Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Consequences of failure [Private] [Requesting mednin]

May 7, 2017
He used active camo to move through the village, safe to say the condition he was in gave the gate guards quite a shock however he requested they say nothing given his position in the village, moving through the streets Yukio was light headed the world around him blurred. It was obvious how bad the state the man was in was even with Chinatsu doing it's best to seal the wounds blood still pushed it's way though the gaps leaving a slight trail in the Uchiha's wake as he stood before the hospital.

Moving through the door before slumping onto the counter the receptionist got something of a shock as the active camo dissipated the man stood before her having seen better days. "I need a medical ninja as soon as possible, as you can see I've seen better days." The place where his arm had once been was now simply what remained of the sleeve on his coat gone from the shoulder down. The second obvious wound being the large puncture though his torso Chinatsu's form poking through the holes in his clothes preventing any more bloodless than he was already suffering.

"For the time being try and keep this under wraps, safe to say I dont wish to cause more of a panic than I already have."
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Nagisa was havinga wonderful time doing nothing. It was a rare instance at the hospital to be sure but she had other people working on stuff for her at the moment. It was calm until she received a slightly panicked call from the receptionist. Something about a man without an arm just appearing in front of her that wanted to keep things quiet. Nagisa savored the last moment of peace with her eyes closed before she was out of her office. She ran to the front area but stopped just before appearing. She took a casual step through the doors and spotted a handful of people in the waiting area and a slumped looking Yukio who was missing something. Something... an arm? How had he not bleed out? What or who did it? Where was this arm?

A thousand questions came to mind and she squashed them all. Beside her, a clone appeared. Sometimes she preffered to be her own medical assistant and the clone went to Yukio's side to grab him.The clone would accept most of Yukio's weight and begin guiding him back.

Nagisa and her clone would take Yukio to a side room that was used only for emergencies. She would close the door after telling some nurses to gather some supplies. While she did this, the clone would lead Yukio ot he bed and help him into it, not saying a word. The supplies arrived in under a minute and Nagisa shooed them away.

"Whoever can explain this to me best do so quickly. Your body will go into shock if I wait much longer. Also where are you hurting? I will check for internal bleeding." Nagisa would say her voice indicating she was not playing around.

Nagisa would at least start using basic medical skills to diagnosis. Minor wounds she would immediately heal and stop any external bleeding. She would set up a blood bag to make sure he had enough blood.

[topic entered]
Being guided along by the Med Sennin Yukio found it difficult to speak already low an energy as it is his head tilting to the side as his mouth opened but could form no words as he was laid on the bed breathing somewhat staggered as the black mass covering the wound on his torso began to push out Chinatsu straining himself into existence though it too seemed rather tired having acted as a make shift bandage for almost half a day now. "This will be a bit slow but i will explain to you, first of all injury wise i can give you a bit more info as I basically live beneath his skin. Minor there's a few cuts and bruises body wide, Major is an impalement through the torso and a missing right arm both of which i am expending energy and what i would usually use to form my body to keep contained for the short term."

It took a moments pause breathing slightly to come to its senses as the being continued speaking collecting its thoughts as to explain what had actually happened. "The mission itself was strange from the start, people vanishing into what seemed like thin air only to appear days later as shells no injuries or wounds as if they just crashed down dead. During our investigation we were ambushed impaled through the back before having his arm a being similar to myself. It appears I am not the only one so far as we know there are two confirmed and maybe more but they made us look like armatures it took next to nothing to bring us to this state." The being his lowered ashamed that it was incapable of doing anything at the time for Yukio or itself.

The man opened his eyes somewhat speaking softly head tilting over to the Sennin. "I was left in a ditch at the side of the road not far from here, had it not been for Chinatsu holding off the bleeding i would have bled out there no one knowing what happened." After that he went silent Chinatsu receding slightly. "Apologies its taking effort to stay like this, If i can assist more let me know."
Nagisa stared at the wounds in order they were listed and categorized them. It seemed they were both running on empty. Pushing aside the fact that there was another one of these things out there and seemingly skilled enough to bring low the ANBU sennin with minimal effort, a terrifying thought, but this was a dangerous situation.

Nagisa would set up a blood bag as her clone began focusing its attention on Yukio's center wound. Nagisa would watch the clone pour all the remaining chakra into the wound before disappearing with a pop.

"Apologies this is going to hurt. I will apply some pain killers to the arm but Chinatsu I need you to move. I will be quick in healing the wound however I can already tell it is an uneven cut. I will need to make it a clean cut and then... well I will stop the bleeding but you must lay still. Chinatsu, hold him still if you must but you both are in no state to fight. Now, a pinch."

Nagisa would insert the syringe before she finished talking and used some localized pain medicine to ease the pain to Yukio's arm. She would wait until Chinatsu had withdrew and the blood started flowing that Nagisa would first stop the bleeding. Here came the hard part. The cut. She would brace herself and begin peeling away at the uneven part. She would trim and cut until the wound was the same shape all the way around, being sure to provide blood as needed. Soon enough, her eyes would glow blue and Nagisa dug into Shizue's power to full heal the wound as well at touching up the chest wound.

Exhausted, Nagisa would sit in a nearby chair and pour them both a tall glass of ice water. Nagisa would drain her in a gulp and refill it.

"That is the best i can do. It is now a clean site. If you want I could attach a puppet arm to it, or a different kind of material. You need to rest and I recommend no less than a week. Using my skills comes at a cost for you and me. Your cells can only divide so many times before they start to die so I encourage you to have someone with you the next time you run across this... thing.... No offense."
Yukio was only conscious for but a moment longer his eyes coming to a close as his one remaining arm went limp at his side Chinatsu's for twisting round for a moment before sighing. "It was only a matter of time." Turning back to face the Sennin the being gave a polite bow in respect. "It seems that will not be needed however that is to be expected however as much as i thank you for it do not be concerned about me. This is what I do after all though it is safe to say I have never dealt with something this extreme before."

Listening to the suggestions the med sennin gave them Chinatsu paused for a moment seeming to think for a moment before nodding looking back to Nagisa. "I think i have something in mind however it will take time to perfect, wake him in a moment but I will address this with you first." The being slowly receeded back into the man's body the twisting form of the creature moving beneath the skin before beginning to form from where the Man's arm ended twisting into something of a skeletal shape seeming like it was stretching itself thin forming such an unfamiliar shape before the mouth formed in the forearm.

"I can take the place of what was lost however the coordination between me and Yukio may take time, we are two independent beings after all and I have never been completely comfortable with giving my being over to another before now. However I hope you can accept this solution though I understand if you have some concerns about this."
Nagisa would watch carefully. It was a solution to be sure. It could work but maintaining such a thing would be tiresome. Does Yukio want everyone to know he has lost an arm? Draw out the enemy? Too many questions and he is not awake yet.

Nagisa would sigh a little before getting up and asking for one of the nurses to bring her one of the hollow puppet arms. She would wait and soon she would have one of the puppet arms in her hands and shooing away the nurse after giving instructions that this room will be occupied for a week and see that food is brought here 3 times a day at exactly 8 am noon and 7 pm.

"So long as you dont tear into the wound I don't mind. The surface is healed over but any infection that gets in there could cause serious damage or kill him. I think much as a child needs a training wheel you may need something to help. This is a puppet arm but without all the fancy things in it. I would suggest you try it on and then either cover or fill the arm so you can get used to maintaining the arm shape. You can give the illusion Yukio is unharmed this. Simple enough. Then when you choose to reveal the injury people may underestimate you. Many different solutions but I hope the arm helps. Otherwise you are stuck here for a week. No excuses. Food will be provided and you and he are to rest as much as possible. Do you want me to wake him up to explain this or shall I leave it up to you to do so? Any last questions?"

Nagisa would wait and is there were no other questions, she would leave and turn down the lights off so hopefully both of them could get some sleep. Hmmm if one of them even sleeps. A question for another day.

[topic left unless stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
