His feet landed without much sound upon the edge of one of the tenement buildings, his body crouching momentarily while his eyes scanned the area. While his mission objective was simply an urban delivery, the problem he was having was trouble locating the clients location. That was his whole purpose for perching on top of a vantage point and overlooking the various apartment complexes and while he had a general cosmetic description of the building, it was night. Tightening his jaws slightly, Oyochi would reach back onto the carrier bag on his backside and remove a roughly sketched map of the area's outline and building location before trying to pinpoint exactly where he was. This ability in of itself would take him a few minutes as what was unique about Iwagakure's housing structures were their almost uniform building standards. His head would swivel to the left and right while both eyes narrowed, something just was not right about an obvious mission location. That was when he rechecked the location marked on the map and re-looked before he came to a quick realization that the location was not in one of the tenant buildings but below it. This was strange in his eyes but he did not truly question why it had to be like that...
Rolling up the scroll parchment he returned it to his bag before his body would lean forwards. Applying a burst of chakra to his legs, something he had learned to do within the academy and slightly perfected it's focus, propelled himself outwards with above human speed causing his body to blur visually. While sudden flash movements like this usually taxed Oyochi, the fact that since he had entered the academy his level of control over his chakra and his chakra pool as a whole had increased to where physical activities were not as straining on his body. He landed with a soft sound near the backside of one of the complexes, right in front of a cellar door that was unmarked and unlocked. He could see from the narrow openings between the closed doors light and opened the door only to be met by the eyes of an older man with cracked glasses on.
"There you are, there you are...my papers please and hurry hurry...", was all the man said towards him which quickly saw that Oyochi bustled into his bag and removed two enveloped packages that were tightly bound and sealed with some sort of fuinjutsu, most likely designed to ensure only the owner could open. Before Oyochi could ask a question or react verbally the doors were shut and the light turned off leaving the child to simply wonder what had just happened...
[Mission Complete]
[WC: 448]