking though.

He knew the room collectively or individually could refute most of his claims due to verbage or a technicality. They were going off theory or principle while he was mostly thinking application. When he offered during the lunch time to go with some of the researched from Leaf he was surprised to hear some of the academics invite him out. Seeing the numbers he was silent before just suggested they all go out to eat someplace. Since it was a hassle for the restaurant if they could find one he offered to foot the bill. Being in a room full of academics picking apart his talking points might have seemed rough. They knew more in ways then he did and for the most part even with the arguing over points everyone was smiling and laughing. Doing something you love and talking about it plus a free meal was probably the cause. Kamaru for the most part was silent. Talking for the speech although it was given a bad rating by the more experienced crew had left him hoarse.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
