Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Creatures [Class]

Nov 21, 2017
OOC Rank

”Hmh… I haven’t held a class in a while,” Hon spoke to the large, coiled-up serpentine beast whose side he was currently resting on. They were both outside of the large three-story pagoda that was the Aurora Eruditio, the Academy of the Hidden Cloud Village. Outside were large flats, circle formations of rocks, wooden target dummies, and other disciplines and meeting areas. Hon was suggested by one of the instructors of the Academy to hold a class about Summoning Contracts of all things… and not Taijutsu.

“Crazy things often happen in my classes, though. Maybe I’m ridden with bad luck,” he pondered with a pout, causing the large, black dragon to grunt. Kokurenga was a beast of no words, but even with his large, ferocious face, he had a way of grimacing and responding with facial traits. Oh well. The instructors had informed several Academy Students and recently graduated Genin about this class, and Hon was simply waiting for them to show up outside of the pagoda.

Now, the sight of a giant dragon such as Hon’s pal Kokurenga – who was easily longer than two busses and could carry multiple people on his back – might’ve caused panic in days of yore… but dragons were real. They’d reappeared a while ago, and while the world was still trying to catch up, these dragons had sort of re-integrated themselves back into the natural cycles.

But the sight of a giant dragon coiled around like a snake outside of the pagoda? It was certain to make or break a bunch of students’ days, but Hon was sitting down and leaning against the creature's scales with no worries.

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Stretching her arms out wide and letting out a yawn the young kunoichi was heading to the academy for another day to prove that she was the very best. "I wonder who's ass I get to kick today? I hope that mouthy little Aiko and her stupid faced friend Akari aren't in this class or I'll just have to stomp them into the dirt again, dumb bitches."

She chuckled, touching the sealing scrolls that rested on the back of her waist band. If anything happened that she didn't like in this class she'd just conjure the massive weapon she used frequently. She may be small, but her strength was obnoxious.

Stepping into the outside section of the academy where she was instructed to meet for her class her eyes landed upon a small ugly man and his large snake. Her eyes narrowed down staring at the two of them before looking around.

"Hey, Uncle, I am looking for a shinobi class out here. Have you seen a ninja by chance? "

Sne looked him up and down, unimpressed. She would begin to continue to walk around slightly looking up and down trying to find where her sensei would be located.

"You snake better not have ate my sensei, Uncle."

she crossed her arms staring at the man she didn't realize was the sensei she was searching for was actually this man she was talking to. She let out a sigh before looking over her back towards the entrance of the school. She wonders if the sensei went back inside to take a piss.

Stepping onto the outside section of the academy, Kairen barely glanced at the familiar surroundings. The usual sight of wooden dummies and training formations lined the open space, but today, an unfamiliar presence loomed over the area—a massive, coiled dragon.

"…That's not something you see every day."

His steps slowed, his eyes tracing the enormous creature's form, the glint of scales reflecting in the daylight. He’d read about summons before, of course, but seeing a dragon in person was something else. It was… unsettling. Not out of fear—no, fear would’ve made sense. Instead, his mind wandered in a different direction.

"What does a dragon’s insides look like?"

It was a fleeting thought, a whisper of curiosity that came as naturally as wondering how a clock worked after taking it apart. But he pushed the idea aside just as quickly. He wasn't stupid enough to test it. For now.

His gaze flickered toward the man leaning against the beast, seemingly at ease. That has to be the instructor. If not, then someone here was about to have a very interesting day.

A loud voice cut through the quiet, and his attention shifted toward a girl who carried herself with a mix of arrogance and aggression. He watched as she addressed the supposed instructor with an almost comical lack of awareness.

"She’s either fearless or painfully unaware."

He lingered a few paces away, making no move to announce himself. He preferred to take in the situation first—to observe the dynamic between the students and the teacher before deciding how to engage. For now, he simply watched, hands in his pockets, waiting for the lesson to begin.

[WC: 274]
Walking down one of the many corridors that made up the academy, the more loose portions of his armor clanks as he kept tilting his head over his shoulders, his crimson red eyes eying the numerous room as he walked by. In annoyance, he sighed briefly at his predicament. Where was that boy at? He remembered Kei muttering something about training at the academy or something like that. He couldn't remember, and frankly, he didn't understand why he even come here. He thought that, but deep down, he knew the reason. With himself now more busy than ever, he didn't always have the time he needed to oversee his training, much to his distain. Today was supposed to be different since he wasn't on assignment, giving him some free time, and this was how Kei was repaying him? He shook his head slightly in disappointment before arriving outside, landing himself straight into a training courtyard.....that was currently occupied. He raised a eyebrow before he caught view of the massive, serpentine beast. Recognizing it immediately as a dragon from one of the bestiary scrolls he had read in the past, he was, for a moment, taken back by it's majestic form. He never thought he see one, and he was, standing only a few dozen feet away from one. When his eyes laid on Hon, he immediately snapped back to reality however with a quick, subtle shake of his head. He than cleared his voice before speaking, despite being slightly caught off guard.


Tamashi Seto
"Apologies Hon Sensei for interrupting. I was not aware you still taught classes here. I was just looking for my Genin apprentice. I'm going to assume you didn't see him? Dark hair ponytail boy with ginger highlights? Oh, and of course, one with a overly eager, super positive attitude?~"

He said that last part with a smirk. He was just teasing, but If Kei heard him, he probably pout, knowing him. Still, he was surprised to find Hon Sensei at the academy. He figured he be on a important mission or something of the like, than again, he vaguely remembered his days at the academy, and attending one of his taijutsu classes. "Good Times" He thought to himself. It was one of the few classes he enjoyed back than, compared to the others, which were usually a snooze fest.
Uncle? Damn, he didn’t know he’d gotten old enough for that title already… huh… h-huh? What a weird question. There were ninjas everywhere, if she meant the likes of passing Genin, Chūnin, and Jōnin. But her rather judgmental gaze and strolling about… was she being sarcastic? Why? Uh…

He chalked it up to a missing chromosome and ignored her blatant disrespect. “I’m the Sensei you’re looking for, kid,” he responded, nonchalantly and uncle-like. He might as well play into the role he’d been graciously gifted, although he was still wary of making too much of a scene – especially since another curious student was observing the dragon from a distance.

Oh? He caught the voice of a Genin this time, Seto-san, who was looking for a Kei – oh, the guy trying to hide under the dragon’s tail, pouting away? He fit the description. “Yeah, he’s trying to ambush you, so keep your eyes open,” Hon jested in return, looking around, “Good. I should begin the lessons, in case anyone else forgets I’m the Sensei.”

That was mainly aimed at Ono, but regardless.

Kokurenga, the name of the black serpentine dragon that suddenly rose up in the air, leaving Kei exposed- rest in peace. The black dragon swirled around unlike any other creature, swimming in the air unlike serpents swimming in the seas, until he began flying in a wide circle around the Academy. Hon rolled out a scroll, a pretty large one, and showcased upon its paper surface a list of creatures:

Marine Mammal​

"Tell me - what's your favorite Summoning Contract? Don't be shy, whatever is the coolest or cutest."
(OOC: Sorry if this is short, I ended up damaging one of my fingers that makes it hard to type since I can't put any pressure on it.)

Hearing Hon's response, he rolled his eyes, not at Hon, but at the thought of his apprentice doing something so idiotic as predictable as that. The last time he "tried" to ambush him, he got flown into a tree Sunako style. At least he was more merciful than that woman, though, not by much. "Of course Kei would try another one of his "ambushes"......he's too eager to prove himself...." He muttered under his breath, before he returned to his attention to Hon, who just reasserted himself as the Sensei for the teime being. He wouldn't complain. Teaching Kei was sometimes, a full blown job. At least Hon was getting paid for it....Or does? Hmm, questions for later. When the black serpent arose from it's resting place, he gave Kei the stink eye from the corner of his eyes. He didn't need to say anything to know Kei had failed once more, and in more ways than one. His silence on the matter was enough. Returning his attention to their teacher, he folded his arms, paying closely attention as Hone revealed a girthy scroll, showing today's lesson was about summoning's. At the mention of favorites, a faint smirk arose on his face, followed by a chuckle.


Tamashi Seto
"I don't really have one, but I have been cursed with little Kami's. Does that count?~"

He kept chuckling, albeit only briefly & quietly before he returned to his normal, serious demeanor. He than looked at the beast that was gracing their presence with it's magnificence. He certainly wouldn't mind a dragon as a partner. Instead, he was stuck with a clan of Loli Youkai's. He resisted the urge to pout at the thought, not wanting to be rude, especially since he was essentially a guest.​
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Ono squinted at the approaching students, eyeing them up and down trying to get a read on how powerful they were. She wasn't impressed, nor did the old man leading the class impress her. She shifted her heels and turned towards the boy that had the shorter hair. "Yo, I'm Tenshi Ono, an' I am going to be the strongest Shinobi within the Land of Lightning. That's a guaranteed fact. Maybe if you're lucky I'll let you on my squad so you can get famous by standing in my shadows." She smiled and extened a fist towards him. Her face was reading as genuine and kind, as did her tone, even if the actual words could be considered condescension.

Turning to look back to the sensei, she raised an eyebrow, a Summoning Contract? Walking towards the large sheet of paper she began to read it over. "What the hell is a Musty-eye-lid?" she said while pointing at Mustelid. Flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I don't care what kind of contract comes begging to me so long as they are able to put up a good fight, so I guess that counts out plants and insects, because lets be honest, what the hell is a flower or an ant going to help you do in a fight?" She chuckled, covering her mouth some.

"The one that sounds the toughest would have to be like the dragons or sharks. Something big and intimidating is the way to go!" She crossed her arms and nodded to confirm her words.

Despite himself still being entranced by the magnificence beast before him, swimming and gliding through the air with such elegance It may even make the great Kami's of old envy, he found his attention diverting when he finally heard the Kunoichi finally speak up. Hearing her boisterous words, he found himself drawn to her, forcing his head to tilt in her direction. He smirked with a grin. He liked this one, especially as she made a fist toward the other student he didn't recognize. Kei and the other Genin could be more like her, fearless and eager. Kei was still too soft for his likening, though deep down, he knew he couldn't force him to harden, well not realistically anyway unless he wanted to throw ethic's out the window, something he never do.


Tamashi Seto
"Your a strong one alright....Maybe you can put these two in their place. Northing works better on a whelp than a strong woman kicking their asses in~"

He crossed his arms as he spoke up to the Kunoichi. That was probably the first time he had use profanity in a long time, but there was no better way to describe how he felt on the matter. It was perhaps a little mean maybe, but he knew from prior experience It was a good way to harden up someone, for good or bad, and Kei certainly needed, dreadfully so since he had little experience with women, especially ones who carry themselves like this one. Watching her approach Hon, and make another outburst about strength, there was some truth's in her words, though life taught him that even strength can come in the smallest packages. Still, with her boisterous attitude and her eagerness for battle, he wouldn't mind having her as his apprentice to further complete Kei's team. He doubted she agree, but he doubted she could turn down fighting ronin and rogue shinobi the village couldn't be bothered with. A battle was a battle after all...​

Current Ninpocho Time:
