Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Contract Search Dancing With Demons [Dual Contract Search - Req Take]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Life had gotten infinitely better since coming to the leaf village for Ayeka but in many ways it had caused ever increasing problems mostly caused by her own bloodline and the darker half of her psyche. For the longest time Ayeka had lived a life of constant combat were pain and death were danced with everyday and because of this stimulus her bloodline had changed and she had shattered moving away from the path of the Kyoujouran and onto the path of something else, the biggest change after this shattering was that her body now produced a massive amount of negative energy that augmented her combat abilities or at least it did it did when her psyche was unsealed but that hadn't happened in the peaceful village for awhile now and without an outlet for this energy it had began to build and soon attracted something else's attention.

It was midnight in the village and the full moon was obscured by a thick layer of clouds that were quickly darkening most likely signalling the approach of a storm as the winds picked up and began sweeping through the village with a howl as if some sort of beast was stalking the streets. Ayeka herself was safely encased within her room in the Kyoujouran compound tucked away into her bed, tossing and turning within her sleep the girl was being tormented by dreams of her past and in response to these dreams a miasma of negative energy began leaking out from under the sheets until feelings of misery, hatred and rage began to permeate the room. As the miasma of negatively swirled around the room ever so slowly the window to the room began to raise up as the first flashes of lightning shot through the skin and within the time it took for the light to fill the room from the open widow a figure appeared at the bottom of Ayeka's bed. The figure at first glance could be mistaken for a man but the limbs were elongated and grossly disproportioned as a large clawed hand rose in the air and enclosed over Ayeka's form. Eyes snapped open in panic as Ayeka tried to respond to the sudden grab but all she saw was glowing red eyes before consciousness left her.

A few moments later a figure left the room with Ayeka held tightly in a large hand as it jumped into the air and took off from the compound leaving behind only two corpses of guards that had been patrolling the grounds as the creature took it's prize back into the forest of Konoha and far from the village.

WC: 440/1500
Take had noticed it the moment he met her back at the Ichiraku’s. It was synergy – not symbiosis, but a sense of familiarity in her very being. The way the air felt and tasted around her. The thickness making it hard to breathe. He recognized the air as something that he experienced on a daily basis – was it guilt?

It felt like guilt… but it also felt like anger. Or maybe she was deeply traumatized. No matter the reason, he felt it and remembered. Maybe he’d achieved some sort of sixth sense, an ability to just… feel that atmosphere present? Maybe, just maybe…

But it was Take. His head was filled with so many other thoughts that even these fleeting wonders lasted just so long. That was… until a certain night when he couldn’t fall asleep. A sweaty night at first – it prompted him to take a shower, then return to bed to let the cooled body put him deeper into slumber…

But then, he smelled metal. Something dark. And this… shout-like shock ran through his body, and he shot straight up from his bed. Maybe it was his heavy sense of guilt that kept him awake… so he ought to go outside for a bit. Not like his parents would mind…

It was getting stormy tonight – the clouds were covering the moon and all. But Take’s attention wasn’t at that, not one bit – it was at the scene near the Kyoujouran’s residence. It was high alert as two corpses were found, with the looming aura of dread in the air that almost appeared like a violet mist. At first, it reminded Take of the purple kunoichi who infiltrated the hot springs recently, but it couldn’t have been…

Still… he could sense it. It had to be some sort of sixth sense that he’d developed – but what was this chilling energy? Informing another shinobi present that he’d track down the target would result in said shinobi telling the Genin to take it easy, but Take… darted off, tracking down the evil presence.

It was… strange. He felt thrilled to near danger like this, as if he was mentally invited by some otherworldly entity to come and catch it. As if… he was drawn by the energy it unleashed. As if he was absorbing it into his very skin, invigorating him. Soon, he found himself cutting through vegetation to catch up to the entity, his eyes widened and his Cursed Seal expanding, spreading across his face, growing his strength by transforming negative energy into his very own chakra…

WC: 428/1500
The creature moved through the trees with unnatural grace as it bounded and bounced among the branches without so much as knocking a leaf from a tree adding to it's already otherworldly visage as it carried the girl it had taken from the village back to it's lair for reasons only known to the creature but would soon be discovered by the lone ninja following in it's wake by simply trailing the negative energy the creature was emitting just by existing. It wasn't long before the emaciated figure landed in a large clearing dominated by a single giant but withered tree, its trunk long trunk turned black as violet leaves desperately clung to their perches while a pervasive feeling of hatred vaguely shifted from it's countenance, most likely making everyone who wasn't used to curse energy uncomfortable in it's presence. As the creature stood in front of the tree looking up at it in an almost sombre manner Ayeka finally stirred, her own eyes slowly opening to take in the situation just as Take entered the clearing with his cursed seal active and flowing with dark energy. The demon didn't seem surprised or even afraid of his appearance as it just looked between the two humans before nodding to itself as it put Ayeka down in front of the tree before backing up and letting both humans see it body in all it's horrific glory.

The creature looked like a human corpse stretched out to three times it's length with stick like arms and legs as well as an elongated torse but despite how thin it was the demon was packed with tightly corded muscle suggesting that it was stronger than it first appeared as two large hands tipped with claws hung by it's side. It's face looked like a man corpse dead and bloated with pale white eyes and a lower jaw that was split into two parts allowing a long inhuman tongue covered in barbs to hang free from it's face but despite how horrible it looked it didn't carry the same aura of malice the tree had. Instead the demon felt old and tired as if it didn't have much longer and it was trying to achieve something before it died.

Ayeka was unsure what was going on or how she had even got there but despite her kidnapping she felt strangely calm as if the evil energy permeating the clearing was acting as a lullaby to keep her calm as her own evil energy responded to the foreign power and began leaking from her body filling the clearing with her own madness and hatred much to the demons pleasure as a twisted smile filled it tongue filled face. Finally the creature spoke to the two it's voice rattling and distorted. "Greetings humans. I welcome you both to the Kuchiru Ki. I intended to find only a single human to assist me here but it is fortunate that cursed energy will always be attracted to cursed energy. I stand here and beg a boon of you humans so that I may die without regret. What say you?" Ayeka looked over at Take helplessly from where she sat hoping he would explain to her why she was in her pyjamas in the woods.

WC: 985/1500
There was a clearing further ahead of him. If he was able to catch up to the person who had kidnapped Ayeka in time, then he could use the clearing to eliminate their chances of hiding, and then he could cut them down in no time…

What he didn’t account for was the speed of said person. Once Take had reached the clearing, Ayeka was already left on the ground in front of a large, withered tree that looked like it had no life left in it. With violet leaves resembling the color of his haori, the tree had something important to do with the entity who had stepped back and was in full view at last, thanks to the clearing of wood and shrubbery.

That wasn’t human. It looked like a nightmare trying to stuff itself into a small human being, with elongated limbs, tight and grotesque exterior, corded muscles poking out, and a disgusting tongue emerging from a split jaw with teeth like those of a goose’s tongue. The sight alone had Take unsheathe his katana in the blink of an eye, but… the creature talked to them both. And its words held no ill will – it sounded exhausted and raspy, shaky and as if talking through a wormhole.

“Kuchiru… Ki?”

Was that the name of the tree? What was it doing out here? What was the purpose? And why did that involve Ayeka? The tree possessed a multitude of ill factors, even more so than the entity itself – maybe that was why Take was here, unconsciously drawn to cursed energy… even the creature eluded to that, before begging for a favor. A last wish.

Take glanced over at Ayeka, his face confused and unable to reach her with anything worthwhile. He was just as lost at this point as she was… but yeah – she seemed unaware of her purpose here. Take didn’t know what this creature desired, but if it’d end up hurting Ayeka-

“… What do you want from her?”

WC: 334
TWC: 762
The creature took a long laboured breath at Take's question before it once again turned to the giant tree they were standing before. "Hmmm what I want is not just hers to give human but yours as well. The Kuchiru Ki is also known as a demon seed tree, A cursed organism so entrenched in death that it begins feeding on all the evils of the world thus darkening it own nature. From the roots creatures like myself may emerge but they must be nurtured by the tree in order to survive." The demon suddenly swung it's body back towards the humans it claws hitting the ground heavily as it leaned forward while it spine sent cracks through the air as decaying flesh split open across it's body. "I want my progeny to survive human but this tree has aged and withered in these disgusting times of peace so I would like to propose a deal. You humans will lend the abundance of cursed energy you have to revive this husk and in return I will you give you my true name as a sign to other demon that you are worthy to be contracted with the darkness that lingers in this world. " With that the creature fell into silent anticipation waiting to see if it would receive two saviours or two meals before it died.

Ayeka had been watching the demon carefully as it monologued and spoke of a deal and when she saw it fall silent she took her chance to jump to her feet an run over to Take as he stood strong in the face of this monster with his sword drawn. The taller girl quickly hunched herself behind Take and held on to the back of his robe in comfort as she spoke quietly to him.
"Um er Senpai what do we do? It wants help b.b..but it's a monster isn't it?" Ayeka murmured weakly as she shivered behind the braver ninja.

WC: 1313/1500

Current Ninpocho Time:
