Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Crime and Prejudice


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Ayeka shifted nervously pacing a circle into the classroom floor as she wrung her hands with anxiety, Her hood up and hiding her face which in contrast to how little actual clothing she wore made her come off as more of a gang member than a leaf shinobi as the six foot tall girl could easily come off menacing with the amount of muscle she was sporting, hiding the very shy soul she actually was. Before Ayeka was a classroom from one of the lower levels of the academy and unlike the warm wood panelling's of the upper levels this room had nothing but cement floors with a drain in the centre, along the wools were racks and racks of different implements used for torture and interrogation while spaced out among the floor was five tables each currently having a pig's carcass strapped to the table, their bodies whole and unharmed only their glazed eyes showing that they were long dead.

The reason for this class was to teach students interrogation techniques she had learned while a member of the Yakuza as well as how to resist said techniques and blend in the with criminal elements that existed within many countries. Nervously looking towards the door Ayeka waited for her students and just prayed that she would do a good job.
Kino checked the door once more before coming in to the classroom. If he wanted to go the route he was thinking something like this would be incredibly useful for him. Upon entering the class he looked to the instructor and was immediately sure he made the right call. Her stature alone made him certain that she was able to kick some serious tail, and if that was the case she'd definetly be able to help him with his taijutsu and ninjustu in turn.

With his current focus being in a more unarmed setting, his thought was that he could use this course to find better ways to subdue an enemy, being that methods of torture would work better to make someone surrender than just beating them up directly. He figured that if he could learn ways to outsmart his opponents, like Keiyaku sensei had done in his last training, then maybe he'd be more useful in combat. He excitedly took his seat but then quickly wiped the excitement from his face. The last thing he needed was to seem overly eager on his first real class.

[WC 187/1000]
Ayeka perked up as a young dark haired by stepped into the room of her unsanctioned class but as the door closed she realised the boy now taking a seat was most likely going to be her only student which was a pity. 'Come on by optimistic Ayeka. You wanted to help people get better... Well you can start with this boy.' Ayeka thought to herself with a small smile not that the boy would see her smile as the low lightning in the room and the hood over her face hide her features in shadow as the girl stood up and stepped forward. The boy seemed excited about what he was going to learn which just made Ayeka even more motivated to do a good job as she finally spoke her voice much lighter than what expected from her large form. "Gr..greetings my n..n.ame is Ayeka and I will be te..teaching you techniques to extr...act infomation." Ayeka cursed her own faltering words as her shyness issues kicked into full gear but just grit her teeth and walked over to a nearby pig course. Grabbing the dead creature by the throat and lifting it up the girl easily carried it to the centre of the room before forming a hand seal. "Earth Style Mud Clone"

Ayeka's throat seemed to bulge like a frogs as she changed her chakra nature within her own body before she allowed a wave of mud to come from her mouth, the miniature landslide swirling around the pigs corpse before swallowing it up into the form of an exact clone of Ayeka. Take her hand away from the clone Ayeka ordered it to turn and face her student as she stepped up to the boy. "Lets begin with th..the...basics um ugh....Your name? " Ayeka waited a moment for the boy to introduce himself before she continued on. "Can you name any of the eight vital points that exists within the human body?"
"Nice to meet you Ayeka Sensei," he gave a small bow to her as he stood from his seat, "I am Tanatsu Kino, as for the eight vital points of the human body.." He pause for a second before answering. He wanted to be a hundred percent certain of his answers before providing them. "Left or right temples, left or right shoulders, left or right knees, abdominal or groin, left eye socket, right eye socket, and the head or clavicle depending.. At least that's how I was taught for striking."

He waited to be told the correct answer with baited breath. He was certain in his own, but were they also the same for the purpose of this course? Had he made himself out to be a fool on first impression? If he had, it was going to mean he needed to pay more attention in this course than he had originally thought. Either way though he was curious as to why someone with her clear physical abilities was so soft spoken. It was actually distracting him quite a bit as he had expected this sensei to be a bit of a hard ass, but now was confused.
Ayeka smiled and nodded happily at Kino's answer as she lifted a single hand her index finger pointed to the ceiling as she spoke with the finger imposed in front of her face. "Correct and very well done. Th...the..these eight points are what your taught to ex...e...exploit as a assassin or fighter in order to break down an op..op..opponent quickly." As Ayeka spoke chakra began to bleed off her index finger before the finger transformed into a clawed dragon talon with black scales glistening in the dim light of the room. Pressing the tip of the claw to her clones temple but not piercing the flesh Ayeka spoke once again but this time her countenance seemed to shift becoming more confident as she focused her chakra. "These points while able to cause great pain are also known as a tortures shame" As she spoke Ayeka's finger pushed into the claws temple easily piercing the flesh causing blood to spurt from around the base of her knuckle that not rested on the clones temple as the clone spasmed and then collapsed to the ground in a pool of blood. After a moment the clone dissolved back into mud leaving the remains of the pig bleeding on the floor. "These points make it too easy to kill the victim and sharp pain be resisted by a strong will. Instead cause small discomforts or damage that can be healed easily. The aim is not to break the body but instead break the persons will down." Creating another clone with a pig corpse Ayeka had this one transform into a young man of about twenty with sandy blonde hair and a shaggy beard, A large sagging stomach picked out of a Yukata that had been nicely tailored to show great wealth. The clone sat down on a nearby bench as Ayeka looked at Kino. "Now I would like you to try to break this man. He will mimic a real person in everyway and you may use any implement in this room in order to extract information. Genjutsu is forbidden."

Ayeka's hand transformed back into a human appendage as she stood next to the clone watching Kino expectantly.
Kino had a surprising lack of hesitation for the assignment, given that it was a clone he felt a little relief in what he was about to do. He walked up to the clone and examined the clone for a moment. There was no goal given except to break them, so without information to gain he would do just that.

He held out his hand to the man's right knee, allowing chakra to pool into his hand. The electricity would begin to dance as he held out to fingers onto the man's knee, releasing the storm bolt. The bolt was at point blank range, causing it to seer the skin.

He then unleashed several four hot combos onto the man's points, focusing on the upper body and abdomen. He knew that if he just pummeled the man, eventually he'd crack. Finally he did a low sweep on the bench tipping it over.

The man on the ground would find a kunai resting against his neck as Kino was leaning over him. He turned his attention to Ayeka "anything else sensei?"
The boy had some potential Ayeka thought to herself as he didn't seem hesitant at the thought of inflicting pain but his application was very crude and most likely wouldn't anything more than a untrained civilian as he relied on striking his victim multiple times with lightning jutsu. The clone reacted as necessary crying and screaming out as it was struck as it collapsed to the ground from it's weakened knee only for Kino's beating to force it into the fetal position as the clone tried it's best to protect it's head before Kino finally pressed a kunai to the clone throat.

Ayeka sighed as the clone rammed it's throat forward allowing the Kunai to tear a jagged line as blood spurted from the wound before the man collapsed to the ground dead. Taking a step forward towards Kino and the pig slowing emerging from the mode Ayeka noted the burns on the creatures body and was impressed with the efficiency with his lightning jutsu. "You avoided the vital well and inflicted pain but trained Shinobi will always look to end themselves to protect information." Ayeka walked to the last pig corpse and repeated her jutsu one more time but this time the corpse transformed into a young women with pale skin and black hair. Her clothes were simply a medical robe and her eyes gazed dully up at the ceiling. "Breaking a person is an art form. First you must take the tempo of the conversation, Make them fear you with small pains or show them that they are at you mercy. This can take awhile for example...I enjoy breaking a persons fingers then healing them only so I can break them again." Ayeka roughly grabbed the clone by the throat lifting the women up only to slam her face first into the table, dragging the clone up the table Ayeka grabbed it's chin and hooked the top of the jaw on the edge of the table before slamming down on the back of the clones head.

The sound of teeth shattering filled the women as the clone spat up it's broken teeth. "You will always work with a med nin in these situations so small injuries that can be regenerated with ninjutsu over and over will wear a person down until finally you can extend salvation. Show them the duality of madness and sanity you must walk until they fear you enough that they will answer anything to escape." Ayeka smiled at the boy as she allowed the clone to dissolve once again. "You have potential but remember to think on how to dismantle you victim in way they can always be put back together because pain with no escape is infinitely scary than just pain. Any questions Kino?"

Kino watched the display and nodded along with her helpful critiques. "No ma'am, this has been an excellent point of reference. Thank you." He gave a small bow before taking a few notes. He was feeling pretty confident after this lesson that he would be able to handle a situation like this. Part of him had always worried he wouldn't have the stomach for this, but now felt certain that he could manage it. He would finish his notes and wait to be dismissed, a new understanding of how shinobi do what they do under his belt.
As Kino stated that he had no further questions and went about taking his notes Ayeka just nodded and seemed to deflate slightly in posture as she reverted back to her shyer mentality. "If you need any....more you come to me anytime. Dis...dismissed." Ayeka bowed hurriedly and then shuffled over to the door hoping that she had helped Kino in some small way on his path of the shinobi as Ayeka went to inform the cleaners that she had finished with her unofficial class. Stopping for just a moment she flashed Kino a nervous thumbs up before continuing on her way.

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Kino sat in the class for a few moments, he wrote a few more things down thinking to himself. He absentmindedly rubbed his neck as he wrote, the new pain just sitting strong in his neck. Soon enough though he was on his way out to find another thing to fill his time

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
